the-kermit-kid · 2 months
Me when I learn I have chronically online friends from the other side of the internet
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the-kermit-kid · 3 months
we need more dials and knobs and levers again. this world is lacking in dials and knobs and levers. it's one of our biggest issues.
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the-kermit-kid · 3 months
candace flynn is THE most teenage girl character of all time. she is at level 100 anxiety 24/7. she shows her love for her brothers by trying to get them in trouble constantly. her neck is as long as her forearm. she features on a blues album after having an allergic reaction. she has a shrine to her boyfriend in her room. she can't live without her phone. she has a panic room in the basement. she plays 20 instruments that all start with the letter B. she read all of sherlock holmes in one night. she's seen their platypus running around as a secret agent more than once, assumed she was hallucinating each time, and moved on with her life while telling no one. she likes wrestling video games. she was rutabaga princess. she has a billion people to email memes to but when she's trying to think of friends she can only think of four people and one of them is her mom. most animals hate her except monkeys. she invented grilled cheese flavored ice cream. she pretended to be irish for a week. she's autistically obsessed with her universe's version of barney. she writes marvel fanfiction. she does parkour. there's an entire archive of her voice actress screaming just in case her voice ever gave out while recording. she sees her brothers build time machines and rollercoasters every day but doesn't believe in santa. when she starts scheming the wicked witch of the west theme starts playing in the background. she was elected queen of mars. she won a "mayor for the day" essay competition. there's a random person in town who's been avoiding her to the point she doesn't know he exists. she learned how to parallel park by driving a monster truck. she thinks the plural of moose is "meese." she tracks her mom with a GPS. she doesn't know her little brother's full name. she's scared of heights, spiders, and the number seven. when her boyfriend told her he'd call "soon" she started doing complex math to try and figure out when exactly that would be. her first thought upon seeing her royal doppelganger was to go to the laundromat and fill all the dryers with cheese. she earned 50 not-girl-scout patches in one day through sheer determination. she can run fast enough to catch up to moving cars. she can sense when ground is broken in the backyard and when people are judging her. one time she got her face caught in the sink. her brothers carved her into mount rushmore. every now and again a magical zebra appears, calls her kevin, and then disappears again. she killed 99% of an alien invasion with a t-shirt cannon. in an alternate universe she's leading a regime-destroying resistance at the age of 15. she's being accidentally gaslit every day of her life.
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the-kermit-kid · 3 months
Had a dream recently where I bought a kermit the frog puppet.
Not the first time this has happened.
Hopefully the last.
I want a kermit the frog puppet.
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the-kermit-kid · 4 months
So uh….some dude apparently recreated Adobe Photoshop feature-for-feature, for FREE, and it runs in your browser.
Anyway, fuck Adobe, and enjoy!
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the-kermit-kid · 4 months
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twitter/ insta/ store
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the-kermit-kid · 4 months
This is what I mean when I say toph is fav character
The best thing about toph atla was that she was 12 and a hater.
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the-kermit-kid · 4 months
Singijg kilted my grandmdma okayyyyy
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the-kermit-kid · 4 months
Hello to my sister who im talking with through making tumblr posts. She is currently updatinf the app to see this.
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the-kermit-kid · 1 year
Multilingual post number Idk, about (some) fruits:
apple - (la) mela - (la) pomme - (la) manzana - 사과
melon - (il) melone - (le) melon - (el) melón - 메론
watermelon - (l')anguria/(il) cocomero* - (la) pastèque - (la) sandía - 수박
pear - (la) pera - (la) poire - (la) pera - 배
grape - (l')uva - (la) raisin - (la) uva - 포도
apricot - (l')albicocca - (l')abricot - (el) albaricoque - 살구
peach - (la) pesca - (la) pêche - (el) durazno/(el) melocotón** - 복숭아
cherry - (la) ciliegia - (la) cerise - (la) cereza - 체리/버찌
strawberry - (la) fragola - (la) fraise - (la) fresa - 딸기
orange - (l')arancia - (l')orange - (la) naranja - 오렌지
banana - (la) banana - (la) banane - (el) plátano - 바나나
kiwi - (il) kiwi - (le) kiwi - (el) kiwi - 키위
lemon - (il) limone - (le) citron - (el) limón - 레몬
tangerine - (il) mandarancio - (la) mandarine - (la) mandarina - 귤
walnut - (la) noce - (la) noix - (la) nuez - 호두
mango - (il) mango - (la) mangue - (el) mango - 망고
pineapple - (l')ananas - (l')ananas - (el) piña - 아나나스
*"L'anguria" (from the Greek "angurion") is more common in the Northern area of Italy, while "il cocomero" (from the Latin "Cucumis citrullus") is the Tuscan-born word and therefore the more common in the rest of Italy.
**As someone made me notice through a reblog, (el) durazno is used in Latin America while (el) melocotón in Spain.
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the-kermit-kid · 1 year
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the-kermit-kid · 1 year
this is my dog coded mutual this is my vampire coded mutual this is my machine coded mutual this is my laura palmer mutual this is my ressurected corpse mutual and that's derek
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the-kermit-kid · 1 year
I'm a smiler. I admit it. A giggler. I'm a laughy guy. I laugh at my own jokes before I can finish them, I laugh at my friends' jokes, and I laugh at them too much and too loud. Can't help it! Sorry for being full of love and joy!
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the-kermit-kid · 3 years
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This wholesome Porygon’s origin story  called Let’s Play Again, Porygon (またあそぼうねポリゴン) was written by Toshiko Takahashi and illustrated by Sumiyoshi Kizuki in 1997 as part of the  ポケモンえほん  Pokémon Tales series of books. it’s sooo heartwarming I wish it was canon, I’d also love to see it animated. One can only dream… enjoy! Scanned by us and translated by  @jeikonbuhonyaku
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the-kermit-kid · 3 years
This is also a great take and your explanation has helped calm me down from my hype about just now hearing about the cast
Agathas casting + Sofia Wylie
hi I just chugged 2 redbulls, ranted to my friend for like an hour about this because the amount of absolute disrespect and just plain racism i’ve seen about the casting infuriates me. so here are some of the comments i’ve seen and my opinion/reaction to them (this is literally just a passionate brain explosion done quite late at night -10pm-  and vv quickly so I apologise if some points are missing/worded weirdly!!)
“she isn’t how she looks in the books” || “i’m all for diversity but [🙄] why did they make the pale one a POC” || “it doesn’t make sense for agatha to be played by a black actress”
for those saying it doesn’t make sense for agatha to be plated by a black women,,,  what are you talking about!!! IT ACTUALLY DOES THO???? if anything it makes more sense and adds more weight to her storyline and character arc! her entire arc is realising she has been beautiful ALL ALONG. its just her low self esteem and the impossibly and very eurocentric high beauty standards that’s she’s up against at the school for good & in Gavaldon keeping her down. having agatha being played by a WOC is perfect because that is something we unfortunatly have to face on a daily basis. it makes for a wider range of people to see agatha and her experiences and be able to relate to someone whose place in society mirrors their own. and isn’t that great??? SHOULDN’T WE WANT THAT????yes. we should.
as a WOC myself, when i found out the news I literally called my friend at like 8am to be like “HOLY SHIT :DDDD” its exciting!! i know that a lot of people loved agatha because they could relate to her and that’s great! but you still have that!! book agatha isn’t going anywhere. she’s still there! like i’ve said before, Sofia as agatha allows MORE people to be able to relate to her character. This is an amazing decision and these kind of changes in the adaptation should be welcomed and encouraged. i
and also you can’t just pick and choose what characters can/cannot be black. that literally makes 0 sense and isn’t how it works. having agatha - one of the films lead-  as a WOC is a big deal and suggesting that instead have the side characters have diverse actors infuriates me. why does it have to be a side character??? it makes as much sense for agatha to be black as it does any other side character and sofia is perfect!
ALso Soman (who first published SGE in 2013) probably just used whatever beauty standards at the time and ran with it. but hey, it’s literally 2020 and if this year has taught us anything it’s that times are changing! casting a diverse lead for a book that has a predominantly white cast reflects that change! its great! tbh before the casting news, i was very apprehensive about the movie because of some of the problematic themes and events that occur but this casting is the step in the right direction! it shows that at least on some level the people making the movie are all aware of its wrongdoings and adapting the movie to better fit and reflect a wider audience in 2020.which is what we all (or at least should) want!!
“She doesnt have straight black hair so she can’t possibly play agatha”
first of all her hair is gorgeous!!! and does it really matter that she wont have straight hair??? will you die if one fictional character doesn’t have straight hair?? no. you won’t. and she shouldn’t have to straighten, use relaxers or wear a wig to play the role. hollywood has a long standing history of making diverse (predominantly Black!!) actresses having to fit Eurocentric beauty standards LIKE having straight hair. and using relaxes can also be a really traumatising and degrading experience for black women and its unfair for people demand that she can only play agatha if she “fixes” her hair. and yea again it has some very racist undertones. but dudes this is HAIR we’re talking about people. it’s such a stupid finicky detail to hyperfocus on that won’t even affect the plot or the movie in any big way. I for one would love to see Sofia play Agatha with her beautiful, gorgeous, natural hair!
we all have our different interpretations and visions of agatha and that’s ok! but with that and the movie you have to be realistic. there is no way they could’ve casted the ‘perfect’ agatha. even if they did stick to her book descriptions. you can’t please everyone and people will always have opinions and something to say about it
“I can’t see her as agatha because of her previous disney roles”
bruh it’s called acting. and you know another famous actress known for the classic disney roles and is now an emmy award winning actress?? ZenDAYA. yea. stfu. we haven’t even seen them in their full costumes or anything, hell this is really the first big information that we’ve had! give it some time,,, lets see the rest of the cast, the costumes, the sets and THEN decide if “she’s not my agatha” c’mon guys!! she’s insanely talented (a triple threat at 16!!!) and criticising her casting of agatha based on one photo - which literally says nothing about her performance- does have some severe racist undertones no matter how many times you try to defend yourself using the classic “i’m not racist but-” excuse.  
The people who casted her are literal professionals. they do this for a LIVING and have been for ages. SO ofc they would’ve casted the perfect person for the role. these are the same people who casted Harry Potter. pls just have faith in the process. they don’t want the movie to be a flop any more than we do. they picked her for a reason and i’m sure that in time we will see the exact same reasons they do
“I wanted asian agatha so i’m very disappointed in this casting”
I get it, I do but honestly,, c’mon dude A WIN FOR ONE OF US IS A WIN FOR ALL!! all minorities are all severely underrepresented in hollywood rn and idk about y’all but i’m taking this as a massive win for all us POC regardless of whether she’s black, brown or asian.
“Sofias too beautiful” || “Agatha’s supposed to be ugly >:(”
Agatha has literally been “beautiful all along”. the problem isn’t that she’s ugly, its just that she’s had impossibly low self esteem and doesn’t see herself that way because of the impossibly high (mostly eurocentric) beauty standards she’s held against. and with the ugly casting??? you really want them to put out a casting call specifically calling for someone ugly?? what would that even entail?? dudes The Lord of the Rings TV show tried that shit here in NZ a lil bit ago and it did NOT go down well lmao. you can’t just cast an ‘ugly’ person. also ‘hollywood’ ugly is still hot (e.g She’s all That ) so idk what you guys were expecting????
pls remember Sofia is literally 16 (!!!!), she’s so young and must’ve been SO excited to have gotten this role!! and if we can see all these comments, she definitely can so just be kind. ok
Sofia is absolutely gorgeous and the perfect agatha and i’m very excited to see more of her ❤️
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the-kermit-kid · 3 years
This is a great take
So as a kid, I've read the SGE books and was a huge fan of them.💖 I was a teenager when the first book came out and I started shipping Tagatha....but towards the end, I started LOVING Agaphie?? Like....Agaphie was extremely interesting and so damn layered. I was sooo surprised and mindblown when Agatha kissed Sofie on the LIPS! 😘 Shocker! The best way possible. 🙌🏼 Completely subverted fairy tale tropes.👏🏼 Good loving the Evil. Evil sacrificing for the Good. A Princess and a Witch! I thought it was one of the best fairytale books ever.🧙‍♀️👸
Then, I heard there were sequels. And I read them as soon as they came out for Agaphie. But they never discussed what happened. Like am I supposed to believe a straight girl kissed a girl on the lips in the heat of the moment to show her true love?😅 I was willing to ignore that thinking maybe Agatha wasn't open about her feelings.🤔 And then Sofie was a boy called Filip and Tedros canon fell for him. So Tedros is confirmed Bisexual. Good for him.🤗 Then, Tagatha. Tedros and Agatha was cute. I was like okay, maybe Tagatha is just a plot device like Tedros and Filip. 🤨
But then, Soman went and made them canon SISTERS? INCEST MUCH??🤢 I was pissed with the queer baiting. They didn't have to do that. He could've just progressed with Tagatha. But he made biological half-sisters kiss on the lips?🤬 I'm sorry but that's really weird. Sure, there are some cultures where women embrace with a quick peck, but that's certainly not what happened with Agaphie. It was a True Love's Kiss?? ❤🤧
It could've just been a forehead kiss. Like Maleficent with Aurora. That would've sufficed too.💁‍♀️ But he made them kiss on the lips at the end of the first book and queerbaited the audience? Whyy? He's in the LGBTQ+ community I know, but Queerbaiting is still not right.🚫 He of all people should know that. A POC being racist towards other POC is still racism. Just like how you can be gay and homophobic. 🙄
So, the next sequels came out and I was still interested in reading them to see how the hell he managed to incorporate the half-sister storyline. But it was never mentioned again and Sofie and Agatha never spoke about it. So, it had no relevance to the plot. 😑
Basically what I see is two girls who are polar opposites subverting the fairytale tropes with their romantic love. True love is even if you turn enemies and fight, you can never hate them. Hurt? Yes. Hate? No.💕 But having to move on with heteronorms because of their homophobic community who also shamed Agatha because she looked different. The sad reality in many places.😞 They are also canon bisexual, so Agatha moved with Tedros and Sophie stayed single. Okay, cool. But Soman said, "Nope. I'm gonna make them kiss on the lips, but they are sisters (although they didn't know it at the time AND the sister plot never had an impact on the story so it wasn't relevant). SISTERS SO NO HOMO. Cut the bullshit please.😤🤬
I really hope they changed this awful queerbaiting in the movie. Because people WILL ship them. 2022 will be much more accepting of Queer storylines than early 2010s. But only to find they are sisters who kissed on the lips. Okay, when did this become Game of Thrones?🤣 The audience will feel like they got queerbaited and will be pissed. And bad reviews for an otherwise well written book/movie. So Paul Feig, please fix this huge HUGE error.🤦‍♀️
So dear Paul and Netflix, either:-
1) Let Agatha kiss Sophie on the forehead and establish the sister reveal EARLY ON.👩‍👧‍👧 Because it never changed the plot later. Not really a spoiler alert. So, similar to Maleficent kissing Aurora on the forehead.
2) Make sure someone makes them believe they are sisters, commenting on how close they are and how much they deep down love each other.😍 But only to reveal they are NOT SISTERS. So, indirectly saying not all best friend relationships are "SISTERLY" aka homophobics discrediting wlw.💁‍♀️ And let them kiss on the lips as normal. Because it is normal for two non-straight girls to kiss on the lips.👭😘
But they move on with someone else because they also love Tedros. Good for them. Cuz bisexuality is very much valid.
You don't need a label. But don't make them sisters. It's like how Barbie diamond castle handled it. Obviously the two girls were literally dressed in the end in the Lesbian and Bisexual flags, let go of the boys and a chance to live in a Palace so the girls can return to living together in their comfy cottage.🏡👭 Mattel couldn't officially make them canon due to the heteronorm culture at the time, BUT AT LEAST THEY DIDN'T MAKE THEM SISTERS.😂😂 So, it was up to the audience to interpret however they wanted. And when I grew up and got educated, I realized what it was. Romantic love between two women. Aww. 😍
I'm a straight girl who was PISSED at the no-homo-irrelevant-sister-plot in SGE. Because I support the LGBTQ+ community. You can imagine the outrage you will receive from the LGBTQ+ community.
Please don't queerbait in 2022 unless you want to be cancelled or called out. And then no hopes of a sequel due to critisism. If you want to represent an LGBTQ+ plotline, that's fine.🏳️‍🌈 But do it right or don't do it at all! 🌈
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the-kermit-kid · 3 years
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Speedy guide to the basics of The School for Good and Evil for non-book fans, before the Netflix movie starts happening! meant for non-book fans so I’ll tag this w all the actors to try and get it beyond my typical audience hhh
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