the-lan-clan-juniors · 9 months
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 Utsukushii Kare  + textposts
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Semantic Error unseen bloopers....just look how comfortable they are with each other❤️
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I wanted to do a detailed meta on why and how Prapai is perfect for Sky but it'd turn into a Ted talk or a whole book but no one as time for that. So let me just say that his dedication to be by Sky's side from the very beginning, comforting him although he did not know why Sky was sick or why he was suffering and his endless patience to wait for Sky to be ready - be it ready for kisses or talking about his past and him NEVER once getting tired or annoyed of reassuring Sky that he loves him and always asking Sky for what he needs instead of assuming something, makes Prapai perfect. When you suffer from PTSD, especially due to SA/r*ape, this reassurance and not just for the first couple of days or weeks, but continously, is necessary and needed. People who suffer from mental illness and/or PTSD won't heal from being loved from one day to the next. Recovering from your trauma will take a very, very long time and I am beyond amazed how well LITA portrayed this. Prapai does not give up when it gets tough, and he doesn't abandon Sky when he sees what Sky is carrying. Instead he listens and comforts him. He reassures him and wants to help him recover.
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BL series w/ a fake/pretend relationship trope:
A handsome cheerleader strikes up a fake dating arrangement with the most popular boy in school to chase away a classmate who won't take no for an answer.
Watch on Youtube
Thai, released in 2020
Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But To Kiss/Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai!
A student with very bad luck and a student with very good luck agree to stick together to even out thir chances.
Japanese, released in 2022
Love Sick
In order to avoid dating the girl his dad had picked out for him, Phun and his sister concoct a plan for him to pretend to date a boy.
Thai, released in 2014
My Secret Love
After a student posts a prank video that brings shame on his university, he must pretend to date someone from th student association to restore the image of the school.
Thai, released in 2022
Like in the Movies/Gaya Sa Pelikula
When Karl struggles to ay rent, he ends up agreeing to fake date his neighbor.
Watch on Youtube
Filipino, released in 2020
When an inventor is being kicked out of his apartment, he convinces a guy looking to move in to pretend to be his boyfriend since the landlord is a fujoshi.
Thai, released in 2020
Nobleman Ryu's Wedding
When Ho Seon's sister dissapears right before her wedding, he must take her place until she is found. He convinces her new husband to go along with it.
South Korean, released in 2021
HIStory4: Close To You
[side couple] two coworkers, roommates and long time friends pretend to date so that one of them can gain the attention and spend time with a girl he has a crush on, who is a fujoshi. CW: rape/noncon, main couple is step-sibling incest.
Watch on Viki
Taiwanese, released in 2021
What series did I miss?
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Pete: You are a psycho.
Pete: ......
Pete: I like that in a man
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i ended up watching not me and this is my take from the show
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lollipopsub: Utsukushii Kare (Ep 5) [ENG SUB]
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Episode 5 is ready!
Link: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x86elhb
The video is password protected so I don’t get copyrighted and sued :)
PASSWORD: utsukare
Feel free to reblog, share & use my subs as you like (except retranslating/take without credit) as I’m just hoping to help spread my love for the show to more people!
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I have a lot of ~words~ about this episode and how they did the dialogues and how they changed the course of some events.
Koyama’s words at the end has a whole extra dimension if you’ve read the book, so obviously I am going to make a post about it, hehe.
I hope you enjoy!!
disclaimer: i’m not a native speaker in neither English or Japanese, but I do hold JLPT1 and a degree in translating. My subs are not perfect and may contain minor mistakes.
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Credit on pic
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I'm laughing af
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I made this earlier and broke my own heart so here i am to break yalls hearts too
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honestly I feel like Pran is autistic
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Pat and Pran are both such textbook examples of the concept that jokes often serve to disguise sincerity and genuine desires, and that lies are often partial reflections of the truth.
Pat uses jokes:
He constantly jokes that him and Pran could be boyfriends. “Lovers then.” “Let’s say we’re both hot guys and we’re boyfriends.” “If you’re going to hug me like that, you might as well take me as your boyfriend.” Would he say this to his other friends, even as a joke? No, absolutely not. We haven’t seen him say anything of the sort to anyone else even once. Why? Because it’s an expression of a genuine desire. And it’s not a desire he has for anyone else.
He’s joked multiple times about being Pran’s lucky charm. “You can’t do it without me. I’m your lucky charm.” “I told you I was your lucky charm.” “A jinx can’t be this hot.” Because he wants to be Pran’s good luck, a bringer of joy and good fortune and a reason for Pran to smile. He wants Pran to agree. It’s not a joke to disguise a truth, it’s a joke that reveals what he wants the truth to be. It’s also an attempt at re-enforcing the concept to Pran and himself. If he says it enough, even jokingly, he knows they’ll both start to feel that it’s true.
Both of his attempts to get into Pran’s room and stay the night have been playful. A cheeky smile and a look that says “aww, come oooon”. He asks the first time as if it’s a joke and the second as if it’s a necessity. It’s neither. Because he means it, he wants it. No joke, no desperate need. One attempt could be excused as him goofing off or genuinely needing the help, but twice is a pattern. The goofiness in his tone is a deflection of the sincerity of his request and how much he wants it. He wants to be allowed stay in the room so he picks up a book and plops himself down on Pran’s couch, essentially saying: “Look at me, I’m completely oblivious to your attempts to kick me out! Aww shucks, guess it’s too late! It would be rude to kick me out now, right?”
The more Pran denies him and pushes him away, the more playful he gets, the more honest he gets with his words and actions but not his tone.
Pran, on the other hand, uses lies:
He only allows for proximity between them when there’s a “valid excuse”, so to speak. If Pat is tending to his injury or they’re discussing their friends or they’re working on the bud stop - something practical. Then it’s always, “You can leave now.” He constantly pretends he doesn’t want to be near Pat. And in a way, he doesn’t. Because in the long run, he can’t bear to keep Pat too close. You CAN leave = You SHOULD leave for my sanity. A lie by omission.
He claims that practicality is all there is to their relationship. “We’re not friends.” “I don’t treat my friends that way.” They’re “allies”, not friends, and he claims that he doesn’t want to be. And it’s true. He doesn’t want to be friends and not just in the sense that he wants more. Being friends with Pat is dangerous in so many ways. It’s practically guaranteed to eventually lead to their separation, the wrath of his parents, his friends feeling angry and lied to and betrayed, watching Pat date someone who isn’t him. The closer they get, the harder the heartbreak will be. There are so many reasons he does not want to be Pat’s friend (while at the same time, there’s nothing he wants more). This could be taken either way - as a truth with unspoken connotations or a lie to avoid the truth of what he can’t have.
“You’re a jinx.” To him, it’s true. Of course it’s true. Because what could possibly be more unlucky than falling in love with your sworn enemy, the guy who can’t seem to leave you alone, this beautiful stupid man who flirts with you so constantly and so blatantly that it keeps giving you hope that you have to continuously squash down? The more false this statement is to Pat, the more true it is to Pran. Because the kinder, more affectionate Pat is, the deeper Pran falls in love.
“I hate you.” It’s exactly the opposite of what he wants to say but not entirely untrue. In that moment, heartbroken after he was just starting to think that maybe - just maybe - his feelings were reciprocated, he hates Pat. Or rather, he hates that Pat made him fall in love by being too good, too Pat. And he hates that he loves Pat still, (unintentional) rejection and all. The statement is both true and false.
In both of their cases, it’s a poor disguise. They joke around to hide how genuine their words are. They say the opposite of what they feel to hide the truth, the depth of their emotions.
They’re hiding from themselves and Pran, who’s disguise is intentional, is also hiding from Pat. But I expect that once Pat figures out what his joking really means, that they’re not just jokes, he won’t hide from himself or from Pran.
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honestly I feel like Pran is autistic
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wanted to paint a sizhui for my beloved izzy and took the opportunity to do the rest of the boys… the squad… the dream team… the coffinshop quartet
[images are four watercolour portraits: lan sizhui smiling sweetly, jin ling pouting hautily over his shoulder, ouyang zizhen looking a little concerned, and lan jingyi grinning somewhat rakishly.]
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Korn as tumblr texposts
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honestly I feel like Pran is autistic
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