Fuck Disney
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reminder that corporations don't care about you and they never will
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With the release of some set photos for the batman 2021 I've done a quick post https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/the-blank-slate-blog But for real holy shit its the batmoblie Blanky #dc #thebatman #geekblog https://www.instagram.com/p/B9WFtxMD2eT/?igshid=1rwstsfe7ghz7
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So we just saw the bat mobile. And I actually really like it.  With the bat suit   that I’m really digging. I know many people haven’t been a fan of the newest bat suit complaining that it is too bulky and ugly. But I got to say I really enjoy this new bat suit as I really like the collar. But anyway the batmoblie is basically if the fast and furious Dominic and the batmoblie had had a baby and im loving it    
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To me it still looks like the classic batmoblie but still looks there can be improvement’s made. We also see the cape which Patterson is goanna use and I see its not to long which im am slightly disappointed with but I can live with it due to how fucking  cool it is . Not to long of a post since this isn’t too long out and my thoughts can’t really be a thousand word essay yet on but this work for the moment.
 What do you all think let me know
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All I thought about when I wrote my stories was, “I hope that these comic books would sell so I can keep my job and continue to pay the rent.” Never in a million years could I have imagined that it would turn into what it has evolved into nowadays. Never.
Stan Lee
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The plan
With this blog I'm planning on well taking about nerdy and geeky shit. From Those goddamn batniples to more fun stuff like a little part I'm gonna call 'fan motion ' where I place a beloved charater into a diffrent franchises . The planned dates is going to be wenesdays and Saturdays.
Right now it's only me doing this a due to my basic knowledge of the internet I'm so fucking not using my real name . So I'm just gonna go by blanky.
Next Wensday 11 o clock g.m.t time
So yeah get your ass over here
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