We argue about the world ending, and the scale of my ambition
36 posts
I need my golden crown of sorrow.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thcdisplaced · 1 year ago
omar had grown tired recently and he hobbled in with his crutches. thank god he didn't actually end up in the hospital, he thinks he would go stir-crazy. he could at least be bedwritten in his own home but lately, it's been filled with his mother ignoring him for even getting involved with such foolishness when they were supposed to be a family that was loyal to the police and not get involved into street fights.
Omar still wasn't sure how he found himself stuck in the middle of the fight and got his knee dislocated from a baton from one of the mob members. he was here for his check up and figured that maybe he should see elio. he hadn't seen him since the party after all and he heard that he was here. his mother of course made him a pumpkin pie to take to the hospital for (really anyone who needed it) and put it in a little plastic bag just for omar to hobble around uselessly in his crutches. he gives him a half smile moving slowly towards elio's bed, placing the plastic baggie at the end. his mother let him hobble up to the hospital doors on his own. there was no way she was going to walk in with him.
"i'm making my rounds. thought you might enjoy something other than jello." he says, though with all the mc members that were injured that night, elio was the only person he brought a pie for. "can i stay?" he asks his smile pressing into a thin line as he gestures to the standard blue and brown hospital chair and pulls it closer to the bed but not sitting down in it yet, just in case there was that itch to say no, it would take him longer to get up and he would just get sad again for no reason.
healing from him has gotten a bit better recently and he thought about them less. but for some reason, being in this hospital room made him realize that he could still get injured or hurt at any point in time. of course, he was going to visit elio in the hospital. he needed to make sure he was okay at least. didn't he? he wanted to make sure he was safe. "mom's ignoring me right now and so are the grandparents, so it's kind of weird being at home, but she still wanted me to make sure you got your pie, also she gave me utensils if you wanted to have some now."
he says shuffling through the pockets pulling out utensils in his pockets and hands one of the plastic utensil sets towards elio's direction. "uh, there's no nuts or milk in that pie either, but it should still be good enough to eat." he was rambling at this point. something he had always done around elio even when they first met. his head turns towards the tv that he was flicking through earlier when he first walked in. "have you found anything good recently? is there anything-- you want while i'm still up?" he says leaning his weight into the crutches and awkwardly rubs the back of his neck. "again--- i can uh-- leave if you want me to." he says nervously pushing his glasses up to the bridge of his nose the rustic hospital chair still remaining empty.
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— who: @thcdisplaced — where: Elio's hospital room — when: A few days after the Saints & Sinners Party
A few days left alone in the hospital with limited movement and limited entertainment, and Elio was ready to get concussed all over again by banging his head against a wall. The walls were bare and the TV only really had one channel and that was the home shopping network. He was bored out of his mind and he couldn't even walk around because some idiot with combat boots broke his ribs. But after a few days he was able to stumble around the sliver of space in his hospital room not taken up by some sort of uncomfortable furniture. So he's been taking to pacing around the room, counting the number of cracks in the tiles beneath his feet, switching to Spanish and back again when he lost count. He was halfway through his usual slow pace with the extra container of Jello that the nurse that was absolutely flirting with him brought over, in his hand, when he heard his door open again. Glancing up, knowing all the family members he hasn't annoyed with his energy yet, were busy today, Elio raised an eyebrow at the new guest. "Omar?" He asked. The two of them chatted during the party - about what? his alcohol soaked memory didn't provide that details of the conversation, but he remembered that much. "What are you doing here?"
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thcdisplaced · 1 year ago
"yeah, the whole reality tv thing, i think that's what's not keeping me engaged, i've tried with those reality shows, i don't know, maybe it's not my cup of tea." he says with a shrug, to be honest it reminds him too much of his own life. one moment his abuela could be on the roof and his abuelito could be mowing the lawn at three in the morning while his mom wouldn't even be home yet. he realizes that he has been holding his drink for a while now. he hadn't even taken a sip of it yet and the ice was melting in his darker colored liquid. tonight was supposed to be a night he didn't even have to think about that, glad that most of his family didn't even know about the mc or what he did for them. "you've been here for hours?" omar asks, thinking that he arrived at a decent time, but he sure wasn't one of the first people here. he watches elio click his drink against his own and he takes a deep breath and finally takes a sip of his own drink, avoiding the sweat from the glass dripping on his crisp white tuxedo. his gaze follows elio's towards where gabe was and he pressed his lips together giving him a thin smile. "i did, he told me i had to go, 'i had no choice' according to him." he says laughing a bit, "though i'm not sure what he would do if i didn't go." he says with a shrug as someone brushes past him, omar grimaces slightly at the touch, still not being used to enclosed spaces like this with the other across from him. "did you come here with anyone?" he asks taking another sip of his drink, wondering if maybe there was another world, where they could have come to an event like this together, though he tries to not let his mind shift there.
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Waving down the bartender for a refill - thankful that his brother promised to pay for all his drinks tonight - Elio spun the empty glass before him on the bar top. "Well welcome, it's been this rowdy for a few hours now," He gestured behind him to the party. Angels and demons in varying states of drunkenness flooded the dance floor. Usually, if he wasn't so wobbly on his feet, he'd be in the heart of it, pressing against a stranger's back as a stranger pressed against his. Swaying to a beat that reverberated beneath their feet. Snorting a little bit, Elio shrugged. "It's a good show. Loud though. People yell a lot on reality TV." nodding at the bartender, and sliding him a five dollar bill as a thank you, Elio tilted his now full glass toward Omar' to clink them together for a second. "That's fair enough. Cheers." Taking a sip of his drink, Elio looked around, spotting his friend that Omar walked in with. "Saw y'come in with Gabe, he disappear on you?"
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thcdisplaced · 1 year ago
a laugh escapes his lips. it almost feels odd standing out here with nico of all people. the cold air felt nice in his lungs that were burning. isn't it true that alcohol can make your breath feel even warmer in the cold or was that just something else he's overheard through the grapevine? "can't believe i'm getting advice from nico sinclair." he says teasingly. "i will, just-- are you going to go inside at some point? or are you just going to sulk out here in the cold?" he asks looking over at the other, already shoving his hands in his pockets. the chicago weather was shifting quickly in chicago and he isn't sure if he liked it just yet. omar has grown up in chicago all his life and he should expect the changing of the seasons but every year it gets worse and worse, and every year he appears to be doing nothing different with his life.
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Nico can't help but snort under his breath. If being a good person was qualifying for being liked, Nico surely should be hated by everyone. The people he's hurt, the people that he continues to hurt, and the people he will hurt all remind him of that. Some of those people were in the bar just behind them. Shaking his head at the man, he shrugs. "We all do shitty things. We're all shitty people. That's the fun of it. But it's also that shit that will keep you up at night. Just enjoy the party-- doesn't matter who hates your ass."
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thcdisplaced · 1 year ago
"yep, not too long ago." he lets the pounding of the music bleed through his ears a little bit. it helped drown out the awkward silence between them. he wasn't surprised that elio has already ran into many, everyone has always seemed to like the other more than himself. he had guarded his walls and his heart so high that it was ultimately what ruined them. but, he didn't want to think about that tonight. he came here not to think about what they were tonight. he presses his lips together as a small smile spreads on his lips, listening to the other talk. "listen, i think i started that but i can't even recall how far i got into it" he says with the slightest bit of a laugh escaping his lips. he watches the ice in his drink melt slowly and the glass begins to sweat between his fingers, making his own hands feel more nervous than they actually were. he needs to just remember to breathe, so he does, giving elio a soft smile as he glances over at him. "i'm... good." he responds, at least talking to him in public now, is a start. "like i said, cheers to a good night, i think everyone needs a little bit of something right now." and really omar kind of did think that maybe. that everyone deserved something good right now, but maybe that was just his naive way of thinking sometimes.
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Elio could tell that there was subtext to Omar's question, but he was a little too drunk to decipher it, so he just shrugged like "Yeah, loads...figuring you just got here then?" They hadn't talked since that disastrous meeting on the river walk, and the younger man was still trying to navigate it. The loud music around them wasn't helping the situation so he just plowed on. "Hey...Below Deck is addicting once you get started, don't really blame them." How are you? In all honesty, Elio didn't know how to answer that right now. There was a time where he would be honest with Omar, and tell him that his indecision in life was making him wonder if he was destined for nothing more than what he's done so far. But they weren't that close anymore. So he just took another sip of his drink and settled on a simple "good, how about you?"
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thcdisplaced · 1 year ago
omar wonders if this is the first time they have talked at an mc event in a while and to be honest, it probably was... he presses his lips together and glances over at elio wishing that things weren't so distant between them anymore. "have you.... run into many people yet?" he asks, the night was still young and the party has barely begun. he supposes that he showed up at the right time with gabe. he presses his glasses up to the bridge of his nose as he wraps his hand around the crystal glass. "was wondering if maybe tonight wasn't the best night to leave the grandparents home, but they seemed distracted yelling at bravo on the tv." he was rambling at this point, probably because he was nervous. it was a bad habit of his. "how have..... you been?" he asks almost reluctantly as he slowly takes a sip of his drink, straying away from the already sticky bar top and turning his full attention towards elio.
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Shrugging one shoulder, Elio took another long sip of his drink. In reality, he saw Omar walk in and promptly found himself preoccupied in the other side of the party. Between the two of them Elio was the odd one out. It was a club party and Omar was a member of the club. Elio was there as a guest, so he knew better than to be a bitch about seeing the man. But that didn't mean he had to spend the entire night with him. Omar had finally explained what happened on his side and while he had the closure he wanted, the man was still unsure how to feel. So for right now, he hid his feelings behind a drink. "Thanks," He mumbled, nodding at the other man's outfit, fitting the other side of the theme than Elio's. "Y'look nice too."
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thcdisplaced · 1 year ago
"a little bit, yeah," he says brows furrowing as he glances over at the door. it was a great turnout for tonight, really. it was. he was surprised but also not surprised that almost everyone who said they would show up showed up. "my parents used to host parties together, i think they said it was insulting to the host for someone to leave so early." he glances over at the front door as more people pile into the event and takes a sip of his drink. "i'm not sure if he'd operate the same, but i think i did see him throw out a few prospects earlier for not dressing up to par."
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she gave the other a slightly judgemental look while passing the shot glass into his outstretched hand. ' no one's here holding you hostage. ', she quipped, her tone matching her costume to the t. her gaze momentarily shifted to the speakeasy's main entrance, catching a glimpse of mitch by the doors. conversations with him had been rather limited, not entirely surprising given her last name. she was grateful , though , that he allowed her a good deal of freedom of coming and going with ease.
' what's wrong ? ', gigi couldn't help but let out a chuckle, her tone taking on a youthful note that felt somewhat out of character. ' scared of mitchie ? '
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thcdisplaced · 1 year ago
"i used to do graffiti back in the days! but-- i realize that running from the cops is more work than i would like to put into," he says defensively with the slightest bit of a laugh on his lips. though those times were when omar was really not okay in the head. he didn't think straight, he didn't seem to care anything about himself back then. was he actually getting along with nico for once? shocking, he knows that they have butt heads a bit over the years, but omar has been trying to get along with his fellow mc members. the mc gave him a sense of purpose in his pathetic life when he kind of felt like nothing. "i didn't even need to be fucked up for that either, i do other things, other than just paperwork and reading, i know that might sound kind of contradictory because i also work in a library, but i swear, i can be interesting sometimes." he says teasingly as he nudges nico's shoulder, hands in his pockets as he glances down at his feet. "i just know i haven't really been the best person, in the past years, i've been trying to work on that a bit more, though."
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"Apparently because people don't hate you," he retorts, his shoulders shrugging to Omar. Nico thankfully was not in a position that was elected. He'd been hand-selected to be the Enforcer for the Club and admittedly, he was sure that meant more to him than a popularity contest anyway. Nico would be content to be all by himself for a while, hate be damned, as long as the people hating him weren't those closest to him. "What? You read too many books and give yourself a papercut last time you were fucked up?" Nico teases lightly, shaking his head. "Last time I was fucked up I set a fire to a warehouse from the outside and left a bomb on the inside to see how long it would take to reach the bomb. It took about an hour, in case you were wondering. It was a big fucking warehouse." Paired with the fact that anyone could've caught him at any time, he probably should be in custody by now.
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thcdisplaced · 1 year ago
"i..... got preoccupied with the others around." omar says wondering if that was the right thing to say wondering when that liquid courage was going to kick in. he wonders if this is the first time they are talking to each other at an mc event in what seems for years. he takes a deep breath and his lips thin into a soft smile, eyes trailing down elio slightly. "you look good tonight---" he says clearing his throat a little bit, there was that liquid courage that he didn't need right now as he flags down the bartender and orders himself another drink, anything to keep his hands busy and holding a drink seems like the best idea even if he doesn't drink it. "i mean, you look like you're having a good time tonight."
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As the night went on, Elio had a harder and harder time staying standing. The alcohol was making him sway a bit and a few times he had stumbled on the air around his feet. So as the club got more and more crowded, the man found himself sitting at the bar, chatting up the bartenders and offering tips when some ruder guests didn't. he was sitting there for an hour when there was a tap on his shoulder and a shot glass put in front of him. Smiling a little at the alcohol, Elio glanced up to thank whoever was bringing it to him and his face immediately falls. Omar was there, and he didn't know if the queasiness was from the alcohol or the hodgepodge of feelings floating around, but he decided he wasn't drunk enough to figure that out. "It's a public party." He said. "You can stand here I don't really care. Haven't seen you tonight."
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thcdisplaced · 1 year ago
omar laughs a bit almost at nico's analogy. it's nice to be around someone that's kind of oblivious-- he thinks. "you know, sometimes i don't really even know how i ended up winning that." though at the time, omar didn't really have much of a life. he was going through a hard spot in his own life. he devoted too many hours to the mc. he had the bags underneath his eyes to prove it just like everyone else here. "that is fair, y'know sometimes i think it's probably best for me to not drink because usually chaos usually follows, i'm not going to lie," he says pressing his lips together as he shoves his hands in his pockets.
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Nico usually doesn't follow Omar. He's not someone that listens to the gossip around the Club and he's certainly not inclined to hate a fellow Club member. After all, they had to have each other's backs. That's one thing that Nico found comfort in when he was joining the ranks-- it was like the military. You live and you die together. And beyond that, you had to trust each other (which was maybe the hardest part). "What do you mean people hate you? You're the fucking secretary. You got voted for that shit. How are they hating you when you won a popularity contest?" Nico half-chuckles to himself, despite the other's clear seriousness about the situation. "I'm not a drinker so the fresh air is all I've got. And apparently a whole lot of visitors looking for a break."
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thcdisplaced · 1 year ago
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crazy bitch, horny bitch, boring bitch, queen bitch.
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thcdisplaced · 1 year ago
"i wasn't even going to come tonight." omar says a bit truthfully realizing how lame that kind of sounds, but it was kind of the truth. he would have been at home watching soap operas with his abuela until she fell asleep if gabe didn't drag him out. though, to be fair the only way to ease omar's veins was to drink a little bit, he did have a few already, but that's why he came outside. he could feel himself suffocating in there with all those people. "i do also like the music until it makes my ears feel like they're ringing." he says clearing his voice a little bit. "but sometimes it's hard to be here when everyone seems like they hate me. alcohol was kind of the only way to go tonight." he says brows furrowing as he presses his lips together and gives him a soft smile. "but, the fresh air is nice too, less people sweating on you and whatnot."
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Nico isn't exactly looking for company outside, yet he continues to find it. Or rather, it finds him. He lets his eyes slide to Omar who's joined the party of one, making it more of a party than apparently either of them was looking for. Nico clears his throat and sighs. "Yeah, me either. Makes me antsy," he remarks. And a nervous Nico was well-known for causing problems. He tended to lash out or react with a very overdramatic zeal. "Just trying to keep my head on straight-- and everyone else's. Apparently, it's too much to ask for everyone to just keep their shit together," he explains. "But I like the music."
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thcdisplaced · 1 year ago
"i'm set on getting drunk because no one wants me here, you were the one that dragged me here, may i remind you?" and those were probably the most truest words coming from omar's mouth all night. he pushes the small shot glass towards the edge of the counter and he rolls his eyes at gabe, a friend. someone he's gotten to know well after all these years. "nope." his lips thin into a line as gabe mentions love "i'm not having this conversation with you. i need to be more drunk for this. and you're not the best at love either, mister good hair guy."
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"if the definition of feral is uncultured swine, then yes, i did." gabe's not a big drinker, especially in an event where someone is bound to hurt themselves, and where is boss is mingling with his members. he aches for something stronger than this g&t, but that will have to do for the moment. he focuses on omar, looking at the man's face with a raised eyebrow. "if feral means wild, cheers to you being it," the man chins his glass against the other's, a small teasing smile on his face. "why are you so set on getting drunk? don't tell me you have," gabe leans, conspirationally, to whisper "love problems? do you need a wingman?"
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thcdisplaced · 1 year ago
closed for @elioluna
dear god, omar wasn't even sure why he was still here. but he knows that it's too early for him to leave. he knows that would be insulting to the host if he left now. his palms were nervous and sweating, god. fuck that sweating. everyone said it would go away after puberty but it seems like the older he got the worse it was. as he orders two shots, not even really paying attention to whom was next to him. he taps their shoulder and offers the shot to them, "cheers, man, for..... a good night, i guess. though i don't really know why i'm here." he says muttering the last part underneath his breath as his gaze finally meets elio's, realizing it was finally him. he hadn't noticed him earlier because his back was too him. he nearly does a freaking double take. the one person he had been avoiding all night had somehow been standing right next to him "i mean, you can still take the shot, and i can walk the other way, if that's what you want, up to you." he says, glad that he was still wearing the hat to hide behind as he raises his own shot glass to him before downing it, grimacing slightly at the taste.
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thcdisplaced · 1 year ago
"yeah, i don't think those parties are really my thing." he says a bit truthfully. he hadn't had much to drink yet. though he looks like he could use one right about now. smoking was never his thing either. he just kind of needed a breath of fresh air as the weather changes from summer to autumn in Chicago. it was the time that his mind was actually the calmest. the music was starting to give him a headache inside. it was his favorite time of the year, really. and maybe not the music pounding through his skull. "you good?" he asks, brows furrowing, as he inhales the smell of the smoke, he could remember when he did pot back in the day, but he promises himself never again when he realizes it was giving him a high heart rate.
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open starter
Breathing in deep through the poisonous stick he'd chosen to place between his lips, he tries to calm his mind. Loud parties weren't exactly Nico's thing. He'd come to the party and stayed on the sidelines, his mind going miles a minute. Nico was was looking for trouble, he was always on-edge, waiting for something to happen-- the other shoe to drop. Blowing out the cloud of smoke from his lungs into the chilled Chicago air, he tries to stop his leg from bouncing beside him as someone approaches. "The party's inside; this is a party of one out here," he offers. Because he's sure to ruin the party if he goes in there right now.
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thcdisplaced · 1 year ago
omar had lost his only friend somewhere along the night it had already felt like. he could just go home and leave now. really he could just walk right out those front doors but then the issue would be on how to hide from mitch on the way out if he left this early. though his train of thought was interrupted when gigi offered the filled shot glass to him "my savior, truly." he says with a half-awkward grin. "i was just planning an escape route if i needed one tonight, a shot sounds ideal." he says holding it in between his hands, not really remembering when the last time he had a shot was. "cheers.. cheers to a good night, hopefully." he says before tapping the shot glass down back on the table for good luck and raising it to his lips downing it in one go.
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for : everyone location : saints & sinners, devil's disciples mc halloween party
gigi wasn't exactly a social butterfly; her reputation for avoiding crowds was firmly established. she cursed herself in her head for making the impulsive decision to attend. it was undoubtedly a recipe for chaos. to ease her nerves, and especially to alleviate the throbbing in her head, the raven-haired girl filled a shot glass, and then another. with a reluctant gesture, she extended her hand to offer a drink to the closest body. ' cheers. '
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thcdisplaced · 1 year ago
"mmmm, i'm getting there." omar says mindlessly as he gently moves the empty glass towards the edge of the bar for the bartender to take when he comes back. he hadn't really been mingling, had he? he knows for certain that he's not touching the already sticky countertop as the night still feels like it's young. he isn't sure how he had lost gabe in the mix of everything, yet they are and he looks over at him tilting his head to the side. "are you having a good time? didn't run into anyone feral yet?" though really, half the people in this joint were feral, hell, they were in a club filled with gang members, what a wild time to be alive. omar sees their filled glasses come back and he wraps his hand around his own glass, "cheers, to, not being feral, i guess." he says raising his glass toward gabe.
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though they arrived together to the speakeasy, it didn't take long before omar and gabe were separated. there was a lot of people, and gabe made sure to ignore most glares sent his way. maybe he should have done a better effort to bond with some members when he took over dr. huang's work within the club. though at the same time, there wasn't much he could do when nico sinclair didn't like him. his opinion probably meant something to some people, judging by the meaningful stares of people he knew nothing about.
still, it didn't take long before his path crossed omar's again. and looking at his... friend (colleague? mate? acquaintance?), gabe couldn't help the small snort. he flagged the barman, one drink for himself, another for omar. "having fun? are you already drunk?"
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thcdisplaced · 1 year ago
omar stares at her a bit mindlessly. kind of expecting her response, but also kind of hating her for not even giving him a chance just because of one connection he had with one person. they were doomed to not get along. but she was no saint either even though she sure as hell was dressed like one. "fine then," he says finally, putting his hat back on, she didn't need no respect anyway if she was just going to be rude. his mom always told him to give everyone a chance but if they weren't even going to hear him out he wasn't going to put in the time for her. "i didn't want to get a drink with you anyway, i was just trying to be cordial." he says rolling his eyes. "but if you're not going to even try, i'm not going to waste my time with you."
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Brie is skeptical about Omar Ayala, he's quickly become someone she doesn't seek out due to her friendship with Elio. He was among the short list of club members she didn't enjoy, so she kept a distance for the sake of peace -- And remaining off of Mitch's shitlist. The last thing she was interested in was the man in question showing up at her door with complaints and some bullshit about brotherhood. "Everyone will be shit faced soon enough." She shrugs, sipping her drink. She could play cordial. Brie understands how long it takes to get ready -- It had taken her just as long, but she is too petty to let herself relate to him. Everytime she looks at Omar, she pictures her conversation with Elio -- Hammered, staring at the ceiling as they discuss love and heartache, and those who brought it on. "I did." She answers simply, before her brows furrow. "Absolutely not."
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