
Dear 3Ls, I know it may seem early to talk about the Bar Exam. And it is. Still, I want to share advice with you while the experience is fresh. For context, I took the VA Bar Exam and studied using Themis while working part-time at a demanding firm. I studied between 6 and 10 hrs. per day, including weekends. So keep that context in mind. What worked for me might not work for you, but here is some knowledge I wish I had when I started, as someone who was strapped for time.
1. Start ASAP. I mean the week of law school graduation or immediately after. If you're using a bar prep service, getting started early will give a nice 2-3 week cushion to improve weaknesses after you've completed the course. It also gives you a little room to procrastinate, but you didn't hear that from me.
2. Do not be a completionist (unless you need to work on test-taking skills). When you've completed 80+ percent or more of your commercial prep course, seriously evaluate whether sticking to a guided study schedule will help you get points on the exam. If you're on a role with consistently applying good essay writing and multiple choice strategies, it may be better to focus on fixing residual confusion about the law. Only you know what you need to work on at the finish line, not Themis.
The VA Bar Exam tested on several rules I only learned last minute because I abandoned Themis at a certain point to focus on understanding topics I had sincerely wished would not get tested (creditor's rights).
3. Do real practice on day one. The only way to slay this monster test is to do it. I'm not saying simulate real test-taking conditions (ramp up to that), but don't wait until after you've reviewed the many testable subjects to do real questions. In the beginning, focus on the mechanics of writing answers and issue spotting dense MBE fact patterns. Write early essays with your outline open, and take your sweet time on the MBE questions. Understanding and memorizing the law will come with repetition, but approaching questions must become second nature ASAP.
4. Do not be passive. I'm looking at you "busy work" law students who spend all day in the library color coding your notes without ever getting that darn outline done (guilty). You can spend hours watching lecture videos, making flashcards, and doing practice MBEQs. But that does little if you have a passive approach to studying. If you find you aren't actively engaged, pause the lecture to re-center and refocus, otherwise you are wasting your precious precious time. If you aren't devouring every MBEQ explanation, whether you get the question right or not, then start doing it. Don't complete tasks just to see that percentage go up.
5. Get used to fatigue. On test day, you will not have your earbuds in or second browser open on your favorite place to doom scroll. Especially toward the end of your studies, deal with fatigue in a manner that would be allowed at the test. Stand up and stretch, take a short walk around the library, get a sip of water. The exam feels like an eternity and you will hit the fatigue wall, but you can brace yourself if you practice realistic coping strategies.
Retakers, I see you too. Those two days don’t define you or your worth. Keep your chin up and beat this thing!
#I guess this is sort of my bar passage announcement inadvertently#law school#studyblr#bar exam#take this with a grain of salt#rant#mine#txt
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Late summer in the Colonial capitol.
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Artis Library, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (19th century library)
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Studying is hard work, but it's all worth it when you finally get the grades you deserve.
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Update: it was Da Doo Ron Ron because I listened to it for four straight hours while grinding out an essay in an absolute state. So the point stands.
no cheating by looking but who do you think your Spotify top artist is gonna be this year 👀
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its christmas eve and look whos on tumblr
all of us
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Took my last law school exam today. Thinking about returning to posting here with a vengeance. A lot has happened this year… good things but I am tired.
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Oh so NOW the logic games are gone. What about the Bar Exam though? What about that? Who will think about me? *cries in 3L*
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