Hello Dears! After a year of slaving away at this animatic it’s FINALLY done. Please give it a watch as a bit of support, because I think you’re really gonna love what I’ve done here.
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the moral of frankenstein is if youre going to build a monster out of dead body parts dont make him like 8 feet tall and super strong
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Kidnapped Starters
“Shut your mouth or you’ll never see the light of day again.” “If they’d hurry up with the ransom, I wouldn’t have to keep you as long.” “Stop squirming.” “Scream to your heart’s content, Princess. No one can hear us out here.” “Not sure I’m ready to let you go just yet. It’s too much fun watching you suffer.” “I’m sorry, what was that? It’s hard to hear you with that thing in your mouth.” “Shh, keep quiet for just a little longer. We’re almost there.” “Aww, you’re actually trying to run away with tied hands and feet. That’s so cute.” “That should keep you nice and quiet.”  “It’s a shame that no one cares enough to come to the rescue.” “Has anyone ever told you that you’re the perfect hostage? It’s incredible.” “Being tied to a chair suits you.” “Don’t scream. Everyone will hear.” “Sorry I had to snatch you. Didn’t exactly have a choice in the matter. Comfortable enough?”  “Where the hell do you think you’re going?” “Mommy and Daddy can’t save you from me, sweetheart. We’re all alone in here.” ”If I take my hand away, are you going to scream again?” “There, nice and tight. No way to get out of that.” “Try and bite me again. One more time. Come on…” “Okay, I’m going to take out the gag and you’re going to tell me what I want to know. Scream and it goes back in with more stuffing. Understand?” “I’m not going to hurt you. Just cooperate.” “Guess snooping really doesn’t do any good, huh?” “Stop struggling!” “Give up already. The ties aren’t going to loosen.” “No way the blindfold’s coming off.” “Do you prefer zip ties or electrical tape? No reason not to be a gentleman about a kidnapping.”  “Sh, sh, sh, stop kicking.” “Ankles together. I’m not going to tell you again.” “Talk or I’ll make you.” “Do you want to die?” “Mmph isn’t a word, darling. You’re going to have to speak more clearly.” “Get in the car or I’ll shoot.” “Scared? That’s good. You should be.” “Stop crying. It’s pathetic.” “Like knives?”  
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It was a terrible mistake and I regret everything. You just see what I saw at first. Everything was... Fantasized by me.. Once I finished, I saw the true horror I brought into the world. Take a second glance at what you are doing and look at reality.
Hello there! Err... I don't suppose you've heard of me before, sir, but I'm a great admirer of your work. Do you have any advice for a scientist-in-training? -- HJ
Hello. I am surprised that someone actually likes my work when I myself do not. I appreciate that. My only advice is know what you are getting into. Do not do something that you will regret for the rest of your life.
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"Things have been fine." He nodded slowly. The scientist was surprised at her change in attitude and kindness. He sighed. "How have things been for you? I hope well."
The table was set. Cherry, two glasses. Olalla was standing in the shadows of the curtains, watching Victor, getting comfortable. She had not seen the man in years and now this would be quite the reunion. Maybe he could serve some use after all. "You started without me", Olalla stated as she stepped out of the shadows in a black, glamorous dress, smiling at him.
Victor jumped a bit and regained his composure. “On the contrary, I have just sat down without you.” He nodded.
The scientist was not sure about this whole reunion thing. It has been years since that horrific incident.. Maybe she has changed.
Victor gestured to the chair opposite of him. “Please sit down.”
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"Ahh.. I see.." Victor was surprised. He did not know that she was capable of being so pleasant. "Thank you for... not sharing the information." He nodded.
The table was set. Cherry, two glasses. Olalla was standing in the shadows of the curtains, watching Victor, getting comfortable. She had not seen the man in years and now this would be quite the reunion. Maybe he could serve some use after all. "You started without me", Olalla stated as she stepped out of the shadows in a black, glamorous dress, smiling at him.
Victor jumped a bit and regained his composure. “On the contrary, I have just sat down without you.” He nodded.
The scientist was not sure about this whole reunion thing. It has been years since that horrific incident.. Maybe she has changed.
Victor gestured to the chair opposite of him. “Please sit down.”
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Victor listened to her words. She seemed kinder. He shrugged. It has been many years. Perhaps things have changed with her.
The Swiss gave a polite smile. "I thought that I might as well give you a chance. What happened.... Took place many years ago. " He nodded and glanced at the window.
"Perhaps we can finally meet on good grounds.." He suggested and picked up a glass. He took a sip.
The table was set. Cherry, two glasses. Olalla was standing in the shadows of the curtains, watching Victor, getting comfortable. She had not seen the man in years and now this would be quite the reunion. Maybe he could serve some use after all. "You started without me", Olalla stated as she stepped out of the shadows in a black, glamorous dress, smiling at him.
Victor jumped a bit and regained his composure. “On the contrary, I have just sat down without you.” He nodded.
The scientist was not sure about this whole reunion thing. It has been years since that horrific incident.. Maybe she has changed.
Victor gestured to the chair opposite of him. “Please sit down.”
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Sick Starter Sentences...
“You’re so pale…”
“You’re sick, admit it!”
“I think you should sit down.”
“Bathroom, now.”
“You look like you’re about to pass out.”
“You’ve got a fever!”
“Why are your hands so sweaty?”
“Are you shivering?”
“Hey, I got you…”
“We have to sweat the fever out of you.”
“You have to eat something.”
“I made you some chicken soup.”
“You’re gonna crash.”
“Cover your mouth when you cough!”
“Have you slept at all lately?”
“Hey, Rudolph.” 
“Did you just cough– blood?”
“I think we should take you to see a doctor.”
“Can you at least vomit with the door closed?”
“Here, take your medicine.”
“Is there anything I can get from you.”
“Let me take care of you.”
“You can barely stand!”
“Go home and get some rest.”
“How long have you been sick?”
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There is love in me the likes of which you’ve never seen. There is rage in me the likes of which should never escape. If I am not satisfied int he one, I will indulge the other.
― Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
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Send ✘ for my muse to say to yours...
Brutal edition.
“I wonder what you look like on the inside.”
“You won’t be leaving this place alive.”
“Keep screaming; no one will hear you.”
“Try to run, I dare you!”
“You’re going to make a beautiful trophy for my wall.”
“I hope your blood tastes as lovely as I imagine.”
“Poor, poor lost soul.”
“I’ll make it quick, don’t worry.”
“You’re going to be here a while.”
“I’ll never get enough of the sound of screams.”
“Look at my tools. This one is my favorite.”
“I apologize for any discomfort you might feel.”
“This is going to be more enjoyable for me than it is for you.”
“Get back here! Don’t run from me!”
“That’s right, run away! You’ll get nowhere!”
“No matter where you go, I will always find you.”
“Just trust me. I would never hurt you.”
“How dare you talk back to me?!”
“Comfortable? No? Too bad.”
“The first cut/bite is always my favorite.”
“You’re such a lovely specimen.”
“This will only hurt for a moment.”
“Shh, don’t cry.”
“You were so brave before now. What happened?”
“You should know better than to wander alone.”
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"Yes.. It was.." Victor sighed and rubbed his neck. The madman's touch lingered and it hurt.
"I would rather not speak of my past.. I apologize." It brought back horrible memories and Victor started to panic. He put a hand against the wall and looked blankly at the floor. He zoned out.
The scientist was having another "episode". His breathing quickened and he was panicking whole reliving the memories of his horrid past.
red/yellow for a scary and violent starter
A moonless night blanketed the city in a pitch black darkness that only the street lights seemed to pierce through. Though it is not easy to spot them right away, due some of their flames being dim from neglect.
In the darkness and loud scream could be heard, a male scream by the sound of it. It was a scream of terror by the sound it, one of which came from a barely lit alley way.
Another yell came from the alley as the sound of a loud growl left the shadows, a pain filled scream this time, followed by the harsh sound of a body falling onto stone, this sound followed by a loud grunt before a snarl followed it.
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The table was set. Cherry, two glasses. Olalla was standing in the shadows of the curtains, watching Victor, getting comfortable. She had not seen the man in years and now this would be quite the reunion. Maybe he could serve some use after all. "You started without me", Olalla stated as she stepped out of the shadows in a black, glamorous dress, smiling at him.
Victor jumped a bit and regained his composure. "On the contrary, I have just sat down without you." He nodded. The scientist was not sure about this whole reunion thing. It has been years since that horrific incident.. Maybe she has changed. Victor gestured to the chair opposite of him. "Please sit down."
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Victor was thankful that his plan worked. He nodded and rubbed his neck once he was free of the other's grasp. It was a bit sore, but nothing too bad.
The scientist smiled smally. "I'm just glad it worked. I did not have a back up plan if you would have turned on me." He nodded.
"Thank you for calming down. I would not stand a chance against you." He said. "As for bravery.. I have been to hell and back... So I have learned a few things."
red/yellow for a scary and violent starter
A moonless night blanketed the city in a pitch black darkness that only the street lights seemed to pierce through. Though it is not easy to spot them right away, due some of their flames being dim from neglect.
In the darkness and loud scream could be heard, a male scream by the sound of it. It was a scream of terror by the sound it, one of which came from a barely lit alley way.
Another yell came from the alley as the sound of a loud growl left the shadows, a pain filled scream this time, followed by the harsh sound of a body falling onto stone, this sound followed by a loud grunt before a snarl followed it.
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Victor groaned softly. "Put me down and we can go get drinks." He held the madman's arm. "Do not pay attention to that man. He learned his lesson. I am sure of it.."
The scientist coughed softly. "Please out me down." It was getting hard to breathe and he was not liking it.
red/yellow for a scary and violent starter
A moonless night blanketed the city in a pitch black darkness that only the street lights seemed to pierce through. Though it is not easy to spot them right away, due some of their flames being dim from neglect.
In the darkness and loud scream could be heard, a male scream by the sound of it. It was a scream of terror by the sound it, one of which came from a barely lit alley way.
Another yell came from the alley as the sound of a loud growl left the shadows, a pain filled scream this time, followed by the harsh sound of a body falling onto stone, this sound followed by a loud grunt before a snarl followed it.
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Hello there! Err... I don't suppose you've heard of me before, sir, but I'm a great admirer of your work. Do you have any advice for a scientist-in-training? -- HJ
Hello. I am surprised that someone actually likes my work when I myself do not. I appreciate that. My only advice is know what you are getting into. Do not do something that you will regret for the rest of your life.
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"I do not think he will mess with you again. You have harmed him enough. Show mercy." Victor sighed.
"Would you like to get a drink? You need to loosen up." The scientist was hoping his words were helping. If they weren't, at least he was stalling so the man could get away.
red/yellow for a scary and violent starter
A moonless night blanketed the city in a pitch black darkness that only the street lights seemed to pierce through. Though it is not easy to spot them right away, due some of their flames being dim from neglect.
In the darkness and loud scream could be heard, a male scream by the sound of it. It was a scream of terror by the sound it, one of which came from a barely lit alley way.
Another yell came from the alley as the sound of a loud growl left the shadows, a pain filled scream this time, followed by the harsh sound of a body falling onto stone, this sound followed by a loud grunt before a snarl followed it.
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"Exactly. If you harm him more, then you will have more similarities with them. You do not want that."
Victor spoke softly. He saw the small pain in Edward's actions.
"Please just take a deep breath and calm down."
red/yellow for a scary and violent starter
A moonless night blanketed the city in a pitch black darkness that only the street lights seemed to pierce through. Though it is not easy to spot them right away, due some of their flames being dim from neglect.
In the darkness and loud scream could be heard, a male scream by the sound of it. It was a scream of terror by the sound it, one of which came from a barely lit alley way.
Another yell came from the alley as the sound of a loud growl left the shadows, a pain filled scream this time, followed by the harsh sound of a body falling onto stone, this sound followed by a loud grunt before a snarl followed it.
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