the-jwillart-blog · 5 years
Time Post
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the-jwillart-blog · 5 years
Language Project Proposal
Language Project Proposal 
I intend to invoke a strong emotional response with an audio and visual film focused around one main theme, that will be determined. I want this project discipline to be based in film. I want to have a focused theme and I will have human beings be the main subject matter. This will also be done in the lighting studio with a DSLR. I want it to look like a video-taped interview and somehow have words be transposed on the green screen to appear in the video. 
I am going to find individuals that do a great job telling stories and who know how to paint pictures with their words. I’ll give them a prompt and capture what they say. My intention is to invoke a strong emotional response from the viewers. I think by having ordinary people speaking and how the video may be cut it should be able to allow for the viewer to relate. Being able to do this through words accompanied with a simple but visually entertaining imagery will help with the emotional response. 
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the-jwillart-blog · 5 years
Time Reading Response
Reading Response: THE ART WORLD EXPANDS 
The reading “The Art World Expands” talks a lot about how the changes of the world affected the art world. The introductions of new mediums such as photography emerged and became more updated with the times. “Photography gained respect in the “high” art world as an important medium in its own right”, '' states the author. They go in to say how much influence it started to have during the 1980’s which grew from when it first made its debut in 1839. The art of fabrication came about as other artists started to experiment with different forms of media as well as mixing and matching different media to create their works. The appearance of video technology became another media that was experimented with. The main question I have with this text is , ‘Why is the emergence of the industrial revolution the such a pinnacle point for experimentation?”. 
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the-jwillart-blog · 5 years
Time Reading Response
Reading Response: TIME
In the reading “Time”, it explores the whole realm of time and art coming together. This includes time based media, the historical time period in which the piece was made, time used to create the works of art or the way in which the artist interpreted the concept of  time. The first set of works that were discussed were Heide Fasnacht‘s sculpture, ‘Demo’ and Peter Fischli and David Weiss’s  film,’The Way Things Go’. The author interpreted Weiss and Fischli’s film as a ”[...] devotion to time spent in creative play” and went on to highlight how it “contradicts how time is valued in day-to-day life in industrial societies.” (Time, 33). For Fasnachts sculpture the author states that his piece “conveys a sense of time that is more instantaneous yet paradoxically more permanent than the sequence of time expressed in Fischli and Weiss’s film.” (Time, 34). Two completely different works of art that take the same concept of time and interpret it entirely different. Something  that goes to note is that all of the artists provided a different experience for their audiences. The fact that the author said that a sculpture gave a sequence of time, despite it being a static object; something that doesn’t have the ability to more, says a lot about how Fasnachts chose to interpret time and how it just wasn’t based off of the amount of time it took to create the piece. Furthermore, when the author spoke on the film, they related it back to the value of time in society and not necessarily how the work presented the idea of time. 
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the-jwillart-blog · 5 years
Time Project Proposal
Time Project Proposal
For this project I intend to use video in order to display and deconstruct the idea of time in today's society. It is going to be a short film of everyday life slowed down, played in real time and sped up. The discipline is going to be video. It’s going to be a looped video and I would like and envision it being displayed in the student center on one of the info screens on the second floor. 
I plan on going around and filming parts of downtown Ann Arbor, Downtown Ypsilanti and areas on campus. After I collect enough footage I want to go through and manipulate what I’ve captured in adobe premiere pro. Highlight the passing of time. Highlighting the things we often don’t pay much attention to or think we don’t have the time to experience. Going back to one of the discussions we delved into talking about how time is a socially constructed topic, essentially trying to dismantle the idea that there’s not enough time. I think showing this through video will be much easier; it’ll catch the attention of the viewer and keep them reeled and attentive much like how tv shows and commercials can. Also, having film be the media reiterates this idea of time passing with the streaming of imagery in constant motion.
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the-jwillart-blog · 5 years
Language Reading Response
Reading Response: Language 
In this reading the author talks about how language art can go hand in hand. The author states, ”Visiting the exhibition, a viewer conclude that the incorporation or language in visual art is a common strategy among contemporary artist working in various printed formats.” They’re saying that visual art has taken over the contemporary art scene and is being more incorporated in this art period versus others. A major artist that made a big breakthrough with adding language into the art was Marcel Duchamp. The author quoted Kristine Stiles who said “In 1917, Marcel Duchamp…. had already defined an artist as someone able to rethink the world and remake meaning through language rather than someone who produces handcrafted visual objects for ‘retinal pleasure’.” I interpreted this quote as styles saying that an artist is someone who represents language in a different form versus just creating something that’s entertaining to the audience. Art should be something that tells a story or relays some form of information to the audience and isn’t there in the form is entertainment. Reading further into the chapter the author speaks of artist statements also being way of documenting work. It’s a form of showing the art creation or the prices of in which the art was created and what it was created for, “the documentation commemorates a static artwork in its completion.” this formal documentation also ensures that the art lives on in a different form than what way it was presented to the audience.
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the-jwillart-blog · 5 years
Time Research Journal
Tumblr media
FORM: This work is created through the traditional art medium of paint but, done in a non-traditional way. 
CONTENT: : “discarding the frame, getting off the walls, shifting from immobile time to lived time.” This is something quoted straight from  the source. The artist(s) are finding unique ways to create traditional art. Making traditional art performative? 
PROCESS: “Shimamoto substituted the brush with glass bottles of paint he smashed onto the canvas and paint he shot out of a homemade cannon. Sumi Yasuo (b. 1925) painted with an abacus, a vibrating device, and a paper umbrella; other artists used tools such as a watering can, a bicycle, an automatic toy car, and their own feet. Murakami used his body to alter the picture plane by literally bursting through paper in his Paper-Breaking series (1956), thus defying the traditional painting boundaries of both time and space.”
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the-jwillart-blog · 5 years
Language Research Journal
Tumblr media Tumblr media
FORM: This work is just graffiti art on the sides of buildings by Steve Powers. 
CONTENT: The artist uses words to convey a various array of messages, some of which are witty and some thoughtful messages. 
PROCESS: There are possibly stencils used to get the crisp lettering like in the example to the right. Uses colors and font type of neon signs to catch the attention of the audience. 
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