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This is a kamijou faction RP blog, with it it has member of the Kamijou faction, ITEM, Heaven Canceler and a few OC's , for the most part I am OC and AU friendly , primary muse is Touma Kamijou. as such any ask not specified at a certain character will be answered by Touma
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
the-kamijou-faction · 7 years ago
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Wind and words. We are only human, && the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory && our great tragedy. 
Kurusu Akiras written by: Vale && Lynn.
AU - Afilliated && Independent respectively.
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the-kamijou-faction · 7 years ago
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I don’t want to fight anymore. I don’t want to oppose a monster like that. I was never fighting because I wanted to.
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the-kamijou-faction · 7 years ago
click here to do a fatal Flaw 
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I) Fatal flaw: You’re an idealist in a cruel, callous world.
You want the world to be good. Here’s the problem: it’s usually not. At best it’s subpar. At worst it’s a nightmare void, and your naiveté is simply a plot device used to emphasize this point. Your inability to accept the world’s present darkness will lead to your untimely downfall, but not before your dewy-eyed idealism and rosy visions of utopia erode away. You will become a shell of your former self. Sorry about that. Yikes
“what is this one of those infinite hells, I thought I was done with that” 
tagged by  phantomflirt
tagging : @kamisfortune @tokiwadainorailgun @gravitation-switch @euthenecromancer @askthedoctorfromgallifrey @acertainaiwass
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the-kamijou-faction · 7 years ago
the man looked at the line up and clicked his tongue scanning the roof for his last alley . once that was spotted he moved to try sending ice down between the targets and Alpha .
as he was doing this Cyrus slightly lowered part of the roof for Isa and Escudo to duck in , he’s just have to by enough time for Higgs to get the drop on Epsilon . so they rushed in trying to land long range attacks and preventing the other from getting close to the ones they had to defend 
From the future
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the-kamijou-faction · 7 years ago
Letting go of the anger for that moment, she looked up to see the strange form drop. It fell too fast for her to tell what it was but it was still worrying. At least the more human form were not the kids. Without saying anything, she rushed in the same direction.
The kids saw a blonde man casually land close to them. His eyes were open wide while looking at the kids before he audibly sighed. “Oh thank the holy lord… children are safe. You are not hurt, are you?” a small smile appeared to his relief. He stood between the kids and the witch. “My skin is safe too…” he looked down at the knocked out witch and narrowed his eyes a bit. He moved and quickly picked her up princess style. She was bleeding from her nose due to the impact. “I apologize you had to deal with something you do not quite understand so young…” he looked at the kids again a bit worried but the smile was still there. “She did all this bad, so worry not. She will be uh… under detention for it.” he winked at the two and before they could say anything, he dashed off with his long legs towards the walls of the district, carrying the broken magician who just wanted to have “fun”.
Isa looked at the torn bear, lifeless. She didn’t really held back from shouting at that point before looking around nervously again.
At least she was so loud the empty park echoed easily.
the two kids looked at the man confused  before hearing Isa call out the two slowly made their way to where they heard yelling coming from .
Ellie spoke up to Isa as she came rushing up, a blue flame around her “Isa , Escudo we stopped the mean lady!!” he spoke as AIden was a little behind with Mr Brickarms behind him still 
Escudo looked at the two”wh-where is she now?”
Aiden spoke up “ some blonde guy took her saying he’d bring her to trouble?” 
"There's a Christmas fare at District 6. Want to go take Aiden and Ellie there to have some fun?" asked Isa while looking at Escudo.
Escudo looked up at Isa , they were both at the office ” sure we have off soon right, and I am sure those two wouldn’t mind being outside ” he spoke getting up from hsi chair 
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the-kamijou-faction · 7 years ago
“Aaah~… All that trouble BURST went through and for what? At least that edgy creepy dude is locked away now.” the tired engineer with a lab coat, messy pony tail and a strange tattoo over his left eye spoke as he looked at the screen. He leaned back then stretched with his arms up before completely relaxing in his office chair. “I guess it went deeper than just eliminating the eyewitness’. Hey, at least we got money out of it~!” he spun int he chair like a child with a silent female figure watched and sighed. She typed over something on her phone, apparently sending a chat reply to the man’s computer. He stopped spinning to look over at the small text window on one of the screens.
‘What of the blonde boy from who all of this started?’
“Hmm, I don’t know~ He’s not laughing matter, is he? That gemstone… I’m not worried, we have a person who will look after him. Isn’t that right, Lolita-chan~?”
A small figure peeked through the door of the room. It almost looked like a child was eavesdropping on parents in their room as they spoke. A wide, cute but toned creepy smile appeared on her face. “Isa-chan too?”
“How about the whole branch?” the man leaned his head back in the chair and smirked. “I’m sure having so many level 4′s at one place is not a coincidence. What ever the City is planning with them, we’ll know~”
The child figure giggled before she vanished from the open doors and into the dark hallway.
“Hm?” another text message.
‘She’s useful but what she’s doing can bring us in trouble.’
“Don’t worry, I know. I’m aware it’s not going to last. You’re good old Solid is always steps ahead…~” he winked at the silent girl.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaagh….” Isa wined out loud while walking, accompanied by Daisuke. “It’s been few weeks and it still feels… mmph…” she casually crushed the empty can in her hand before throwing it away in a trash bin.
Daisuke chuckled. “I get you. It was nice having someone else around that’s not just you.”
“What is that suppose to mean…?”
“Wah, I meant it’s always just two of us at work while senpai is away, that’s all!” he was trying to protect his blouse as Isa was about to reach it with her hand but gave up after he corrected himself. He sighed then shrugged. They entered the building where their branch headquarters settled. “We managed tasks faster, covered a lot more ground, did the paperwork faster… even had someone else to chat with. It was…”
“Kind of nice and fun, I know…” she finished his sentence but sighed in exasperation. They were climbing the stairs to the second floor. “I know… but guess that was all to it. Until Luka finishes his training, it’s back to the old days. At least Akagi-senpai is in the office today… and up and early as his usual…” She paused as they reached the office. “Daisuke… I kind of want us to get back to the case but I guess it’s a little weird without–” the two entered the office and was awaited by Hitoshi and…
the few weeks were slow for Escudo he had time to heal, to lie to his parents about the real danger he faced, to try catching up on the school work he missed thanks to a stubborn girl in his class bringing him the missed work when it got out where he was , that creepy Loli that Isa was friends with luckily didn’t visit . 
and so with all that thinking he needed to figure out what to do with his life now , so with that time 
inside the room he was speaking with Hitoshi “right so this is all I have on the methods I used to locate Edge with in the esper records “ he turned his head to see Isa and Diasuke in the door “ oh hey” 
operation scorched earth
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the-kamijou-faction · 7 years ago
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“I have no idea she also doesn’t have any tooth issues either “ he spoke wondering if it was some magic thing she was doing with the food  she ate that stopped her from gaining weight “I’d be happy for her to deal with some consequence of her eating habits. “
he paused as she said her friends names... twin talls roommate , some other person and that ... “ oh that girl who traded spots with you during that fok dance... why did Kuroko-san drop kick me while she was hurt?” he asked remembering the feeling of her shoes on his head 
     She was so surprised, that she almost jolted up: “Y-You?! What are you doing here?!” She asked, trying to make her voice sound normal again. 
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     “Well…” She looked at what he was carrying… Well it did make sense in the end. “Ah… Shopping…” And now an awkward silence came between them…
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“yeah because of Index’s eating habits I can’t get to much at once so I do a few short tips over the week” he spoke feeling fine talking to Mikoto about his ‘little sister’ that he has to look after because of what the old him did .
he looked to see she was alone “ meeting up with some friends?” he spoke moving to sit down by her figuring he can rest his feet for now before her friends showed up
     “I-Is she really eating that much at a time?” Why is this girl not getting fat? Misaka had no real problems with her weight and didn’t really had to do any diets etc. But she still watched out at what she ate. But she knew some girls who would kill Index if they knew that this small girl could eat as much as she wanted without even gaining a kilogram. 
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     “A-Ah no… They are all busy. Kuroko is in judgement after all…” He knew that much, “And the other two are also not free. Uiharu-san… Ah, guess you haven’t met her yet. Well… She is also working with Kuroko at Judgement and Saten-san… You did meet her, right? At the Daiheisesai if I recall correctly. She has to study.” 
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the-kamijou-faction · 7 years ago
luckily for Accelerator Misaka Worst’s was knocked out and asleep still from her night time activities  and he would probably be able to get out before she wakes up, the problem would come if she felt like following him after she found out .
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“right so you two will be find with watching their girls too if the tow of them bring over before we leave ?”
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“don’t you super worry we got this~, we’ve done a super good job with Frema and people won’t super be trying to kill them tonight”
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“and if things get rough we can wake up Miguno and she can melt anyone that tries to attack us.” 
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“but she’d be super pissed at you for that so let’s hope we don’t need to do that” 
and so the time came and Hamzura waited for the two to arrive at ITEMs apartment 
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the-kamijou-faction · 7 years ago
Eu looked at Touma with a deadpan expression, more so, did he not get this was a bluff? She tried not to feel insulted. She tried to ignore it for the moment as it would probably help sell the bluff. She just needed to keep the man in the suit hesitant to attack until help arrived or her powers returned. If her power return she could just make the man fall asleep and end this all simply.
Eu patted Touma’s head, “Don’t worry, everything will end well.”
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Touam felt Eu pat his head still not picking up it was a pat he moved to grab her hand to beg her 
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“Eu please don’t des-” he felt the imagine breaker react with what power of Eu had returned and then he paused looking over at Mikoto who was giving him a look that could only be read as  ’ are you really this much of an idiot. and finally remember that Hamazura asked for time……
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“Ri-Right Eu pl-please try to keep the damage to a minimum” 
the man stood there  his stance changing as he picked up what was going on but before he could score them he heard a screeching coming down the road. turning thinking it was his gear he saw…. was that a constriction pow- and he was grabbed and pulled out of the room by  hook that was slung at it 
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“ok  we got him!” Hamzura spoke having his support AI helping him figure out how to get the man out with causing as little destruction to Kamijous dorms  as he pulled him out of the room by retracting the hook 
*Eu dressed in Index's white nun clothes and climbs onto Touma's back.* Notepad: I'm filling in for Index, she's taken the day off. *Chomps on Touma's head* Notepad: Touma I'm hungry!
before Touma could react to the note  Eu ‘s teeth dug into Touma , unlike Index who had a few sharped teeth Eus were perfectly human making it so no skin was broken but the blunt force was stronger 
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“ok ok what would like to eat so i cna make it!” Touma yelled hoping that would stop the pain soon 
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the-kamijou-faction · 7 years ago
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“sure thing that’d be nice” she looked around “ so where’s a kitchen in this place?”  her stomach let of another loud sound that would make one think she was hiding a monster under her clothing 
“Oh, it’s somewhere around here. I think done this corridor.”He pointed down a random hallway, “So, what are you in the mood for? I used to be a good cook, I might still be.”
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Index followed where the Doctor pointed while thinking about the type of Food Touma was able to make “ if you know how to cook anything French that uses beef?” she remembered hearing that in one of the times Touma went off to fight magicians without her he ended up in France and got to have some of their food with out her! 
Index, in those books in your head do they ever mention some strange guy with a large blue box that appears and disappears? Maybe in a book about Merlin or something around England.
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“ahhhh I knew that person Touma was describing sounded familiar! ” Index spoke in a paniced voice “ and yes, there is some failed attmpts to replicate that also , most of them can not get a right  blue box to follow idol theory" 
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the-kamijou-faction · 7 years ago
Reblog if you’re willing to do threads that involve more than 2 muses
For some multi-muse blogs, they may have two muses who are always together or may want to introduce another muse partway in the thread to shake things up.
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the-kamijou-faction · 7 years ago
he nodded “like I said... I went off and did my own thing so I have no right to complain.....” he was the one that broke any chance of team work  “ yeah.... we...” he paused he was so focused on getting his revenge he... never thought about what comes after that.....
he paused “ I guess.... Thank you Isa....” he lightly smiled at her rubbing the closed wounder on his stomach .... he’d have a lot of thinking to do before they release him...again.... about what to do next.... and how to live.. but for now his goal was met Edge was brought in and stopped
in a large room various voices spoke behind monitors 
“so BURST will be broken up and there remaining resources will be distributed among other groups. “
“what to do about that Judgement branch?”
  “we’ll have them replace BURST ... they can function as a counter for railgun with enough ‘motivation’ to train “  on the screen of the person personal files came up of the four espers in the branch with a list of possible hostages to hold over them 
a womans voice spoke up “ what if we use them to prune the darkness... instead of wasting other groups time we can have them handle the groups that have rebelled?” 
the group paused before agreeing and the woman spoke up “ this also brings up another point I want to make “
“your ITEM?” a man spoke up
“yes this has shown that we need to allow some of the level 5′s to take part in some groups.”
the group was quite  for a few moments before agreeing to allow ITEM to form  and began to talk about what other level 5′s they could try using and who they’re hostages could be  and Ailster  just floated by and watched the other baordmembers talk and figure out what to do about this event and smiled to himself , updating his plan with for the fact that the level 5′s  would now be dragged in beyond just experiments around them 
operation scorched earth
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the-kamijou-faction · 7 years ago
“Hey Touma! Want to move in with me? You’d probably had to transfer schools but you won’t have to pay rent. And I have several vampires who’d be happy to help watch out for Index.  I’m sure Ayumu will be happy to have help cleaning and cooking. You’d probably be safer, a lot of the stuff that hurts you because of espers attacking you or people misusing science. “
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“wait Eu are you really considering destroying this city?!” Touma spoke out he’d have a way out…. but there were to many innocent people here for her to look after …. was he just a golden fish on a self in this case…..
the man stood there in awe so she was probably serious about the city….   he checked his hud… the request was approved  and a set of Equpie_dark mater was on it’s way…. if normal physics wouldn’t harm her he’d need the supernatural to fight the super natural “you do know it’s the power that’d let you make these threats that makes you a target…” he spoke out… he’d just have to buy time for his new gear to arrive 
over at a near by construction site Hamazura was clearing some paper work to help stress test a new construction style power suit, it didn’t have any weapons and was closer to just a exoskeleton in function but it was better than nothing   closing the pod he looked up as the machine lite up and his assistant AI installed it’s self to the machine 
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“ok let’s go!” he spoke out as the 10 foot tall power suit started to move down out of the site and down the road .. he’d be able to get by much faster now as the wheels embed in it;s feet let out a screech before rolling out 
*Eu dressed in Index's white nun clothes and climbs onto Touma's back.* Notepad: I'm filling in for Index, she's taken the day off. *Chomps on Touma's head* Notepad: Touma I'm hungry!
before Touma could react to the note  Eu ‘s teeth dug into Touma , unlike Index who had a few sharped teeth Eus were perfectly human making it so no skin was broken but the blunt force was stronger 
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“ok ok what would like to eat so i cna make it!” Touma yelled hoping that would stop the pain soon 
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the-kamijou-faction · 7 years ago
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“sure thing that’d be nice” she looked around “ so where’s a kitchen in this place?”  her stomach let of another loud sound that would make one think she was hiding a monster under her clothing 
“Oh, it’s somewhere around here. I think done this corridor.”He pointed down a random hallway, “So, what are you in the mood for? I used to be a good cook, I might still be.”
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“ooooh” she was happy to hear that , but that did make sense with how long he’s lived to pick up cooking  “maybe some Italian or German style dishes” she spoke up seeing as Touma had a harder time making anything like that 
Index, in those books in your head do they ever mention some strange guy with a large blue box that appears and disappears? Maybe in a book about Merlin or something around England.
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“ahhhh I knew that person Touma was describing sounded familiar! ” Index spoke in a paniced voice “ and yes, there is some failed attmpts to replicate that also , most of them can not get a right  blue box to follow idol theory" 
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the-kamijou-faction · 7 years ago
After making Escudo light enough to almost float they quicken their pace. Only a moment later, she stopped after seeing a coated figure ahead.
“… Alexei?”
He was in a hurry a moment ago but after hearing Isa and seeing them injured, he turned around. There was a bit of shock on his face but he didn’t approach closer. “Isa-chan, Escudo-kun… Are you involved in this??”
Escudo could feel Isa’s grip on him got stronger. Her short temper bubbled onto the surface and after what they’ve been trough so far, it was bottled up for some time now. “… Are you involved in this?!?” she shouted the same question back, manifesting the anger. “If you are, you outta be fucking praying to your precious god because I WILL MAKE SURE YOU DON’T STEP INTO THIS CITY EVER AGAIN!” she was lightly trembling while yelling.
Alexei was taken aback so he shook his hands. “Nyet, nyet! I simply felt magic and hurried to stop it! But am I too late…?” he looked around.
Isa was still raging even after that reply but she didn’t said anything else. She hurried ahead yet again. “… Do what ever the church ordered you to do but I swear, if the kids are injured there will be nothing, not even you, to stop me to cross “that line”…”
Alexei narrowed his eyes, displeased and worried about what she said. With a quick turn, he rushed ahead before Isa and Escudo to find the kids.
Isa watched him hop into the distance and pass the broken rides while still lightly trembling from her mood.
The witch saw Rum’s flame leave the bag.
“W-… a ‘soul’…?” she mumbled for herself. She lost Maria to something not even magic understand and by her hand no less. The broken doll made her feel uneasy, unprotected and powerless. Defeat shown on her face.
“… O-ouh….” she snapped out of it looking kind of scared but with broom up and ready to defend herself again, even if her legs were somewhat shaky. Sadly for her, the kids were not willing to give her a break or forgive her.
The shadow from Mr. Brick Arms fell down on her.
“… y-… you’re not fun at all……”
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The weight of the strike broke her wooden broom in half and knocked her out from the battle….
Escudo looked up at the  person Isa knew , he paused at her anger…. was he on the magical side?!  so he just stayed by her letting her rage on , this seamed to be months in the making….. he watched him go before speak  “come on we need to find the kids” his eyes scanned the near by horizon before seeing a human form fall … it was too big to be … and then he saw a much large silhouette rush after the smaller one “Isa!” he moved to point her attention to that 
the kids stood over the witch who was just knocked out before something clicked in Ellie mind  she moved to Hug Aiden who was taken aback by this “WE BEAT THE BAD GUY!” 
he smiled widely before  nodding “WE DID IT!” 
as the two moved closer to that sight something else caught his eye “ is that Rums body?” he pointed to a brown stuffed bear in the near by rubble , one of its arms was torn off, 
"There's a Christmas fare at District 6. Want to go take Aiden and Ellie there to have some fun?" asked Isa while looking at Escudo.
Escudo looked up at Isa , they were both at the office ” sure we have off soon right, and I am sure those two wouldn’t mind being outside ” he spoke getting up from hsi chair 
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the-kamijou-faction · 7 years ago
the person followed the voices of the three not having a clue about Higgs because tunnel vision was starting to set in... the whole mission was becoming a failure ... so at the least he’d have to kill his targets 
before Cyrus could speak up again he saw a blue flame off on the side before a long flame shoot out
Cyrus moved to push Isa and Escudo went down more to the ground as the fire went overhead 
Escudo let out a loud groan of pain before shielding the group to the side 
From the future
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the-kamijou-faction · 7 years ago
he sighed at hearing that that Edge was captured that... even if he couldn’t kill him that  hie’d get the full wrath of the law against him but then Isa spoke up something..... his mind stopped dead... the others got away!?  “you really had no other chose did you...” he spoke feeling from what he’s seen of Isa over the past couple of months made it feel like she had to be in a corner to take that conclusion....... he didn’t help either .... “I guess I can’t complain....I just acted for my own goals after all” 
operation scorched earth
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