the-angel-girl · 11 months
This is the prolouge of a story I have on my wattpad. It is an oc insert story and my oc is a twin of Todoroki.
This is currently the only chapter I have up rn but I am working on the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it!
She exhaled a breath as she closed her eyes, attempting to block out the voice. The classroom was empty and everyone had already left except for Fuyuko and one of her teachers, who was going on about her behavior. 
"Are you even listening to me?" The teacher's voice was filled with annoyance as she spoke. Fuyuko opens her eyes and looks at her, her gray eyes filled with the same annoyance that the teacher was feeling "You know, this behavior is unacceptable, especially for the daughter of one of our top heroes. I'm very disappointed in you," Fuyuko just rolled her eyes. She couldn't care less about how the teacher sees or thinks about her. "Your brother never acts like this, you should act more like him."
Fuyuko scoffs then picks up her bag as she stands up. "Can I go now?" The teacher sighs as she rubs her temple. "Yeah, sure… There's no use talking to you anyways."
She threw her bag and quickly left the classroom, soon she exits the school. Her hands rested in the pockets of her blazer as she walked down the sidewalk. With it still being winter, the air was brisk. Most people were in their vehicles with the warm heater and those who were walking, they were bundled up in jackets and scarves, but not Fuyuko. The cold never bothers her because of her quirk. She loves the cold.
She continues walking for a while until she makes it home. She entered the house and takes her shoes before heading upstairs to change out of her uniform. Once she was in her normal clothes she heads back downstairs then into the kitchen. 
There was her older sister, Fuyumi, preparing dinner. When she heard footsteps Fuyumi looks over her shoulder and smiled  at the sight of the younger girl "Hey Fuyuko! How was school today?"
Fuyuko gave a simple shrug in response and walked up beside Fuyumi. "Good to hear," Fuyumi was used to her sister's non verbal replies. She knew that if it was a bad day she would give no response at all. "Dinner will be ready soon so could you set the table?"
She nods and goes to the cabinets where the plates were. Just as she's about to take some out, she pauses, and looks back at Fuyumi. "Is Natsuo going to eat with us?"Fuyumi shakes her head. "No, he said he was staying over at a friend's tonight" 
'Lucky' Fuyuko thought as she grabbed four plates, along with the cups, and silverware then placed them on the table, as she was finishing setting the table, Shoto walked in. She pays no mind to him and neither does he, but Fuyumi greets him. 
The three of them serve themselves and Fuyumi of course, makes their father a plate and sets it on the table for when he arrives home, Just as they were about to start eating the front door could be heard opening and loud thundering footsteps sounded throughout the halls, nearing the kitchen.
Enji entered the kitchen and goes straight to his seat, then begins eating. He sits to the left of Fuyuko, Fuyumi was on her right, and Shoto was in front of her. The kitchen was silent and no one said anything, other than Fuyumi who tried to make small talk as an attempt to ease the tension in the room, it was a futile attempt. She was the only one that had hope that their family could be patched up, she was the only one who still yearned for a normal family
Enji paused  eating for a moment. "Shoto, I recommend you for UA today," He looks at him. "But this doesn't mean you can slack off. I want you to go train as soon as you're finished eating. Understand?"
Shoto stares down at his plate for a few seconds before finally answering. "Yes." 
Fuyuko was silent. Shoto glances up, he sees her gripping onto the chopsticks so tight that they look like they're about to snap in half, and she was glaring down at her plate as if it had done something to her. Shoto knows how his twin always did anything to make their father proud. It honestly angered him seeing how much she tried. Didn't she see how he treated all of them? Especially their mother? Why would someone want to approval of someone like that? He never understood that.
With her head still down Fuyuko excused herself, then got up from the table with her plate and cup. Before she could walk off Enji calls out to her while wiping his mouth clean with a napkin. "Fuyuko, take my dishes," She paused for a minute then turned back around and took his dishes before quickly leaving.
Fuyuko hated it. She hated how she always tried so hard to make her father proud despite how he treated her. She hated Shoto. She hated how he always got the attention and approval of their father. Not once was she the center of his attention, it was always Shoto. 
And out of everything, Fuyuko hated herself the most. She hated the fact that she wanted the love and approval of the man that did nothing but hurt her and her family. She hated herself for hating Shoto. She knew that he never asked for any of this, but she couldn't help it. She hated how Enji looked at Shoto with pride without sparing a single glance at her. It drove her crazy. 
She misses the days when her and Shoto played heroes together, when she trained with her father before they discovered Shoto's dual quirks. After that she was nothing but a tool used to help Shoto get stronger. 
Fuyuko did the dishes before going upstairs into her room. She laid down on her floor mat with her arms folded underneath her head and stared blankly at the ceiling. As time passes the sun disappears into the horizon and moonlight begins to shine in her room. Through the thin walls she could hear the sounds of muffled yelling. Probably her Father yelling at Shoto for still refusing to use his left side. 
Fuyuko rolled onto her side and used her hands to cover her ears to block out the sounds. She closed her eyes, even though she knows she won't get any sleep. It was always like this.
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the-angel-girl · 11 months
Hey! This is my first post here. I'm a really big fan or the animes My Hero Academia and Demon Slayer. I'm currently watching Spy x Family and Attack on Titan but most of my posts and stuff will be for mha and demon slayer. I love writing even though I'm not very good at it. I have two mha stories on Wattpad under the user name -The-Angel-Girl- if you wanna check those out. Even though updates are slow because I'm busy. But I hope you all enjoy my stuff!
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