thcvillain · 5 years
So I’m sure everyone noticed, but I haven’t exactly been on this account. 
School’s been kicking my ass for the most part. Medication definitely helps, but old habits die hard too. Not to mention I have very little muse at present moment.
I’ll still hop on from time to time to meme, but for the moment, I am on hiatus.
If you wanna stay in contact with me, my Discord is under the cut below. 
Keep reading
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thcvillain · 5 years
So I’m sure everyone noticed, but I haven’t exactly been on this account. 
School’s been kicking my ass for the most part. Medication definitely helps, but old habits die hard too. Not to mention I have very little muse at present moment.
I’ll still hop on from time to time to meme, but for the moment, I am on hiatus.
If you wanna stay in contact with me, my Discord is under the cut below. 
Be sure to let me know who you are!
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thcvillain · 5 years
I was gonna ask my mother to set up an appointment for me so I could get some ADHD meds again, since it’s been years since I’ve been on medication and I think I need the focus for tthe rest of my semester.
Thankfully, she still has half a bottle of Adderall left from back when I was on it, so.
Lets see what medicated Doq is like.
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thcvillain · 5 years
     Alistair leans on Bella from behind and wraps his arms around her shoulders.     “I used to be the same around cute guys I was in to.”
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{ ♪ } – “For whatever reason, I can approach men that I’m interested in pretty easily! It isn’t all that hard for me… But women? If there’s a girl that I’m into, I just get way too flustered. One would think it would be the other way around, but jeeze…”
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thcvillain · 5 years
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I lived, bitch.
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thcvillain · 5 years
Guess who got his gall bladder ripped out like a Mortal Kombat fatality? This guy.
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thcvillain · 5 years
Y'all are a bunch of nerds. Love you guys
Forgot to mention it yesterday, but I’m in the hospital cause my gall bladder got infected and I gotta get it removed.
And you know what?
Hospital beds suck.
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thcvillain · 5 years
Ah shit that was supposed to be Anon. Whoops.
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thcvillain · 5 years
Forgot to mention it yesterday, but I'm in the hospital cause my gall bladder got infected and I gotta get it removed. And you know what? Hospital beds suck.
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thcvillain · 5 years
I don’t think I asked for your opinion; only your obedience.
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thcvillain · 5 years
Listen, I know i haven’t really been on in a while but I can’t be on today.
Fucking Sans Undertale made it to Smash and I don’t know what I’m feeling.
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thcvillain · 5 years
zhuangshii replied to your post “glomps.”
he’s living just fine without his... /stepdad/ ffsjdkd
    “I hope he’s eating well and getting along with his siblings.”
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thcvillain · 5 years
     Alistair’s body barely budges as 5′4 woman jumps onto his back, clinging onto his body.
    “Hello to you too. How’s the snake son?” Is the response Shao receives when he finally cranes his neck to look at her on his back.
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thcvillain · 5 years
I’m so full of rage and it cannot be contained in my mortal body.
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thcvillain · 5 years
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hello !! ever had an inexplicable fascination for extraterrestrial horrors? ever wanted to discover the true reason behind the universe’s cold, inevitable end? ever wanted to bear witness to a divine and gargantuan monster whose soul was morphed from weeping stars, with voices of terror and static surrounding the blinding visage of him? you notice he’s wrapped himself in beautiful blue skin as well as the rancid hide of decaying creatures from the fourth dimensions, corners of reality you weren’t supposed to perceive, an abyss stuck between layers of reality. an abomination towers over you, his eyes a gateway to madness the longer you stare in awe as well as freezing dread. your brain cracks and all remaining sanity shatters, your mind is lost to the glitch of creation. all you remember is the sound of your spine snapping in half, before the dust of your essence is poured down a super massive black hole. 
if any of the above applies and you’re 18+, you’re in luck! give a follow ( or like this post for me to check your blog out ) if you’re interested in:
sci-fi cosmic horror with a pinch of the Gothic genre
that eerie although alluring ‘it-came-from-the-80s’ aesthetic grasping your throat
a blue, unmeant god who seeks the successful destruction of the multiverse
a blue, unmeant god who is a butch lesbian and has a weakness for ladies
in other words: a terrifying force of dread, apprehension and Eldritch terror who can only be defeated with the love of another woman
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thcvillain · 5 years
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♣ I’m just messing around at this point but. have @thcvillain carrying Bella away from a fight
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thcvillain · 5 years
Pats his cheeks.
     He has to lean a bit for her to reach his face, a smile playing on Alistair’s lips.
    “Yes, dear?”
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