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The Hills Have Eyes (1977) Halloween (1978) The Amityville Horror (1979) Cujo (1983) The Lost Boys (1987) A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988) Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989) Silence of the Lambs (1991) Dawn of the Dead (2004) Crawl (2019)
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Chapter 09. Doggone It
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You aim your pistol at the sky-
“WAIT!” Wilford shouts.
It’s too late. You’ve already fired.
“What the hell was that for?” Wilford frowns. “You just wasted a perfectly good bullet!”
You tell him you are Alexander Hamilton, and that you are not throwing away your shot. You’re about to recite the first song from memory when Wilford says,
“But… you just did throw away your shot.”
You stare, remembering the overpowering emotion from the end of Act Two. You remember Burr, trying to get to Hamilton but was ushered away. You remember Eliza’s beautiful song… she put herself back in the narrative…
Emotion overpowers you. You crumple dramatically to the ground.
Wilford nudges you with his foot. “Are you okay?”
All you can say is she put herself back in the narrative.
Wilford doesn’t know how to react. He picks you up bridal style and starts walking to the house. You remain limp, as if you’ve died. Wilford walks with you in his arms to a large sitting room. The giant dog Diva is curled up like a cinnamon roll, with Dark laying across her while reading a book.
“Yes, Wilford?” Dark asks, looking up from his book.
“I don’t know what’s going on here.” He huffs. “They fired a gun into the air, and then said their name was Alexander Hamilton? And then they became like this after muttering something about the narrative…” Wilford sounds genuinely worried. 
“These are all references to the masterpiece that is the musical Hamilton.” Dark explains calmly. “I can see why they’d react this way. I also found the ending heartbreaking.”
You jump out of Wilford’s arms and look up at Dark. His blue aura is shining more dominantly than the red, and there’s a gentler look to his eyes.
You ask if you can join him up on Diva’s back.
“I suppose.” He says, and offers you a hand to get up. You accept it, and pull yourself up. You get to work scratching behind Diva’s ears.
Yes, good work. Keep at it.
You grin and scratch harder. You see Dark smile and pat Diva’s side.
“You’re such a good pup, Diva, yes you are. You’re the best pupper ever.” He says in baby talk, and you laugh quietly. He looks at you with a small smile. “Sorry, my dog really brings out the sentiment in me.”
You tell him its fine, and notice his blue aura is even stronger than before.
Wilford climbs up on Diva, sitting close to Dark. The two chat between each other, and the other egos slowly file in.
“The Host sits by Diva, directly underneath the newcomer.” The Host says as he sits.
“This dog is of impractical size.” Google remarks. “Such a dog shouldn’t exist.”
“Nahh man jus’ look at her!” Bing grins. “Diva’s the raddest dog around!”
“Think we could sell her?” Ed remarks. “Ya know, like, buy ten kids get a giant dog free?”
“Is that all you think of, Ed?” Bim huffs, his cousins not far behind.
“There she is.” Field reporter Jim whispers. “The dog supreme.”
“Ah, and a good dog suppreme she is.” Anchorman Jim says, nodding.
Cameraman Jim gets the shot, focusing his camera.
Weatherman Jim tests the air. “Still dry.”
Dr. Iplier brings up the rear. “As a doctor, it’s my professional opinion that everyone needs at least twenty minutes with Diva a day.”
You grin, all the egos snuggling into Diva. The Jims sit on her tail, which whomps around the room. The Jims hold on tightly.
Good. All of my minions are here.
You laugh happily and hug Diva. Dark smiles and pats her side, calling her a good girl. You’re so comfy you could fall asleep.
All bonus links can be found at @the-ego-estate-storyblog , 9.1-9.2
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Chapter 9.1.
You aim your pistol at the sky-
You imagined death so much it feels like a memory.
Is this where it gets you? On your feet, several feet ahead of you?
You see it coming, do you run, or fire your gun or let it be?
There is no beat, no melody.
Wil, your first friend, your enemy.
Maybe the last face you’ll ever see.
If you throw away your shot, is this how they’ll remember you?
What if this bullet is your legacy?
Legacy! What is a legacy?
It’s planting seeds in a garden you’ll never get to see.
You wrote some notes at the beginning of a song someone’ll sing for you.
Estates, you great unfinished symphony you sent for me!
You let me make a difference.
A place where even orphaned immigrants can leave their fingerprints and-
Rise up! You’re running out of time, I’m running and my time’s up!
Wise up! Eyes up!
You catch a glimpse of the otherside.
The Host leads a soldier’s chorus on the otherside.
My Bim is on the other side, he is with my Jims on the otherside.
Darkiplier is watching from the otherside!
Teach me how to say goodbye!
Rise up! Rise up! Rise up!
My love take your time.
You’ll see him on the other side.
Raise a glass to freedom.
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Chapter 9.2.
You tell him its fine, and notice his blue aura is even stronger than before.
You point out that his blue aura is completely overpowering the red. He tenses, and the colors shift, the red becoming more apparent.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He says through gritted teeth, glancing at Wilford once.
You don’t understand. You carry on.
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Chapter 08. Wil-friend Warfstache
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You tell the Host you’d like to get to know Wilford better. He smiles and nods. “That’s a good choice. Wilford’s a nice guy.”
You turn to head back into the house, only to bump into Dark. He cracks his neck, frowning. “Host, what have you been whispering in our friends’ ears?” He asks.
“Nothing important.” The Host replies calmly.
Dark doesn’t look convinced but he lets it go. He returns his attention to you. “Where are you off to?”
You tell him you want to see Wilford, and maybe try and be his friend.
Dark almost immediately softens, looking surprised. The gentleness doesn’t last more than a second. “Get to it then. I’m sure Wilford would appreciate some new company.”
You nod and leave Dark and the Host alone on the grounds.
When you walk into the house, the foyer is completely changed, now with a grand staircase down the center that twists around to the top.
“Wilford… I don’t know about this!” You hear Bim shout.
“Don’t be a wuss, Bim! Nothing bad’ll happen, just trust me.” Wilford replies.
You fear the worst. You swallow hard and wait.
Bim yelps like a small dog, and then there’s thudding as something comes down the stairs. You’re pleasantly surprised to see that it’s Wilford and Bim, riding a mattress down the staircase. Bim looks terrified, and Wilford looks like a happy go lucky child.
The mattress gets caught on the last stair, and both Bim and Wilford fall forward onto the floor. Wilford laughs. “That was soooo cool! Bim, Bim! Lets do that again!”
Bim smiles a little, the fear still in his eyes. “Ye-yeah. That actually was fun…”
You clear your throat. They both look at you. “Oh hello~!” Wilford grins. “Wanna try with us? It’s super fun!”
You think about it and nod. Wilford looks ecstatic. “Alrighty! Let’s get this puppy back up the stairs!”
You offer to help them up, which both Bim and Wilford accept. You drag the mattress back up the stairs. Bim gets on first, and you sit behind him, wrapping your arms around his middle. Wilford sits behind you and does the same thing.
“Ready?” Wilford grins.
You and Bim chorus with a loud No.
“Here we go~!” Wilford laughs, pushing you guys off.
It is a terrifying experince, bumping up and down the stairs, especially with Wilford rocking back and forth. You regret this decision.
The mattress gets caught on the last stair again, and you all slump over on the floor, you and Wilford slumping onto Bim more so.
“You’re both too heavy! Get off!” Bim pleads.
“Is that a comment on our figures, Bim?” Wilford huffs.
“Wilford please! Off!”
You and Wilford get off of Bim. He continues to lay on the floor, panting. Wilford looks at you. “Wanna go shoot some guns?”
You shrug. Why not?
Wilford grins and drags you to his room. He hands you a gun.
“Do you know how to shoot one of these?”
Yes - No
“Splendid! Let’s go!” Wilford grins, running out of the house. He takes you back onto the grounds. He points out different targets, like bushes, statues and bottles there are set up. With shaky hands, you shoot all these things.
“Oh bully! I haven’t had this much fun since Damien and I took Diva to the beach!” He declares.
You carry on, surveying your surroundings, wondering what to shoot next.
Reminder that all answers marked with an asterisk ’*’ are paths for the Dark ending.
@xdamienplier @ironwoman359 @evanisonfire @phantomiplier @aku-anon @mltcp @thedundundunnnsong @alliedoesstuff @pantasticpanini @sans-the-comic @nammies @the-asexual-reaper @triple-alu-trouble @ourherostan @sassy-in-glasses @the-real-bubblegum-bitch @jiiiimmmm-with-dyed-hair @the-host-will-answer @edible-napkin @simon-seppa @nikkyshows @punknerdmusings @aduialz @fortunatelymagnificentdetective @temmiethenoob @bladesofaura13 @ererishipper16 @jimprotectionsquad
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Chapter 8.5.
“Oh bully! I haven’t had this much fun since Damien and I took Diva to the beach!”
You ask who Damien is, concerned as to just how many people live in that house.
Wilford looks confused. “What? Who said Damien?”
You point out that he did.
“No no no. I said Dark. No worries, guns are loud. You probably misheard me.” He grins.
You shrug and keep shooting.
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Chapter 8.4.
“Aw, it’s no problem. Warfstache’ll teach ya everything you need to know.” He grins and winks.
You are confused and scared.
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Chapter 8.3.
“If I haven’t taught you, then no you haven’t. Don’t worry, I’ll teach you.” He pats you on the back.
You are confused and scared
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Chapter 8.2.
“Alrighty! Let’s get this puppy back up the stairs!”
When Willford says ‘puppy’, you can hear a sound like thunder bellow through the house. You, Bim and Wilford look up to see a giant golden retriever, with a small, dark aura aroundr her. On her back are a couple of Jims.
“Pink Jim, Bim Jim, New Jim! Help!” The Jims yell. You don’t know what to do. Neither does Bim, it looks like. He clings to you, visibly freaked out. You end up holding each other as the giant dog rampages through the foyer, the whomp of her tail breaking a vase.
“Now now Diva!” Wilford huffs. “Calm down, girl. Down, let the Jims down.”
Diva doesn’t obey. You cannot control me, little man. You hear a voice say.
“Is that any way to talk to me? Lil old Warfy, the one who sneaks you table scraps?” Wilford fakes hurt. “Maybe I should tell your papa about that, since you’re obviously ungrateful.”
Diva whines, a sound very similar to Dark’s ringing. I am sorry, Wilford. Don’t tell papa. She lays down on her stomach. The Jims slide down off her back.
“Did you get the shot?” One asks the other. The other nods.
Wilford grins and walks over to scratch her ears. You slowly pull away from Bim and slowly approach Diva. She sniffs you. You are trustworthy.
You thank Diva for her trust and scratch some fur you can reach.
“Aw, what a good pup!” Wilford coos. “Alright, alright. Run along now. Go terrorize the Googles.” He grins.
Diva takes off with a sprint, and the Jims chase after her.
You smile. Diva is a sweet pup.
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Chapter 8.1.
You nod and leave Dark and the Host alone on the grounds.
Dark looks at the Host. “Don’t meddle where you don’t belong.” He warns.
“I think it’s a little late for that.” The Host smiles. “I don’t think we’re going to get your ending. Who knows, maybe even you will be happy at the end of this.”
Dark glares at the blind man, and leaves him alone on the property. The Host lets out a sigh of relief.
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Chapter 07. Out On a Walk
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The Host’s face lights up even before you have the opportunity to tell him you’d like to spend time with him. “I’m very honored. I thought perhaps I was becoming too boring for you.” He shrugs, still smiling.
He gets up, and you follow him outside to a fork between two paths. “Well, here we are.” He smiles. “Now, I know you’re interested in Dark and what he’ll do to you. If you asked any questions about that, go ahead and click this sentence. All your answers are there.”
You both wait a moment. The Host then starts down the lighter of the two paths, and you follow. He’s smiling.
“Alright, well.” He clears his throat. “Ironwoman, thank you for asking, I am doing very well today. And I was doing well when you asked. Overall, pretty good.”
You’re surprised by his sudden talking. You hadn’t said anything.
“Anonymous asked how long we’ve been living here?” He carries on. “Since our creation. Dark was here first, or perhaps Wilford was… it’s a blur, honestly. But once we were created, we moved in.
“Timelordlullaby asked about who I like to hang out with. I like listening to Bim and Wilford interact. They’re very close, when they aren’t fighting. And of course the Jims.” The Host laughs. “The Jims are wonderful!”
You smile and agree.
“Of course you agree. The Jims are the most popular egos in this narrative.” The Host smiles. “Carrying on, Sans The Comic asked about my inspiration. I kinda get it from… everything. There’s a lot in this world. A lot of tones, contextes… everything.” He seems at a loss for words. It’s kinda cute, watching him get wrapped up in his passion. “Being blind cuts off one of my inspiration inputs,” He chuckles. “So I make up for it by being extra observant with my listening. My uh, extra sight helps too.
"Know what’s stupid?” He says suddenly. “I can see you. Everyone who’s reading this, I know you’re there. But in the post explaining the Dark route? I tripped over a rock! I can see so many possibilities and worlds, but not a rock right in front of me.” He sounds bitter, as if he’s been bottling this up for a while.
You’re stunned into silence, and you just watch him.
He sighs and shakes his head. “Sorry, it’s just frustrating.”
You forgive him and tell him you imagine it is.
“The last question, one I thought would be a good one to end on, is also from Timelordlullaby. How will the universe end, with a whisper or a bang?” He pauses, contemplating his answer. “Aren’t both equally as damaging? Surely Dark and Wilford have proven this. I suppose…It depends on your perspective, for the loudest of bangs can be but a whisper to those used to it, and the quietest of whispers can be a bang to those unaccustomed. In the end, all we can do is prepare for both.”
He sighs. “That’s the end of our journey today. It’s time again for you to vote. Every choice has a consequence. Be wary.”
@xdamienplier @ironwoman359 @evanisonfire @phantomiplier @aku-anon @mltcp @thedundundunnnsong @alliedoesstuff @pantasticpanini @sans-the-comic @nammies @the-asexual-reaper @triple-alu-trouble @ourherostan @sassy-in-glasses @the-real-bubblegum-bitch @jiiiimmmm-with-dyed-hair @the-host-will-answer @edible-napkin @simon-seppa @nikkyshows @punknerdmusings @aduialz
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Chapter 7.1.
The Host waits for a second, before he continues on. “So, you want to know about Dark and the Dark path.” He says. “If you insist, of course I’ll tell you.”
You don’t remember having made this choice. Still you walk with him down a shady trail.
“Sassy would like to know what I know about Dark’s manipulation, since I’ve implied I’ve witnessed it before. I have, in fact. Many times. He’s done it to everyone in the house, except the Jims. He makes you do bad things, makes you think its for the right reason, and soon you’re doing them regardless of good or evil. Pitting Google and Bing against each other, convincing the good doctor everyone he knows is dying, Bim’s overflated ego… He twists people. It used to be worse. You’re seeing the watered down remnants of his work.”
You shudder and keep listening to him, unsure of what to say.
“One of the Anonymous asked about Dark’s motivations. If there’s a reason aside from just being manipulative and making people his toys.” The Host trips on a rock, and you catch him before he can topple. “The answer is,” He carries on. “No. He gets bored and loves to make people suffer. Loves to watch them crumble in on themselves.”
You hold onto his arm as you guys walk, scared he’ll trip again. “Continuing on,” He insists. “Punknerdmusings asked about the house. And,” He laughs. “No, no the house doesn’t make sense. It’s constantly changing to fit its whims. But it’s not malicious like Markiplier Manor. It won’t let us kill each other, but it does help to heal us if accidents were to happen. For us to die, it would take an outside influence.
"Which leads smoothly into Ironwoman’s question,” The Host nods. “Am I liberty to say why I want to keep the Protagonist away from Dark? I am, but I thought perhaps it would seem a little over the top to just outright state why I want to keep You away from Dark. He can use the Protagonist to kill us. Dark can’t do it himself, but having You here as a pawn makes it possible. Giving into his power is the only true bad ending, and it will mean the end of my life, and probably everyone else’s.
"Not many were super interested in the Dark ending until somebody went and posted the first step down that path.” He mutters.
You’re not sure who he’s referring to.
The Host scoffs and carries on. “Another Anonymous asked what is the Dark ending like. It has blood, loss and misery, as well as you missing your ability to choose. This narrative will become linear. No more polls. Just Dark calling the shots. He isn’t very fond of choices. Not since…”
He sighs. “Well, Aduialz, might as well answer your question now. Yes, I know his past, and Wilford’s. I know what went down at Markiplier Manor. He doesn’t like that I know. In fact, if he got you under his thumb, he’d have you kill me first.”
The Host grips your arm tighter, and you reciprocate the touch, hoping to comfort him. He’s scared, but carries on.
“The last question, again Anonymous, asks if you all are safe from Dark.” He shakes his head. “Unless you take certain actions, he will always be there, tempting you. When you go back to the main post, you can see your options in the poll. Oh, one last thing before you go.”
He turns to face you, and you stare at the bandages were his eyes should be. “When you cast your vote, remember that Dark is the sum of two parts. One of your options will have to deal with that.”
The Host makes himself smile. “Alright, go on back to the main post. I hope this cleared up some issues.”
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Chapter 06. Breakfast
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You sit between the group of Jims and the Host. Cameraman Jim grins at you. “Hello new Jim!” He waves.
You smile and wave back. Out of curiosity, you ask Cameraman Jim what everyone’s name is.
“Oh! That’s TV Jim,” He says, pointing at Bim. “Also known as Bim Jim. That’s Squirrel Jim, that’s Chef Jim, that’s Doctor Jim, Hero Jim,” He points at Silver. “Child Seller Jim.” He says, pointing at Ed. “Bing Jim, Google Jim, you know Radio Jim and Dark Jim and Pink Jim.”
Dark and Pink must be Dark and Wilford. You smile and nod, thanking him for telling you.
Jim sees you have no food and scrambles, getting you a yogurt covered bacon strip, an egg fried with marshmallow cereal in the whites, a piece of half cooked toast and an orange drink that looks like milk but smells like orange juice.
You’re terrified to try any of it, but the large smile Jim gives makes you try a bite of the egg.
It tastes horrible. You swallow it out of politeness.
“I’m glad that you are here with us now.” The Host comments, smiling. “I was scared last night, and rightfully too, considering how the odds were.”
You don’t understand what he means.
“Anyway, if you could, I beg of you to keep going the way you are now, do not stray and wander down the dark path.”
You ask if he means a dark path.
“No, the dark path.” He insists. He’s quiet for a moment before adding softly. “To see you become something like that? I think it would kill me.”
There’s something off about the way he says it. As if he’s… not being metaphorical. A chill goes down your spine.
The moment breaks as a distraction ensues.
Once that clears up, and everyone has settled, the room goes silent. You turn, and you see Dark coming down the stairs.He’s rubbing his eyes, erasing all signs of sleep from his face. Wilford is right behind him, smiling brightly. Conversation carries on from before once everyone has seen who it was coming down the stairs. You continue to watch them. Wilford pulls Dark into a tight hug before they take their seats at either end of the table. 
“Etiquette states that the husband and wife do not sit next to each other at the table.” You hear Google remark, and you turn to him. His brother, Bing, laughs loudly. 
“Edgelord and Bubblegum Bitch aren’t married, you idiot!” He grins.
Without hesitation, Wilford pulls his gun, aims it at Bing, and fires. The bullet pierces his right shoulder. Sparks fly and circuits fall out, and Bing looks insulted. You have chills. You realize Wilford is reading the paper and sipping his tea. He hadn’t even looked up. 
“Da fuq?!” Bing demands, not in pain, due to being a robot. Dr. Iplier sighs and mutters something about his Ph.D. not being in robotics before dragging Bing off to the infirmary.
You sneak a glance at Dark, who is smirking up at Wilford as he sips his coffee. There’s a strange air between them you can’t place, but it isn’t the evil you experienced firsthand from Dark last night.
You aren’t sure what you want to do today, but you have a few ideas.
Click me
@xdamienplier @ironwoman359 @evanisonfire @phantomiplier @aku-anon @mltcp @thedundundunnnsong @alliedoesstuff @pantasticpanini @sans-the-comic @nammies @the-asexual-reaper @triple-alu-trouble @ourherostan @sassy-in-glasses @the-real-bubblegum-bitch @jiiiimmmm-with-dyed-hair @the-host-will-answer @edible-napkin @nikkyshows @punknerdmusings @aduialz
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For those interested in the ‘Dark Route’, choosing one of these options will have ramifications in the journey there.
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Chapter 6.1.
Anchorman Jim gets on the table, standing among the food as tall as he can. He clears his throat.
“I just wanted to deliver the news for today before we begin.”  And he begins to recite gibberish. You take this moment to gauge everyone’s reaction to the interruption.
They all seem content in this announcement, aside from Google and Bing, and flinch. Finally Google says quietly, “This isn’t accurate information.”
All four Jims tense. “What did you say?” Anchorman Jim asks.
“This isn’t real news.” Google repeats. All the other members of the household hold their breaths.
Jim looks devastated. “How could you say that, Google?”
“Of course it’s true! All Jim news is true!” Weatherman Jim says. “On that matter, I’d like to let everyone know that today the sun is going to explode, so make sure to put on extra sunscreen.”
“That’s not true either!” Google insists.
“C’mon man, I know it’s cringey, but let them be.” Bing offers, nudging his brother.
“No! I’m tired of all these news reports that have no factual basis!”
Anchorman Jim slowly goes down to his seat, hanging his head. You reach over to comfort him, quietly telling him you believe in his news. He perks up a little, and all four Jims hug you to show their appreciation.
Meanwhile, everyone at the table is yelling at Google.
“I don’t give a care who ya think you are!” Ed shouts. “It’s rule number one here, do not upset the Jims! Hell, even the high and mighty Dark follows that one!”
“Those are my cousins you insulted! Apologize!” Bim shouts.
“I don’t have a pill to fix a broken heart, Google, you should admit you made a mistake now.” Dr. Iplier says.
Chef Iplier comes around with cheesecake and brownies to offer the Jims. They accept them happily, and offer you some. You eat a few bites of each.
Google doesn’t budge. “I’m not going to apologize for something true!”
Finally Silver Shepherd gets up. He leaps onto the table and tackles the android. The Jims let you go so you can stand up and watch.
It ends as soon as it begins, with the two being separated, and everyone muttering quietly about how bad Google is being today.
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Chapter 05. Dark Soothed
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You don’t know how to help Dark. You think quickly, then you get it. Wilford! He likes Wilford, doesn’t he? You run out of the room and knock on Wilford’s door. He’s wearing bright pink pajamas at this hour, and he yawns.
“Why hello!” He exclaims, albeit sleepily. “How was your tour today?”
You tell him it went fine, thank you, then quickly tell him Dark is crying and you don’t know how to deal with it. Wilford’s eyes widen. He closes the door, and when he opens it a second later, he’s wearing the yellow button up and pink suspenders again. His gun is holstered, and he sprints past you to Dark’s room.
“Dark! I’m here!”
“Ugh, Wilford get off of me!”
Dark doesn’t sound distressed anymore. Confused, you walk back into Dark’s room. He’s composed, he’s glaring down at Wilford, who is hugging him tightly, he’s frowning and most importantly…
He’s fine.
“It’s okay to be sad Dark. I’ll go and get all your favorite things-”
“Wil, no.” Dark huffed.
“-like dark chocolate and dark comedies and-”
“Wilford I’m fine.”
“-I’ll shoot whomever did this Dark I swear! Was it Bim Trimmer? I bet it was.” Wilford pulled out his gun. “Say the word Dark and I’ll-”
“Wilford I was trying to manipulate our guest!” Dark yells. Wilford glances between you and Dark. You’re unbelievably angry that Dark tried to play you. Dark is still being clung to by Wilford, and is looking defeated and annoyed.
“That’s what you always say.” Wilford finally says with a huff. “I’ll go get the movies and chocolate and things! Stay right here!” He launches himself out of the room and runs off.
Dark looks at you, and he sighs. “Please stay with us. When genuinely upset, Wilford’s antics are endearing, but since I’m fine it’ll be a lot to handle on my own.”
You tell him no. You tell him he got himself into this mess.
Wilford comes back, again wearing his fuzzy pink pajamas. He has a laptop, chocolate, and a comfy pillow. When Dark sees him, his original annoyance melts away some, and his usually vibrant aura, with it’s cracking and shifting, looks a little less menacing. He even smiles.
“This is all a kind gesture, Wil.” Dark says, and Wilford shrugs.
“So! Honored guest,” Wilford grins at you. “Wanna stay in my room? I don’t mind, since I’ll be here.”
You smile and tell Wilford thank you before leaving them alone. You go into the hall and close the door behind you. You sneak into Wilford’s room, careful not to wake the others.
Wilford’s bed is snug, comfy and soft, aside from the handgun you find under his pillow. After putting said handgun on the bedside table, it takes you maybe thirty seconds to fall asleep.
Morning, Day 2
You wake up feeling rested and ready to go. You wake up and walk out into the hall. Out of curiosity, you glance into Dark’s room. Wilford and Dark are still asleep, laying peacefully next to each other.
You leave and follow the sounds of clatter down to a large dining hall. There, you see Chef Iplier, Dr. Iplier, the Host, Bim Trimmer, the King of the Squirrels and a huddle of four Jims. There’s also a man with a glowing G on his blue shirt, a man wearing the Bing logo sitting next to him, a guy in a cowboy hat, a guy in a silver cape. They all look up as you walk in, and you’re not sure how to handle this.
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Chapter 5.1.
You tell him he got himself into this mess.
You also call him a manipulative ass, and that he's lucky to have such caring and nice friends. You are fuming that he tried to trick you. You tell him as much, and that you almost fell for it. You were very close to caving in and giving him a hug and a pat on the back. Good thing you didn't. Who knows what would have happened if you did? Maybe he would've killed you. Or worse.
Dark is looking at the ground. He looks genuinely guilty. "I'm sorry." He murmurs, wiping at the eyeliner stained on his face from fake crying. "I won't do it again. I swear." He opens his arms for a hug. "I promise "
You stare at him. You ask him if he thinks you're stupid.
His "guilt" melts into a smirk. "Perhaps a little. Though you prove to be smarter than I gave you credit for. I look forward to the day I get under your skin. And believe me, that day will come." His usual ringing becomes louder. His eyes narrow down at you, and his next words are a snarl. "I promise."
You have a newfound fear for the master of the house.
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