All earnings go directly to my savings account to move out. Long story short, I’m back in my abusive household but with more opportunity to save and move out for good.
Please contact me if you’d like a reading! I can offer any spread under my tarot spreads tag (which is updated constantly), or custom spreads. As little as $1 a card or less (prices up for negotiation) I’d take just about anything at this point.
Please spread the word if you’re not able to commission me 🙏 it’s for a good cause and it’s all I’ve got at the moment.
Life and light to you all 🔮
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Aesthetic for a frisk&chara (in my canon I was chara first and then came back at frisk years later after I died, so I was like the same person kinda) with hints of flowers/the general Undertale aesthetic? Idk how to describe that aaa
[ art source��] i’m very happy with how this came out, i hope you like it! ☆ mod ponyo
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Beep!! It’s me
i need more people to follow so like or reblog this if:
you’re vampirekin
you’re monsterkin
you id has anybody from undertale
you id as anybody from harry potter
you id as anybody from pokemon (including pokemon sun and moon)
you’re just otherkin/fictionkin in general
you post dark aesthetics and/or photography
you post goth fashion and/or aesthetics
you post about harry potter
you post about pokemon
you post anything relating to witchcraft, whether it be spells, tips, tarot spreads, or sigils
you post anything relating to undertale
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Stimboard for a Frisk who stayed in Waterfall a lot requested by anon
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mod pork
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Reblog this post if you know/support/or am someone who is kin.
This includes Otherkin, Fictionkin, and all kin not mentioned.
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My canon/memories
TW: self harm mention, murder/killing/general mental unwellness mention, knife mentions, child abuse mentions
- I was chara and frisk, both in the same canon. Basically I was chara first, and then when I died, a while later I came back as frisk. It’s very similar to how the game is since chara and frisk share the same determined soul
- I was non binary as both. Any pronouns used are fine ! So if you remember me as a she, that’s okay, and if you remember me as a he, that’s also ok! Same with They
- but I’m gonna section these memories off into chara and frisk so it’s more organized
- as Chara I cut myself a lot, I used the same knife I used to kill monsters. My sweater hid most of the wounds but it has blood stains on it. I don’t think anybody knew since I didn’t really tell anyone besides asriel. I think I had like a demon form for when I went “crazy” as chara (aka when I went on big murder sprees or was hurting myself). The only thing different is that my voice changed and my eyes turned red. But I only really did that in private, no one else knew, except I showed it infront of asriel a few times when I was planning on killing asgore and him
- I was like,, rly fucked up as chara and liked seeing blood, but only really in private because when I was around asriel and the others I was fairly happy
- I had either brown eyes or green eyes. But when I was all demonboy on frisk at the end of genocide route my eyes were red
- I was rly pale
- my hair was really straight and was also cut straight, somewhat thin hair?
- at the end of genocide route I said to frisk “don’t you remember?” Since we’re the same person, I think I also said something explaining the weird memories I had as frisk
- as both of them I preferred butterscotch. I really liked caramel though, I think toriel made it for me as Chara and asriel once and it got stuck in his fur
- I love asriel a lot, i was constantly stuck between if I should’ve continued killing or not because of asriel. But those feelings subsided and I continued killing
- as much as I loved asriel, I loved him a lot more as frisk, when I was more mentally stable. As chara I had a lot of second guesses like “should I really be doing this?” But I did it anyway
- How I was is really accurate to the games chara- it’s hard to explain but I’m sure u understand if you’ve played the game !!
- when I fell down the hole, I jumped into it. It wasn’t a suicide thing, it was more of a self destruction thing, like I had no hope left on the above world so I would just do whatever I could find ig?
- as chara I was abused by my parents, so after a fight I ran away and found myself in the mount ebott. It was fairly close to my house so I have adventured there before, but my parents always told me not to because of the whole Legend of “those who go, never return”
- as chara I only really remember asriel, asgore, and toriel. I only met the others a few times
- everything else that happened as chara is pretty much accurate to the games story
- i either had blue, green, or brown eyes
- my hair was rly flowy and cut choppily, rly thick wavy hair
- definitely had freckles
-I was a more tan than I was as chara, I might have been either First Nations or Asian?
- as frisk my dad abused me, but not as bad as it was as chara, and this time it wasn’t both parents, it was only my step dad. It was more mental and verbal abuse, while with chara it was both physical and verbal.
- as frisk my mom loved me, though. When I ran away after my dad yelled at me again she was frantic and wanted to know where I was. I think once I got out of the underground, I met up with her again while I was living with toriel, and it was a really nice feeling
- when I fell down the hole, this time I tripped over a root and fell down. I think I passed out once I fell onto the flowers, and when I woke up Toriel was there
- I loved toriel sm, she took me in as her own, and I really wanted to stay with her. I stayed with her for a month or so, but then I left. I didn’t want to, but I knew I needed to. I found little pieces of paper in my room that were drawn by chara
- as frisk I always got weird memories of stuff I did as chara. Like the underground seemed really familiar and I had no idea why, up until I met chara at the end of genocide and I figured it all out- that we are the same person
- my canon is mostly pacifist route esq, but there was one time where I did a genocide route because my memories of what I did as chara were really strong, almost possessive
- I used to flop and play asriels ears by pinching them at the base and slapping them against his head. I did that as Chara too. So when I met asriel as frisk he mentioned how I did the same as his old sibling who wasn’t very nice
- my toriel was very warm and loved the colour purple, the house often smelt of lavender
- I hung out with alphys a lot, we bounded over anime and would spend hours watching it while eating ramen and popcorn in our PJs. Alphys had pink pj bottoms with white clouds and anime girls on them , it was,, so good
- undyne and alphys were gAY AS HELL. Undyne was a total butch lesbian who could beat someone up, such a buff gorl
- undyne would always lift alphys up and squish her stomach and thighs
- I think undyne had red eyes, they weren’t creepy or anything tbh they fit her rly well. She also has some piercings. I think a tongue, nose, ear/fin, maybe eyebrow? Maybe lip?
- undyne was a total softy despite her tough look and voice. She loved cooking and making her dishes all pretty, like a fuckin top chef, if Hell’s Kitchen was in the underground she would win
- at the end of pacifist, I remember toriel was like “don’t you have somewhere to go home to? I’m sure they really miss you” and I went quiet and lowered my head, and toriel said “oh..” and kneeled down to my height and said “are your parents mean to you?” And I nodded my head and while she hugged me I said “I want to stay with you” into her shoulders
- as frisk I did a couple different routes-
First, a pacifist
Secondly, a genocide
3rd and so on: a few neutral
And last, a last pacifist route, and I never reset the timeline again because I was so happy
#self harm#abuse#death#kin#fictionkin#undertalekin#canoncall#canon call#kincall#otherkin#before you follow#byf
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Golden Flowers and the firs fallen human
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I love it when my partner colors things. ♥◡♥
(Collaboration between me and @lay-doubt-to-rest).
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I just find out how to colour my traditional sketches with phone! Daaayummm (Bonus point if u know who’s style i’ve used)
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