the-coeliac-life · 6 years
It’s surreal that I used to be able to look at a menu and just…order whatever I wanted
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the-coeliac-life · 6 years
I really miss the simplicity and ease of just being able to go out and buy and eat a burger like a normal person, as opposed to having zero safe places to eat in my hometown.
That’s the celiac life, though…
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the-coeliac-life · 6 years
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the-coeliac-life · 7 years
seeing the phrase “no gf” is sad for me in two ways because im a lesbian but also allergic to gluten
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the-coeliac-life · 7 years
it is so strange to me when people tell me they never had an ancient egyptian phase…like, what did you even do during your childhood? 
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the-coeliac-life · 7 years
Just a little rant
Sometimes I get angry, not even angry, sometimes I get tired. Tired of how much easier things are for other people. I shouldn't complain because the impact on my life isn't *that* severe, but it gets hard seeing people do stuff with such ease that I can't do. I mean, I got poisoned (glutened) at my own graduation dinner, we called the venue explained, and they assured us it would be fine. Spiller alert: it wasn't. I wanted to go out for dinner so I spent 30 minutes searching online and reading reviews just to find somewhere I felt safe enough to eat. I'm freshly of age and meant to be going out clubbing, but that gets hard when you have to google every alcohol they serve till you can find one. I know that my illness could be so much worse and I'm lucky they caught it when they did (thanks to my mum not my doctor) but I wish I could do things like share meals at restaurants, and travel with ease, or not have to worry about what someone's eaten before I kiss them. I'm so grateful for the health I have, but we live in such a food centric society and sometimes it gets hard
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the-coeliac-life · 7 years
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the-coeliac-life · 7 years
raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimized by your own gastrointestinal tract
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the-coeliac-life · 7 years
What is even the point of intentionally messing up someone’s order? Like, for instance, someone orders a skinny latte and you give them a regular, they order gluten-free bread and you give them wheat, etc. Why? Think about it:
Best case scenario: Nothing happens. If a girl who looks thin already thinks she got a soy but it’s whole milk, she’s not going to gain any weight because one latte won’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. If they just wanted gluten free because they want to try gluten free stuff, but got gluten exactly once, they will never notice. What’s the fun in that? Some dumb, twisted satisfaction at the fact that you lied to someone who trusted you?
Worst case scenario: They have a medical condition that is triggered by certain ingredients, and because your dumb ass gave it to them anyway, they’re going to react to that ingredient horribly. Maybe the skinny girl who ordered sugar free is a type 1 diabetic. Maybe the guy who asked for gluten free has celiac. Maybe they have a life-threatening allergic reaction and you kill someone, all because you get off on intentionally deceiving customers who put their trust in you.
Either way, you’re an asshole.
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the-coeliac-life · 7 years
A list of pre-existing conditions that will no longer be covered under Trumpcare: AIDS/HIV, acid reflux, acne, ADD, addiction, Alzheimer's/dementia, anemia, aneurysm, angioplasty, anorexia, anxiety, arrhythmia, arthritis, asthma, atrial fibrillation, autism, bariatric surgery, basal cell carcinoma, bipolar disorder, blood clot, breast cancer, bulimia, bypass surgery, celiac disease, cerebral aneurysm, cerebral embolism, cerebral palsy, cerebral thrombosis, cervical cancer, colon cancer, colon polyps, congestive heart failure, COPD, Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis, DMD, depression, diabetes, disabilities, Down syndrome, eating disorder, enlarged prostate, epilepsy, glaucoma, gout, heart disease, heart murmur, heartburn, hemophilia, hepatitis C, herpes, high cholesterol, hypertension, hysterectomy, kidney disease, kidney stones, kidney transplant, leukemia, lung cancer, lupus, lymphoma, mental health issues, migraines, MS, muscular dystrophy, narcolepsy, nasal polyps, obesity, OCD, organ transplant, osteoporosis, pacemaker, panic disorder, paralysis, paraplegia, Parkinson's disease, pregnancy, restless leg syndrome, schizophrenia, seasonal affective disorder, seizures, sickle cell disease, skin cancer, sleep apnea, sleep disorders, stent, stroke, thyroid issues, tooth disease, tuberculosis, ulcers
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the-coeliac-life · 8 years
@mabmwfh replied”
“Who's the culprit? I almost had chocolate cake earlier but barely managed to resist”
Tbh the culprit was me, I’m technically allowed fructose in small amounts but I overdid it and ate a very large amount of ice cream with a lot of coconut in it...
When you eat something you’re allergic to so you’re in pain, and you want to sleep so you don’t have to deal with the pain…but you’re in too much pain to sleep. I’m in for a fun night
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the-coeliac-life · 8 years
When you eat something you're allergic to so you're in pain, and you want to sleep so you don't have to deal with the pain...but you're in too much pain to sleep. I'm in for a fun night
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the-coeliac-life · 8 years
Why do people feel the need to tell people with chronic pain and/or illness that “you always hurt/feel like shit” as if that makes you less in need of sympathy rather than more Like I’m so sorry that my constant suffering has exhausted your supply of compassion That must be really hard for you
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the-coeliac-life · 8 years
you have to come to terms with the fact my chronic illness is in fact, chronic
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the-coeliac-life · 8 years
does anyone know where i can uninstall my chronic illness 
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the-coeliac-life · 8 years
Hi if you make fun of celiac kids for being gluten free I will emerge from the shadows and beat the shit out of you
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the-coeliac-life · 8 years
bitch is there literally anything better than freshly baked bread
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