I don't think I can imagine anyone less shy than Martino Rametta.
Every time he does anything I die of secondhand embarrassment because I, a shy introvert, would never ever consider doing what he does.
Oh my, he literally talks to people. Like, for real, he can go there and ask people out, speak with them, ask for advice, discuss his opinions, tell them there's something wrong, express his thoughts, show support or even just chat. And he's always super bold when he approaches people (what kind of magic power is that and where can I buy it?)
Ah yes, the SHYNESS of Martino Rametta. Sure. Never heard of a more beautiful myth.
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Skam Italia, also known as "Everyone wants to fuck Niccolò (and I can't blame them)"
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If every boy squad in Italy behaved like Contrabbandieri do with Nico and Marti's relationship we wouldn't have homophobia
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so who’s the flight attendant and who’s the passenger in ur otp
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Fabrizio su IG :“Fuoco e fiamme"🔥
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Mi sento tradita perché Besse non mi ha dato effettivamente l'intero minuto di baci sul naso
Besse u coward u said "Martino e Niccolò minuto per minuto", now feed us
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Ma sopratutto grazie a Skam Italia a al "Tu non sei solo, capito?" per avermi fatto pensare a cose che avrei preferito non ricordare non perché siano brutte, ma perché mi lasciano addosso il magone e poi non so più se piango di gioia per le cose loro o di disperazione e tristezza per le cose mie.
vbb tt k
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E infine ringrazio Skam Italia per avermi fatto scoprire un nuovo hobby: piangere in luoghi pubblici.
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I'm sure your cats will recognise you! They love you!
I thank you for this sweet message, I've seen it as soon as you sent it even tho I'm only answering now.
I hope so! I've been missing them a lot in these months and I'm really happy to see them again, I hope it's the same for them
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Me: It’s so nice to finally come home for Christmas! I’m really excited!
Also me: Yeah, but what if your cats don’t recognise you anymore?  
Me: ...
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Seeing as we’re not allowed to put anything remotely naughty on this damn site anymore we may as well make it as political as possible… what better way than Andy Serkis as Gollum-esq Theresa May and her Brexit strategy. 
This is the best thing i’ve seen on the internet all week.
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Plot twist: il morto è Martino 
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Beatbox col morto 💀😁
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The shitposting is strong with this one (me, I’m truly sorry)
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Maybe namacissi will be our always
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ily: I love you
ilysm: I love you so much
namacissi: non andare mai a controllare i sintomi su internet
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Io, appena sentito “studia medicina, lei”: cazzo, che scemo
Luchino, mezzo secondo dopo: ma sei scemo?
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things eugene did: That
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