117 posts
We Have Moved! The Main Blog Is Now A Side To The-Terrible-Twins!!!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
This blog is staying up as an archive for the posts/roleplays that were on here, but I’ve moved it to a side-blog because I’m too lazy to switch between logins and want to get this blog active again. 
So, if you’re still interested in my guys, go and follow them again over at the-four-runaways! See you there!
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Grabbing another half empty can of a questionable brown something that looked kind of like cola, Kaiden took a long drink. It was old and flat, but he drank it down anyway.
blatantArmageddon: Ok4y, in the top two boxes there would be 4 he4rt 4nd 4 di4mond. These 4re the two red qu4dr4nts. blatantArmageddon: Under the he4rt, there's 4 sp4de. These two 4re the concupiscent qu4dr4nts. blatantArmageddon: 4nd the l4st one is 4 club. The sp4de 4nd the club 4re the bl4ck qu4dr4nts, 4nd the club 4nd the di4mond 4re the concill4tory qu4dr4nts.
His head was killing him, and he was still typing extremely slowly, but he had to give himself something to focus on. A lot of crap had happened tonight, and it was starting to make his think pan ache.
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Kaiden was starting to feel sick to his stomach. His hands were trembling with the weight of the memory, and he had to pull lightly on the ends of his hair to start calming down enough to type.
blatantArmageddon: It’s not your f4ult. I shouldn’t h4ve brought it up.  blatantArmageddon: There 4re four different types, th4t split into two p4irs of c4tegories - concili4tory 4nd concupiscent, or red 4nd bl4ck. blatantArmageddon: Think of it like 4 grid, if it helps.
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He was getting a room? All to himself? He hadn't had a room since his room at the Facility, not counting the dusty hives he'd raided for food or clothes or shelter from the scorching sun. "O-Okay!" He said, following Cody. "I, um... "
A World Away | Silias | tbap-sidecharas
When Jake stepped aside, a bright toothy smile broke on Silias’ face and he hurried inside, glad to get off the streets and out of the cold. “Th-Thank you!” He said happily, pulling his hood over his horns and off. His jet black hair was ruffled and sticking up in all directions. “I… I’m sorry for the confusion…”
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When Jake stepped aside, a bright toothy smile broke on Silias' face and he hurried inside, glad to get off the streets and out of the cold. "Th-Thank you!" He said happily, pulling his hood over his horns and off. His jet black hair was ruffled and sticking up in all directions. "I... I'm sorry for the confusion..."
A World Away | Silias | tbap-sidecharas
Silias rubbed at his eyes, sniffling a little bit, before taking a shaky step forwards towards Jake. He nodded at the question, giving a little noise of confirmation, tears still streaming. “Y-Yessir. He s-said you were s-safe, a-an’ that I had to c-c-come and st-stay here.” He stammered out weakly, fiddling with the zipper on his hoodie again.
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Silias rubbed at his eyes, sniffling a little bit, before taking a shaky step forwards towards Jake. He nodded at the question, giving a little noise of confirmation, tears still streaming. "Y-Yessir. He s-said you were s-safe, a-an' that I had to c-c-come and st-stay here." He stammered out weakly, fiddling with the zipper on his hoodie again.
A World Away | Silias | tbap-sidecharas
Silias looked blankly at Cody, before bright green tears started welling up in his eyes. He was new to the planet, he was scared and confused, and he had no idea what this kid was talking about. “I-I’m not… what? What’s H-Halloween?”
When Jake came to the door, he backed up a little further, his shoulders tensing and tears falling over and running in bright green tracks down his pale grey cheeks. “I-I’m S-Silias. K-Kaiden said I’m sup-pposed to stay here…” He said shakily.
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What doesn’t kill me should run, because now I’m fucking pissed
(via meaty-bicycle)
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Kaiden was starting to feel sick to his stomach. His hands were trembling with the weight of the memory, and he had to pull lightly on the ends of his hair to start calming down enough to type.
blatantArmageddon: It's not your f4ult. I shouldn't h4ve brought it up.  blatantArmageddon: There 4re four different types, th4t split into two p4irs of c4tegories - concili4tory 4nd concupiscent, or red 4nd bl4ck. blatantArmageddon: Think of it like 4 grid, if it helps.
the-four-runaways started following you
Kaiden’s hands were shaking. So much now that he had to keep backing up to fix his spelling mistakes, and it was taking him almost twice as long to type out a coherent sentence.
blatantArmageddon: Do you remember when I s4id you c4n only submit m4teri4l in p4irs? I didn’t m4ke it to him the second time. blatantArmageddon: Yes, I think th4t is the closest word for it. I cert4inly did love him. 
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Silias looked blankly at Cody, before bright green tears started welling up in his eyes. He was new to the planet, he was scared and confused, and he had no idea what this kid was talking about. "I-I'm not... what? What's H-Halloween?"
When Jake came to the door, he backed up a little further, his shoulders tensing and tears falling over and running in bright green tracks down his pale grey cheeks. "I-I'm S-Silias. K-Kaiden said I'm sup-pposed to stay here..." He said shakily.
A World Away | Silias | tbap-sidecharas
As the door opened, Silias backed up a little, pulling his hands up to his chest. He fiddled with the zipper on his jet black hoodie, wishing in the back of his mind that he could have his symbol on it. Kaiden said he couldn’t, because it’d be recognised.
He looked the human boy over a little, before trying to speak. He knew the language, Kaiden had made sure he did, it was just strange still trying to get into it.
"Wh-What is a cosplayer?" He asked nervously, worried it would be something he should know. 
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Kaiden's hands were shaking. So much now that he had to keep backing up to fix his spelling mistakes, and it was taking him almost twice as long to type out a coherent sentence.
blatantArmageddon: Do you remember when I s4id you c4n only submit m4teri4l in p4irs? I didn't m4ke it to him the second time. blatantArmageddon: Yes, I think th4t is the closest word for it. I cert4inly did love him. 
the-four-runaways started following you
He was getting a lump in his throat now, thinking about it. It was like he could feel the blood on his hands again, and he had to hold them out in front of his face for a good few seconds to convince himself that it wasn’t happening again before he could continue typing.
blatantArmageddon: No. He w4s not lucky. But 4t le4st he will never h4ve to feel th4t fe4r 4g4in. blatantArmageddon: 4 m4teprit is 4 rom4ntic p4rtner. You c4re for e4ch other, look 4fter e4ch other, 4nd submit genetic m4teri4l together. 
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As the door opened, Silias backed up a little, pulling his hands up to his chest. He fiddled with the zipper on his jet black hoodie, wishing in the back of his mind that he could have his symbol on it. Kaiden said he couldn't, because it'd be recognised.
He looked the human boy over a little, before trying to speak. He knew the language, Kaiden had made sure he did, it was just strange still trying to get into it.
"Wh-What is a cosplayer?" He asked nervously, worried it would be something he should know. 
A World Away | Silias | tbap-sidecharas
Earth. He never thought Kaiden would send him this far to keep him safe. It was cold here, colder than he was used to, but at least there wasn’t the threat of a toxic sun that could blind you in seconds. He was grateful for that, at least. He was told he’d be staying with a human family, a good acquaintance of Kaiden’s, and that there was nothing to worry about. Silias checked his communicator to make sure he had the right address, and stepped up to the door. He pulled his hood a little to shade his face, and lifted his hand to knock. His stomach was flipping, tripping, tying in knots, but he knocked as hard as he could.
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He was getting a lump in his throat now, thinking about it. It was like he could feel the blood on his hands again, and he had to hold them out in front of his face for a good few seconds to convince himself that it wasn't happening again before he could continue typing.
blatantArmageddon: No. He w4s not lucky. But 4t le4st he will never h4ve to feel th4t fe4r 4g4in. blatantArmageddon: 4 m4teprit is 4 rom4ntic p4rtner. You c4re for e4ch other, look 4fter e4ch other, 4nd submit genetic m4teri4l together. 
the-four-runaways started following you
Kaiden swallowed awkwardly, accidentally making himself cough. Jake was right, it wasn’t fair. But nothing on this damn planet was, and he knew that better than most.
blatantArmageddon: I think the one thing 4ll trolls h4ve in common is our fe4r of the Imperi4l Drones. blatantArmageddon: I only s4w them once before I r4n, but my m4tesprit… he s4w them twice… blatantArmageddon: but th4t w4s 4 long time 4go now…
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A World Away | Silias | tbap-sidecharas
tbap-sidecharas Earth. He never thought Kaiden would send him this far to keep him safe. It was cold here, colder than he was used to, but at least there wasn't the threat of a toxic sun that could blind you in seconds. He was grateful for that, at least. He was told he'd be staying with a human family, a good acquaintance of Kaiden's, and that there was nothing to worry about. Silias checked his communicator to make sure he had the right address, and stepped up to the door. He pulled his hood a little to shade his face, and lifted his hand to knock. His stomach was flipping, tripping, tying in knots, but he knocked as hard as he could.
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Headcanon: Kaiden's Matesprit
Before his Lusus died {when he was about 7.5-8 sweeps} and he started running {about a sweep later} Kaiden had a matesprit by the name of Aloais Chenzi. He was a rust blood with short, curly horns, and Kaiden pitied the fuck out of him. Together, they faced the Imperial Drones once - but Kaiden didn't make it to Aloais' hive fast enough the second time. Neither of them had a kismesis at the time. Aloais died, just as Kaiden turned the corner in front of the hive. He waited until the drones left before sprinting over to see if there was any way that he could stop Aloais from dying, from leaving him, but he was already gone.  He lost track of the time he spent just sat there, cradling his mangled body as he cried.
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19, 20 & 21 ~ for all muses
19. If your character was suddenly challenged, would they rather run away or stay and fight?
Kaiden is easily the most powerful, but isn't skilled or practiced enough to utilise his psionics. He would run. Feruzi is physically strong and has an increasingly short temper. He would stay and fight.Silias is mentally and physically weak from the years of tests, and has a tendency to break down or freak out at the presentation of a threat. He would run.Makota is skilled with a scythe and unwilling to back down in confrontation. She would stay and fight.
20. If your character was allowed to murder one person without any consequences, who would that person be and why?
Kaiden would kill the person heading the hunt against him, not that he knows who that is yet.Feruzi would kill the person heading the tests on Silias. He wouldn't kill the person who created him - as he is grateful Silias exists - but he's furious at the idea that someone caused him pain.Silias would kill the doctor that started the experiment. He is the only person that he would ever react violently towards.Makota would kill the person heading her torture - if she was to escape.
21. Your character has been granted 3 wishes; what would they wish for and why?
Kaiden would wish for his freedom, the freedom of his friends, and to have his matesprit back from the dead.Feruzi would wish for strength, Silias' freedom, and the chance to return to his hive.Silias would wish away his pains, get freedom for the others, and meet Kaiden in person.Makota would wish for her own freedom, Kaiden's freedom, and a hive that she could call her own.
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Kaiden swallowed awkwardly, accidentally making himself cough. Jake was right, it wasn't fair. But nothing on this damn planet was, and he knew that better than most.
blatantArmageddon: I think the one thing 4ll trolls h4ve in common is our fe4r of the Imperi4l Drones. blatantArmageddon: I only s4w them once before I r4n, but my m4tesprit... he s4w them twice... blatantArmageddon: but th4t w4s 4 long time 4go now...
the-four-runaways started following you
Kaiden smirked a little, running a hand through his messy hair as he thought about how to word it. Would it be too much to go into the romantic side of it too? Probably. Even he didn’t fully understand what the hell was going on there.
blatantArmageddon: It’s more complex th4n you might think. I’ll le4ve out the things th4t 4re… difficult.  blatantArmageddon: B4sic4lly, we c4n’t know our p4rents bec4use liter4lly 4ll the genetic m4teri4l supplied to the Mother Grub is mixed up in these m4ssive buckets. blatantArmageddon: If your don’t h4ve 4 p4rtner to supply the m4teri4l with, the drones who collect it cull you on the spot.
Well, that covered the basics at least.
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30 Uncommon Character Development Questions ( send me a number )
What position does your character sleep in? ( i.e; stomach, side, back, etc. ) Describe why they do this — optional.
Does your character have any noteworthy features? Freckles? Dimples? A scar somewhere unusual? etc.
Does your character have an accent? What does it sound like?
Do they have any verbal tics? Do they have trouble pronouncing certain words or getting their thoughts across clearly?
What are their chief tension areas? 
If you were to pick one song — and only one song — to describe your character, what would it be and why?
How does your character perceive themselves? Positive? Negative? Neutral?
Are they a quick thinker or do they need time to sort through their thoughts?
Does your character dream or are their nights filled with an empty blackness? Describe a dream they’ve had or a night they couldn’t sleep and what they did to preoccupy their time.
If they had a choice, would they prefer a subway or a bus for public transportation?
What do they think of creation? Do they believe in evolution or do they believe in God? What is their religion like?
Describe 5 unusual characteristics your muse has.
Have they ever been so overwhelmed they had to stop and take a break from something? 
Are they a team player or do they prefer to be solo?
Can they multi-task or must they focus on one subject at a time?
What are their best school subjects? What are their worst? List five of each.
Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? How do they handle big crowds of people?
Are they a leader, do they prefer to follow, or would they rather just stay on the sidelines altogether?
If your character was suddenly challenged, would they rather run away or stay and fight?
If your character was allowed to murder one person without any consequences, who would that person be and why?
Your character has been granted 3 wishes; what would they wish for and why?
Does your character trust people right off the bat or does it take them some time to warm up to someone?
Do they prefer romance or affection? What is the quickest way to your character’s heart?
Does your character have any enemies? If so, who and why?
Do they have any weird bedroom habits? Any unusual kinks?
How does your character prepare for bed? Do they sleep at all or can they stay awake for days on end without trouble?
If your character had one thing to say to their parents before they died, what would it be?
Are they afraid of death? Do they have any regrets?
Does your character get restless when things are too quiet or do they favour solitude and silence? Why?
Finally; if your character was forced to eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would they choose and why?
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Kaiden smirked a little, running a hand through his messy hair as he thought about how to word it. Would it be too much to go into the romantic side of it too? Probably. Even he didn't fully understand what the hell was going on there.
blatantArmageddon: It's more complex th4n you might think. I'll le4ve out the things th4t 4re... difficult.  blatantArmageddon: B4sic4lly, we c4n't know our p4rents bec4use liter4lly 4ll the genetic m4teri4l supplied to the Mother Grub is mixed up in these m4ssive buckets. blatantArmageddon: If your don't h4ve 4 p4rtner to supply the m4teri4l with, the drones who collect it cull you on the spot.
Well, that covered the basics at least.
the-four-runaways started following you
blatantArmageddon;  It’s kind of impossible to know who our p4rents 4re. Uh… it’s 4 bit difficult to expl4in, but I’ll gl4dly try if you w4nt?
Kaiden knew very well that trolls reproduction was very different to that of other species, and was well aware that it might be difficult to explain to Jake, but he might as well try. It was this or explaining to the others that he let Makota get captured. 
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