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thcmcnstcr-a · 5 months ago
Howdy, folks! This blog is officially being archived, and I'm switching Evan over to @thcmcnstcr
Those who choose to come with me, please read the rules when you do! I rewrote them entirely, taking some bits out and adding ones that fit better. Nothing crazy, I promise. The site is still under HEAVY construction, but as of me writing this, I have the RULES and WORLD page about the way I like them. Thanks for sticking with me, excited to see y'all there!
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thcmcnstcr-a · 5 months ago
Howdy, folks! This blog is officially being archived, and I'm switching Evan over to @thcmcnstcr
Those who choose to come with me, please read the rules when you do! I rewrote them entirely, taking some bits out and adding ones that fit better. Nothing crazy, I promise. The site is still under HEAVY construction, but as of me writing this, I have the RULES and WORLD page about the way I like them. Thanks for sticking with me, excited to see y'all there!
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thcmcnstcr-a · 5 months ago
Howdy, folks! This blog is officially being archived, and I'm switching Evan over to @thcmcnstcr
Those who choose to come with me, please read the rules when you do! I rewrote them entirely, taking some bits out and adding ones that fit better. Nothing crazy, I promise. The site is still under HEAVY construction, but as of me writing this, I have the RULES and WORLD page about the way I like them. Thanks for sticking with me, excited to see y'all there!
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thcmcnstcr-a · 5 months ago
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Howdy there, folks!
I have good news and ( kind of not really ) bad news!
Good news- I'm in the process of updating and adding to the information I have on Evan, Atlas, AND Michael so that I can hopefully be back and writing on tumblr in... Maybe a week or two? Maybe a few days? It depends on how quickly I can work on it. Those who want updates or sneak peeks can dm me on discord and I will be OVERWHELMINGLY grateful to receive your feedback if you feel the interest strike.
Bad news- I'm going to be archiving this blog and moving Evan to a new one under the same url. I just need a fresh start after being away so long, and I need to both establish new boundaries and be kinder to myself by sticking to them better. note: this is not commentary on anything that happened or didn't happen at any point- I don't even remember why I was stressed out, but the fault was mine. Please do not make this about anything else but me taking better care of myself, because that is all it is.
So keep an eye out for me! I'm here and I'm working and I'm doing better by miles. I would also love some company because reaching out to everyone after isolating is hard, but also no pressure on that. Just an invitation.
I'm so excited to start writing with all of you. Thank you so, so, so much for your attention, your time, and your patience <3
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thcmcnstcr-a · 5 months ago
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Howdy there, folks!
I have good news and ( kind of not really ) bad news!
Good news- I'm in the process of updating and adding to the information I have on Evan, Atlas, AND Michael so that I can hopefully be back and writing on tumblr in... Maybe a week or two? Maybe a few days? It depends on how quickly I can work on it. Those who want updates or sneak peeks can dm me on discord and I will be OVERWHELMINGLY grateful to receive your feedback if you feel the interest strike.
Bad news- I'm going to be archiving this blog and moving Evan to a new one under the same url. I just need a fresh start after being away so long, and I need to both establish new boundaries and be kinder to myself by sticking to them better. note: this is not commentary on anything that happened or didn't happen at any point- I don't even remember why I was stressed out, but the fault was mine. Please do not make this about anything else but me taking better care of myself, because that is all it is.
So keep an eye out for me! I'm here and I'm working and I'm doing better by miles. I would also love some company because reaching out to everyone after isolating is hard, but also no pressure on that. Just an invitation.
I'm so excited to start writing with all of you. Thank you so, so, so much for your attention, your time, and your patience <3
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thcmcnstcr-a · 5 months ago
Howdy! I'm making steps towards coming back as we speak- this being one of them! If you've been missing Evan and have some time on your hands, I've been working on a little story with her and Atlas in it! Yes I'm going to hurt you with it because that is what I was put on the planet to do probably. I don't know, I wrote over 6000 words today and I'm posting this right before bed, so I'm a little loopy. If you choose to partake I hope you enjoy it!
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thcmcnstcr-a · 5 months ago
Howdy folks! Little update! Things are better- I won't get into specifics but my dog is doing well on medication now, and I am trialing a new med myself that seems to be working? I'm not entirely sure, it's still pretty early to tell, but I have been doing much better in the last few days!
I don't know if I feel secure enough to come back to Tumblr quite yet, but I have had the urge to write within the last couple of days. If any of my mutuals would like to start a thread, I would also like that! But on discord. i know not everyone is a huge fan of writing over there, so no worries if you want to wait for me to be on Tumblr, but I miss you guys and our threads and Evan. So there is an open invitation at all times to all mutuals to add me on discord and write there.
That's all. Love y'all so much and I hope to hear from you soon 🩷 thank you for all of your patience and support.
D: .maxtopher
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thcmcnstcr-a · 5 months ago
Howdy folks! Little update! Things are better- I won't get into specifics but my dog is doing well on medication now, and I am trialing a new med myself that seems to be working? I'm not entirely sure, it's still pretty early to tell, but I have been doing much better in the last few days!
I don't know if I feel secure enough to come back to Tumblr quite yet, but I have had the urge to write within the last couple of days. If any of my mutuals would like to start a thread, I would also like that! But on discord. i know not everyone is a huge fan of writing over there, so no worries if you want to wait for me to be on Tumblr, but I miss you guys and our threads and Evan. So there is an open invitation at all times to all mutuals to add me on discord and write there.
That's all. Love y'all so much and I hope to hear from you soon 🩷 thank you for all of your patience and support.
D: .maxtopher
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thcmcnstcr-a · 6 months ago
Tw: vent post. Not for rp specifically, more just what's going on in my life. I genuinely just don't really have anywhere else I feel comfortable taking this at the moment. Feel free to skip over this 💚 I'll be alright and will be back as soon as I'm able. Things are just hard at the moment and I appreciate your patience.
I'm pretty sure it's getting close to time that we might have to put my dog down. I'm obviously going to be talking to my vet about it soon and seeking out medication if it might help the situation but... I'm not super hopeful anymore and I'm so scared that I'm keeping her here longer than she wants to be. I'm pretty sure she has dementia and I.... It's so hard seeing her becoming so different. I've been trying so hard to pretend that she hasn't been on the decline, and trying to accommodate her as much as I can, but it's getting harder and harder for her and she's getting more and more frustrated with us and I don't know what to do. She's my baby girl. I've called her my birth daughter for as long as I can remember (weird, I know, but whatever) because she's just... She's my baby. I've had her for literally half my life now and I'm not ready to let go but I'm scared that she is. I don't want to keep her here if she's unhappy but the idea of a world without her kills me. I don't know if I'm capable of it. I don't know what to do
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thcmcnstcr-a · 6 months ago
What if when I came back ( because the doctor's appointment is coming! I have not forgotten about this place or any of you, I'm just bad at being a person when I'm unmedicated ) I made another blog focused on my sweet little bhaal babe Aria from one of my BG3 runs......... I might just make her a side blog rather than a whole new one, but idk, I've never been a huge fan of running those due to how people feel about mutuals ( me included ) and I feel like personally it would give me another thing to worry about when starting interactions, but idk, like I said before. Lots of moving parts to think about.
This turned into rambling quick, but long story short is that I'm still thinking about everyone here and trying to come back. I appreciate those who have stuck with me through this 🩷
(Aria under the cut, just included it for a kind of non-spoiler for anyone into bg3 but has been avoiding content)
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thcmcnstcr-a · 8 months ago
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Howdy folks! Hope y'all are having a good weekend so far! I'm recovering from the river beating me up today, but if I'm feeling better tomorrow I'm gonna hop on 💚 thanks for putting up with my slowness and sticking around! Love y'all!
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thcmcnstcr-a · 8 months ago
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A few images from Evan's Pinterest that had me feeling ways this morning
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thcmcnstcr-a · 8 months ago
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Howdy folks! I'm playing bg3 doing research on Evan's bg3 verse and I'm........ So fucking excited to be back in this universe again lmfao. I made her a half-drow fighter and BITCH THIS IS SO FUN WHY DID I NEVER FINISH THE GAME
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thcmcnstcr-a · 8 months ago
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Idk if this is canon yet but I'm thinking about giving Evan a pet in her freedom verse............ She deserves one but idk........ She gets into so much shit in that verse it would have to be some kind of like. Creature that could poof with her and stuff if she needs to escape a situation.
I could get real biblical with it and toss her a talking snake 👁️
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thcmcnstcr-a · 8 months ago
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Someone put a blanket over her cage, so she thought it was nap time. Sorry, it was an honest mistake.
Like for a starter!
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thcmcnstcr-a · 8 months ago
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✧・゚: *✧・゚— Running away hadn't been nearly as hard as she thought it might be. The feelings that she had been expecting initially hadn't really hit her until a few months in, when she ran into the first hunter who seemed to know of her. Word spreads pretty quick in that community, apparently. Still, her shame in those moments wasn't enough to let her succumb to death quite yet, and it still wasn't. The more she faced the familiar feeling, actually, the less sense it made to her. Why was bloodshed only ever okay when it was her own on the ground?
This, though- the way guilt turned her stomach and her face went pale upon feeling the familiar presence of an angel nearby... Like sunlight was hitting her skin, almost, except she could feel the power behind each ray of what felt like light and warmth, but wasn't. Where she should have found comfort upon knowing exactly who it was, she only found fear. Fear of what he might think, fear of judgement... Fear of consequence.
She had paid enough for her crimes. She had paid enough for many more to come. She had been paying for her existence for long enough that she felt some understanding was owed to her.
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Would she get it, though? Swallowing hard, she let her feet pull her forward. She wasn't sure if they were leading her towards or away from Nix, just knew that she was moving again.
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thcmcnstcr-a · 8 months ago
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Okay so I'm still here workin' on stuff but like.................. Y'all are gonna be booking tickets to Mad At Me Island.
I have made the decision to clear drafts.
I know, I don't want to but tbh they just feel like such a daunting task and more likely than not, it'll end up psyching me out of the comeback at all. If you have a thread you want to continue please let me know individually, but otherwise I kinda just need to take them off my plate.
Looking forward to new threads with all of you though <3 Thank you so much for all of your understanding.
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