thatspencerporter · 4 years
Oh, well I’m glad you think so! There were definitely a few years that I’d have rather gone with friends, but I think in general it’s always been a fun bonding experience for her and my sister. Well, whatever your study methods are, I’m sure we can arrange something mutually beneficial! 
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I can completely get that, I think most of us go through a stage where we would rather spend time with our friends and then you grow out of that and are less embarrassed by your parents again. In some cases anyway. I am positive we can come up with something to help us both out.
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thatspencerporter · 4 years
Sebastian rolled his eyes at the comment, but it made him smile. “Guess you can,” he knew he wasn’t always honest though, not when it has come to his true, hidden feelings. But hey, other than that, he was definitely up front. 
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Spencer seemed pretty damn tipsy, but Sebastian didn’t really judge the dude. He wanted to be, as well, it was a good night for that, after all. “Good, glad you’re apologizing,” he said with still a smile plastered to his face. However he raised his eyebrows once more when he heard the words out of his mouth. “And here I thought you just apologized to me. You’re welcome, though.” It’s that Sebastian also wanted to have a good time today, not wanting to fight. He would’ve told Spencer some other things. 
Looking at the alcohol and back to Spencer, he let out a airless chuckle. “I suppose I’m the one who should be thanking you, too, right?” he said before taking one of the shot glasses, chucking it downing one in one take. He closed his eyes when he felt the alcohol sliding down. He really liked the feeling and opened his eyes again. “I don’t have to do anything, but this is fair enough. I’m way too sober for this shit anyways,” he agreed and with that being said, he gulped down the second shot without thinking. As he looked the other into his eyes with a daring glare.
Spencer thinks he might be pushing his luck a little but Sebastian doesn’t seem to be reacting negatively to his words, maybe it’s because they’re out, maybe it’s because they’re out and he gets a get out of jail free card because he’s a little on the tipsy side. Whatever it is, he likes it. He likes that they seem to be getting on. Spencer doesn’t particularly trust or like people, he usually thinks the worst of them. Right now, though, there’s no negative thoughts in his head about Sebastian.
“I did apologise for one thing, you deserved that other comment,” he quips, smirking at him. He really is only teasing, it’s all in good fun and he’s sure, or he hopes, Sebastian knows that.
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“I did just buy you three drinks so yes, you thanking me should be a thing,” he decides with a nod of his head. He watches as Sebastian takes and the shot and maybe his eyes fall to his throat, watching his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallows it. He clears his throat and averts his eyes as Sebastian speaks again. “Shots are the best way to get you drunk,” he muses before the other is taking the second shot. He grins and follows suit, knocking back the second shot himself. Maybe his friends can wait and him and Sebastian can just have the shots he’s bought.
He quirks his eyebrow at the look on Sebastian’s face, he’s not so sure he knows what Sebastian is saying with that look. He’s intrigued, though. “Whaaat...?” he asks and he doesn’t even really notice he takes a step closer to him but he definitely does.
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thatspencerporter · 4 years
Quickly picking up how Spencer replied to his actions, Sebastian held back a little. He was suddenly aware that not every male he encountered was a part of the lgtb+ community. Not that it stopped him, but he was aware. He, however, ignored his thoughts and smirked. “Yes, it had to be me,” he looked down at the just a tiny bit smaller dude. “Since you could probably get away with it with any other, however I’m not buying that shit,” still smirking.
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His eyebrows cokced up again. Was it too much? Sebastian wondered. “It was, you really are overstepping boundaries here,” and he didn’t mean to, but his eyes darted over to his lips before looking back up again. Sebastian wasn’t even feeling tipsy and this was very unlike him, so he had to stop this.
When he heard ‘big words’, it made him smile, again. “Aw, I’ll try to be very understanding, so it won’t be all too difficult for your fuzzy, Baileys brain,” saying all these things with a tone of how it seemed like he was belittling him. Like talking to kid.
Sebastian watched the not-so-much stranger order and forgot that he needed to order for his friends. He hummed and a small nod in response; they were in a bar after all, it was a very likely he wouldn’t hear him hum. He also wasn’t really sure how to reply to it. Sebastian saw how many glasses were in front of them. Not wanting to imply that he could help to carry them all (also maybe because he’d like to spend a little more time with Spencer), Sebastian just waited for the other to give him the shot he promised him.
Spencer rolls his eyes, but it’s fond, he’s not actually annoyed with what Sebastian is saying. He seems less crass during this account so Spencer is enjoying himself, enjoying the easy back and forth between. “Guess I can always count on you to keep it honest,” he says with a smirk before he lets out a laugh, shaking his head. “I don’t blame you, honest is the best policy. Or so the say.”
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“My apologises,” he says feigning seriousness as he places his hand on his chest, holding back at smirk. Despite his tipsy state, he doesn’t miss the way Sebastian’s eyes fall to his lips. It was so quick, though, that Spencer doesn’t think anything about it, he doesn’t react in any way.
Another laugh is pulled from him because of Sebastian’s words and how he’s talking to him. “Patronising little shit,” he says but he’s not really bothered. “But thank you. Me and my fuzzy brain appreciate it,” he muses.
“These are for you,” he explains as he passes a beer and two shots to Sebastian. He takes a sip of his own beer before he holds up one of the shots he had gotten for himself and holds it up. “I just feel like you aren’t drunk enough, and I need you to get on my level,” he teases before he knocks the shot back, enjoying the burn down his throat. 
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thatspencerporter · 4 years
Hey guys! So for those of you who follow my youtube channel, I will let you know right now that there is a brand new video that is set to premiere at midnight! I know this camp has made is really hard to keep to my schedule of three videos a week. But after being gone for so long I finally managed to dedicate some time to one. This one is all about the dos and don’ts of rustic fashion. Just in time to get you started on your Autumnal wardrobe.
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I don’t watch much Youtube, and I definitely have no knowledge on what is considered good fashion but you know what? I’m going to watch it and maybe I’ll learn something.
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thatspencerporter · 4 years
A chuckle left his mouth eyes when Spencer continued this game they played. “Well, somebody needed to make a comment about it sooner than later,” as he took a step forward maybe to immitate the other, but mostly to see how far this teasing could go on between them. Because Sebastian is very, very amused. 
Sebastian raised his eyebrows and blinked for a few times; did he hear Spencer correctly? “Excuse me?” he said while he placed his hand on the bar, leaning his body weight on his hand. “I know that I’m maybe, possibly, additcted to coffee, but I’m definitely not an idiot,” Sebastian lifted his chin, looking at Spencer with a certain dare in his eyes and squinted a little. He also noticed just noticed how Spencer actually was quiet good looking. He’d give him that. “Aw, poor you,”  faking his sympathy, “it sounds like you’re going to have a big problem with that.” 
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“To what do I owe you that pleasure?” he said before turning around so his body faced the bar again, looking with him. He tilted his head quickly when he saw someone looking in their direction and saw that they were going to approach them. Thank god. He turned his head in the direction of Spencer and watched him.
“Oh, yeah?” Spencer asks before his eyes widen slightly when Sebastian steps closer to him. He quickly schools his face, though, he isn’t intimidated by it, he quite like it, but when someone that attractive gets that close to you when you’re not 100% comfortable with your sexuality? Well, that was intimidating. Even if Sebastian probably didn’t mean anything by it. “And of course it had to be you, he adds, laughing.
So, Sebastian didn’t like being insulted about his intelligence. Noted. “Oh, sorry. Was that too much?” he asks but he’s still teasing because he’s not about to let the mood change between them because he’s having too much fun right. He rolls his eyes when he hears the sarcastic tone of Sebastian’s voice. He’d tempted to call him an idiot again but decides against it. “Na, not really, I can handle it. Just don’t use big words,” he says, feigning a serious expression on his face.
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“I’m buying shots for the people I’m out with, and since you’re here I may as well get you one, too,” Spencer says with a shrug of his shoulder. He’s not about to admit it’s so he can spend more time with him. When someone finally comes to serve them, he orders enough shots for him, Sebastian and his friends, along with two beers and yes, one was for Sebastian, so what. It was only polite. He pays and waits for the drinks to set in front of the duo.
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thatspencerporter · 4 years
Oh. Sebastian realised what Spencer meant with what he said just a minute ago and he felt stupid for not understanding it the secodn he said it. He bit the tip of his tongue and sucked on it. He really needed to get more booze in his system. He felt so uptight and needed to loosen up. Sebastian placed his hand on his side and tried his best not to smile when he told him something that he mentioned when they talked online. It failed however, he placed his tongue against the roof of his mouth, rolling his eyes once more, shaking his head a little. “Yeah, definitely. You really need to work on that,” he said with a smile plastered on his face. “I mean I’m all in for teasing, but you should at least be good at it.” Sebastian told him, jokingly.
Sebastian hummed in response, starting to enjoy how Spencer was replying. “Yes, you need to be sorry. It’s my coffee were talking about here. We both know how important that is to me,” he made fun of himself a little to lighten up the mood between them. Hearing the last sentence, Sebstian snorted in response. “Is that something you need to compensate to the coffee beans that are filled in your head?” he felt comfortable making fun of the other, although it was more of a tease at this point. Because they were clearly making fun of the other in a joking way and Sebastian thought that they both are enjoying it.
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There seems to be a shift in Sebastian’s mood, he isn’t sure what it is, but he’s thankful for whatever it is because despite Sebastian’s uptightness and the fact he can be kind of rude, he’s interesting and funny - neither things he will be telling him any time soon, though, he thinks compliments will only fuel his cockiness and that’s already out of this world. He sighs dramatically when Sebastian confirms his words. “I’ve never had any complaints on my teasing before, maybe it’s just your issue,” Spencer quips. The conversation isn’t as hostile as their first interaction, nor is it as odd as their interaction at the coffee shop. Third time lucky, right? That’s a thing.
“Oh, so you’re aware you’re a coffee snob?” he asks, smirking. That’s the first time he’s heard himself saying something teasing about his own person, which probably isn’t unusual considering it’s only their third interactions but still, he liked it, hearing Sebastian tease himself. He narrows his at Sebastian’s next words before shaking his head. “Idiot, my brain contains more than just coffee beans. But tonight it’s just more fuzzy and, like, needs to work harder to hear words and stuff.” 
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He stands closer to the bar, hoping someone will come serve them and not so he can leave because he wants to keep talking to Sebastian but he wants shots as well. “I’m getting you a shot, or three,” he says, grinning.
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thatspencerporter · 4 years
Sebastian was just about to make a snark to the bartender before he heard a laugh. He quirked his head in the direction and, oh god, of course it was Spencer. He didn’t hide it when he rolled his eyes when he made an attempt to start the conversation. 
Slowly he lifted himself from the bar, standing tall and straightening his back. Sebastian checked how the man was dressing this night and he smiled impressivly, before looking back into his eyes. “Why would you assume that? I’m clearly making the right order,” he told the other loud enough for him to hear what he has to say. Sebastian challenged him again, but this time it was also partly because he was also having a good time with his friends.
Sebastian observed Spencer; he seemed loose. Was he tipsy? Sebastian wasn’t, not yet. He wasn’t sure and fixed his eyes back on the bartender, getting more annoyed by the second when they weren’t paying attention. So he looked back to Spencer when he gave up his attempt. “And why are you here? Aren’t you suppose to study how to make a decent coffee for when I might come back?” Sebastian wasn’t going to admit that he enjoyed Spencer’s coffee. At least not out loud. He was too proud for that, clearly being amused by his own comment.
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Spencer almost falters when Sebastian rolls his eyes at him - maybe this wasn’t a good idea. But then the other is engaging in conversation with him but maybe he’s just bored. “I was... teasing. Because someone from my work place got your order wrong,” he replies and he doesn’t know if Sebastian got that or if he was being difficult on purpose; he wouldn’t put it past Sebastian if the latter was the truth. Was the guy even uptight when he was out? “But I forgot, I need to work on that, don’t I?” he asks, raising an eyebrow, quoting the words from their first interaction. It’s a good job Spencer doesn’t get offended easily, he thinks people that do need to stay clear of Sebastian.
He doesn’t know if he should move away when Sebastian’s attention turns back to the bar but as quickly as that happens, he’s back with his attention on Spencer. He laughs, shaking his head. “Sorry I forgot my life revolved around your coffee order,” he quips, smirking. “I’ve decided to give myself a night off from that and focus on getting as drunk as I possibly can.” He’s probably talking too loud, he always get a little louder and a little friendlier when he’s had a drink, or several.
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thatspencerporter · 4 years
You again?
Laughter started to fill the air around the booth where Sebastian and his friends were sitting. Sebastian loved having a good time with his friends; to drink, talk about other students, maybe even laughing about them. They’re the plastics/popular kids after all. The top of the pyramid.
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“Ugh, fine,” Sebastian groaned loud, rolling his eyes with a smirk. Yt was his turn to order anyways. They usually took turns. He lifted himself out of the booth, before quickly turned to his friends one more time. “So, a Shirly Temple for-, Hey!” he laughed out loud when one of them punched his arm. “Okay, okay, I presume you all want the same drink?” he stated while he looked at each of them, nodding and walked to the bar. He wasn’t aware of his surroundings, tonight wasn’t that important for him anways. It was a night to relax.
Sebastian leaned his elbows in the bar, while he crossed his leg over the other one and tried to catch the bartender’s attention. Waiting quite impatiently, he sighed deeply because of it.
Spencer has decided last minute that he wants to go out, he doesn’t have to get up early tomorrow for work so it seems like the perfect night to go out. He’s only been out for a couple of hours with a couple of people in his classes. They were nice, easy people to spend time with and they were always up for going out with him when he suggests it to them. He was a faster drinker than his friends and doing rounds was never fun for him whilst they were out so he always just fends for himself when he’s out with them.
He finds himself making his way over to the bar for what feels like the hundredth time that night and he decides on his way he’s getting them shots. He stands at the bar, waiting patiently for someone to come serve him and while he waits he looks around. His eyes wander to the dance floor, to the people sat around talking, and then he examines the people stood at the bar. His eyes narrow when he sees... Yep, that’s definitely Sebastian. He lets out a quiet laugh before he plucks up the courage to go stand next him, the fact he’s had a few drinks helps with them.
“Do they ever get your order wrong here?” are the first words out of his mouth, talking loud enough for Sebastian to hear him over the music.
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thatspencerporter · 4 years
He noticed every little detail that was happening between them. He didn’t know how it was for Spencer, and fuck he wanted to know. He was so curious how the barista was thinking about all of this. He heard how the other cleared his throat and he realised that he was staring. Very much still standing there when he clearly got his much needed coffee. The reason why he came here in the first place. He also cleared his throat, not wanting that his voice will crack, and shook his head. “No,” he replied with a quick smile before running his fingers through his hair. “That was all.” 
He felt the heat on his fingertips, also to remind himself he needed to take a sip. Breaking eye contact, looking out of the window that was a good few meters next to him. He almost thank him, almost. But he bit his tongue to prevent himself for saying that. He couldn’t quite place why not, probably because his pride acted up.
His eyes met Spencer’s again, and he was almost certain he felt something. They had a connection, Sebastian couldn’t quite place yet. But enough to say that he, maybe just maybe, really liked. 
“I’ll see you,” and the sentence was out before he could stop himself. Not to further embarass himself, he turned around and walked away. Cursing himself mentally for it, he walked back to the car. Before he unlocked the car, he took a sip of his coffee. Warm liquid filled his mouth, down his body. A genuine smile appeared on his face before stepping into his car. Spencer wasn’t lying; he indeed knew how to make a coffee. He placed his coffee next to him in the cup holder and drove away.
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Spencer has an amused smile on his face when Sebastian finally answers his question. “Okay,” he replies with a nod of his head. That was all he wanted, Spencer knew that, they’d talked about it before, Sebastian wanted good coffee and Spencer knew he could provide that. Maybe, though, maybe he hopes the coffee he’s supplied today will be reason enough for Sebastian to come back, namely when Spencer was working. He did know his shifts now so that was always a possibility. He also really hopes Sebastian keeps smiling because he has a nice smile. A really nice smile, actually.
The ‘I’ll see you’ was nice to hear. The possibility of him coming back was definitely heightened with those three words and Spencer smiles at them. He almost says ‘I hope you do’ but he stops himself and settles for. “Thanks for coming, see you later.” He thought the first part would seem too formal, too dismissive, and he really didn’t want to give that impression. 
He watches as Sebastian walks out of the coffee shop, his eyes still on close door once the other has disappeared out of it. It isn’t until he hears someone saying hello for maybe the fourth time that he realises he has another customer and he has completely zoned out. He shakes his head and apologises before taking the new customers order and he can’t help but think it isn’t as much fun as serving Sebastian.
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thatspencerporter · 4 years
Was how he felt that obvious? Sebastian wondered when he still watched Spencer. He crossed his arms to protect himself. When the other mentioned his name, his lips formed the tiniest smile he probably ever gave somebody. Sebastian did like how Spencer repeated his name, he liked the way how he said it. And repeated it for a couple of times.
He needed to recover himself. Quickly. Sebastian wasn’t sure, but did he make him nervous when he watched him make his coffee? It made him look away, scanning his surroundings to see if they saw what was happening between them, before looking back. There was something about Spencer; the way he wasn’t afraid to talk back to him, the way that he was still polite no matter what he had thrown him, the way he didn’t back down. It was something Sebastian wasn’t used to. It challenged him and oh how Sebastian loves a challenge. 
His head lifted, looking down with his eyes, subconsciously wanting to make sure he was dominating this little game between them. He forced himself to smile back at Spencer. “Thank you, Spencer,” Sebastian was the king of nicknames, but when he heard his own name three times, he just had to state his name. Maybe it was out of spite, but fuck it. He doesn’t care, not right now.
‘I hope it’s satisfactory for you, and I hope you come again’? Sebastian raised his eyebrows at that particular comment. He had to admit that was… kind. “Will do,” he replied shortly, leaving it in the middle what part he exactly was referring to. But he knew it was both. It was probably the way that Spencer acted around Sebastian that made him want to see him again. More than he was willing to admit. It was a challenge, a game that Sebastian really enjoyed playing. And he assumed Spencer enjoyed it, as well.
Reaching out for the cup, Sebastian had to touch Spencer’s finger tips in order to take the cup. The brush of their fingers make Sebastian feel something that he couldn’t quite place. He just knew that he felt something, a small spark perhaps, before he took the cup out of his hands completely, reaching back to hold it on chest level. Not sure why’s still standing there, looking at Spencer. Maybe to get another reply from the one behind the counter. maybe to still wanting to talk to him. But he was fully aware this was probably the end of their first encounter in real life and that was just the end of it. 
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Spencer smirks slightly when Sebastian says his name and adds extra emphasis to it. Now they were on first name basis, that was a start. He couldn’t help but wonder what happened to coffee bean? He liked that. Although his own name was better than hearing coffee boy. He wasn’t sure why he didn’t like that one but he really, really didn’t. Thankfully, Sebastian hasn’t used it yet and hopefully it stays that way. “You’re welcome,” he replies. He honestly hadn’t expected Sebastian to say anything that would be considered polite but maybe he did have manners, maybe they just appeared every now and again, or whenever he felt like it. 
Maybe he wanted more but just hearing those two words, will do, made him deflate slightly. He was working, though, Sebastian was just a customer right now, it wasn’t like they could sit down and have a chat. Sebastian probably wasn’t someone who sat down and had a chat anyway. “Good,” is his simply reply, smiling a little more warmly this time just because. Because he was working, because he knew his name, because he knew that whether Sebastian admits it or not that coffee he’s about to drink will be amazing.
When Sebastian’s fingers connect with his own, he looses his cool slightly, the polite smile drops and his face is now one of question but he quickly schools it. He clears his throat, and plasters on another smile as Sebastian retrieves the cup and Spencer’s hand falls away. He thinks Sebastian will just leave and the he’s still just stood there, not speaking, and Spencer isn’t sure if he’s missing something. “Is... is that all I could help you with today?” he asks, keeping professional but for the first time missing a beat between them. 
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thatspencerporter · 4 years
It was one thing that Spencer talked back to him online, it was an entirely different thing that he talked back to Sebastian like that in real life. The words ‘know it all’ triggered him more that he was willing to admit it. And he hated that. He sucked on his tongue, wanting to snark at him. However he continued talking and Sebastian was getting more and more annoyed, trying his best to contain himself. 
He squinted his eyes, clenching his teeth together when he saw the quiet laugh. Sebastian dispised Spencer of how polite he was as well of not giving a fuck. He couldn’t act like an asshole right now, not right now. He knew people could actually comment on- could correct his behavior. Not that he cared, okay maybe a little, but the thought of this made Sebastian be a little more furious. He quickly needed to recover himself, now wasn’t the time to lose control.
Biting down on his tongue, he watched Spencer’s movements and how he spoke. When he mentioned how much his drink was, he quickly rolled his eyes, holding back a snarky remark. Again he didn’t want to start trouble in a fucking coffee shop. He had a reputation to maintain, a good one. 
Sebastian looked Spencer up and down when he asked what his name was. Fuck, of course, he didn’t give him his name. Inhaling deeply, forming a tight smile on his lips, before replying. “Sebastian,” he stated his name stiff and clear in a way Spencer couldn’t mess it up. “Good, I’m pretty sure you’d regret it, if you did fuck it up.”
He wanted to say so much more, but again due Spencer’s way of talking back stopped him. The barista gave him no chance to say anything in return and it  was frustrating to him, a lot. He clenched his teeth together again, but pressing them together more firm this time. Watching Spencer’s movements; how he took the marker, how he wrote his name on the cup. He watched every step, every movement. It also annoyed Sebasian that he caught himself actually liking the gracious movements. Spencer’s movements flowed together, one movement flowed into the other. He took a deep breath as watched every step.
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It isn’t hard for Spencer to see that Sebastian is growing more and more annoyed; it is honestly rather amusing. He thinks maybe he should be offended that he seems to make Sebastian so annoyed so easily and yet he just thinks it’s funny he can affect a stranger this way. Even having to give Spencer his name seems like something he doesn’t really want to do but Spencer stays polite and calm - he is working after all, he’s not about to play into in an obvious way. Sebastian definitely seems like the type of person who would kick up a fuss if someone serving them way rude, or if he thought they were being rude. He likes his job and he’d like to keep it a little bit longer. “Sebastian,” he repeats and it sounds foreign on his tongue. He’s never met anyone called Sebastian before but the name actually suits him. He quirks an eyebrow at the other’s words. “I’m sure you’d make me regret it, huh?” he asks before he shakes his head but he’s still wearing that polite smile on his face.
He goes about his business then, writing Sebastian’s name on the cup he would use to make the coffee. He could feel the other’s eyes on him but he didn’t make it known to Sebastian. He was probably making sure Spencer didn’t mess anything up. It was kind of intimidating, honestly, having someone watch your every move when they were probably doing it to catch you out. It made him a little anxious but he knew what he was doing and the other’s eyes boring into him wasn’t going to stop that.
As Sebastian waits, Spencer makes the coffee. It comes so easy to him, he’s only ever worked as a barista while studying so it’s all he knows and it’s like second nature to him so doing Sebastian’s order was fine for him, he knew it would be good, he knew the other would have no room for complaint - though he’s pretty positive the other will find something. Once he’s made the coffee, he brings his attention back to Sebastian. He smiles and holds out the cup for him. “There you go, Sebastian. I hope it’s satisfactory for you, and I hope you come again,” he says. And he may mean the last bit a little bit more than he probably should.
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thatspencerporter · 4 years
If you ever do decide to make that happen, let me know. I’ll hook you up with the deets. Thanks, Spencer. It’s been a bitch, but honestly, I’m just ready for the season to start at McKinley. I could really use a few good games to feel like I’m 100% back in my groove. Gosh, I couldn’t tell you. Isn’t this place just swell?
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That sucks. Parents can be really shitty. Anything in particular that makes him so awful? Routine’s good. And classes start up soon, so there’ll be that to take up a bunch of your time, too.
I definitely will, it seems like you spent enough time there for that to be true. And I don’t think I know anyone else that’s visited Germany before. You’re welcome. I can imagine so. The sooner you get back on the pitch, the better, right? It’s the best, honestly. I might never leave.
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Yeah, they can. He doesn’t approve of what I do at college, he doesn’t approve of my sexuality - which neither does my mom to be honest, they both kind of ignore it. But my dad’s a little bit louder about everything. It sounds lame to say I’m ready for classes to start back up, but I am so ready.
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thatspencerporter · 4 years
Waking up at 7:30am, Sebastian wasn’t the happiest person. He can be a morning person, but only if he let himself be one. Besides, he thought it was better to go to the gym to start the day a little better. 
Thinking about what happened yesterday what happened between him and Spencer, made him roll his eyes and annoy him a little bit more. However he was suprised that the coffee bean would dare to talk back to him. Sebastian assumed that people didn’t. He was a plastic after all, they should be afraid to talk back to him. They shouldn’t talk back to him. And there Spencer was; doing it like he gave no fucks about Sebastian. And Sebastian wasn’t himself if he didn’t let him. He wasn’t- heck still isn’t- going to take that crap. It almost triggered him that Spencer also used Sebastian’s own words against himself. It was unaccaptable.
He also didn’t understand why he would give the other man a chance to make it right. For him to prove that this coffee shop was actually good. Sebastian should just let it be and drive to the better coffee shop where they did make his coffee right every time he was there. However Sebastian always liked a challange. He tried people just to see them struggle or even fail. That convinced him to go to Spencer’s coffee shop today. Sebastian was ready to see Spencer fail and ready to be nasty about it. Because that is who Sebastian is, or at least exterior.
He hopped out of the shower when he was done with his work out, changed himself and he looked at himself in the mirror. He ran his fingers through his wet hair for one last check; he had to look perfect. Nobody should see him as a slob or a poor boy. He threw his back over his shoulder and drove to the coffee shop. Spencer still didn’t leave his thoughts. There was something about him. He annoyed Sebastian, but he liked the challenge and somehow wanted to keep the conversation going. He wondered if Spencer would be there in the first place, hoping that he didn’t lie to Sebastian. He also wondered to see if he would actually serve him the right order.
Finally, he stepped in the coffee shop, looking around to observe the room, the crowd, and then looking back to the counter. A sly smirk appeared on his face when he saw Spencer behind it; this was going to be it. Slowly, not wanting to be in a hurry, he walked over to the counter and when he heard the words of him, Sebastian’s eyebrows quirked up, looking almost surprised. He quickly recovered himself, how dare he? He very much knew what he was going to order, and it made Sebastian almost irritated on the spot. However he also needed to control his emotions; losing control of them wouldn’t be the most handy idea, right now or maybe ever. “I think you know very well what I want, coffee bean,” he snarked, without a greeting. “However, I’m in the mood for something stronger today, so make it a dry cappuccino with an extra shot of espresso,” he was in the mood for something stronger because god, he needed something stronger. “Do I need to explain to you what that is or are your skills of being a decent barista not going to fail me?”
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Spencer is pleasantly surprised to find out that Sebastian is as snipping in real life as he is over a key board. It’s at least consistent and at least he can walk the walk as well. Spencer probably would have liked him less had it all just been something he did online, an online persona, that’s not fun. There was no polite greeting, which Spencer wasn’t too surprised about, it’s not like every customer came with a smile and a warm good morning and he sure as hell wasn’t going to expect that from Sebastian. That being said, though, hearing the words coffee bean was definitely something he did like. He already liked reading it but actually hearing Sebastian say his nickname made him want to smile brighter but he didn’t. He couldn’t, he wasn’t giving the other man any satisfaction. “I wouldn’t like to assume anything,” is Spencer’s response. “Nobody likes a know it all,” he adds for good measure and he keeps that polite smile on his face.
He almost laughs when Sebastian changes his order. Of course, why would he stick to the coffee he was complaining he didn’t get the last time he was here? That would just been too easy, wouldn’t it? His eyes widen when Sebastian asks if he needs it explaining to him and this time he does let out a quiet laugh before he shakes his head. “No, you don’t need to, I am pretty sure I can handle your order and have you love it. But thank you for the offer.” He punches in the order with ease, having been working her for long enough to have it down, despite what Sebastian may think. He advises Sebastian how much it is and once he’s paid, Spencer thanks him. “Can I take a name please?” he asks and he knows he doesn’t need to ask that, the place isn’t exactly busy right now and he won’t forget who’s order it is but it’s a way to find out his name instead of outright asking and making it obvious he just wants to know his name.
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thatspencerporter · 4 years
Starting work at 7am was always easy for Spencer, he was a morning person. Jogging on a morning woke him up, followed by a shower and then he’s always ready to face the world. Plus he loves the opening shift because he gets to be on his own for an hour before the second person comes in. He may be a little distracted today, however, knowing that Sebastian is coming in and is going to completely judge whatever cup of coffee he makes him. He really, really hopes whoever he’s on shift with isn’t the person served Sebastian last time, that wouldn’t be fun.
He has to admit he’s intrigued by Sebastian, for some odd reason. He’s not exactly the nicest guy Spencer has ever met and yet there’s something about. Was he annoying as heck? Yes. Did Spencer want to keep talking to him? Also yes. He didn’t understand it, either, but you didn’t have to fully like everyone in your life, did you? He didn’t even know his name. What was that all about?
Spencer won’t admit it out loud but he’s more aware of who’s walking through the door today because he’s waiting for it to be Sebastian. It’s almost nine and he thinks maybe Sebastian wasn’t actually going to come but then after serving a couple more people, he sees him walk through the door, notifying Spencer with the ding of the bell above the door. 
When Sebastian appears in front of him at the counter, he has to stop himself from saying ‘can I get you a latte?’ because he’s sure Sebastian wouldn’t find it funny. Instead, he smiles, politely and says. “Good morning, what can I get for you today?” and fully expects quip about how he should already know the answer to that question.
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thatspencerporter · 4 years
Yes, that also really depends on it. Very much if I might add it.
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Tomorrow will be very telling, then.
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thatspencerporter · 4 years
A fair amount, I’d say. That’s entirely if we’re going to meet/talk more often.
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And I guess that all depends on how well I make your coffee for you.
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thatspencerporter · 4 years
I’ll come up with more nicknames in the future, don’t you worry about that.
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I already have three, how many more do I need?
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