the-gay-art-teacher · 6 years
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the-gay-art-teacher · 6 years
Forgotten By History
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Female firefighters at Pearl Harbor (1941).
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Donna Tobias - the first woman to graduate from the US Navy’s Deep Sea Diving School in 1975.
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Brave women of the Red Cross hitting the beach at Normandy.
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Dottie Kamenshek was called the best player in women’s baseball and was once recruited to play for a men’s professional team.
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Kate Warne - Private Detective. Born in New York City, almost nothing is known of her prior to 1856 when, as a young widow, she answered an employment advertisement placed by Alan Pinkerton. She was one of four new agents the Pinkerton Detective Agency hired that year and proved to be a natural, taking to undercover work easily. She had taken part in embezzlement and railroad security cases when in 1861 the Pinkertons developed the first lead about an anti-Lincoln conspiracy.
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Catherine Leroy, female photographer in Vietnam.
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The three women pictured in this incredible photograph from 1885 – Anandibai Joshi of India, Keiko Okami of Japan, and Sabat Islambouli of Syria – each became the first licensed female doctors in their respective countries. The three were students at the Women’s Medical College of Pennsylvania; one of the only places in the world at the time where women could study medicine.
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Female Samurai Warrior - Onno-Bugeisha - Female warrior belonging to the Japanese upper class. Many women engaged in battle, commonly alongside samurai men. They were members of the bushi (samurai) class in feudal Japan and were trained in the use of weapons to protect their household, family, and honour in times of war.
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One of the most feared of all London street gangs from the late 1880’s was a group of female toughs known as the Clockwork Oranges. They woulde later inspire Anthony burgess’ most notorious novel. Their main Rivals were the All-female “the Forty Elephants” gang.
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Maureen Dunlop de Popp, Pioneering female pilot who flew Spitfires during Second World War. She joined the Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA) in 1942 and became one of a small group of female pilots who were trained to fly 38 types of aircraft.
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In 1967, Kathrine Switzer was the first woman to run the Boston marathon. After realizing that a woman was running, race organizer Jock Semple went after Switzer shouting, “Get the hell out of my race and give me those numbers.” However, Switzer’s boyfriend and other male runners provided a protective shield during the entire marathon. The photographs taken of the incident made world headlines, and Kathrine later won the NYC marathon with a time of 3:07:29.
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the-gay-art-teacher · 6 years
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298K notes · View notes
the-gay-art-teacher · 6 years
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I feel uncomfortable around you guys all of a sudden. I have a stomachache all the time. I don’t want to keep secrets. People at school have been having crushes and stuff. And lots of girls have boyfriends. But…I don’t want one. 
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the-gay-art-teacher · 6 years
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the-gay-art-teacher · 6 years
A remarkable Jacobean re-emergence after 200 years of yellowing varnish Courtesy Philip Mould
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the-gay-art-teacher · 6 years
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the-gay-art-teacher · 6 years
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Now open, Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power presents the complex work of Black artists who—at a time of dizzying political, social, and aesthetic revolution—produced some of the most innovative and electric art of the 20th century. See it now through Feb 3. And, don’t forgot to grab your tickets for tomorrow’s horn-infused dance party with Soul in the Horn! Dance to hits from the 1960-80’s, enjoy a special after hours viewing of Soul of a Nation, and have your portrait taken by Paper Monday. 
Barkley L. Hendricks, (American, 1945–2017). Blood (Donald Formey), 1975. Oil and acrylic on canvas. Courtesy of Dr. Kenneth Montague | The Wedge Collection, Toronto. © Estate of Barkley L. Hendricks. Courtesy of the artist’s estate and @jackshainman, New York. 
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the-gay-art-teacher · 6 years
Art Russian vocabulary Masterpost in English/Spanish
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Изобразительное искусство/Fine arts/Bellas artes
существительные/ nouns/sustantivos:
художник (m) — artist — artista
картина (f)— painting —pintura
произведение искусства (n) — piece of art — obra de arte
эскиз (m) — sketch — boceto
цвет (m) — color — color
свет (m) — light — luz
тень (f) — shadow — sombra
живопись (f) — painting — pintura
натюрморт (m) — still life — naturaleza muerta
портрет (m) — portrait —retrato
декоративно-прикладное искусство (n) — arts and crafts — artes decorativas aplicadas
кисть (f) — brush — pincel
масляные краски (f, plural) — oil paints — óleos
акварель (f) — watercolor — acuarela
пастель (f) — pastel — pastel
тушь (f) — ink — tinta
гуашь (f) — gouache
цветные карандаши (m, plural) — crayonts —lápices de colores
фломастеры (m, plural) — markers — rotuladores
палитра (f) — palette —paleta
планшет (m) — clipboard — portapapeles
бумага (f) — paper —papel
рисовать — paint — pintar
изображать —represent — representar
иллюстрировать — illustrate — ilusrtrar
яркий(ая) —bright — brillante
констрастный(ая) — contrast — de contraste
плотный(ая) — dense — denso
тонкий(ая) — thin — fino
густой(ая) — thick — espeso
жидкий(ая) — liquid — líquido
существительные/ nouns/sustantivos:
здание (n) — building — edificio
архитектор (m) — architect — arquitecto
монумент (m) — monument — monumento
скульптура (f) — sculpture — escultura
скульптор (m) — sculptor — escultor
мастерская (f) — workshop — taller
инструмент (m) — tool — herramienta
чертеж (m) — drawing — dibujo
форма (f) — shape — forma
поверхность (f) — surface — superficie
стиль (m) — style — estilo
дворец (m) — palace — palacio
замок (m) — castle — castillo
собор (m) — cathedral — catedral
крепость (f) — fortless — fortaleza
фундамент (m) — foundation — base
арка (f) — arch — arco
фасад (m)— facade — fachada
башня (f) — tower — torre
купол (m) — dome — cúpula
воздвигать/строить/конструировать — rear/build — erigir/construir
лепить — mold — moldear
вырезать — carve — tallar
масштабный(ая) — extensive — amplio
огромный(ая) — huge — enorme
небольшой(ая)/маленький(ая) — small— pequeño
высокий(ая) — high — alto
широкий(ая) — wide — vasto
узкий(ая) — narrow — estrecho
помпезный(ая) — pompous — pomposo
существительные/ nouns/sustantivos:
гамма (f) — music scale — escala musica
нота (f) — note — nota
партитура (f) — score — partitura
музыкальный инструмент (m) — musical instrument — instrumento musical
либретто (n) — libretto — libreto
опера (f) — opera — ópera
оркестр (m) — orchestra — orquesta
симфония (f) — simphony — sinfonía
хор (m) — choir — coro
вокалист(ка) — vocalist — vocalista
клавиши (f, plural) — keyboard — tecla
дирижёр (m) — conductor — director
музыкальные инструменты:
гитара (f) — guitar — guitarra
пианино/рояль (m) — piano — piano
орган (m) — organ — organillo
скрипка (f) — violin — violín
барабаны (m, plural) — drums — batería
виолончель (f) — cello — violonchelo
слушать — listen — escuchar
исполнять/играть — play — tocar
дирижировать — conduct — dirigir
петь — sing — cantar
медленный(ая) — slow — lento
страстный(ая) — passionate — apasionado
взволнованный(ая) — exited — entusiasmado
динамичный(ая) — dynamic — dinámico
печальный(ая) — sad — triste
радостный(ая) — happy — feliz
громкий(ая) — loud — fuerte
тихий(ая) — quite — tranquilo
Feel free to correct inaccuracies and add more! This list will probably be updated! Xx
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the-gay-art-teacher · 6 years
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the-gay-art-teacher · 6 years
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
— Martin Luther King Jr. (via wordsnquotes)
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the-gay-art-teacher · 6 years
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the-gay-art-teacher · 6 years
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HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE dir. Hayao Miyazaki
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the-gay-art-teacher · 6 years
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the-gay-art-teacher · 6 years
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the-gay-art-teacher · 6 years
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the-gay-art-teacher · 6 years
Imagine the solution, and work to make it a reality. Whole worlds pivot on acts of imagination.
The Doctor
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