"Why on Earth wouldn't I? Unless it makes you uncomfortable, of course. Though you're doing that face again and it's enough to make me want to cuddle you~"
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"Well, yes but I hardly think the need for mass murder is upon us. Your sister should see that too.. I hope. It would be a terrible waste of time for us to have to clean it. 'Charlotte' may do the repainting, i'm sure that the tall fellow with the tattoo, Fang, is it? And the tattooed munchkin will help her if necessary.  Come, now. What shall we do? The possibilities are astounding." 
If Anything, We Have Time.
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122 notes · View notes
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Invictus, William Ernest Henley
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Someone was certainly hungry if that reaction was anything to go by. Whilst Oswald probably wouldn't be too impressed that he was bringing in strays again, he wouldn't say anything horrible to the boy so it didn't seem such a problem. He led the boy to a table. "You sit here, i'll just go find one of the kitchen staff and have them bring over some tea and cakes, maybe some sandwiches if you would like?" 
Psychocircusal started following you.
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Well, the boy was clearly blind and, if the rest of his behaviour was anything to go by, not used to human company. His outfit spoke of some strange happenings in itself. The piercings and the scars.. that sort of mistreatment... well, it was enough to make him a little angry. Why someone would do that to another, especially from what would seem such a young age he simply couldn't understand.  "So, ah, Weiss. I don't suppose you would like some tea, something to eat? You seem a tad thin to me."
Psychocircusal started following you.
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The boy really did seem a strange little thing, though he did look somewhat confused. Either way, he didn't quite understand the sniffing, but each to their own, he supposed. "Weiss, nice to meet you. My name is Revis." He caught himself reaching out as if to shake his hand before it dawned on him that the boy wouldn't be able to see it and so he withdrew it. 
Psychocircusal started following you.
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'Well, aren't you a queer little thing! Do you have a name?' 
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"Oh, because you pull such a cute face when I do and the blush is simply adorable."  "My, you don't think she'll kill them, do you? That 'bloody rain' of hers would stain the patio horribly. On another note, I do think I would enjoy your company. If that isn't too selfish of me, of course. Why don't you ask Lottie to keep an eye on things out there? I'm sure she wont mind scrubbing." 
"You’re being cryptic."
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"If you prefer to send my sister because you find her antics amusing, then I will not object to your choice. As long as those bothersome souls are gone, they could be a threat to you. Are you not concerned at all?"
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"You don't wish to talk to me? Or can you not? I don't mean to be rude but perhaps nod or shake your head... the sniffing alone is a little unsettling.."
Psychocircusal started following you.
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'Well, aren't you a queer little thing! Do you have a name?' 
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"I thought you loved my mysterious nature" *Pouts* "I think I will send her, she ought to get rid of them for us, hopefully peacefully. Why should I be concerned when I have you as my loyal protector? Not to mention the rest of the rabble we have milling around here." 
"You seem to be accumulating visitors."
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"Would you rather I handle them?"
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"I would rather not handle them myself.."
"But, you see, if I ask you to handle them then you might be gone for quite sometime and i'm not sure we can have that, now can we? Perhaps i'll send your sister, she does like entertaining."
"You seem to be accumulating visitors."
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"Would you rather I handle them?"
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((Ooc; Hi, hello. I’m aware I took quite a hiatus, but I just wanted to say that if anyone has a thread that i’ve neglected or wants to start a thread just let me know via inbox. I should be back on more frequently over Christmas. (: Thank youuu. Mun out. :3))
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Of-regret-and-loyalty started following you.
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"Ah, someone new! Who might you be, Mister stoic?"
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Nosuchthingasimmortal, paranormology, sweettooth-andswords & dancingdolly started following you.
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"Well, I don't suppose any of you wants to tell me how such a crowd of you got onto the grounds without anyone noticing?"
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Vorsichtig started following you.
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"Ah, Oswald. How lovely to see you. Have you been avoiding me?"
2 notes · View notes
Psychocircusal started following you.
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'Well, aren't you a queer little thing! Do you have a name?' 
9 notes · View notes
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128 notes · View notes