thatanimeandgamefan · 10 years
if you’ve never heard “You Are My Sunshine” in minor key you really need to it sounds like a tale of a stalking murderer
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thatanimeandgamefan · 11 years
Okay....24 is officially the most addicting show I have ever watched.
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thatanimeandgamefan · 11 years
Since Dark Souls 2 is around the corner I thought I would post the Bartholomew trailer from Dark Souls 1. Its been a good two years with this game and this trailer's song fits it so well! This trailer made me pre-order Dark Souls 1. XD
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thatanimeandgamefan · 11 years
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i miss this opening man
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thatanimeandgamefan · 11 years
Remember kids! An Oswald a day keeps the Darkwraiths away! (;
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thatanimeandgamefan · 11 years
When I saw Timothy Dalton (Simon Skinner from Hot Fuzz) on Doctor Who as the Lord President of the Time Lords. I think I went from "fanboy" to "manly fangirl" in a matter of seconds. XD
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thatanimeandgamefan · 11 years
Working three days in a row with four more on the way (all lined up) I should sleep, right? Yeah..I should...NAH! I'm gonna play Dark Souls, I'm gonna regret it. But who cares? XD
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thatanimeandgamefan · 11 years
Reblog if you think its ok Not to have a religion
I’m doing a little experiment.
I’m going to see how many people agree with me that beliefs are YOUR choice and you CANNOT control them.
And if this gets enough notes, I’m going to show this to my Muslim family.
Three seconds. It doesn’t take much for one little reblog.
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thatanimeandgamefan · 11 years
Hello my least favorite boss in Dark Souls. Seriously, first playthrough I slaughtered these guys with a maxed out Washing Pole with a diamond enchantment.Second playthrough?  They killed me in 30 seconds flat.
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thatanimeandgamefan · 11 years
OMG, I keep getting called in on days I am supposed to be off. D: But hey, I'm being payed so thats okay! :D
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thatanimeandgamefan · 11 years
I was fine with you leaving me...you dont have to ignore me on top of that, it just makes it worse..
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thatanimeandgamefan · 11 years
There was this due that came up to the check out counter, and the cashier asked him if he got any Valentines. He replied with "Nah, what valentines? To me v-day is just ""single awareness day"
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thatanimeandgamefan · 11 years
A twelve hour shift and a depressing Valentines Day, yeah, I'm gonna go to bed.
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thatanimeandgamefan · 11 years
B Gata H Kei is a wonderful anime, here are my thoughts on it.
I usually dont watch anime like this. XD I hav to admit that the small amount of "actual nudity" that is in the show is handled rather well. The storyline follows a girl named Yamada and her highschool long dream of losing her virginity and sleeping with a hundred different guys. However she has trouble finding "her first" (she wants a virgin like her) and she find one in the average and awkward Kosuda. What follows is infinitely humorous as Yamada finds trouble not falling for him and her rather random outbursts about sex are freaking hilarious. The ending of this show sucks though. It leaves and open door for a second season but closes enough loose ends with a "later down the road" sort of thing. Dont let this stop you from watching it though! This is a good anime that I'm sure many fellow teens will be able to relate with. XD Remember this isnt a review just this anime fans two cents. (;
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thatanimeandgamefan · 11 years
I am honestly so much more content sitting in my room alone at night smiling and crying to myself as I watch my favorite tv shows, than being out in the uncomfortable situation that involves me pretending to be having the good time of my life with boring people, who don’t know a thing about me, who don’t care about me, who do pointless things. 
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thatanimeandgamefan · 11 years
I think Jiminys Journal Kingdom Hearts is the best idea ever. Seriously I was fearful about dropping Chain of Memories for Dark Souls (I beat Dark Souls 1 twice for the 360 I still havent beat it for the ps3, plus I need to get my skill back up for DS2) it allows me to leave the game but catch up on the story when I get back to it. Since the KH games are so story oriented I wouldnt want to forget the storyline or location. XD
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thatanimeandgamefan · 11 years
quickest way to make me snap? Talking to me while I have my headphones in.
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