the-best-rogue-blog · 8 years
Elsa. So, this is Queen Elsa of Arendelle. He heard of her before. Well, did his homework, more like. He did planned to escape Corona and head for Arendelle to hide, since he heard that the government there was quite idle.
“Your majesty” He dipped his head slightly and bowed. It was in order, he thought, and also he was getting quite nervous, being scrutinize by the Queen. 
And he wondered how Rapunzel just so happen to bump into the Queen instead of anyone else. She have such a luck. And to have Elsa to show her the lanterns? He’d be lying if he say that he doesn’t feel slightly (Okay, maybe a lot-) disappointed that she saw it with someone else, but relieved at the same time that the girl finally get to see what she had been wishing for for years.
“I’d like to thank you for looking out for her” he stood, an innocent smile plastered on his face. @frcssendronning
Really though, if it wasn’t for the wanted poster on every wall of Corona, he doesn’t really need to wear the ridiculous piece of fabric over his perfect hair. Well, someone might argue that his nose is always so hideously drawn on every single poster that one can’t really recognize the real him, he doesn’t want to risk himself. He knew better.
But he had to risk quite a bit by coming out from one of his many layers of disguise when she called his name. Bless her for calling his real name instead of his pseudonym though.  
He stepped out from the crowd and walked slowly to Rapunzel, wary of the queen that is with her. Of course he knows she’s a queen - the crown tells more than enough.
“Finally! I thought I lost you for good!” he lied “You shouldn’t wander too far-”
From the moment Elsa’s eye turned to the man, this Eugene, she felt a bad feeling within herself. He wore a cloak, yet it was perfect weather outside, and he seemed…skittish. Just who was this man? And what was Rapunzel doing with him?
Her gaze turned icy cold and she had to concentrate to keep herself from making it snow. She fixed her posture and folded her hands in front of herself. “You must be Eugene,” she said in a stiff voice.
She looked from the man to Rapunzel. She silently watched her, making sure that this was indeed the man she was looking for. But…she seemed to know him and she didn’t seem fazed at all by his appearance.
The Queen looked back to Eugene and kept her gaze on him. Why did he look so familiar…she felt like she’d seen his face before…
No one could really blame her for being protective. Ever since Prince Hans had single-handedly shattered her sister’s heart and nearly killed the both of them, she’d had many reservations about suspicious people.
Rapunzel seemed oblivious to the tension between the two. Distracted with her own thoughts, her face showed both pride but also apprehension. 
She wasn’t sure if Eugene would approve of her interacting that much with strangers. He was constantly on his toes ever since they reached Corona - avoiding guards, keeping low as much as he could. But on the other hand, Rapunzel felt elated to show off her new friend. 
Well… the only human friend that she made all by herself. 
Truth be told, Rapunzel considered it a milestone. She didn’t need Flynn to introduce her nor strike up the conversation for her. Elsa was the first person she approached and stuck around because the former wanted to.
“Sorry! But yes, Eugene this is Elsa. Elsa, Eugene.” She said with a nervous smile, making small hand gestures between the two. “We didn’t mean to be gone for long- but she did show me the lanterns!” Rapunzel decided to add, hoping it could influence Eugene’s opinion of her. 
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the-best-rogue-blog · 8 years
Flynn stared at the baby as if he had never seen such a creature before. Is it hers? Of course not, Eugene! he scolded himself and feeling silly afterward for even thinking that. Rapunzel is an innocent girl, so, the baby mustn’t be hers.
“Where did you get that?” He asked aloud this time, shifting his arms to adjust the items in his arms as if it could help in making it look more comfortable for Rapunzel to hold the baby.
Flynn shook his head, eyes still trained on the smaller human being. “Nope, no, never dealt with a baby before.Toddlers, sure, but not an infant. They seem so....fragile, no one trusted me with one. In fact I don’t trust myself with one-”
Complicated Situations // Rapunzel and Flynn (Modern!AU)
12) Somebody abruptly left your muses in charge of their baby, and people keep mistaking them for the parents.
(( this is literally too perfect and needed its own post :″D))
“Err…” Rapunzel almost held her breath, everything just seeming to happen so quickly. She wasn’t sure where exactly in the conversation did she agree to the favor being asked to her.
Yet here she was, holding a month old baby. 
Long story short, Big Nose wanted to go on a “post-spontaneous-long overdue-romantic-honeymoon-part 4″ with his special little lady (which she was fairly certain didn’t exist? The honeymoon, not his wife, mind you).  While Rapunzel was flattered he didn’t trust any of the pub thugs and choose her to babysit, she didn’t expect it to be right away.
The instructions he gave were given swiftly, at least half of them just passing through her head given her shock. Before she knew it, he was dashing off with such rush that she thought resembled a horse finally being set free. 
Rapunzel was left staring agape at the entrance of the bar, wondering how in the world did she manage to end up in these complicated situations.  @the-best-rogue
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the-best-rogue-blog · 8 years
He faked a gasp and held a hand on his chest, feigning surprise. “Rapunzel! Such slander. I am quite innocent, thank you very much!”
Flynn dropped the act quite quickly after that, seeing that he knows the girl would call him ridiculous if he doesn’t. Humming for a few moment, he turned back to the road. Sure, he’s a wanted criminal but he’s not cruel. It doesn’t settle right with him that she is so afraid of things that she hasn’t experienced yet, merely because she have these opinions that are baseless.
“’It was his first time, seeing the ocean. It is big and blue and vast - seems like he could get lost in it.’” he quoted a line from his favorite book, his tone changed into a singsong tune “‘If Flynni- err, if John still believed the stories his brothers told him about the terrifying tales of the waves and rocks, alas, he would never venture the world”
"It's quite stunning, isn't it?"
He looked at her like he had lost her mind - which, she probably does at the moment, with the wild looks in her eyes and the horrified gasp was any indication. He didn’t miss how she clumsily yet effectively snatched the frying pan from her. Scary. He tried to process the things that she told him. Well, sure, some bugs does make you itch upon in contact with them (Like, caterpillars are one of the examples. Ew.). “Blondie, ladybugs aren’t….dangerous” He waved his hand around, making a show of his point, his hand “See? My skin is still pretty smooth and healthy. The worst a ladybug can do to me is…..nothing basically”
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the-best-rogue-blog · 8 years
“Oh, come on!” He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, looking for another way out from the tavern. The front door is a no go, since the armored boy in standing in between him and his escape. He recalled that there was a back door. Wonder if it’s locked.
Well, there is always the window...
Flynn turned back to the smaller male and gave him a small, innocent smile. “Lets..talk first then...err...officer” he lead him to a nearby table, one that is near a corner. He purposely picked the one that isn’t dark - it was quite bright really, lit by the sunlight from outside. Last thing he wants is the armored boy to have another reason to be suspicious of him. “I thought the Captain of the Guard was so intent at catching Flynn Rider. Not that I’m Flynn Rider, by the way, because I’m not him” he shrugged, lingering by the table “Why would he send somebody else to do his work?”
Right To Remain Silent || Flynn and Ping
“Are you sure that’s me….uh…” he stared at the man (boy, definitely) and tried to remember if he ever did introduced himself. Probably not. Their kind often leaves out their name before they arrest him. Or tried to. No one ever managed, he snickered to himself. 
He snatched the poster from the other and held it up, side by side with his face, addressing it to him “I mean, look closely. The guy you’re looking for has a…huge…hairy nose…” he shuddered “and mine, as you can see, is perfect and handsome” Though Flynn knows he’s in danger of getting caught. And from the looks of this, this…boy, seems serious. A quick read of the other male in front of him tells him that it won’t be so much of a struggle to outrun him - he’s younger (from how his voice seems to break here and there), sure, but slightly smaller than him and with those layers of armor, he probably can’t move fast enough. Though the sword on his side tells him otherwise.  “Anyhow, I have to run now. Got places to go, things to do, all that jazz” he gave a mocking salute to the foreign man and made his way to the door.
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the-best-rogue-blog · 8 years
“Ow- Hey!” He called out when Big Nose rushed out from the bar, nearly knocking him. And as he turned, he nearly walked right into Rapuzel. Flynn found her standing between the door frame, a bundle in her arms and she’s blocking his way in. He was supposed to trade in some....er...items with a few of the thugs there and his own bundle in his arms are already too heavy and he needed to set it down. But with Rapunzel standing there, looking so lost and shocked, he can’t rea- Huh? “Earth to Rapunzel. You okay there Blondie?” He sounded worried for a moment. Something about her looking so confused and lost triggered him to be worried of the girl. Doesn’t help when there were soft, gurgling sound coming from her.
Complicated Situations // Rapunzel and Flynn (Modern!AU)
12) Somebody abruptly left your muses in charge of their baby, and people keep mistaking them for the parents.
(( this is literally too perfect and needed its own post :″D))
“Err…” Rapunzel almost held her breath, everything just seeming to happen so quickly. She wasn’t sure where exactly in the conversation did she agree to the favor being asked to her.
Yet here she was, holding a month old baby. 
Long story short, Big Nose wanted to go on a “post-spontaneous-long overdue-romantic-honeymoon-part 4″ with his special little lady (which she was fairly certain didn’t exist? The honeymoon, not his wife, mind you).  While Rapunzel was flattered he didn’t trust any of the pub thugs and choose her to babysit, she didn’t expect it to be right away.
The instructions he gave were given swiftly, at least half of them just passing through her head given her shock. Before she knew it, he was dashing off with such rush that she thought resembled a horse finally being set free. 
Rapunzel was left staring agape at the entrance of the bar, wondering how in the world did she manage to end up in these complicated situations.  @the-best-rogue
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the-best-rogue-blog · 8 years
“Come on, Blondie, it’s not that bad” nor scary, he wanted to add but he doesn’t want risking another bump on his head. The way she handles the pan seems like she’s ready to hit on anything that’ll move. Including him.
“Not everything is dangerous” he sighed and draped an arm around her shoulder, steering her back into their long journey in the great outdoors “Sure, some of them are dangerous and filthy and hairy, but things like ladybugs and butterflies are pretty innocent”
He wondered where she got all these ideas from anyway. For someone who had never been to the outside world before, it occurred to him that she have all these biased ideas of the world. 
"It's quite stunning, isn't it?"
He looked at her like he had lost her mind - which, she probably does at the moment, with the wild looks in her eyes and the horrified gasp was any indication. He didn’t miss how she clumsily yet effectively snatched the frying pan from her. Scary. He tried to process the things that she told him. Well, sure, some bugs does make you itch upon in contact with them (Like, caterpillars are one of the examples. Ew.). “Blondie, ladybugs aren’t….dangerous” He waved his hand around, making a show of his point, his hand “See? My skin is still pretty smooth and healthy. The worst a ladybug can do to me is…..nothing basically”
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the-best-rogue-blog · 8 years
“Are you sure that’s me....uh...” he stared at the man (boy, definitely) and tried to remember if he ever did introduced himself. Probably not. Their kind often leaves out their name before they arrest him. Or tried to. No one ever managed, he snickered to himself. 
He snatched the poster from the other and held it up, side by side with his face, addressing it to him “I mean, look closely. The guy you’re looking for has a...huge...hairy nose...” he shuddered “and mine, as you can see, is perfect and handsome” Though Flynn knows he’s in danger of getting caught. And from the looks of this, this...boy, seems serious. A quick read of the other male in front of him tells him that it won’t be so much of a struggle to outrun him - he’s younger (from how his voice seems to break here and there), sure, but slightly smaller than him and with those layers of armor, he probably can’t move fast enough. Though the sword on his side tells him otherwise.  “Anyhow, I have to run now. Got places to go, things to do, all that jazz” he gave a mocking salute to the foreign man and made his way to the door.
Right To Remain Silent || Flynn and Ping
It was rude. Very very rude. He was about to retort back to what one of the barmaid accused him of. A stolen bracelet isn’t romantic, she said! It doesn’t show his dedication and appreciation for her. Well, if she knew how far he’d go, risking his neck to woo her, she would fall for him, surely! And if she doesn’t want it, guess that’s okay too. He can take it back and sell it to get more gold,along with the crown- But before he could explain any of his reason to the damsel, something poked him on his shoulder and he was about to tell the person off before a poster shoved right into his face. “Oh, really?!” He frowned, his mood souring at the offensive piece of paper. it was outrageous how they managed to draw everything else exactly like his handsome face but his nose! Though, whoever is in front of him doesn’t seem less upset or offended as he is. And it didn’t slipped his mind that the man (boy..?) is some kind of authority figure, if his uniform and weird armor is any indication. “…pray tell, who is that man?”
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the-best-rogue-blog · 8 years
Truthfully, he had been keeping a close eye on Rapunzel the whole time. He could have pulled her back into incognito but she was faster than he expected her to be. He thought that ton of hair behind her would slow her down, but nope. 
So, the whole time, he hid under a cloak - no no,he didn’t stole it, he merely found it unattended near that garment stall - the hood covering his hair and half of his face. 
Really though, if it wasn’t for the wanted poster on every wall of Corona, he doesn’t really need to wear the ridiculous piece of fabric over his perfect hair. Well, someone might argue that his nose is always so hideously drawn on every single poster that one can’t really recognize the real him, he doesn’t want to risk himself. He knew better. But he had to risk quite a bit by coming out from one of his many layers of disguise when she called his name. Bless her for calling his real name instead of his pseudonym though.   He stepped out from the crowd and walked slowly to Rapunzel, wary of the queen that is with her. Of course he knows she’s a queen - the crown tells more than enough. “Finally! I thought I lost you for good!” he lied “You shouldn’t wander too far-” 
She contemplated about offering a more detailed description but decided against it. From the corner of her eye, she spotted a familiar poster that reminded her of why they had to keep a low profile. Huh… maybe he was hiding again -  that would explain a lot.
“Actually.. Yeah, he did seem to disappear during that time.” However, Rapunzel knew he probably wouldn’t be there - considering the crowd that seemed to gather after her little prancy. She’d try to look for him herself but something told her it would be an ill idea. She barely knew Corona after all. 
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Oh, well. It’ll be like our own little hide and seek!  Although, not everyone was enthusiastic with this line of thinking.  “Uhm… But I think we should look in the alleys first!” 
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the-best-rogue-blog · 8 years
It was rude. Very very rude. He was about to retort back to what one of the barmaid accused him of. A stolen bracelet isn’t romantic, she said! It doesn’t show his dedication and appreciation for her. Well, if she knew how far he’d go, risking his neck to woo her, she would fall for him, surely! And if she doesn’t want it, guess that’s okay too. He can take it back and sell it to get more gold,along with the crown- But before he could explain any of his reason to the damsel, something poked him on his shoulder and he was about to tell the person off before a poster shoved right into his face. “Oh, really?!” He frowned, his mood souring at the offensive piece of paper. it was outrageous how they managed to draw everything else exactly like his handsome face but his nose! Though, whoever is in front of him doesn’t seem less upset or offended as he is. And it didn’t slipped his mind that the man (boy..?) is some kind of authority figure, if his uniform and weird armor is any indication. “...pray tell, who is that man?”
Right To Remain Silent || Flynn and Ping
This shouldn’t be too hard, now really. While stuck in Arendelle, Ping had been sent on a, somewhat, local mission of a neighboring kingdom to bring in the thief of a crown … That didn’t seem too hard. At least it wouldn’t have if Mushu were there. That little guardian could always spot a sleaze anywhere he went. 
“Snuggly Duckling…. Okay…” Ping had directions to the establishment where the thief was known to spend time and his WANTED poster to identify him. That poor guy had not the best of luck when it came to noses … I mean really. 
The soldier was far to distracted by that peculiarly long nose that he hadn’t even realized he was in amongst the rabble. Upon looking up, he shrank instinctively before catching a glimpse of the … swooshy hair… nice jaw bone… Oh, you stop that! Ping had to force Mulan back in her corner for the time being.  
Puffing out his chest, Ping strolled on over to the man, Flynn, at the bar, rapping a few harsh taps on his shoulder. Holding up the wanted sign as the man turned around, the fake boy forced his voice down a few octaves. “Excuse me, is this you, sir?”
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the-best-rogue-blog · 8 years
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16. A chance meeting in the woods…
I shall message you to pan the plot, I guess! ^^
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the-best-rogue-blog · 8 years
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24. Muse A was dared to kiss Muse B, eep! 
It started off innocently enough - Flynn was having quite a great time at The Snuggly Duckling, sharing a joke or two with the boys, Flynn boasted about his looks and confidence (again), Shorty saying “bet you don’t have the guts to charm and kiss a girl”, Flynn retorted back with a “name a girl and I’ll show you” and after a few minutes of debate on which poor lady would be the ‘lucky one’ (”Hah! I feel sorry for the lass already”. Big Nose isn’t very supportive. I’ll show him), they all settled down to a name.Princess Aurora. Princess ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Aurora.What did you get yourself into again?He cleared his throat. Well, its not that he’s nervous, nooooo. Flynn is never nervous! But this is Princess Aurora we’re talking about! Not some simple damsel that he so used of meeting by the street or like the barmaids in the many pubs he frequents to. Ah, well, not that Flynn sees them any different in terms of their quality. They’re all lovely, attractive women that he find enjoyable to talk to. Some are sweet and some are strong and some are- Oh no, he’s overthinking again.But. Princess Aurora! He never met her before and he sure well hope she doesn’t recognize him as the notorious rogue of Corona. He knew better to highly regard a member of royalty. Well, here goes-
He cleared his throat again.
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the-best-rogue-blog · 8 years
Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
“His royal highness Christopher Rupert Vwindemier Vlandamier Carl Alexander Francois Reginald Lancelot Herman Gregory James is giving a ball!”
“His Majesty has this decree, to attend the ball all one must have is an invitation and suitably fashionable attire. And the prince shall choose a woman from the ball to be his bride… that means ANYONE can be the queen!”
Good day to you! You are formally invited to Prince Christopher’s ball at his royal palace. His majesty would be delighted for your attendance! Acceptance ends the 19th of February.
It should be a mistake when a messenger sent this to him that evening. Oh..wait, did he receive it or did he pocketed the poor boy? Hm….Flynn can’t keep up with his ‘professional’ endeavors that he have been doing in the past week. Should keep the numbers low for now. Well, before he goes on another roll when he’s bored again. “Darn…” He whistled “That’s a mouthful”. And he thought his name was awful (No offence, Prince Christopher Rupert Vwindemier Vlandamier Carl Alexander Francois Reginald- You know what? No.) Wait. A ball? There should be a lot of nobles and royalties and gold and jewels and expensive things. Yep. He’s going.
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the-best-rogue-blog · 8 years
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Love is in the air all throughout Disney Roleplay. In a world of fairy tales, most romances happen naturally, but others need a little extra magic…
To participate in this meme, simply reblog it, and go wild! But please note: DisneyRoleplay.tumblr.com is not participating. Just posting. So please don’t send us the symbol unless you want an RP like this:
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With that said, enjoy the meme, and have a happy Valentine’s Day!
Send me 💕, and I will roll 1-29 for a Valentine’s Day prompt!
(to roll, we recommend random.org)
Keep reading
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the-best-rogue-blog · 8 years
He looked at her like he had lost her mind - which, she probably does at the moment, with the wild looks in her eyes and the horrified gasp was any indication. He didn’t miss how she clumsily yet effectively snatched the frying pan from her. Scary. He tried to process the things that she told him. Well, sure, some bugs does make you itch upon in contact with them (Like, caterpillars are one of the examples. Ew.). “Blondie, ladybugs aren’t....dangerous” He waved his hand around, making a show of his point, his hand “See? My skin is still pretty smooth and healthy. The worst a ladybug can do to me is.....nothing basically”
"It's quite stunning, isn't it?"
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the-best-rogue-blog · 8 years
He yelped. As small as she is, her strength is really something. Guess all those hair lifting and climbing and pulling loads up and down the tower granted her that. Still, she’s so thin and short, you can’t help but expect that her strength is average at best. A leper? He looked at Rapunzel ridiculously for a moment, trying to process and relate the small bug to leprosy. Seems like he doesn’t have to spook her with scary stories and all of that - she does it better herself, to herself. “A leper?” He repeated his thought “Pray tell, how can a cute, little bug can turn me into a leper?” 
"It's quite stunning, isn't it?"
The words he said floated past, hanging in the air yet devoid of a listener. Rapunzel heard him, of course, but her full attention was elsewhere. In short words, blah blah blah blah… Oh. Mother was right. That is kinda annoying. She was about to ask why just to appease him when the freakiest thing happened. “EEEEE!!!!” Suddenly, the object of Rapunzel’s admiration (a rock) was thrown to the ground in a not so subtle manner. She pointed at it accusingly, face set in a mix of fear and trepidation. “A bug! There’s a bug!!” And surely enough, there was. Quite tiny really - crimson red with a set of black dots. It wasn’t as large as Rapunzel often imagined it would be; but she knew of the dangers they brought! They brought and transmitted diseases, viruses - and oh forbid, the plague! 
As if they were attacked, he quickly reached for the trusty pan that he had been carrying for Rapunzel and circled the area, pan ready to abuse whoever - or whatever - that was attacking them. 
Only to find there was no threat whatsoever. Man, being on the run does stuffs to his nerve. 
“Wha-” He turned to see exactly what was offending the smaller of the two. The…rock? But wasn’t she marveling at the geological specimen? But from her rather….extreme reaction, it seemed like it’s a pretty big deal. 
Upon closer inspection, however, Flynn fought the urge to sigh loudly. He’s aware how some girls are spooked by insects, but he expected them to jump a mile away from certain icky bugs, like roaches! (Heck, he’ll admit that he too hates roaches.) But this…. 
“A ladybug…” he ignored the rock and picked up the harmless insect, letting it rest on his thumb and handed it to Rapunzel. The rogue considered spooking her some more. A fake folklore about how the little fella is an omen for something horrible, as it is the offspring of a horrible, red monster with bulging black eyes! But he took pity at how scared she is. Maybe some other time, he told himself.
“It’s not going to eat you, ya know?” 
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the-best-rogue-blog · 8 years
"It's quite stunning, isn't it?"
The words he said floated past, hanging in the air yet devoid of a listener. Rapunzel heard him, of course, but her full attention was elsewhere. In short words, blah blah blah blah… Oh. Mother was right. That is kinda annoying. She was about to ask why just to appease him when the freakiest thing happened. “EEEEE!!!!” Suddenly, the object of Rapunzel’s admiration (a rock) was thrown to the ground in a not so subtle manner. She pointed at it accusingly, face set in a mix of fear and trepidation. “A bug! There’s a bug!!” And surely enough, there was. Quite tiny really - crimson red with a set of black dots. It wasn’t as large as Rapunzel often imagined it would be; but she knew of the dangers they brought! They brought and transmitted diseases, viruses - and oh forbid, the plague! 
As if they were attacked, he quickly reached for the trusty pan that he had been carrying for Rapunzel and circled the area, pan ready to abuse whoever - or whatever - that was attacking them. 
Only to find there was no threat whatsoever. Man, being on the run does stuffs to his nerve. 
“Wha-” He turned to see exactly what was offending the smaller of the two. The...rock? But wasn’t she marveling at the geological specimen? But from her rather....extreme reaction, it seemed like it’s a pretty big deal. 
Upon closer inspection, however, Flynn fought the urge to sigh loudly. He’s aware how some girls are spooked by insects, but he expected them to jump a mile away from certain icky bugs, like roaches! (Heck, he’ll admit that he too hates roaches.) But this.... 
“A ladybug...” he ignored the rock and picked up the harmless insect, letting it rest on his thumb and handed it to Rapunzel. The rogue considered spooking her some more. A fake folklore about how the little fella is an omen for something horrible, as it is the offspring of a horrible, red monster with bulging black eyes! But he took pity at how scared she is. Maybe some other time, he told himself.
“It’s not going to eat you, ya know?” 
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the-best-rogue-blog · 8 years
✫:Why you began RPing.
Hello! :)I’ve already answered that but here’s my answer anyway :’)✫:Why you began RPingHmm…tbh, I can’t remember how I started roleplaying. It started from an askblog on DA and then I migrated to Facebook and skype? And then after a few years of being inactive in RP-ing, well, here I am!Long story short: I realized RP-ing as my favourite characters are fun and interesting and I get to meet all these wonderful people! I’m still friends with people who I roleplayed with from….5-6 years ago? Yeah :)
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