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"see, there were these two guys in a lunatic asylum…"
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mistressofnature wants to hear a joke
"Ooooo!" Joker said, looking at Ivy from the darkness, his eyes darting all over her body. "Looks like I've got a pretty big weed!" He said, giggling sadistically, his toothy grin and green eyes the only thing visible in the light. "Not a problem! Not a problem, not a problem, not a problem!" Joker cackled at her. He leapt from the darkness into the light, revealing the flamethrower strapped to his back. "I came prepared! We get weeds in here all the time." He then began to cackle loudly, his eyes not blinking as he starred at Ivy.
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So, you are back i see...
"I very much hope you've missed me little grayface! I missed you all too."
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Hey guys I'm back
I was dealing with some pretty important personal stuff (some of which I don't really want to talk about...) but most importantly is I'm back. For all the people for this blog, new followers listen to this:
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If you want to do a thread with me that badly you have to message me because I'm still getting over a lot of stress and doing 50 starters today isn't exactly going help that is it!?
Run on sentence.
For people that are also interested, my Cthulhu Mythos blog trapped-beneath-the-roaring-sea is back, and if you click on the name you'll be taken there. I WILL BE DOING STARTERS FOR CTHULHU, NOT JOKER.
If you'd like to restart a thread, please message me. If you want to plot, please message me. For anything really involving me and this blog, please message me.
Thank you.
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That's unfortunate
Because it's sorta there
no tom-tom you do not understand i am not sempai material
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☄ and the heart 8D
☄: I think you're a GREAT roleplayer, and I really love what you've done with the Modern Take on Gretel. It's fucking badass is what it is. I'm also actually doing replies and I'm on yours! I hope to see what we do with that thread!
❤: Just like two, I think, initiateacleanslate is one and I can't put my finger on the other but when I can I'll tell you haha.
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Munday Symbols
❤ - Any tumblr senpais ❣ - An unpopular opinion I have ⋆ - A ship I have with my character ❧ - A ship I have with your character ✗ - A ship I can’t stand ☒ - A fact about the mun ☑ - A fact about the character ✾ - Why I chose my character ◎ - Relationship status ❂ - Post a picture of myself ☄ - My opinion of you
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How Well Do Your Followers Know You?
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You are in high school. You dropped out of high school. You live within 20 minutes of your best friend.  You live within 20 minutes of the last person you kissed. You live within 20 minutes of your ex. You have hugged someone in the last 48 hours. You have been to the movies within the last week. You have had 3 or more boyfriends/girlfriends just this year. You have been a designated driver. You have broken merchandise and not paid for it. You have played strip poker. You are Catholic.  You are atheist/agnostic. You recycle regularly. You are a brunette. You have dated a blonde. You are friends with a redhead. You are taller than your mum. You have a bank account. You’ve written a check for less than $5. You have visited the Statue of Liberty. You have visited the Eiffel Tower. You have visited Big Ben. You have visited the Colosseum. You have visited The Great Wall of China. You have never been out of the country. You have been a waiter/waitress. You own a Bible. You own something with a Pentagram on it. You have used a Ouija Board. You have been a witch for Halloween. You have your eyebrow pierced. You have a Monroe piercing. You have your nose pierced. You have no tattoos.  You have more than 5 tattoos. You straighten your hair. You have worn a dress in the last 3 days. You live somewhere that gets snow. You celebrate Hanukkah. You were at your own house last New Year’s. You were at a bar last New Year’s. You slept through last New Year’s. You have worked on Christmas Eve. You have worked on Christmas. You have been told ‘I love you’ by someone today. You were told by someone who’s not family. You slept in your own bed last night. You are dating the last person you kissed. You regret kissing the last person you kissed. You are wearing a necklace right now. You are wearing something red. You are wearing something blue. You are wearing something purple. Your phone number ends with an even number. You have kissed the last person you called/texted. You are currently listening to music. You are waiting for something. You don’t like seafood. You have eaten deer sausage. You have given a complete stranger your phone number. You have been hit on at work. You have been hit on by someone more than 20 years older than you. You have been whistled at. You were creeped out by it. You are a good speller. You are very punctual. You were dating someone in December of 2008. You are still dating that person. You have cheated on someone. You have been cheated on. You have been on a cruise ship. You have camped out in your own backyard. You are wearing something that doesn’t belong to you. You are a Pisces. You are an Aquarius. You are a Leo. You wonder what will happen when you die. You are afraid of the dark. You write in all capital letters. You have been told you have nice handwriting. You have had a song written for you.  You have had a picture drawn of you. You have curly hair. You are wearing a watch. You are wearing flip flops. You wouldn’t date someone who smoked. You know someone with the same birthday as you. You are a morning person. You are a night owl. You slept in past 10 am today. You have big plans for this weekend.  You are thinking of someone right now.  Your job is stressing you out. You don’t have a job. You have never had a job. You were fired from your last job. You know some sign language. You will usually try something at least once. You have been swimming in the last month.  You are pessimistic by nature. You have taken a ballet class. You have taken karate.  You have taken gymnastics. You wish on shooting stars. You wish at 11:11.  Your birthday has already come this year.  You have been in a relationship that lasted longer than a year.  You ended your last relationship. Your ex ended your last relationship. You aren’t over your ex. You have gone after someone you knew was bad for you. You have let someone use you. You were/are a teenage mom.  You are an otaku. You are a cosplayer. You were named after someone.  You like your name.  Your last drink was water. You have visited somewhere said to be ‘haunted’. You have skipped school just because you didn’t feel like going. You have taken medicine when you ‘feel a headache coming on’. You are self-conscious about your body. You have a hangover. You have a pet fish. You have had a Jehovah’s Witness arrive at your house You have godparents Your parents are still married You have step-siblings. You are the oldest. You are adopted. You have a twin. You don’t want kids. You want more than four kids. You have a bad temper. You have made out with a complete stranger. You usually make the first move in an intimate situation. You have worked with a Kayla.  You have gone to the movies with a Jared. You have hugged a Lexie.  You have held hands with a Marcus.  You have dated a Rachel.  You have broken your arm. You have had to get stitches on your face. You have had an MRI. Your fingernails are painted. You like to draw. You like to sing.  You can play an instrument. You keep a lot of secrets from people. You don’t think people would accept you if they really got to know you. You don’t trust people easily. You borrowed something you really need to give back to someone. You drive a car older than a 2002. You have lost a friend you never thought you would. You know a child who died of cancer. You know a teenager who died in a car wreck. You have done something illegal in the past 24 hours. You have cut your hair in the last week. You wear glasses. Your favorite season is Autumn. Your favorite color is orange. Your favorite animal is a dolphin. You last rode in a car with a relative. You last rode in a car with a girl. You last rode in a car with the person you are dating.  You regularly watch Asian dramas. You love Chinese food. Your best friend is older than you. You have to go to school/work tomorrow. You answered every question truthfully.
About Me
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Some girl just added my on Skype
The girl then tells me she's looking for 'some fun'. I then immediately think-
"I can troll the shit out of her"
So that's what I'm doing. She asked me for gold and I'd say I give her all the gold she wanted-
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I should try and do this on Chat Roulette too
That'd be fun
Oh replies are on their way, I just got a little distracted trolling
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Sorry that I haven't been on
I'm not dead, I've just been without internet for a few days. And Far Cry 3.
But I'm back!
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Reblog if you're an RPer in the DC fandom
You’ll be added to the MASTERLIST.
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