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Not planned...not at all
Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC! reader'scousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?

Chapter 17
"Shit I'm stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid..."
Frustrated that I'd taken so long to figure it out I bring the heel of my hand to my forehead repeatedly until Roxy stopped me confused.
"Yes I know, we know, but why is it this time?"
I pout, it all made sense and I'd ruined it, stupid as always.
"He was flirting, Roxanne! Fred, last year when I told him 'make me' when he told me to shut up, he leaned in to kiss me and i punched his gut."
For further info Fred was an club mate of Roxanne from judo, we'd met when I tried judo for a while and it's safe to say I used to be head over heels for the guy. Red head, protective and funny a bit much of a geek and freak... exactly my type
"That's why he'd say good girl when we were training! He was making innuendos and I would just smile and hug him...why?! I liked him, I should've done something"
Roxy blinked for a moment before bursting out laughing.
"That was a year ago, how the fuck do you notice it just now?!"
"I don't know, I liked the guy, you know I go stupid when I like the guy..."
"Yeah but my god, was he really that forward and you just what? Said 'aw thanks you're a nice guy too' each time he called you a good girl!"
Roxanne was almost crying at this point, which was apparently all she needed for her wings to poof away.
"Yeah? Maybe? I'm sorry... I'm pitiful"
"You most definitely are, also why was I never informed of all those things?"
I shrugged keeping my eyes down, my face burning up with embarrassment. All the others were looking, I really shouldn't have just blurted that out.
"Yup she's like that all the time, I'm telling you there's no boredom around that girl! you've got the actual tea!"
Thinking Roxanne was speaking to someone of the inner circle I wanted to melt and disappear from embarrassment, which didn't actually work but it did poof away my own wing...God knows if I'll ever get them back or even how!
But looking up I saw Roxy wasn't speaking to any of the fae in the room but to small little tendrils and ghost-like shadow, chatting like they were her new best friends.
"I've been replaced by that's depressing"
I probably didn't seem quite affected though, I mostly thought it was cool that Roxy could speak with them we'd get real good tea thanks to that and top tier info!
Turning to face Azriel the only other person that can speak to shadows and decide to take my revenge for the hair pulling.
"Maybe that's why you ain't got no friends other than these two!"
Noticing I'd turned my back to the beautiful creature I had obsessed over, when he was only words on paper, I turned again to face Cassian.
Only now that no one's fighting or freaking out, including myself, I can finally take a good look.
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Not planned...not at all
Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC! reader'scousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?

Chapter 16
Looking up at my cousin hoping she could tell I was being honest I noticed quite quickly that I can no longer see the others around us but instead I see a set of wings right out of Roxanne's back.
She'd been smart though and had somehow managed to pull off her hoodie before they popped out. I was about to tell Roxy she looked cool and we'd both likely go on like none of this ever happened but instead I feel someone drag me away by my hair as I watch Roxy get dragged from her collar by Cassian.
Of course I kick and struggle trying to escape Azriels grip and so does Roxanne only she's got more fighting experience and she does succeed at kicking Cassian's family jewels. I hiss in compassion as I watch the Illyrian fold on himself for a moment in pain.
But my attention is soon caught by an angry looking Rhysand who speaks with a level of sarcasm that almost has me laughing.
"Neither of you are of any threat are you?!"
Giving one last tug in an attempt of freeing myself I only manage to feel Azriel further entangle his fingers in my curls.
"We're everyone else!"
Roxanne tried another hit on Cassian but this time he saw it coming and twisted her arms behind her back she did however add her own little grain to my affirmation.
"But ourselves and each other."
Azriel sadly made a mistake just then and lowered his bandaged hand too close to me.
I turn my head as fast as I can and make a loud clacking sound with my teeth biting into the air launching myself at his already wounded hand. I wouldn't have been able to reach it, not like I planed to, the idea was that he'd fear another bite and free me.
I did manage to escape his grip thanks to it but I also got thrown to the side and his hand being tangled up in my hair pulled out a bit of it.
Looking to catch Roxy's eyes I give her a wicked smile hoping she'd understand, as she returns, it I know she does.
I stand up and take two strides towards her and Cassian before throwing myself forward with a jump, heading facefirst into the ground. From the outside it likely looked like I was gonna faceplant quite harshly into the ground but I was actually ready to curl up last minute and roll to soften my fall.
I didn't need to do that though when sweet Cassian did exactly as I expected him to and released Roxy to catch me in his arms, thank God he's as much of a gentleman as in the books.
"Woohoo! Thanks big guy."
Taking the hand Roxanne was offering me I hoisted myself regretfully out of Cassian's arms as he just looked at us confused.
My mouth fell wide open as it suddenly clicked together, everything made sense of course it did!
#a court of thorns and roses#acotar#acotar x oc#acotar x reader#acotar x you#azriel x oc#cassian#cassian acotar#cassian x oc#cassian x reader
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Not planned...not at all
Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC!reader'scousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?

Chapter 15
Of course it's Rhysand that speaks first aww protective arms around Feyre's waist, bit ridiculous considering just how powerful she is but still aww!
"I will ask this one last time are either of you a threat?"
Of course Roxy and I answered as one and the same.
But I just couldn't help myself, clearly and loudly thinking "yes" only to watch Feyre's face morph into shock and worry as she not so subtly moving to protect her sisters. Meanwhile Rhysand's face went back to the emotionless cold mask a pretty scary glare sent my way.
Of course it doesn't take long for Roxanne to understand just what I'd done which earned me a good hit over the head before she pulled me down by my ear. I can't help but laugh and whine a bit at the pain.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I thought it was a funny joke, I said I'm sorry...let go"
Finally Roxy freed me so of course I stood back's straight rubbing my sire ear complaining.
"It's not my fault if they have zero sense of humor! Do I really look threatening to any of you? I'm not the one with the fighting experience, she is."
Pointing at a confused Roxanne, asking me why I would accuse her to free myself but this was everyone for themselves from the moment she tugged me down for an amazing joke. I cross my arms over my chest.
"That's called betrayal in my dictionary Nell!"
Rolling my eyes I smile innocently at her.
"Betrayal would be me naming your teenage crush from this book!"
After a bit of a stare off Roxy nods reluctantly. But I still can't help but feel the need to poke at her some more.
"Mine's pretty obvious when you know me but one would even guess would they? So why can't I just give them a little push?! Say he's the-"
Just to be clear I was never gonna finish that sentence and out my own cousin like that! I just wanted her to feel the terror...and terror she did feel
I barely remember the last time she jumped at my neck like this, probably because the last time we were still in highschool.
I feel my back slam into the ground, for the second time today, although my wings seem to take away most of the hit. Curling my legs I use her inertia to push her off and roll over preparing myself for her next attempt, I'm not stupid enough to think I'll take her out that easily.
Sadly I commit the grave error of looking around for a weapon, a pillow or cushion would do, and get takled again this time I'm pined to the ground. Always thought the Bat boys were big babies complaining about wing sensitivity, but now I can testify Roxy's knees pinning my wings hurt a lot!
"That hurts...That actually hurts Roxy! I wasn't gonna say anything, I was just teasing. Why would I do that on purpose?!"
#a court of thorns and roses#acotar#acotar x oc#acotar x reader#acotar x you#azriel x oc#cassian#cassian acotar#cassian x oc#cassian x reader
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Not planned...not at all
Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC reader'scousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?

Chapter 14
Hearing him groan I turn around which causes my wing to throw him back on the ground.
"Shit, I'm sorry! I just- How do these work?!"
Doing my best to lock my wings close to my body with my arms holding them there I feel my panic only growing.
As if to make it all worse I hear Roxanne quiet gasp now that my back's turned to her.
"Nell's, don't freak out more but your new cool wings just tore apart your shirt and hoodie..."
Feeling my back again I notice all that's survived without tearing apart is my bra, and that the sleeves are the only thing keeping what little cloth survived covering my front.
Almost immediately I go to cross my arms over my chest, making sure they stay there but of course that means my wings are now free of movement.
Seconds after I've already knocked something else down, just great! I was clumsy enough with just my old limbs I think?!
"Yeah no, we're fixing this!"
Experimentally letting go of the torn shirt and hoodie, I relax once seeing them both more or less hang on.
Wiggling out of the broken hoodie I tug carefully at the sides of my torn shirt before deciding it's all or nothing and start trying it at the back with the most basic double knot. Hopefully I can get it off on my own later...
"Yay! Done, now I'm just gonna start moving around like this so that I don't completely cause a redecoration of the house of wind."
I force my wings to fold close to my body.
"Worth it though, you look badass!"
Roxanne's comment made me smile feeling a bit better, too much had happened since getting here but this could be okay...this could be fun
"I sincerely doubt it. I've got a rats nest for hair, a ripped t-shirt tied at the back, some dirty leggings fuzzy socks and likely a bruise forming somewhere because of the not so stealthy Spymaster! Only two cool things are my now pointy ears and these Illyrian wings I've yet to be able to control."
"And the weird red energy waves!"
I repeat Roxy's words with a nod.
"And the weird red energy waves... But don't even ask me to repeat that shit, I've no idea what that was! Also why couldn't she kill us?"
My cousin shrugs not too bothered by that but instead admires my new wings.
Lucien clears his throat though and that makes us both look at him confused to which he only nods behind us.
Turning to look, carefully tucking in my new wings closer to me only to face the mildly annoyed and shocked inner circle. Nesta was more than mildly annoyed but who cares!
Returning to my safe spot hugging Roxanne from behind I notice that my wings wrap almost instinctively around her as well. Of course she noticed too and only chuckled mumbling.
"Double hug!"
There's isn't a word or answer that comes from the inner circle they all just sort of stare and look at each other wandering what to do.
#a court of thorns and roses#acotar#acotar x oc#acotar x reader#acotar x you#azriel x oc#cassian acotar#cassian#cassian x oc#cassian x reader
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Not planned...not at all
Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC! reader'scousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?

Chapter 13
I...I don't know what came over me but I saw red at the direct threat to Roxy's life.
My back felt like it was burning, like something was tearing my skin off my bones. I heard my heartbeat ringing in my ears and saw a red wave of energy that seemed to escape me as it beats. I saw Nesta flying backwards because of it, the air knocked out of her lungs.
Everything didn't come back to normal immediately, smaller less dangerous red waves left me to the beat of my slowing heart and I panted blinking in an attempt to wash away the red.
Something did feel normal, like my back was weird, heavier or just larger? Like my awareness of the space my body took up had to suddenly become bigger.
"Try and say that again."
My back still bothers me though, it feels weird no longer sore but very weird. Out of habit I roll back my shoulder and it's all even weirder, like I can feel my back more than normal.
Nesta is coughing trying to catch her breath her eyes glowing incredibly bright as she looks more angry and confused than ever.
"Why isn't it working? Why won't either of you die?!"
Oh so she's already trying?! And it just won't work...
That's too bad Nesta cuz now you're just as weak as you thought me to be! What are you without your powers babe? Just an annoying bitch.
I'm steps away from throwing myself at her, nailing at least a few kicks and clawing at her face like a wild cat but two arms move quickly under my armpits holding me back.
"Let me go, let me go her funky powers aren't worth shit. She's all bark no bite, I'ma show her bite!"
Roxanne just chuckle behind me holding me tighter and I feel weirdly constricted like I'm being completely pinned down.
"No your not, pump the brakes lion, your mane's all over the place!"
Finally Roxanne let's go and I do my best to flatten my crazy hair, that does sort of look like an unruly mane at the moment.
"Also what's up with the wings?"
Roxy looked so calm as she commented that it took me a while to process.
"My what?"
My hand reached back only to feel something that was definitely not there before. I can clearly feel it as though it's my skin but the sensation on my palm is rougher and harsher almost like it's an animal's thick skin.
Of course this means I'm jumping and turning around in circles trying to get a look for myself only to end up having to grab on to one and pull it more in front of me.
"Woah...what the actual fuck, how did I even? Since when? What's happening?!"
My wings seem to rather respond to emotion than my mental attempts at clenching muscles I didn't even have before, so of course while I'm freaking out the free wing had to extend fully hitting Lucien straight on.
#a court of thorns and roses#acotar#acotar x oc#acotar x reader#acotar x you#azriel x oc#cassian#cassian acotar#cassian x oc#cassian x reader
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Not planned...not at all
Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC! reader'scousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?

Chapter 12
However I didn't particularly enjoy being in the eyes of the storm.
Everyone around us had gone completely tense, even Lucien had quietly made his move to slide out of the way.
Of course seeing someone as powerful and dangerous as miss death furious and planning my murder my reaction was most normal!
I wish...
All I could manage was a nervous laugh which was definitely not a great move since her eyes started glowing silver. She moved closer, positively fuming and I instinctively took a step back.
Nobody looked about to do anything, other than Roxanne who stuck to my side apparently ready to do a second repeat at our failed ridiculous battle plan. That is if I hadn't noticed Cassian's pain stricken expression as his body shook all over while Rhysand frowned in concentration.
Why did Cassian need to be so aggressively stopped by Rhysand.
"You... are gonna pay for those words"
Nesta spoke slowly as if that would make her scarier. It did.
But I never pretended to be stable or normal so who cares, if I die I'll do it in one last show.
"Ohh look I'm so scared I'm shaking! Like your hands when you had to drag your wet ass out of the cauldron. Girl just go right ahead and kill me, it's been my dream for a while, you know?"
Apparently it wasn't as fun to kill someone who wanted to die because Nesta scoffed out an evil laugh and turned her glowing eyes on to Roxanne who tensed up but showed zero signs of fear or emotions.
The room looked to be a few shades darker now and Azriel was also slightly shaking, Rhysand starting to pant in exertion.
"What about her? Kept quiet mostly but I'm sure the bitch thought just like you."
My face switched immediately and so did my posture. This was no game.
I moved forward standing directly in between her and Roxy, gritting my teeth and not giving her so much as another word.
Nesta wanted to go all Lady death on me, so be it, but threatening Roxanne had been a low blow. Eventually I decided to retaliate just as lowly.
"I'm sure that would set a great example for Elain, wouldn't it?"
I kept my voice impassive, ice cold, something I rarely did simply because I couldn't manage to do on purpose.
My shot seemed to be spot on as a saw Nesta flinch her eyes glowing brighter as she stomped forward. But I did even move this time, only stretching out my arm to keep Roxanne behind.
She was basically my exact height and for once in my life I puffed out my chest and made sure to look down on her with a snare on my lips.
My hands fisted at my side I just waited for her next move.
"But wouldn't you rather keep your life instead of both of yours?"
She did not. Nesta had not just had the guts to try and make me pick!
#a court of thorns and roses#acotar#acotar x oc#acotar x reader#acotar x you#azriel x oc#cassian#cassian acotar#cassian x oc#cassian x reader
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Not planned...not at all
Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC! reader'scousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?

Chapter 11
"My what?!"
"Your voice, it's different from how I first imagined it but it really suits you! Although it slightly reminds me of that one guy from how to train your dragon. The overly proud one with the red dragon?"
Looking at Roxy for confirmation she nodded convinced.
"Definitely! Even personality fits."
I can't help but snort at that although before the confused Vanserra gets to say anything we're interrupted by Rhysand's icy voice.
"What do you two think to be doing?"
Weird way to say "why the fuck are you two cheating with him?" but alright.
"Cuz he hasn't spent the last 15 minutes having a little secret VIP mental chat while we just stood there like two idiots?! After the first 3 minutes it all gets a bit boring you know."
Roxanne followed on with my argument.
"Plus he's cool, a bit shitty as a lover or friend, but he tries?!"
That was as close as Lucien would ever get to a compliment from Roxy so he best have recorded that. Azriel however looked mildly annoyed but also somehow curious.
"How could you know what he's like as a friend or lover?"
Roxanne answers first, although she barely explains anything so I go to expand.
"We read it"
"We've read your books so to say? The books that tell the story of this world in ours. They tell Feyre's story and then go slightly off course later on. So we know quite a lot about all of you although I'm not sure everything in our books is canon here..."
The answer seemed to appease Azriel who nodded. Finally More spoke for the first time and I noticed she had a wine glass at hand, when did she get that?
"So you two aren't from here, used to be human and come from a world where we're all just books?!"
My mouth opened and closed just as quickly so Roxanne answered in my place with a chuckle.
"When you put it like that..."
"You both must be stupid if you even think we'll believe that! What a bunch of idiots. Or maybe you both just hallucinated everything, I wonder how much both of you smoked to get to this point?!"
Nesta's poisonous words cut through the air and while Roxy gives her an incredulous look I roll my eyes and mumble.
"Said the pathological bitch and alcoholic..."
Okay maybe that was a bit much from her just calling us idiots and drug addicts but I've held it against her for so much longer I'll take any excuse I get to snap at her.
There's kind of a collective gasp and moment of silence which makes me regret it all even more. Yup definitely too much on my part, especially if I wanted to get along with them!
Also, fuck fae hearing. Can't a girl whisper in peace?!
This time there was no stopping Nesta as she stood up like a storm in its wake. If I didn't hold quite the resentment towards her I might've even said she was damn badass.
#a court of thorns and roses#acotar#acotar x oc#acotar x reader#acotar x you#azriel x oc#cassian acotar#cassian#cassian x oc#cassian x reader
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Not planned...not al all
Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC! reader'scousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?

Chapter 10
"If you love me, love me, love me like you say. Darling tell me all the ways, tell me all the ways!"
Something seemed to click in Roxanne's mind and she asked.
"Wasn't that the song assigned to Dude?"
Dude was the nickname Roxy had given a guy I'd had a crush on but who basically ignored me and then afterwards decided to ask me out, he lost his shot and tried later than he should've... referring to me as dude to top it off, hence the nickname
"Nooo, we don't speak of Dude alright?! Just no."
Roxanne snorted inelegantly but I was headset on changing the topic so I tried to find another song in my mind.
One comes to mind but I just can't pin point the name so I just excitedly start jumping on my feet trying to give hints to Roxanne.
"There was that song...what was the name?! You know the one with the whistling!"
Not knowing how to properly whistle I just do my best shot and at imitating sounds, which is a fail considering Roxy's face.
"You're bouncing around like a bunny Nell, relax."
I huff and try to keep still on my feet before taking a different approach at describing the song.
"You know the one from the planes movie, with all the hot guys at the beach during sunset in swim trucks?! It goes I'm not worried?"
Of course it's the description of the scene that actually makes it click in Roxanne's mind.
"Oh, I ain't worried from Top gun! Yeah, the hot shirtless guys under the sunset, does ring a bell."
And just to further humiliate me she does the iconic whistling perfectly.
"And the slow MO running, like damn no need to flaunt I might pass out!"
Roxanne laughs nodding in agreement until we both finally calm down only to notice the inner circle is still not done chatting, it's less fun when you can't actually hear their conversations.
So, already bored out of my mind and not wanting to give myself the time to process everything that's happened and panic, I walk over to Lucien's corner. Roxanne follows along after a moment giving the redhead a warning side eye from behind me while I reach out my hand for him to shake.
Lucien frowns giving Roxy a look filled with uneasiness and looking back at me in confusion. Taking my hand mostly out of habit.
"Your voice is different than I imagined but somehow it fits you... Anyways I'm Leonor and that's Roxanne my cousin! I'm guessing you aren't in on their little private chat and since they're taking a bit too long I just wanted to chat."
I give him my widest smile, to be fair when I read the first book as a teen I had more of a crush on him than on Tamlin so it's sort of fun to be able to meet him in real life.
Roxy on the other hand mostly found him annoying, especially further in the books. Although she did once admit he was fun in the first book!
#a court of thorns and roses#acotar#acotar x oc#acotar x reader#azriel x oc#acotar x you#cassian acotar#cassian#cassian x reader#cassian x oc
6 notes
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Not planned...not at all
Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC! reader'scousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?

Chapter 9
We finally entered a very large room, after climbing far too many stairs from the weird dungeon area, it looked similar to a living room although it was connected to a kitchen, a dinning room and what looked like a small bar?
Oh well fucking drunks, it's what happens when energy drinks don't exist I guess! A lot more people drink.
I quickly realize there's people on the couches and arm chairs, which of course is where Rhysand is guiding us. He must have mentally called them, like "surprise meetings get your asses to the living room".
Knowing there would be far more people Roxanne already had her bad bitch look that clearly said fuck off from a mile away meanwhile I moved to her side resting a hand on her shoulder to keep her close.
There were five women sitting there, 4 four of them looked to be either in a constant bad mood or just plainly powerful the fifth one was just there. Meanwhile almost on the other side of the room was another man, a red head, leaning against a wall with a bored but tired look.
Leaning over I whispered to Roxy with a wide smile.
"We're after the cauldron shower, but not too long after, Elaine still looks fucking traumatised"
I try and keep my words as low as possible but as Roxanne snickers I also notice what I can only guess to be Nesta openly glaring at us.
Oh she thought she was scary?!
Giving Roxanne a tap on her shoulder I give her a look that meant no limits. If her face earlier had seemed unapproachable right now she just looked ready to gut whoever crossed her or just looked for too long. Of course knowing I can't manage that type of look unless I'm actually mad I just smirk over my cousin's shoulder giving the "lady of death" a wink.
Oh she got mad, let me tell you! The woman must still not be used to people not shivering in fear at her feet cuz she looked about to get up although quickly stopped by a collective look thrown her way.
No one was really saying anything, well I imagine they were just not aloud or to us which was weird and uncomfortable to say the least.
So I started tapping my foot distracted and trying not to further embarrass myself in front of this many people. At some point my brain had simply turned off while looking out of the windows that led to the balcony, the view was breathtaking I might as well enjoy it while they mentally debate on whether or not to kill us.
Eventually I'm humming along to All the ways by Megan Trainor with that stupid smile I just have while imagining myself as the protagonist of every book I've read, being loved fiercely and endlessly.
Of course Roxanne knowing me noticed and whisper sang some of the words as we both swayed side to side like idiots.
"Don't be afraid babe come on explain"
#a court of thorns and roses#acotar#acotar x oc#acotar x reader#acotar x you#azriel x oc#cassian#cassian acotar#cassian x oc#cassian x reader
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Not planned...not at all
Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC! reader's cousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?

Chapter 8
"We've no idea why we're even here in the first place. Hell we're supposed to be basic humans in a world completely different to this one with also only humans!"
Roxanne nods an exaggerated serious look on her face which has me struggling not to snort.
"But now we've got pointy ears and God knows what else, because I've yet to have the time to check why my back feels so numb and sore."
"You too?"
Roxanne telling me her back also felt weird had me in a weird mix of relief that I wasn't crazy and worry that Azriel had actually broken something inside us when throwing us around.
"So just to simplify, yes we know a lot cuz just yesterday you guys were just characters from a damned book saga we were addicted to as teens. Now what does this mean? It means, please don't kill us we can be useful and also we'd appreciate not being tortured for information that we'll likely let slip either way!"
I give my best innocent smile although it comes out looking very awkward and after a few endless minutes of staring at the three very tall illyrians and half whine at Roxy.
"See, you should've given the speech!"
She shook her head no.
"You always say I look angry and unapproachable with strangers you're the one that looks friendly."
"I'm also the one that looks anxious and feels anxious!"
We heard a loud sigh and saw a very frustrated Rhysand rubbing at his temples.
"The cauldron has done weirder things, neither of you seem to be lying so I'll take your word. But one wrong step and you're back in here and we'll be collecting information however I seen fit!"
Roxanne's words and mine echo as one and the same.
We wouldn't be tempting our luck anytime soon that's for sure.
After another very awkward moment Rhysand turned around and walked out followed by his general and spymaster leaving the door open after themselves. It took me a moment to process but I quickly jogged right after.
"Oh. Oh we follow along? there any chance we'll get to meet the other?"
I was rambling, out of nerves mostly so Roxanne lightly elbowed me. I wasn't speaking that loud but of course the damn fae hearing kicked in and Rhysand turned giving me an icy look that clearly meant shut up.
Bitting down on my tongue I purse my lips. Of course he'd keep the "High Lord of the night court" mask we might not be a threat but he barely knew who we were or were we came from. Did he even know our names? I didn't give mine, although I did call Roxanne Roxy.
Not feeling my nerves calm down anytime soon I just move to half hug Roxanne, wrapping my arms loosely around ger shoulders and resting my chin on her shoulders. At least this way not only was I calmer but I could keep Roxy safer.
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Not planned...not planned at all
Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC! reader's cousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?

Chapter 7
The only one that returned the energy was of course Cassian, but I might not have been prepared to see his shine at that very moment.
My heart was asking to jump right out my throat and at him.
He didn't just smile, he shined bright as the sun like he was a being filled of fluff and love! And yet he was a very tall bulky and scary looking man, oh the irony.
To be fair he didn't look amused at the moment, he just seemed to be glowing with joy for some reason?
Suddenly Rhysand's head snapped towards both of his brothers with a shocked incredulous look on his face and they likely started speaking through their thoughts because Cassian's smile turned into some kind of a pout and he crossed his arms over his chest while Azriel nodded dutifully although he too looked disappointed.
I took it as a chance to stand up, slowly so that I would catch their attention and get pinned to the ground in case I was of any sort of danger, not that I would've minded.
Helping pull up Roxanne with me I look at the boys then back at her raising my brows. She makes a face pursing her lips and giving me a smirk.
"Oh shut up, I did not! I wasn't that obvious..."
Roxanne didn't so much as blink giving me the look that clearly meant "sure honey whatever rocks your boat".
"Please, you weren't discreet either! Didn't even say a word and just stared, who's the weirdo then?"
This time Roxanne did glare at me rolling her eyes.
"Anyways...You boys do know that even together me and Roxy barely oppose any type of threat!"
Cassian's head looked like it might snap from how fast he turned when I addressed them, Rhysand looked intreaged while Azriel just glared and raised his bandaged hand.
"That barely even counts you yeeted us around like it was nothing!"
Roxanne nodded in agreement rubbing her sore ass from when Azriel threw her.
"What did you expect? We open our eyes in the middle of the mountains with pointy ears next there's a random big guy with giant fucking wings reaching for us. Also be thankful I got stressed and just thought to bite, you were reaching to grab my cousin while she was half knocked out on the ground!"
Of course Rhysand just smirked, his smirk is creepier in real life than books.
"You're not helping your cases!"
Finally Roxanne decided to speak.
"If she barks she won't bite. It's when she's quiet that stuff gets dangerous! Plus we've got zero combat training other than self taught crap and me with Judo, but that's self defense primarily"
I stare open mouthed at my cousin.
"So it's all bluff?"
Should I scream fuck you Rhys? No. Would I if it didn't equal death? Most definitely!
"My point is...bitch"
I give a quick playful glare and my cousin, to which she sends a flying kiss my way.
#cassian x oc#cassian x you#cassian acotar#cassian#cassian x reader#azriel x oc#acotar x you#acotar x oc#acotar x reader#acotar#a court of thorns and roses
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Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC! reader's cousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?

Chapter 6
The clear sound of the door fully opening stops me from further shaking Roxanne but my hands stay on her shoulders, seated on my knees on the floor.
Turning my head to the door I'm pretty sure my jaw hangs close to the floor.
Tall, scary tall from my spot on the ground, bat wings very big by the way, golden brown skin, hazel eyes, dark hair and even his face looked elegant. The guy looked like classical beauty, the man looked like fucking Azriel of the bat boys!
And I bit his hand?!
Next to him another man slightly taller, hazel eyes, black shoulder length hair pulled back half up in a bun, golden brown skin, he was built like a damn wardrobe with membranous wings just as large.
Damn him, that's Cassian!
So that...purple eyes, yup Rhysand! He's the shortest of the three but the guy is still taller than me. His hair does kind of look blue black as described in the books, he looks paler than the other two but that's likely because of the mountain.
We've just been captured by the High Lord of the night court!
High lord of the night court that knows how to read mind unless you make a mental wall, shit!
I harshly elbow Roxy and give her a look which she thankfully gets rather quickly, her brows frowning in concentration.
Tnowing myself I decide against focusing on putting up defenses, my focus will likely break with one of then just looking my way so instead I just overflow my mind with anything and everything.
From Rick trolling the High Lord of the night court to that video of a T-Rex dancing to Despacito I saw once or just plain screaming I can clearly see it work when Rhys hissed and glared at me.
I keep eye contact for as long as a can manage with an amused smirk on my smirk, but obviously I wasn't about to waste all my time sigh seeing the bat boys watching the one in a healthy beautiful relationship.
Sadly it's when I look at Cassian and the catchy song in my mind immediately changes to a pocketful of sunshine that my genius plan bites me in the ass. Because of course when looking into that man's gold looking hazel eyes I'd me internally screaming "take me away, a secret place, take me away..."
In my defense it was absolutely necessary!
Of count show earns me Rhysand's first words, at least directed towards us and out loud.
"What is up with both of you?"
The words come out instinctively as an answer.
"A lot of things Mister High Lord."
Of course that's all it takes for Roxanne to cough in a feeble attempt at covering her laugh. Which I don't even bother doing as I laugh proud of my shit answer that's only halfway a joke.
Moving to sit criss cross and leaning back on my arms I give all three men my biggest smile, yes that is the only effective way to look at their faces from down here.
#cassian x oc#cassian x you#cassian acotar#cassian#cassian x reader#azriel x oc#acotar x you#acotar x oc#acotar x reader#acotar#a court of thorns and roses
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Not planned...not at all
Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC! reader's cousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?

Chapter 5
"Fuck no Rhys, I will not be dealing with those two again! Why? The one with the curls fucking bit me when I tried to reach for the other one!"
Loud voices screaming outside wake me up and I wince at the pulsing in my head. My hand reaches to rub my temples, god's that hurts. Where am I?!
Looking around I find Roxanne sleeping besides me and sigh in relief. What happened?
"I'm telling you, she saw me and I was just about to ask who they were, when she fucking takled me. I manage to grab on to her ankle when she was standing back up, but damn them I landed on a rock and my back's still sore. Of course the second one had to make her move then! She almost broke my wrist before I got to push her off. And then when I'm reaching to at least stop that one from escaping the girl with the curls came back and bit my hand that was reaching for her friend!"
Oh, right yeah, that happened! Looking around I notice I'm in something similar to a prison cell? Shit was that guy a police man?! Maybe we should've asked before attacking.
I notice Roxanne getting shaked awake by the booming laugh on the other side of the large metal door.
"Quit laughing! She's got a mean bite, like hard. I swear there was no other choice but to knock them out, I apologize but my hand was bleeding and there were few options. Actually I didn't really need to knock either of them out, straight hair went out after I threw her and curls passed out pointing at my wings and hit her head."
That's right the wings! Looking at Roxy I open my mouth and so does she but neither of us makes a move, the guy had giant scary bat wings and it wasn't another collective hallucination since he'd just said it himself.
Sitting on the cold grown with a raging headache we both just stared at each other, Roxanne points to the door and I nod shaking my hands around.
Not a word was needed, bat wings, pointy ears endless mountains covered in snow like climate change is simply not a thing...
"Night court..."
We both whispered the words at the same time and likely because of the overall tension we were under that just seemed hilarious.
"No way!" I shake my head speechless.
"Yeah can't be"
Suddenly the man outside have gone quiet and although I just manage to make a strangled sound in realization I get to see the rare occurrence of Roxy cussing like a sailor as we hear the locks go off.
Scrambling over to her I do my best to push back my curls that had escaped the braid, reason why the somehow real Illyrian had called me curls.
When I get to Roxanne she's just staring intently at the door but I don't care and start shaking her by her shoulders.
"Are we in a court of thorns and roses?!"
#cassian x oc#cassian x you#cassian acotar#cassian x reader#cassian#azriel x oc#acotar x you#acotar x oc#acotar x reader#acotar#a court of thorns and roses
6 notes
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Not planned...not at all
Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC! reader's cousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?

Chapter 4
Leonor's POV
Cold, too damn cold and damp. My toes will fall off at this rhythm!
Looking over my shoulder I notice Roxanne and try to focus on making her disappear, maybe it's a dream and I'll control it? Nothing, of course nothing happened!
I can't help but laugh, we are in such deep shit and even if we survive whatever is happening we'll likely get called crazy and locked up in an asylum. I mean it was only a matter of time with how we tend to act around each other! Maybe mom was right and we just canceled out each other's common sense and neurons?
Something snaps me out of my thoughts, Roxy's now at my side locking her arm with mine and leaning in with the biggest smile out of nowhere. She's also kind of dragging me to walk faster in the snow almost making me trip over my own steps but her whispered words freeze my blood.
"There's an extra set of steps behind us...whoever it is imitates our pace to camouflage the sound"
Well ain't that great?!
I keep my arm locked with her arm even tighter, frowning in concentration, it doesn't take me long to notice the steps as well. Biting my tongue to stop the long list of swear words that threaten to slip my tongue I drag Roxanne to walk faster and in front of me.
Staying attentive in hopes of hearing the steps go away or walk in a certain pattern that would indicate it to be an animal... nothing that's a human and a big one at that but not a slow one that's for sure.
Clearing my throat I catch up with Roxanne and let out a fake giggle to get her attention leaning in to whisper.
"You remember the team up, fake routine we made up?"
If my memory doesn't fail me it's been at least 5 years since we made up that whole ideal attack plan one summer out of boredom after reading about too many badass female leads.
"You tackle and I finish off...if your tackle doesn't work it's knee to the groin or elbow to the chest depending on the gender"
Gods we'll be ridiculous if this doesn't work!
"If 'whoever that is' gets any closer we follow through, I don't care if they mean well, you don't follow two girls alone in the mountains."
But we're confident right?
Yeah, we're confident, at least I am in our abilities...well manage it's no use to just hope for the worst so you imagine the best outcome and that's it!
Of course it was all too good and a loud snapping sound brings me out of my thoughts, I forget we're not supposed to react and turn around.
My blood runs cold, he's far closer than we thought...The man, because that doesn't look like a bear to me, towers over both of us and I don't get a chance to even look at his face before he's reaching for me.
#cassian#cassian x reader#cassian acotar#cassian x you#cassian x oc#azriel x oc#acotar x you#acotar x oc#acotar#acotar x reader#a court of thorns and roses
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Not planned...not at all
Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC! reader's cousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?

Chapter 3
Jumping up Nell cussed loudly, they'd been home just seconds ago and now... What even was this place?!
"Yes duck, indeed."
Of course Roxy had to correct her for swearing when she herself would sometimes talk like a sailor.
Hiking herself up on the rock Roxanne was already on the both hissed cleaning off the snow from their socks.
Everything around them was mountain and snow along with the occasional forest. And, although that usually would've been calming and weight lifting for both girls who'd grown up hiking with their parents, it was nerve-wracking and unsettling to find yourself in it unprepared.
Big sweaters, fuzzy socks and leggings were not what one would usually wear when hiking.
"Where are we?"
Nell gave Roxanne a look before pettily answering.
"We're in my room still, can't you see it?!"
Sarcasm dripped from her words as she unraveled a part of her braids to cover her ears since they felt uncharacteristically cold.
"Any ideas on what even happened? You clicked on the link I could only hear white noise and static, next thing I know my head feels like it's bursting and my eyes burn so I close them. Only to come back to my senses for this...and although it's beautiful and magnificent the closest we were to this type of landscape was hours in a plane or days in a car so it's safe to say something just happened"
Roxanne gave Leonor a quick once over, curled up on the rock next to her, her mouth opened about to say something but nothing really came out and instead she reached for Nell's ear who only stared confused at her cousin.
"Maybe we did do the plane hours and got drugged? Are you okay?!"
"Your ears Nell, they're pointy! Like real pointy and long, not normal rounded shape. Are mine like that too?!"
Confused Leonor reached to feel her ears, confused when the shape didn't correspond to what she was used to. Looking back to see Roxy pull back her hair from her now also weird long pointy ears.
" I did not buy us anything hallucinogenic just so you know! Okay, okay let's just breathe. Weird ears shouldn't be a problem right? Freezing to death is, so let's get moving."
Instinctively going into older cousin mode Leonor was already looking around for somewhere warm to go, she'd freak out later.
Who was she kidding her hands were already shaking as she took of walking in hopes of getting them somewhere better. Roxanne was the one actually keeping things cool, all she'd been doing was feel up her new ears with the biggest smile that promised nothing but chaos.
There really was nothing around them other than incredibly large pine trees snow and mountains, the vast plain was slightly dizzying especially when they had no way out.
The possibility of any of this not being real had quickly been ruled out by the fact that not only were they together but their damp cold socks from the snow felt incredibly real.
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Not planned...not at all
Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC! reader's cousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?

Chapter 2
Do not be miss lead though. Nell did have a bite, you just had to go for those near her to see it.
Her hair thick and curly, completely unruled and almost always looking like a lion's mane Nell took pride in keeping it fluffy and bouncy. Taller than her younger cousin, standing at 1'70 meters it still wasn't uncommon to see Roxy stand up for her.
However you dare talk shit about Roxanne and you'd think to be looking at another person, words singled out and sharpened to hurt you no dumb insults would be used she'd find and old wound and tear it open again.
Glowing green eyes growing poisonous and heartless in seconds if the threats were no longer at her but at someone else.
"I'm done! Let me just fix up the braid so it looks a bit more puffy and I'll be doing a quick braid on myself we can take pictures after, that way our moms stop pestering us."
Roxanne gave back an excited yay at the return of her freedom of movement, raising up her phone to Leonor's height on the bed behind her after a moment.
"Look what I found, apparently it's a weird remake fanfic of that series ACOTAR the one we were so obsessed with at age 15!"
Leonor snorted at the memory of the endless audios the two used to send each other complaining and gossiping about the characters in those books.
"The more I think about it the less we should've been reading that type of books with such an age! It really didn't help our case to rid of the nickname 'book witches' you know."
When Nell finally let go of her hair to deal with her own Roxanne turned around with a clearly unimpressed look.
"Need I remind you who was OBSESSED with a certain war general in this series?!"
Rolling her eyes Leonor worked skillfully and with speed on finishing her loose french braid before answering Roxy.
"I was obsessed with almost every character at the time, like Sherlock or Loki! It was a sweet series thought I really loved it although I remember wanting to burn every book when Nesta ended with Cassian. She just didn't deserve him I knew that much..."
Both girls sat crisscross, the older one still on the bed while Roxy sat on the ground both in their leggings and two sizes large matching hoodies, remembering all the stories they used to create in their head alternate ending for their favorite books. ACOTAR had been the series that had by far inspired the most stories where they both selfishly included themselves dating their favorite characters or having Illyrian bat like wings.
"Yup we are reading this, doesn't look too bad and if anything we'll have a laugh! Probably just another teenage girl that unlike us had the guts to write down and publish what she's imagined"
Roxy did make a good point. What's the worst that could happen it's just a strange link to a fanfiction after all!
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8 notes
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Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC!reader'scousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?

Long Summary: Leonor and Roxanne had only planned their usual afternoon, reading fanfics on the floor of Nell's room and chatting about their favorite love interests. Doing weird hairstyles and screaming the lyrics to various Nickelback songs was on the schedule but nighttime they both learn a very valuable lesson. Don't go looking too deep into the internet!
Roxy and Nell both pay the price when finding themselves in the middle of...nowhere? That is until they walk through the snow for a bit and notice that they are now direct spectators of the very scene they'd been about to read!
Chapter 1
Growing up and moving out had never stopped two good cousins from acting like kids and sharing a flat for their studies certainly wasn't gonna stop Roxanne or Leonor from having sleepovers in each other's room.
Tonight was Nell's turn. The plan was simple! Celebrate the ending of second term globals with weird ass skincare products they'd never even touched before, blast music low enough for no neighbors to come complaining, and mix up sweets and energy drinks while devouring sour candy and Takis.
Nothing new or out of the ordinary, most time these sleepovers didn't involve as much food but today was special. Roxanne had gotten second place in a large judo tournament that took place in their city, the black long haired girl was almost vibrating with excitement at the news so of course her older cousin and roommate had taken it upon herself to make tonight specially fun.
"We could've got drinks?!"
Nell was snapped out of her intense focus by Roxy's words, it's true Roxanne's 18 and she's 19 going on 20 in less than two months. Feeling up to a teasing mood Nell pulled unnecessary hard on Roxanne's pitch black long straight hair with a smirk as she continued the intricate hairstyle she'd been working on for the past hour, this was their second attempt at perfecting.
"What's up with the comment? Are you feeling alcoholic young lady?! Meh didn't feel like buying that, energy drinks are more of a rush and it did feel kind of depressing to think of us both having a pijama party just to drink wine like old widowed wives."
Roxanne didn't really react to hair pulling, I mean the woman could put down a fully grown man without any weapons it was to be expected that she didn't feel bothered by Nell's petty hair pulling. She did hum in agreement with Leonor when hearing her reasoning and chugged another drink at her glass.
"How much left? Not that you're pulling too harshly but my neck feels sore in this position"
"Give me five more minutes, I like your hair, this type of stuff can't really be done on my hair! Or at least I can't manage on myself unless I spend a full hour untangling this bird nest"
Nell complained referring to her thick brown curls that were struggling to pull out under their containment from the hair claw she had on.
It wouldn't usually click to people, that she and Roxy were actually cousins at least not until they saw them interact with one another.
Roxanne was the absolute definition of a black cat type of girl, with her straight black hair and resting bitch face no one would expect to see her running into Leonor's arms for a hug to celebrate her victory. She loved dressing in black and wouldn't think twice before pulverizing someone's ego if she deemed it necessary. Standing on 1'64 meters she could somehow still manage to look down on anyone twice her size with her icy blue eyes.
Leonor on the other hand was usually all smiles and apologies, almost like a reflex at this point.
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