The Cr0wn System
1K posts
We dont care what you do as long as you dont hate! (Syscource nuetral) the zero is an o to match our partner sys v0rtex!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
the-cr0wn-system · 4 days ago
NEED HELP WRITING? (a masterlist)
I have likely not added many that I've reblogged to this list. Please feel free to roam my blog and/or ask/message me to add something you'd like to see on this list!
Synonym Lists
Look by @writers-potion
Voices by @saraswritingtipps
Show, Don't Tell by @lyralit
Tips & Tricks
5 Tips for Creating Intimidating Antagonists by @writingwithfolklore
How To (Realistically) Make a Habit of Writing by @byoldervine
Let's Talk About Misdirection by @deception-united
Tips to Improve Character Voice by @tanaor
Stephen King's Top 20 Rules for Writers posted by @toocoolformedschool
Fun Things to Add to a Fight Scene (Hand to Hand Edition) by @illarian-rambling
Questions I Ask My Beta Readers by @burntoutdaydreamer
Skip Google for Research by @s-n-arly
Breaking Writing Rules Right: Don't Write Direct Dialogue by @septemberercfawkes
International Clothing
Too Ashamed of Writing To Write by @writingquestionsanswered
"Said" is Beautiful by @blue-eyed-author
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the-cr0wn-system · 4 days ago
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the-cr0wn-system · 1 month ago
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the-cr0wn-system · 1 month ago
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the-cr0wn-system · 1 month ago
PLURAL ASK GAME (30 questions)
Have an ask game we came up with while waiting around at the hospital today!!!
Remember to practice reblog karma!!*
*reblog karma does not apply to us/the original post, but you're free to send us asks anyways; and if you do, send them to @thecorpsefactory
❤️ — How many hosts do you currently have, and how many have you had in total?
🧡 — Do any of your hosts (current or previous) have sub/side/hemi/etc-system(s)?
💛 — Do people in your system retire from their roles/'jobs' often/do you have a high turnover rate?
💚 — Do you have an inner world? If so how many? And can you (or any headmate) control any of them?
💙 — If there are certain plural terms that your system doesn't like what are they? And why?
💜 — Do you have any age or age-identity that has more people aligning with it than others? (i.e. more 16 year olds than anything, more agesliders, etc)
🤎 — Is your system collectively any form of otherkin or therian? If so how did you figure out you were that collectively? And do any individual headmates not identify with it?
🖤 — Is there any type of role or headmate you wish you had more of? (i.e. more protectors, more traumaholders, more endogenic headmates, more walk-ins, etc)
🤍 — Do you have any system visitors? (i.e. someone who doesn't live in your system but stops by sometimes— doesn't have to be able to front)
💌 — Are there distinctions between headmates' handwriting? If so who has the worst handwriting? And who has the best?
💐 — Are there any headmates who can do something IRL that the rest can't? (i.e. sing, use chopsticks, dance, do math, etc)
🌹 — Any headmates have over 20 different names?
🥀 — If you have an inner world are there any places from real life that are there? Or any places inspired by real life?
🌺 — If you're a primarily queer system, are there any cishets? And if you're a primarily cishet system are there any queer headmates?
🌷 — Are there any multisourced headmates with over 15 different sources?
🌸 — Is there anyone taller than 60ft/18.2m?
🌻 — If you use emojis (or other symbols) to indicate headmates, have there ever been fights over who gets what?
🌼 — If you could describe your system in words that have nothing to do with plurality or spirituality, how would you?
🌑 — What's the most obscure source anyone has? (OCs do not count)
🌒 — Do you have anyone who wants nothing to do with their source, and doesn't identity with it, but still uses with their name and/or appearance from their source?
🌓 — Do any headmates have allergies that carry over to the body when fronting? If so do they act like normal allergies or are they more 'mild'?
🌔 — Are there any headmates who struggle with modern technology? If so why?
🌕 — Can anyone speak any languages in headspace that they can't speak bodily?
🍎 — If you experience amnesia barriers, are there any headmates who have inconsistent barriers? (i.e. sometimes sharing memories fine, other times being unable to, only being able to share with a select few, etc)
🍏 — What is the highest amount of headmates you've ever had at any given moment? And what is the lowest amount you've had at any given moment?
🍋 — If you have an inner world, has it always been there? Or did you have to work to create it?
🍍 — If you're religious, do any of your headmates practice a religion different from your collective one?
🍉 — If you have an inner world, do you have inner variants of social media or other forms of digital contact? (i.e. phones, laptops, etc)
🫐 — If you're publicly a system, who was the first person(s) you told? And why? What was their reaction?
🍒 — Do you have any headmates that originate from a system other than your own, but now reside within yours?
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[ PLAIN TEXT ] We Are A Diagnosed Traumagenic DID System We Are Pro Endogenic And You Will Not Change Our Mind If You Harass Us You Give Us Consent To Harass You Back
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the-cr0wn-system · 3 months ago
Who the fuck decided it'd be a good idea to give me 32 alters
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the-cr0wn-system · 3 months ago
Who the fuck decided it'd be a good idea to give me 32 alters
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the-cr0wn-system · 3 months ago
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I have a folder called Time is a Flat Circle in which I collect evidence of humanity. Here is most of them.
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the-cr0wn-system · 3 months ago
you'll never be punk yr clothes are from shein and yr makeup is from tiktok
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the-cr0wn-system · 3 months ago
what if you had ONE EYE and were consumed by CRUSHING GUILT and you were SEASICK and also having an ANXIETY ATTACK and then you were on FIRE and also you’re GAY
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the-cr0wn-system · 3 months ago
Why You Need 5-10 Craft Projects On The Go
It sounds like the dream prescription for avid crafters but, happily, this is a genuine recommendation from leading craft psychologist, Dr Anne Kirketerp. She recommends having lots of projects in progress at any one time because mental capacity fluctuates. We all need different levels of challenge to become engrossed in craft depending on the time of the day and day of the week.
Every crafter I know:
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the-cr0wn-system · 3 months ago
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the-cr0wn-system · 3 months ago
some fucking resources for all ur writing fuckin needs
* body language masterlist
* a translator that doesn’t eat ass like google translate does
* a reverse dictionary for when ur brain freezes
* 550 words to say instead of fuckin said
* 638 character traits for when ur brain freezes again
* some more body language help
(hope this helps some ppl)
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the-cr0wn-system · 3 months ago
Thought of the day: In the first book when we meet Alvar, he talks about how he was held up at customs. THE SPECIES HAVE CUSTOMS??
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the-cr0wn-system · 3 months ago
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i feel like we gloss over the first few pages of SoN FAR too much. i mean, take percy’s name out and i would think it’s all about hercules. the book opens by dropping banger after banger regarding percy’s recent escapades, as if this is some epic greek myth.
like how did rick just casually slip in that percy strangled a sea monster with his bare hands (no biggie) and we as the readers were just like “sounds right, anyway—”
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the-cr0wn-system · 3 months ago
Greeks: Yeah Jason is cool ig
Romans: We’ve only had Percy for a day and a half but if anything happened to him we’d kill everyone in the room and then ourselves
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the-cr0wn-system · 3 months ago
there’s an educational trivia game at the citadel on the exhibits on different planets called “Dog or Not?” that shows pictures of various four legged mammals and asks if they’re a breed of dog.
it was mainly for kids to learn about the diversity of earth’s flora and fauna but it became popular with adult aliens too and had to be shut down after almost causing no less than three diplomatic incidents.
they brought it to the nexus and it’s caused two more so far
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