the-breeze-bitch · 3 years
“not all men" you’re right. edilio escobar, the true hero of the fayz, would never do this.
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the-breeze-bitch · 3 years
After much thought, Gone alignment charts
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If u have a different opinion no u don't <3
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the-breeze-bitch · 3 years
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the-breeze-bitch · 3 years
I would like to add that I might disappear again i am unpredictable like that. See you tomorrow. Or not. :)
Accept the 4-5 posts I made today as an apology for going off the radar for 5 months pls
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the-breeze-bitch · 3 years
Accept the 4-5 posts I made today as an apology for going off the radar for 5 months pls
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the-breeze-bitch · 3 years
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the-breeze-bitch · 3 years
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A very brief summary of the first book
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the-breeze-bitch · 3 years
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the-breeze-bitch · 3 years
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Lana arwen lazar supermacy
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the-breeze-bitch · 3 years
That would have been awesome
I wish there was a gone graphic novel
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the-breeze-bitch · 3 years
Dahra: Stop! Stop talking about getting possessed!
Lana: I'm free real estate
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the-breeze-bitch · 3 years
This is not a safe space for Quinn Gaither haters 🙂👉🚪
What are your opinions on Quinn? Do you think he deserved to be forgiven by Sam after betraying him?
i like quinn! i think his being forgiven by sam was inevitable—at that point in the series, their bond was too strong and the events of the fayz too jarring/traumatic for them to sever it. they had to reconcile because the benefit of them doing so—a return to familiarity and comfort—far outweighed the cons, one of them being that the fayz was devastating and real enough to kill their friendship. yet another little loss of innocence for sam. i can see why he’d want to avoid that, even if quinn didn’t redeem himself in his eyes. he forgave quinn because the fayz is a crazy place where crazy things happen, and the first book is the only time that that excuse feels absurd yet plausible. if quinn pulled that betrayal later in the series and it had more devastating consequences, i think him being redeemed so easily would feel a lot less understandable.
and yeah, i’d forgive quinn, too. i think his actions at the start of the fayz are completely sympathetic, even if they’re terrible. i think he’s one of the kids who acts most realistically in a scenario like that. he’s the guy whimpering “game over, man, game over” in aliens basically, and how can you not sympathize with that level of hysterical panic, at least on some level?
quinn, to me, is the character who acts the most realistically childish in the face of something as traumatic and awful as all the adults in a town disappearing, and that’s a big plus. and though i don’t find him too compelling outside of his role in the first book, i appreciate his arc in general.
thank you for the ask! feel free to send more!
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the-breeze-bitch · 3 years
You and me both and the monster spinoff was even wilder
I’m tryna think of a book that’s really hit me like that 👀😑 nahhh I’ve got it…probably BZRK by Michael Grant! 3 books on straight wild sh*t
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the-breeze-bitch · 3 years
Gone fandom we’re not going feral over this🤨⁉️
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Oh boy 🥺😍 my fingers already hurt from all that crossing
Can't wait
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the-breeze-bitch · 3 years
Let’s move in together after going through the most traumatic fayz (ha) of our lives 🥰 as friends of course 👭 unless👉👈
It says in Hero that Dekka and Lana shared an apartement after the FAYZ. What do you think their friendship would be like?
ooooh! what an interesting question!
i don’t believe lana and dekka interact much in canon, but i really love the idea of them sharing an apartment post-fayz. i think their personalities complement one another very well—both are stoic loners, somewhat intimidating and a little antisocial, who sacrifice a lot to ensure their fellow kids’ safety. they’re very brave and kind, and by the end of the fayz both have lost a close friend (dahra for lana, brianna for dekka).
since they weren’t close in the actual series, i’m curious as to how they grew friendly enough to be roommates post-fayz. dekka’d probably be eager to get away from her homophobic parents, and i can see lana wanting a little company aside from patrick, so maybe they’d pair up there.
it’s funny, but i think they’d kind of start their friendship by ignoring each other, mostly kind of stewing in semi-awkward silence. occasionally they’ll talk about their day or make some sarcastic comment alluding to the fayz, but i think they’d mostly just be quiet around each other. they both know what each other has been through and neither are particularly nosy people. gradually, i can see them enjoying a friendship comprised of watching mindless reality tv and occasionally grocery shopping together. quiet, nondescript stuff. it’d be a little awkward at first, but then they’d grow comfortable. i think they’d slide easily into each other’s lives, giving each other a casual but understated source of support. i think they’d be good friends!
thank you for the ask! please feel free to send more!
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the-breeze-bitch · 3 years
Brianna: i’m invoking the “no judgement” clause of our friendship Dekka: what did you do now
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the-breeze-bitch · 3 years
Caine: feel free to interrupt anytime you don’t understand
Computer Jack: I-
Caine: I’m kidding; don’t ever interrupt me, no matter what
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