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Hi, could you tell me what you think about the relationship between Laito and Kanato? Do you think Laito prefers doing stuff with kanato or Ayato? Thanks~ I love ur blog, pls keep it up!!
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All of the triplets were relatively close when they were kids and Laito and Kanato were actually around each other a lot since Cordelia often put all of her attention of Ayato. Laito and Kanato had nobody else to hang around with. Because of the conflict between Cordelia and Beatrix the triplets would scarcely if ever be around Shu and Reiji and Subaru was always close by to his mother. They also probably had it engraved in their heads that their other siblings meant jack shit and shouldn’t be acknowledged, therefore if Laito and Kanato wanted company they really only had each other and Ayato when Ayato was allowed to play.
However, that doesn’t mean that they were best buds by any means. Laito and Kanato have very little in common aside from they want mommy dearest to die. Going back to when the boys were really young, before Cordelia started abusing Laito sexually and he adapted his perverse way of thinking, he was (and still is) a pretty chill guy. Kanato on the other had is not. He’s always been mentally unstable and chances are Kanato’s ideas of games freaked Laito out and his tantrums would have made his brother less than eager to hang out with him. 
Kanato is the odd one of the triplets. While Laito and Ayato have quite a lot in common and click better, Kanato does not, he is drastically different from his triplets and in my personal headcanons I believe Laito and Ayato have some kind of twin telepathy thing and are very in tuned to each other’s thoughts and emotions but Kanato doesn’t have that. Even in terms of appearance Kanato is the odd one out and in a lot of cases he feels alone because he’s not like his triplets and doesn’t have that bond that his brothers have. As children he was a last resort and then he was the one Laito and Ayato would pull pranks on because he’s an easy target.
Laito definitely prefers doing stuff with Ayato and in my opinion considers Ayato his favourite brother. Twin telepathy aside, Ayato seems to be the one he goes to when he does want to hang out, he’s also the first he’ll go to when he wants to “share his food.” They have drifted apart a lot since childhood and aren’t nearly as close as they used to be, they actually don’t acknowledge each other unless they want something. With Kanato this drift happened much sooner because they already lacked a bond and Kanato long since stopped caring about his brothers and took to new friends like Teddy and the dolls.
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So dearest @yumas-sugar-cube got busted from me for stealing a Karlheinz one shot. She told me her friend send her that fanfic because her own one shot was bad. Apperantly our dear Sapphire already stole from the same author a month ago or so again. A subaru fanfic where she said that she wrote it for her friend specially.
So my dearest, since I have busted you once and I HAD TO BEG you to delete the stolen content and you told me a lie. YOU KNOW EXACTLY FROM WHERE THE CONTENT IS FROM.
I will bust your ass a second time.
I am so fucking done with this fandom!
We were friends yes, but here is where friendship stops for me. I am so mad at you, as a writer and as a friend, who really trusted you and was about to forgive you. But I was smart enough to check your other one shots. And this time do not come to me with your recently made hansel account, I know exactly that you will use your “friend” excuse again.
ORIGINAL FANFIC : https://www.quotev.com/story/4066230/Taste-Me-Diabolik-Lovers-One-Shots/4
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Kanato: screaming
Laito: fucking a hoe
Ayato: I'm so fucking great blah blah blah
Subaru: beating up wall-chan
Shu: breathing
Reiji: stop it you all!
Them: ignores him
Reiji: can't take it anymore
Kou: Ruki! Yuma took my food!!
Ruki: Yuma
Yuma: gives it back
Yuma: sorry Kou
Reiji: Ruki have a heart and trade families with me p l e a s e
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All LP: Care For Vampire CGs
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【Lunatic Parade Spoilers】
I want to make it clear that none of these CGs are mine, nor do I own the game itself.  
I put them under a read more in case no one wants spoilers. I’ve included the credits and sources under the cut.
Note: I personally asked and obtained permission to include these CGs to make this post from the respective game owners.
Keep reading
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Azusa Mukami: Headcanons
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He was born on October 28 1905 in Saint-Étienne, France to a Roma woman and a French minister as Nicholæ (or Nicolas by his father and later the orphanage caretakers) Petulengro (he was named by his mother and given her surname though she wanted to give him his father’s name he would not allow it). 
Because his father was in a position of power, he feared if word got out that he had an illegitimate child with a Gypsy woman he’d lose his status. While Azusa’s mother had no qualms keeping their affair and the truth about their son a secret, her family wanted to exploit this to get a more secure living situation. Refusing to be blackmailed he made arrangements for the family to be sent to England, thereby getting them out of his hair and unable to expose him. Azusa left France when he was 3.
Along with his mother, Azusa was raised with his grandparents, two aunts and a handful of cousins. Though he was often cast aside because of his parentage.
Being used to travelling, the family adapted easily to their new settings, however, Azusa’s family held a huge grudge against his father and began placing the blame on him for inconveniencing them. Azusa’s mother would often get into screaming fights with her relatives if she ever heard the things they said to her son.
His grandmother would often slap him as a child and refer to him as “that Frenchman’s bastard” rather than his actual name when his mother wasn’t around. Azusa stopped telling his mother about it since he didn’t like seeing her get upset and scream.
His mother died when he was 5 and the rest of his family abandoned him. Since he only spoke Romani and a tiny bit of French, he had no idea how to communicate with other people. He nearly starved to death before an old woman found him and got him some food. However, once he was able to fend for himself again, she sent him back to the streets.
He met Justin, Melissa and Christina by following them to a market. When he tried to communicate with them and tried to get food they beat the crap out of him.
Over the years of living on his own, he learned a few phrases in English but had a hard time becoming fluent. He was basically able to communicate what he needed and when he wanted to get beaten up he knew how to say “keep hitting me.”
He almost starved himself after his abusers Justin, Melissa and Christina were hung. He was found by a shopkeeper who kicked him and sent him to the orphanage when Azusa asked him to kick him again.
He is dyslexic and didn’t learn to read until after he became a vampire and Karlheinz had to put a lot of effort into teaching him. The caretakers at the orphanage tried teaching him a little bit but often got frustrated since he just wasn’t getting it.
Along with having a difficult time reading, he also has a speech impediment, causing him to speak pretty slowly. His slow speech is also partially due to the language barrier he has.
Learning Japanese was particularly difficult for him and he still has a hard time getting the right words and pronunciations. He frequently slips back into speaking Romani when he gets frustrated or angry. Since he doesn’t express anger the same way as his brothers, they’ve learned how to detect when Azusa is getting upset.
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LISTEN UP PEOPLE! Now people are trying to take this fandom down by creating fake weibo accounts and also going to report our translators for their own selfish reasons!  this ridiculous shit needs to stop once and for all! I want this fandom who i love so much to survive this hate storm and return to the way it was before this! SPREAD THE WORD FAST!!
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Officially released on 24th February 2016, this is the DVD for the final day performance of the “DIABOLIK LOVERS” Stage Play. Obviously, I couldn’t be at Tokyo to watch this live when they were acting it out last August, so to support my favourite Otoge series, this DVD was a must-buy for me. I practically clicked ‘order’ the moment they had it listed up for international buyers.
The stage play essentially utilises the Anime plot. Yui arrives at the mansion, faces each of the brothers, gets wrapped up in the Cordelia/Richter drama and ultimately, peace will be restored once the Sakamakis (actually just Ayato because no one else must butt in on a one-on-one fight), destory the bad guys! It’s also so cliche that they chose to use the Anime ending of Yui going, “My throat’s parched.” After playing all of the games, you just can’t imagine Yui really becoming a vampire somehow… The only major difference between this and the Anime/Game is that Richter isn’t supposed to have a small army with him but in the play, he does.
Back to the stage play, just to get this out of my mind, the singing and dancing parts were…not too great. I love DiaLovers but seeing theatrical actors sing and dance is probably not the most brilliant move. But acting-wise, I actually really liked most of the cast in this! Yamazaki Taiki was a perfect Ayato (even his real person is kinda talkative and silly), Asato Yuya as Shu was incredibly charming and even the actors for Cordelia and Richter did a fine job too! The biggest disappointments were probably Laito and Kanato- Laito seemed like he got tired of being pervetic, and if you didn’t know how Kanato’s like, you’ll assume he’s just your regular spoiled little brat and not like a hysterical psycho who bellows at 99% of things (sorry Kanato fans but yeah). Not saying they’re bad actors, but there might not have been enough time to allow everyone to shine.
Nevertheless, for a otoge-adapted play with understandably limited budget, I think it was as well done as it could’ve been. What drew me to this wasn’t even just the Dialovers world view- but for the fact that all the actors were really like one big family. They get along really well, which you can see in the curtain call segment. Taiki and Ayumi who play Ayato and Yui respectively cried as they spoke (which made me wanna cry too T_T quick, cast them for a MB theater play now). Even in the behind the scenes, the cast had great interaction with one another. If you follow their individual Twitters, you’ll know the main cast also go out for regular meals. I don’t think it’s everyday you get such a well-bonded cast, who are brothers even off the stage.
In disc 2 of the DVD, there are also making-ofs and interviews with each of the cast members. They talk about their initial feelings when they received confirmation of their roles, what they feel is the charm of the charcter they play, and more, which was insightful. Some of the cast members (like Hashimoto Shohei (Kanato) or Doi Kazumi (Subaru)) have even played the DiaLovers games before, which I thought was pretty cool!
All in all, as a fan of DiaLovers, it’s nice to see more people falling in love with the series and that it’s getting adapted in more places. Some people might hate the Anime or think these actors who do the stage play just ‘aren’t good enough’ to be their dream characters, but really, these are platforms that allow more fans of these platforms to also enjoy the world of DIABOLIK LOVERS. I think these actors did their best and were honestly good in their roles. I’m not kidding about having a MB continuation of the stage play; I really wish, if they will, that we have another play. It could turn out to be okay, and I think if it’s the same Sakamaki/Yui cast, it honestly could be.
Last but not least, since my DVD was the first-press version, it also came with 2 additional photo prints. There’s also the booklet inside, plus an application slip (darn it, I wish I can meet the actors too), and each disc *(there are only 2 discs) is between 75 ~ 80mins. I have so far already watched both twice. For fans that can understand Japanese and who are open to Anime stage plays, I’ll recommend you give this a shot!
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Kou Mukami: Headcanons
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He was born on January 28, 1905 in London, England and was never given a name.
His birth mother was a prostitute living in a brothel. She kept Kou until he was 2 before ditching him in a manhole. She never named him because she knew she wouldn’t be able to keep him so she saw no point.
He was “raised” by an old homeless man who had taken refuge in the sewers. Since Kou never had a name, the old man just kept calling him “Kit.” For the first couple of  years of his life in the sewers he was taught how to forage and fend for himself. His “guardian” died when Kou was 4. 
He didn’t talk until he was 9 and was brought to the orphanage. He knew how to speak, he just hardly ever did so since he never had anyone to talk to. For the first little bit of being in the orphanage, the caretakers believed he was mute.
He was in the orphanage for two years after the start of the war and that was when he was first sold off to a club of aristocrats. After a month of torment, Kou gouged his eye out in hopes it would make him undesirable and they would stop but it only worsened the situation.
Although he and Ruki had a rough start, Ruki was his first friend. 
He started singing as a way to comfort himself after being beaten and tortured.
Ever since he and Yuma met, they’ve always fought over food.
After becoming a vampire he went back and killed all of the aristocrats that had ever laid a finger on him and slaughtered their families. He still wasn’t satisfied with that revenge.
He really got into dancing in the 50′s and declared he wanted to sing and dance for a living.
He loves swing dancing and misses the days when it was popular. 
He is an eating machine, especially when Ruki makes Vongole Bianco, he can devour 3 plates in one sitting and can sometimes eat even more. Yuma often wonders where the hell it all goes since Kou has such a lithe frame.
He has adopted numerous cats that Ruki doesn’t know about.
Because of his give-and-take mentality, he expects that if he is giving something that he must get something in return (IT’S THE LAW OF EQUIVALENT EXCHANGE!), not realizing that the world doesn’t work that way. His personality will do a complete 180 if he’s not given something in exchange for what he’s given.
He uses his looks to get what he wants as well as manipulates other people to get what he wants.
He’s the type of guy that can be your best friend but the worst boyfriend. Because he gets extremely jealous and possessive, his relationships don’t last very long. However since he is an idol he gets a lot of attention. Because he’s in the public eye, he has to somewhat keep himself in check when it comes to his relationships. 
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Yui: I've been asleep for 15 hours! What did I miss?
Ayato: this dick
Yui: thank god, I thought I missed something big
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Yui: Hey Shu, can you hand me the extra virgin olive oil, please?
Shu: What a pain. Fine. *hands her a bottle of regular oil*
Yui: Wait, this isn’t what I asked for.
Shu: The extra virgin is over there.
Shu: *points at Reiji*
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Heads Up!
Ok, now I have proof, two more bloggers have received asks in regards to the translator drama. It’s like I said earlier, someone is sitting back at the computer and causing this crap on purpose to stir the pot. They want to see the fandom die. These posts have been popping up on blogs and they all are identical!
@diabolik-cass this one is identical to the one you got!
If you receive a rude ask that runs along the lines of this one….Don’t reply to it, block it! Don’t take what they are saying to heart because that is what they want. Thank you for the screenshot @hadairono
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We all know that anyone putting forth their effort, skill and work into ANYTHING is deserving of being paid! How can you expect someone to draw for you, write for you or translate for you for free?
Do you expect your local pizza place to give you your pizza for free? Do you expect a tattoo artist to ink you for free?
Whoever this is, ignore them! If it gets out of hand, turn off your anon for awhile. They are going to have to try harder to kill this fandom!
Re-blog this!
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I support every single translator that takes time from their lives to translate games, drama cds, etc. for us all.  ♡
Not just the Diabolik Lovers fandom, but ALL fandoms where there is a language barrier!
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{x} | Artist: バボ/Babović≧[゚ ゚]≦ | Permission to Post ※ Reblog, Do Not Repost. Please favorite/retweet the artist's work!
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