thatmelody-blog1 · 5 years
He tilted his head, exposing some more of his neck as he felt the need to give Siebren extra room to kiss. The soft gestures he gave him with his lips was another thing he couldn’t help but think about throughout his day. He would long for them in moments that tried his patience and physical pain. Finally. Even though it felt like he was being a tiny bit deprived due to Siebren’s yearning for more than simple affections.
The heat rose to his ears listening to the suggestion. Still feeling the soft touches of his hands as they gently grasped at his body.  Making so that he felt the chill reach his skin and give him goosebumps. Yes perhaps there was a time and a place for a reminder. Now would be the time, but not the ideal place.  His mouth leading into a small smirk like he was proud to grace such an intelligent and incredible individual’s mind on what seemed like a daily basis. “It’s nice to know how much I cross your thoughts Siebren…I won’t lie I was hoping I would get the chance to see you all day. Probably got me a little distracted now and again now that I think about it…” He chuckled just a bit admitting it.  
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His voice made everything pleasurable to hear. Including these almost taunting words. “Mmm..I do whole heartedly agree. I’d really hate for someone to snag you from me right now. I honestly feel a little entitled to your company. So maybe I’m the greedy one, yeah?” He parted his lips slightly as though he planned to ask something. Instead he softly pressed a kiss to Siebren’s chin as a way to coax him for the on coming question. 
He pressed a palm to his chest, running a small circle right over where his heart would be with his finger tips. “Would it end your world if I asked you to carry me there. I’m already really comfy.”
“Hardly.” How the response fell without thought, for such a request was one of the simple pleasures he had in life. Carrying him, holding him close- how he’d not take a moment for granted, not now, nor ever. Love was a thing he felt more than undeserving of, so to have him desire his affections at all? It was a blessing, plain and simple. 
His touch was merely a spark to ignite the flame within his chest, a warmth spreading where fingertips lay, leaving a heat wherever they would roam, his heart pounding in ways he’d never felt- perhaps that was merely the sensation of love, blooming like a flower that never experienced spring. Each time they were together, how it all felt so new, this concept of tender love and expressing it in such hesitant touch. How he’d began to crave more with each passing day- months of yearning only making him all the more certain of his desires. 
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Reason why he held no hesitation, lifting himself from his seated position, his lover still in his arms as he drifted down the hall. Cautious- yet hearing no other footsteps, making haste to Ita’s private quarters, closing the door and only hoping no one would disturb their time together. It was only then, in the dark of his room that he hummed, lips meeting his brow, the sound of his gentle breathing filling what space lay between them as he moved across the room to lay him gently on the bed before him. 
“You call yourself greedy for wanting my attention- yet constantly I hope and desire that I cross your mind- that I fill your thoughts, your dreams... your desires... So who then is the more greedy out of the two of us? I’d like to believe I win this argument...” It was then a chuckle filled the space between them, lowering himself down onto a knee beside the bed, admiring his profile in the dim moonlight that streamed through the window. Hands carefully came to rest upon his thighs, filling the space between his open legs, longing to join him, but respecting his space- taking his time to tease. “Do you ever think of me, like this, when we’re apart...? or am I simply the love struck fool out of the two of us?”
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thatmelody-blog1 · 5 years
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I couldnt stop crying until I drew him
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thatmelody-blog1 · 5 years
Autumn preferences Bold what your muse prefers and tag some people.
1). go apple picking vs. go on a hay ride 2). scary vs. sweet 3). sweaters vs. boots 4). socks vs. mittens 5). bonfires vs. football 6). trick-or-treating vs. watch scary movies 9). bake pie vs. bake cookies 10). rain vs. fog 11). black cats vs. owls 12). ghosts vs. wizards 13). harry potter vs. halloweentown 14). go hiking vs. sleep in 15). cinnamon vs. nutmeg 16). reading vs. writing 17). hot chocolate vs. tea 18). live in a cabin in a forest vs. have it be fall 24/7 19). candy apples vs. caramel apples 20). blankets vs. pillows 21). roasted marshmallows vs. roasted chestnuts 22). coffee vs. apple cider 23). red leaves vs. orange leaves 24). braids vs. bows 25). scented candles vs. the smell of fresh baked goods 26). carve pumpkins vs. make pumpkin pie 27). pumpkin spice lattes vs. chai tea lattes 28). coats vs. oversized sweaters 29). beanies vs. berets 30). candy corn vs. peanut butter cups 32). jump in a pile of leaves vs. swing on a tire 33). corn maze vs. haunted house 34). bob for apples vs. visit a pumpkin patch 35). whipped cream on hot chocolate vs. marshmallows on hot chocolate
TAGGED BY: @martyrbot tysm!!!!! TAGGING: @docile-interitus @76st @vcsionary @corrodent @dcadlights @haltandhug
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thatmelody-blog1 · 5 years
@docile-interitus || Random Starter.
He stood in the shadows, watching as his love danced about in the moonlight that streamed through open windows. The night was young, and no doubt left him all too full of energy to burn. It was the only reason he assumed he was so lively, spinning about in his white nightgown, following the patterns that were perfectly crafted into the castle floor.
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Silently he studied him, and how it brought about a hint of relief, to know his new found love was slowly taking a liking to his new environment. So much had changed in such a short time, how he knew it changed him- made him far more distant than he had ever wanted. With luck, he would be able to change the tides in his favor. Coming forth from the darkness, he hovered across the floor until his hand met tenderly between his shoulder blades. 
“I never knew you were one for dancing...” Not that he had any problem with it, in fact, he encouraged it, fingers moving slowly down his spine, until they met his lower back, slipping around his waist with a hum. “You have a natural grace about you- perhaps I’ll take you dancing soon. There is a party coming up, if you’re interested. I could always use a dance partner.” 
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thatmelody-blog1 · 5 years
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“Guys, thats his husband.”
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thatmelody-blog1 · 5 years
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▌real name: Siebren De Kuiper  ▌single or taken:  thread dependent. ▌abilities or powers:  The power to harness gravity. ▌eye colour:  Very light blue. ▌hair colour:  Was once a dark brown / black with silver down the sides. ▌family members: his mother and father are both deceased, he had no brothers or sisters. ▌pets:  could be thread dependent. I like to imagine he will have a cat at some point. ▌something they don’t like:  an overwhelming amount of sound. ▌hobbies/activities: stargazing, reading, traveling, working out, etc.  ▌ever hurt anyone before:  yes. ▌ever killed anyone before:  yes. ▌animal that represents them:  a lot of people say cat, but i’m open to others. ▌worst habits:  overworking / overexerting himself, he also tends to just have a low self esteem and believes hes not good enough for anyone in terms of relationships and things. ▌role models:  many different scientists, from his generation and long ago. ▌sexual orientation:  bisexual ▌thoughts on marriage/kids:  he doesn’t believe it’s something possible for him given his age in the current day events of overwatch. too old, and believes there’s nothing worth marrying let alone having a family with. Back in the day, before the events of space happened he may have considered it, but now it feels impossible. ▌fears:  isolation, containment, being restrained in any way. ▌style preferences:  Outside of battle he tries to dress casually. Slacks, button ups, turtle neck sweaters and the like. He also, when reading, will wear his glasses when he feels the need. Just imagine some college professor with a decent taste in fashion, let him be cozy. ▌someone they love:  verse dependent honestly. ▌approach to friendships:  most are often intimidated by his presence, which makes it hard for him to make friends. however if anyone approaches him and attempts to have conversation, they’ll find just how easy it his to talk and get along with him. He is a very warm and loving man when he gets the chance to show it. Just treat him like a person and chances are your muse will get along with him just fine. ▌thoughts on pie:  enjoys it, probably apple or pumpkin pie. ▌favourite drink:  he drinks tea and coffee depending on the day, black coffee usually, or just water. alcohol is different however, he enjoys a glass of wine, gin or brandy usually. however he isn’t picky depending on the social event, he’ll drink just about whatever is being served.  ▌favourite place to spend time at:  he loves traveling, so long as it’s outside of talon hq he doesn’t mind it. He enjoys space still despite what happened to him, as well as paris.  ▌swim in the lake or in the ocean:  he enjoys both, the ocean is beautiful and vast so he wouldn’t mind spending time at the beach. ▌their type: a smaller lover, which just about everyone is smaller than him. but it comes down to personality, if they are a good person or not, all sorts of things. he wont just date anyone for the sake of dating, he has to build trust, because when he falls for someone it’s a rare thing- but he falls hard. his relationships can be very passionate, for he is a very loving man. ▌camping or indoors:  indoors, but he loves to stargaze so that will get him outside. ✨ TAGGED BY:  @martyrbot ty bby ✨ TAGGING: @docile-interitus @vcsionary @corrodent @76st @syntheiis whoever else!
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thatmelody-blog1 · 5 years
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Right in front of me.
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thatmelody-blog1 · 5 years
He flinches when you touch him, It is a conditioned response From a life of battered nerves, And you can’t imagine how it is That he can still ask you To wrap your arms around him, When so many other arms Have been cages.
(via scentofarmani)
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thatmelody-blog1 · 5 years
The simple touches of his hand made all the difference to him. The feeling of his palm ever so close to his face, and the warmth that radiated from it. As Siebren’s thumb softly caressed the bottom of his mouth he couldn’t help but perk his lips. Leaving the smallest kiss at the tip of it.
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Sometimes Ita had a hard time processing just how much Siebren cared about him. In his heart he usually believed his fellow Talon agents could and would just double cross him whenever they pleased. Despite having one other friendly acquaintance, there was still a small chamber inside of him in which his paranoia stirred silently until provoked.
But..Siebren. He was different. He was different in that Ita didn’t feel that way when he shared his affections. He was always sincere and emotionally open with him, and it didn’t make him feel afraid.
“Lets hope you can convince our lovely committee to let me tag along. I really would like to spend time outside of this place…especially if I can with you…” He responded as they touched their foreheads together. Making him tilt in such a way as to nuzzle his nose to the side of Siebren’s.
Oh the way Sieb talked about him in such a fashion. Making him feel wanted. Needed. “I don’t…they excused me for the evening. Data to analyze y'kno. They’re like children with new toys.”
He let out a breath, low and almost chilled at the sensation of his other’s finger tips to his backbone. He had been aching for this proper physical affection all day. “At least for right now, I’m yours if you want me to be." 
How he made a mental note to bring the subject up to Moira at a later date, knowing well that if the cards were in his favor, and if he made up a proper enough excuse, she’d allow Ita to go forth. Be it an excuse for him to practice his abilities, that he’d record his results on the battlefield- he’d make up anything just to have her say yes. The thought of disappointing the one he loved most was something he couldn’t bear- Ita’s sorrow enough to tear him apart from the inside out. He’d find a way-- for him, ready and willing to bend over backwards just to see him happy. 
The thought left a low hum, rumbling deep within his chest. His gaze remained level, reading over his expression and drinking in his beauty in what light his study offered. All too tempted, the thumb that once brushed against his lip slowly dropped away as he spoke. “You say that as if I don’t long for your presence at all times...” He took pause, allowing his lips to meet his own in a gentle, and far too chaste kiss. The sort, simply to tease him, moving to the corner of his mouth, allowing his lips to graze his skin as he moved down to the soft curve of his neck. “Do I need remind you just how bad I’ve missed you.. how much I’ve thought about you...?”
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How he would do so without hesitation, with the hope that he would allow it. Reason why his hands continued to wander, back down the small of his back, until they met his waist once more, thumbs kneading gentle circles into the sensitive flesh just above his hipbones. “If you would like me to... jog your memory, so to speak- we could always take this somewhere more private. Your quarters, if you’d like, simply so no unwanted guests stop in here, in case someone may be in search of me.” With luck he’d understand, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as teeth grazed his neck. “Privacy is such a difficult thing to come by, I say we take advantage of it while we can, wouldn’t you agree-?” 
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thatmelody-blog1 · 5 years
He couldn’t help but let out a small breath of relief the second his body reached the security of Siebren. This is what he looks forward to after being physically and mentally strained all day. The thing that is commonly on his mind. He just wants to be back in the embrace of his dearest. That’s all. He seeks no other kind of reward for surviving O'Deorain’s test runs. It only took a few seconds of his touch to make him feel safe and cared for. The star gazer had a skill in that way to make a petite power house like him melt and take down some of his walls.
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Ita turned his head to lay it against Siebren’s chest. Longing to hear his heartbeat that he grew so fondly of listening to. At the same time he took satisfaction in the vibrations of his voice as they slightly buzzed the side of his head while he spoke.
“Paris huh…I can’t remember the last time I was there..” He stated. Actually unsure of the last time he had gone on a mission outside of the headquarters at all. “I wouldn’t mind. It’s been a while since they’ve given me a travel mission. Might do me some good.” A potential escape from this prison right now wouldn’t hurt.
Though as Siebren uttered those worried words he picked his head up. That pained tone making his chest sink. Looking into bright eyes he couldn’t help but get lost in every now and again. Though right now they gave off the lightest sense of fear and insecurity to him. “Siebren..” Softly escaping his lips. He wanted to reassure him. He never really considered what would happen when it reached that point under Moira’s hand.
“I’m not gonna go anywhere. I promise.” His mouth now expressing the smile he wished he’d of entered with. “Honestly I think I’m pushing her limits. I don’t know what more she can do that hasn’t already been done.” He tried to sound confident in that remark, lifting the corner of his mouth to smirk like he was being fresh about it. A filed fang popping just a little over his lip.
What he wouldn’t give, to take him all away from this- for freedom truly was an illusion and a lie when it came to working for Talon. True, they had free will to do as they pleased, go where they desired, sent across the world in order to accomplish their goals- but it all came with a price. Were they to disobey? attempt to rebel? He’d heard rumors of those who tried their hand at running away-- but no one could truly escape the clutches of the group that held them, body and mind. Yet if he had a choice? How he’d flee with him and never look back, attempt and give his love a chance at a better life. At times however, he couldn’t help but wonder- was being freed from that prison really a better life?
Yet seeing Ita before him, feeling his head as it lay against his chest, truly a reminder of who and what he was fighting for. How his touch alone could anchor him to the present, pull him from a darker place within his mind and allow him to focus on what lay before him. He wanted nothing more than to hold him then, burying his nose within his dark locks, breathing him in as his eyes drifted shut. To think one so small could hold his heart- no- his very life in his hands, and be so blissfully unaware of what power he held over him. 
All too quickly the spell was broken with his voice, the melody in his mind coming softer now, as if the universe fell quiet whenever he’d so much as speak his name. Eyes focused in on the younger then, a hand lifting to his cheek in admiration. Carefully his thumb brushed across his soft skin, admiring the beauty marks the sun was so lucky to kiss him with. What he wouldn’t give, to leave his mark upon him-- but the universe had sculpted him into a thing so fine, that no man like him should ever ruin such a work of art. Yet he’d be greedy when he could, his gaze drifting to his lips as he spoke. Tempted, his thumb moved, tracing his lower lip in admiration as he replied. 
“She could kill you, you know. I’m quite certain that she’s so dedicated to her work, she will do whatever means necessary to reach whatever goal she has in mind. I won’t allow it- and if taking you along with my to Paris will keep her hands off you for the time being... I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen...” A promise, and more so a hope they’d have time to be alone together- far away from the clutches of those who controlled them. 
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 “Besides, the only one who should have their hands upon you, is me. Call me greedy, or perhaps even selfish, but if I may be honest-- the thought of her claws upon you doesn’t settle well with me...” His head dipped then, allowing their brows to gently meet as a hum rose deep from the back of his throat. “I’d love nothing more than to have time alone with you, uninterrupted- hence why the thought of Paris is so enticing at the moment... Do you.. have any plans for the night? I’d hate for you to be punished if she came looking for you and found you here with me...” Hence why his hands wandered then, fingers moving down the soft curve of his throat, while the gravity between them began to shift, pulling him in flush as his hands then moved to his lower back, wandering up under his shirt to admire the soft curve of his spine.  “ Yet I can’t find it in myself to let you go.. like a moth to the flame- time and time again...”
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thatmelody-blog1 · 5 years
While his footsteps were fragile, his skin pattered on the cold and sleek flooring of the hall. Approaching the doorway to the lab room where he was hoping to find his other, floating in his usual spot. There was a small passing thought that he might not be present. Thankfully his doubt was disproven.
As he stood at the frame of the room’s opening he held one of his arms, fingers gripping just above his elbow. His attire of baggy pants and a simple shirt giving off the impression that his day was over and he was given allowance to relax. His posture though was seemingly shy, like he was worried about intruding. He only felt this way when he noticed the lack of gravity making the environment dance ever so gently.
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When his presence was noticed the edges of his mouth curled very slightly. Happy, but lacking the energy for the response he wanted to give the scientist. He moved closer, placing his hand into a palm much much larger than his own.
“Very tired…” He paused a moment. ”She submerged me in water again…Wasn’t my favorite type of test. But, I managed I guess.”
Ita found himself instinctively crawling into the large man’s lap while he floated close enough to the ground. As he did often when they had time to lounge together. A huff escaping his chest as he tugged himself into place. 
“What about you?”
Oh, but if only he knew just how he could make his heart sing. How his mere touch alone left his skin alight with a sudden charge- like electricity across the skin. His breath held in his throat, taken so easily by the other without him ever truly noticing. For Ita was a gift, though he could not ever see it. Undeserving of his touch, his affection at all- how he’d never take it for granted. 
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Gaze grew soft, though his brow knit with concern for his well being. Time and time again he’d watch him endure these test, being taken away to be forced to his limits. Yet a man could only take so much, and it was that notion that scared him. How much pain would he be able to withstand- how far could he bend before he’d break? A part of him feared that Moira would never stop, only finding the truth she sought in her studies when he’d destroy his own body from the inside out. The thought alone left his heart aching, instinctively moving his hands to his waist, allowing them to slowly creep along the natural curve of his hips with a low hum.
“Nothing of importance, if I’m being honest. After you were taken I had to.. distract myself, you see. Doctor O'Deorain she.. doesn’t approve of me always hovering about while she studies your abilities. A part of me feared she may have became suspicious of us, were I to argue with her. So instead I did as I always do, physical training, preparing myself for the next mission. Paris, I’m told- the details have been scarce however, and I’m uncertain who is to attend... I’ll see if maybe I could have you accompany me, if you’d like.”
 Lips pressed into a thin line then, for in reality the mission was the least of his concerns. Jaw tensed a moment as he looked over his tired features, unable to hide what was truly on his mind. “If she’s ever too rough with you- I could say something, you know. I’m afraid one day you’ll be pushed too hard, Ita. I can’t stand the thought of what might happen should you go past your physical limits.. I...” A pause was taken, his voice growing softer- almost pained in uttering the words aloud. “I don’t want to lose you.”
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thatmelody-blog1 · 5 years
@docile-interitus || Starter Call.
There’s a soft melody that danced through the air within his study, a record spinning on repeat as his mind was lost in his work. How it could be seen, in the way each object he touched began to drift around the room. Each book he held, suspended in air, drifting idly about as he’d set it down and allowed it to float freely about the space. Paperwork- pencils, all tools he came in contact cluttering the space as he found himself caught up in a particular book he’d been looking for. 
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Glasses lay low in the bridge of his nose, bright eyes flickering back and forth from page to page as he read. It was only when the sound of unfamiliar steps filled the space, that he found himself losing focus. Broken from his spell, a glance was given back over his shoulder, to address whomever may have needed him. A part of him having expected Doctor O’Deorain-  but how his eyes widened at the sight of the one he least expected. Not to say he wasn’t wanted- quite the contrary, but a part of him had heard rumor he was being tested on that day, which left him concerned. But it was only so often that Moira allowed him to stay and watch them undergo these practices- which is why he chose to distract himself instead. A smile grew across his features, soft, warm and welcoming as he watched him carefully enter the space.
“Ah- I was beginning to think I’d never see you. Not today at least- but it’s good to finally know you’re done for the day. You must be tired-” Physically, mentally, which is why he offered his hand, “Come, tell me how it went. She wasn’t too rough with you, I hope..” 
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thatmelody-blog1 · 5 years
Y’know that one part in his origin story? Yeah me too. I just want it on my blog so here it is.
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thatmelody-blog1 · 5 years
he’s done this a hundred times and more before— after all, he was the one who supplied himself with his arsenal; only using bombs and other explosives made by yours truly, as those were the only ones he found himself trusting. he knew well enough by now what methods of testing were safe and unsafe— as well as which methods of handling his bombs were appropriate and wouldn’t trigger an explosion in the process. surely there’d been mistakes made in the past ( his missing limbs being evidence enough of that ), but you live and you learn. if what he was practicing wasn’t a safe method ( in his eyes, at least ), he wouldn’t have been doing so. 
words are heard, the voice of his company bringing his attention up from his creation as brows immediately come to furrow at what’s been said. pivoting around in his seat, bomb in hand, his gaze is directed towards the older; golden shards staring intently.
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❝ — dunno. i got me otha arm ‘n leg still t’lose. ❞ not that he intended to rid himself of them; he’d rather avoid the pain of that again. ❝ been doin’ this for a long time though, mate. don’ need no “lab safety” or “careful research” when i know whot ‘m doin’. ❞ frown tugging at his lips, gaze falters to bomb held in gloved hand before rising to meet him once again. ❝ ya think you can teach me somethin’ i don’ already know, be my guest— ❞ hand reaching out with explosive held in it, he leans forward just a tad to further close the distance. ❝ it won’t detonate unless ya mishandle it. ❞  
The sight of the weapon alone was enough to make him flinch, a subtle recoil, as if the sudden movement would cause the bomb to detonate in his grip. Reckless- how he could tell every aspect of the boy was reckless, through and through. His methods were madness, or so he’d been told, using his own hand made explosives to send him flying through the air- leveling buildings, making him one of the most wanted men on earth. All at such a young age– it was, impressive, to say the least, though surely nothing to be proud of.
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Still, a scowl began to form across his features, unimpressed by his lack of safety or consideration for those who also dwelled within the same building at him. “I’d rather not- thank you. I only ask that you try and refrain from having the building come down on us, should you miscalculate your ingredients in these… contraptions.” Truth be told a lot of it was difficult to even put a name to. Hand made bear traps and the like lay littered about, detonators with no source- it made him uneasy, to say the least. Maybe it was in the best interest of everyone around that he contained whatever lay in his hands.
It was the only reason really he found the courage to lift the bomb from his hands- the sphere floating in the air between them as he studied it a moment. Made with love- looking like something similar to a cherry bomb, a short tattered string for a fuse and a smiley face painted on the side. It was the sight alone that left his brow raising, looking to a pair of golden eyes to study him a moment. “You take great pleasure in creating these, don’t you? Have you ever considered just how many you have harmed in the process, however? If you’ve lost your arm and leg- think of those who were caught in the middle of one of your grand heists, surely there’s nothing left of those people. Do you ever feel.. regret? Remorse-?” 
Not that he could be one to judge- he knew well what it was like to take lives in an act of violence– but he simply did what had to be done, what he was told- unable to say no to those within Talon. This man- he had a choice, yet still chose a violent one.  “– Or you do sleep soundly at night, knowing it’s you who continues to live another day…?”
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thatmelody-blog1 · 5 years
@corrodent || Starter Call.
“Doctor Nox-” 
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He cleared his throat, a tad hesitant as as a rather heavy jar is placed in his arms. A creature by the looks of it- yet difficult to tell through the green liquid it was contained in. Animals- or any lab made monstrosities were never his forte, which left a look of apprehension evident on his features as he spoke. 
“Are you certain this sort of specimen is safe to hold? I’d feel better if it were in your hands, to say the least. It is your experiment after all, I’d hate to disturb... whatever it is that’s inside this container.” 
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thatmelody-blog1 · 5 years
@76st || Starter Call.
He was not to be trusted- or so he’d been told, a warning given from his comrades, stating that those within Overwatch could be hiding among them. Agents hidden in plain sight, ready to disrupt their plans, if given the chance. How he’d been warned by Akande- Doctor O'Deorain- that if he were to be captured again, surely there would be no chance of ever escaping again. It was that fear that left him cautious, ready to kill at any given moment, if it meant keeping his freedom. 
It’s why he didn’t hesitate to attack the man in his perch, catching sight of him watching from a distance, up on a rooftop as he watched like a hawk. He was quick to catch on, and even quicker to put an end to it. Rising with ease into the sky, no doubt taking the man off guard as he focused in on the man, raising him into the air, only to throw the soldier to the ground before he had chance to react. Trapped, like a fly in a spider’s web. Amused, and feeling a bit generous- he’d give the man chance to explain himself, before jumping to conclusions that he was the enemy they’d warned him about.
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“You and I are a lot alike, are we not? Two sides to the same coin? pawns in the same game of chess- yet on opposite sides of the board. Though I can’t help but wonder- who, or what is it you’re fighting for exactly?” He held no signs of being associated with anyone, the longer he looked him over, which left him curious.  “A rouge rebel- willing to give his life for whom? Surely there must be reason to your madness? No man ever gives his life without some deeper meaning. explain yourself.”
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thatmelody-blog1 · 5 years
@incnspcuous || Starter Call.
He studied him in silence, reading glasses perched on the end of his nose as he watched him from over the book that hovered before him. Once invested in his studies- suddenly all the more focused on the junker as he was hard at work. Surely what he was doing was far from safe, causing a brow to lift as he watched cautiously- almost certain whatever he held was destined to go off at any given moment. His voice was calm and low however, careful not to startle him after their long span of silence.
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“How many more limbs do you intend on losing with such reckless means of testing your work? I assume no one has ever taught you the importance of lab safety...? Careful research?” Or maybe that’s how he lost his arm and leg- through trial and error of his own wicked contraptions. “I could help you, if you’d like-- Given the thing wont detonate the second I lay my hands on it.”
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