the-girl-in-florals · 3 years
Taylor Swift spends her whole discography ESPECIALLY Red being up at all hours of the night unable to sleep. Then she always says that her ex, or whoever the song in particular may be about, is probably sleeping just fine. BUT IN MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE SHE SAYS THAT
THATS what the song has in it!! That makes everyone want to listen to it so much!!! It’s not CRACK it’s HOPE!!! In Message in a Bottle she’s hoping that this person is finally the one who can’t sleep at night because of HER because for her it’s always been the other way arouund!!!
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the-girl-in-florals · 3 years
medea not killing jason and instead leaving him alive to grieve his children and wife and father-in-law and position in society... that's a woman's position. it's women who get left at the end of the story to grieve their fathers and their sons and to cope with surviving after the battle is lost. that's medea's ultimate victory. she doesn't kill him, she strips him of his manhood, and that's the worse fate for him.
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the-girl-in-florals · 3 years
i’d like to make it clear that being well-read and having dumb bitch energy aren’t mutually exclusive. can i give you an in-depth analysis of an academic article? yeah. am i still a dumb bitch? yeah and proud
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the-girl-in-florals · 3 years
But do you ever FEEL like a manic pixie dream girl? Like your whole life and personality has been perfectly designed for you to enchant some man? and he’ll fall in love with your never ending optimism and quirks? But also that that’s your only real purpose, that you yourself are a poorly written 2D character?
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the-girl-in-florals · 3 years
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Noir Princesses by Ástor Alexander
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the-girl-in-florals · 3 years
“Lilo and Stitch” 2002
Deleted Scene
Lilo plays a trick on the tourists.
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the-girl-in-florals · 3 years
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It’s funny, isn’t it? How some murders fly right under the radar and no one really cares, and others make a lot of noise. Though, let’s face it, perfect mother beaten to death by an adoptive son is a newspaperman’s dream. Really makes you sit up over your toast and marmalade. Especially when the perfect mother is an heiress. - Ordeal by Innocence 1x01 (2018)
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the-girl-in-florals · 4 years
Maybe you think a ship is problematic, but ask yourself this: is it wedged sideways in the suez canal disrupting 12% of global maritime trade?
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the-girl-in-florals · 4 years
ive been reading a book that basically explains how so-called “brain differences” between the genders is the result of gendered socialization and not the cause of it. i honestly expected the book to be very cis-centric but its actually the opposite, the author stresses that testimony from trans ppl is actually indispensable because we’ve, in a sense, “lived both experiences”
more cis feminists should have this mindset
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the-girl-in-florals · 4 years
PSA: I love him and that’s really the only thing I’m certain of tonight
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the-girl-in-florals · 4 years
Why did I think that i could listen to Taylor swift at night??? It only ever ends in existential crisis
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the-girl-in-florals · 4 years
so what if you like mainstream music? so what if you find comfort in the same 3 taylor swift songs? why does it matter?
you don’t have to be indie or niche to have a good music taste. there’s no superiority in it.
if it’s the thing that carries us through rainy Mondays and pandemic lockdowns and cloud nine road trips, then that in itself makes your music taste the most beautiful.
go listen to BTS and The Weeknd and Ariana Grande and, kindly, anyone who has a problem with your coping mechanism (because that’s what music is) can fuck off :)
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the-girl-in-florals · 4 years
haaaaate seeing rich ppl mansions that are so modern and minimal and severe like an art museum or smth…like hello ur in the perfect situation to build the coziest most ethereal home full of unique treasures and ultimate comfort. instead u buy beds and couches that look like they’re from roblox. anyways 
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the-girl-in-florals · 4 years
You’re busy doubting yourself while so many people are intimidated by your potential
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the-girl-in-florals · 4 years
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the-girl-in-florals · 4 years
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(Credit: MHN)
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the-girl-in-florals · 4 years
You do not need to prove anything. You don't need to prove anything to anyone. You don't need to justify everything that you do. You don't need to justify who you are. You are allowed to be yourself, and do what you think is right...for you. Your true worth will never come from anybody else, it has to come from your heart.
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