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that-one-viet-writer · 8 years ago
They were different (F)
Genere: Fluff
WC: 2334
Muse: Chunji of Teen Top
TW: Agender-phobia
A/N: Bold is English and not bold is Korean (?) Thanks, guys!!
They were different
My heart raced. I was going to finally meet my idols. As I drew closer, the more my heart pounded in my chest, and the more my nerves grew,
‘What if they don’t like me?’ I thought to myself. ‘What if they think I’m weird or they won’t accept me for who I am?’
“Next!” I heard one of the workers shout. I kneeled down and came face to face with CAP, the leader.
“Hi! I’m CAP, nice to meet you. Please support Teen Top and treat us well.” He kindly smiles. The translator behind him repeating after him in my language.
“Hi! Please accept this gift, and I hope you and the members keep on being happy and healthy! Please continue to lead Teen Top as you normally would.” CAP smiled at what the translator was telling him.
“Who do you like the most of all of us?” He asked. I scratched the back of my head.
“What a weird question.” I saw him laugh.
“I’m just curious on which one of us is lucky enough to be loved by such a beautiful girl.” I blushed at the words.
“A-actually I’m not a girl, nor a boy.”
“Are you agender? Sorry, I’m talking out of order, but I explain to him so that he understands.” The translator asked me. I nodded my head. She explained my situation to him.
“Ah, I’m so sorry. It’s my mistake. What member is lucky enough to have a beautiful and kind person stan them?”
“If I tell you, you will be sad.”
“I promise that I won’t be sad since I know your love will be in good hands, some more than others.” He joked.
“Then, it’s Chunji.” He looked down to the end of the line of his members, to only glance at the man at the very end laughing with a fan.
“Ah, of course. No one can resist his charms. HE is a very good person to entrust your heart with.”
“Thank you, CAP.” He nodded and I moved onto the next person. “Hi, Niel!”
“Hello!” He gave me the biggest and kindest greeting.
“Ah~, how are you so cute and manly at the same time?” He blushed when his translator finished.
“I’m not cute. I’m manly, and will protect the heart I stole from you!” He winked. I laughed.
“Anyways, please accept this gift!” I handed him the stuff that I had brought for him.
“Ah~ this is so cute and thoughtful! Thank you!” He smiled. “I must be your favorite, huh?” He teased. I looked at the translator. Even she felt embarrassed.
“Actually, no, you’re not my favorite member. I’m sorry Niel.”
“What? How?”
“My heart lies with another member.”
“May I ask who?”
“Ah, yes. He is quite the charmer, I’m jealous. So what’s your name? I heard from earlier that you’re not a boy or a girl.”
“Ah, my name is Jae.”
“I think that fits you quite well. Did you choose it?” I nodded. “You did a very good job on choosing your name.”
“Thank you.”
“Unfortunately, our time has been cut short, but let me write you this.” He took out a sticky note, and wrote something, with the help of the translator He gave the note to me and said goodbye. I looked at the note he gave me whilst waiting for Changjo to finish up.
‘Don’t ever worry. Also, I came up with a shape name for you and Chunji, Chae.I hope you like it! Chae fighting!
I internally died at it. Niel was so sweet that I might actually get a sugar high. Changjo then motioned for me to come over to him.
“Hello!” He smiled.
“Hi, Changjo!”
“How are you? Did you have to wait long?”
“No, I’m fine. That wasn’t the longest I’ve ever waited.”
“Really? I guess that’s okay, but I hope you are well.”
“I am, I promise Please accept this gift. I worked really hard to make it.” I handed him the CD. It was a compilation of all of his favorite songs, and some that he’d enjoy.
“Whoah, this is so cool! I must be your favorite for you to put this much time and effort into a gift!”
“You’re not my favorite member, but you are my favorite son.”
“If I’m you’re favorite son, then who’s the father?”
“Mmm, I’ll give you a hint. He’s in this group, he’s my ultimate bias, and arguably had it the worst in ‘Supa Luv’.”
“Chunji?” I nodded. “Wow, I’m really good. Is there anyone else who’s your son in this band?”
“Ah, of course, the fake maknae. But why did Chanhee have to be our dad?” I shrugged. “Well, our time has ended. I’ll listen to this well.” He lightly shook the disk in his hand. “Thank you for the disk, and take care, Mom.” I blushed and hid my face in my hands. I heard him laugh, as someone softly touched my hands, slowly opening them.
“Don’t be shy, it’s just me.” Ricky smiled.
“Yo, fake maknae, stop flirting with our mom!” Changjo butted in.
“Mom?” Changjo explained the whole thing to him. “Ah, so Chunji is our dad!”
“What?” Chunji looked over at us. I immediately turned red and hid my face in my hands.
“Nothing.” He smiled. Chunji turned away. “Wow, Mom, you get really flustered easily. Like, every time I turn to see you, you’re hiding in your hands! You’re really red this time! Is it because of Chunji? Wow, you must really like him! I hope I’ll get a girlfriend who likes me as much as you like Chunji, or who’s as cute as you. I have a really cute mom!”
“S-stop, I-I’m not cute.”
“Mom, you’re totally cute!”
“N-no, anyway, I brought you something. Please accept it and use it well.” I have him a stuffed boo dog and a bunch of face masks.
“Wow~! Thank you, mom! How did you know that I needed face masks?”
“In your live stream a few days ago you said that you would get some soon, but I hope these will do.”
“No, these are perfect. Thanks! These will last me a long time! Thank you, I will use them well!”
“I hope you like them.”
“I love them!” Ricky exclaimed. I smiled. Ricky saw Chunji wave goodbye to a fan and looked at the crowd. “Go to him, Mom.”
“Goodbye, my son.”
“Bye Mom.” We laughed as I tried to scoot over to face the man that has been encouraging me to keep going for who knows how long.
“Hi!” He greeted me.
“H-hello.” I shyly say. My whole face was going red.
“No need to be shy!” He laughed. I smiled not making eye contact. He took both of my hands into his I actually thought that I was about to pass out. Until the translator cleared her throat. I quickly retracted my hands.
“Uh, p-please accept this gift.” I stuttered.
“Wow~! Thank you so much! Why is it heavy though?” He asked, and opened the bag I gave him. His eyes widen at all the stuff inside. “Snacks?  Facemask? Everything I need in one bag!”
“Chunji, with that many face masks, you won’t need to buy any for a whole year or so!” Ricky commented. “You must be really lucky to have them as a fan.”
“I am, this is way too much, I can’t take all of this.”
“No, take it. My family is in the beauty business so I can get a lot of this for the manufactured price.” I reassured him. He looked at me.
“What can I do to repay you?”
“Well, can you possibly write something encouraging? I’ve been going through a rough time lately.”
“Of course! What’s your name?”
“Ah, that’s a nice name, did your parents pick it out?”
“No, I did.”
“Wow, that’s cool. Why did you change your name, if you don’t mind me asking.”
“Not at all,” I took a deep breath. “I’m agender, meaning that I don’t identify as a girl or a boy. I changed my name because I wasn’t comfortable with my old name. I named myself after Jae from Day6 because I Iook up to him a lot as a musician.” The translator looked at me with a horrified expression on her face.
“Your kind isn’t welcomed here you freak. Get out.” The translator said with so much venom dripping from each letter, that a snake would be jealous.
Though, it was enough to put me in tears as I got up and ran out of the building. On my way out, I heard chairs scraping, yelling, and harsh footsteps. I didn’t care though. My only thought was to get as far as my lungs and legs would allow; which wasn’t far. I collapsed on the grass of a park, gasping for air, convenient, huh?
The park was only about a mile from the convention center. I crawled and propped myself against a tree. I was trying to calm myself from a probable asthma attack. I saw a group of people approach me. I thought they were going to pass me, but they stood there, until one of them crouched down next to me, consoling me.
“It’s okay, your fellow angels are here for you.” One of them said. I looked up. Three other angels were there, not including the one next to me. They all smiled at me.
“We wanted to make sure you were okay, so we followed you out.”
“T-thanks guys. It probably looked weird when I ran out all of a sudden.” I sniffled but tried to lighten the mood.
“No, it’s fine. You’re a pretty good at run though, do you track or something?” One of the other girls asked.
“No, I actually have asthma.” I shook my head. They all looked at me.
“You then, have a talent.” I smiled. I was glad to have such a great fanbase to be a part of.
“So what happened?” I explained what happened. They all looked at me.
“Dude! That was totally rude and uncalled for!” The smallest one spoke up. I laughed.
“Yeah, but what can you do?” It’s not my fault people are like that.”
“Don’t worry though! Us angels are here for you!” They all exclaimed. I laughed.
“Thanks, guys.”
“Uhm, excuse me. I-is Jae here?” We all turned to see no other than Teen Top’s shining visual, and powerhouse vocal, followed by the rest of his members. The girls parted the way, and there he was with nothing but the concern in his eyes. “Uh, y-you ok-okay?” He asked. I nodded.
“I’m fine, just didn’t need those bad vibes,” I say. Chunji looked and muttered to his members. I couldn’t understand them. I looked over at the other angles. They had no clue on what they were talking about either. All I could pick up was ‘call’ and ‘Byunghyun’. Chunji then fished out his phone. His eyes darted around before pressing his cell to his ear. Again, I couldn’t exactly pick up anything since we were hearing one side of a conversation that was more likely than not, entirely in Korean. However, judging by the look on their faces, it seems that things were going well. Then, he took the phone away from his ear and hit the speaker button. He said something, then an all too familiar voice came up.
“Hello?” I heard the voice come up. Chunji crouched down, held the phone close to me and motioned for me to talk. “Uhm, hi. It’s me, Byunghyun. I’m sure you remember me?”
“Y-Yes, of course. You were the only one who could even make me reconsider changing biases.”
“Ah, really? Well, I guess that won’t be happening anymore.” He nervously laughed. “Well, I’m going to be a substitute translator, so I’m sorry in advance if my English isn’t that great.”
“No, you’re doing great.” He said something in Korean to Chunji before he replied and I was back with him.
“Chunji says he’s really sorry for what happened earlier. They took care of the girl and are thinking of what to do with her.”
“It’s fine, I did what I needed to do and I got a good, well, almost good, reaction.” Chunji leaned into the phone, and soon it was my turn again.
“He asked if there’s anything you need or if you want to press charges.”
“Nope, I’m completely fine.”
“Well, in that case, I’ll take my leave. Bye!”  But before he could leave, Chunji kept him on the line a little longer. Then he returned later, and he handed me a note, along with his Instagram search open. I read the note:
‘Don’t worry Jae,
it’s going to be okae ^u^
I smiled and looked up at him.
“C-could you,” he pointed at me, “type your name?” He pointed to his phone. I nodded and smiled before typing it in. I handed his phone back to him before he gestured all of the other angels to type it in. Soon, all current and ex-members of Teen Top followed me. I accepted their requests and smiled. “We go now. M-manager, looking for us.” I smiled and gestured for them to go.
“By the way, I speak Japanese too,” I said before going back to the group of girls to get their contacts.
And that’s how this crazy story started.
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that-one-viet-writer · 8 years ago
Naive Bliss (A/F)
Genre: Mostly angst but a fluffy ending
Muse: AJ, ex member of Ukiss
TW: depression, suicide, hospitals
A/N/Disclaimer:  This is the raw draft. I do not promote any type of self harm or romanticize any mental disorder. As someone who struggles with life a lot, I would like if you all handled this maturely. I’m posting this since I’ve had this idea for a while, but I never got to it. I wasn’t planing on the attempt scene to be as graphic(?) as it is but that’s kinda how it came out to be. (Plus originially  was gonna have the MC die but owell) If you don’t feel comfortable or you have nothing nice to say ignore this and carry on with life. Thanks guys~!
Naive bliss
A lot of people say that they’d rather be smart and know what’s going on around them, but sometimes, that can lead to one’s own destruction.
“Hey, (Y/N)! I got something to show you!” You heard AJ call out to me from down the hall. Class had just ended and you were heading home to start my homework.
“What’s up?” You questioned.
“So you know how I’ve been trying to get into that school in America? University of Colombia?” You nodded. “I got in!!” He shook the papers in your face making it obvious it was a big deal that he got in, and making the words on the paper hard to read. you grabbed the papers from him and read over it carefully, getting help from him since you wasn’t as good in english as he was.
“Wow, AJ, that’s amazing. I knew you could do it!” You engulfed him in a hug.
“I know right?!” He smiled.
“Wait, this letter was dated a month ago… did you just get this?” You asked him, confused.
“No… actually, I got it two weeks ago…” He mumbled, excitement drained from his voice.
“Then, why’d you tell me now? I thought you would tell me as soon as you found out.”
“The thing is… since it’s in America, I have to move there… (Y/N)… I’m really sorry.” Sadness pour out of his voice and was all over his face. His shoulders were slumped into a slight hunch, eyes big with sorrow.
“O-oh…” Was all you could muster out.
‘My best friend is leaving me…’ You thought as suddenly the ground became more interesting than this conversation.
“Hey, don’t look so down. We both knew that this was gonna happen.” He tried to reassure you, putting his hands on your shoulder, trying to make eye contact.
“W-what do you mean?” You asked, suddenly shocked by what he said.
“If I got into that school or not, we can’t be together forever you know. We’re gonna have to go our separate ways eventually.” He explained.
“N-no, we have to stay together. We’re AJ and (Y/N). We’ve been inseparable since middle school!” You tried to deny the reality of life without my best friend.
“Look, (Y/N), you need to face reality… Do you know anyone who’s still in the same relationships they had back when they were in school?” You had no one come into mind. “Exactly, look this may be hard for you, but you’ll make it on. You’re in this bubble where you’re stuck so you’re as naive as a six year old. It’s time to come out of this. Start thinking about the future. Do you even know what you wanna do after high school?” He asked. You shook my head again. You felt guilty for some reason, like you wanted to cry. “Hey, I’m sorry I kinda unloaded this all onto you, but I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow?” He asked. I just gave him a small smile. He returned it before running off.
It’s been a year since then. AJ was already in America. You were a year younger than him so You still had one extra year. Since he broke the news to you, you didn’t see him often before he left. He was right; You were in a bubble. This small little bubble that you had unknowingly knowingly built around myself. Since that day, you’ve been trying to get out of this bubble and face reality.
You avoided AJ as much as possible without raising suspicion which wasn’t that hard since he was busy with his band, and getting ready to leave. You studied more, tried to get the grades he did. You knew there wasn’t a whole bunch of time for me left, though you did try.
Midway in my last year, you started to question why you was doing this. Why were you working so hard just to prove something to him? This was all going to be worthless later on since you didn’t try as hard earlier on.
Then you started to get stressed, a lot. It came to a point where you would get so stressed that you didn’t even feel stress. The nights on end where you would do nothing but study, skipping meals, and all the caffeine were taking it’s toll on your body and your brain. That night, two days before the college entrance exam took place, You had collapsed to the floor and started sobbing your eyes out. You had no clue as to why you were crying. Everything just hurt. Nothing made sense to you. You cried out in pain, but no one came rushing to your aid. Your parents were away on a family emergency and you were alone. Nothing mattered any more, not school, family, friends, not even life. You was shaking. Everything was fuzzy in your brain and you couldn’t think straight. You had no one. Everything became nothing.
You mustered enough energy to drag myself to my desk and ripped a piece of paper off from somewhere and grabbed a pen. With great difficulty, you wrote out one simple sentence; one that summed up the last two years of your hell well. Then, grabbing the scissors, you plunged them into yourself and fell to the floor.
“Thank you,” I gave the cab driver his money and he sped off. I looked at the house in front of me. There were no signs of life that I could tell of. I walked up to the front door and searched for the key (Y/N) hid so they wouldn’t have to carry it around all the time. I returned the key after using it, and went inside. “Hello? (Y/N)? Are you here?” I called out. It was just after five so they should be home, but the house was dead silent. I headed upstairs and knocked softly on their door. “(Y/N)?” The door opened when my knuckles hit the wood. I was faced with my best friend lying on the floor, blood everywhere. I stood there in shock. Then, I pulled out my phone and called an ambulance. It didn’t seem like the blood was coming out too fast, but I don’t know how long ago this was. I started to cry. My best friend has a pair of scissors through their stomach. I picked up a piece of paper that was in their hand, and all it said was:
‘A lot of people say that they’d rather be smart and know what’s going on around them, but sometimes, that can lead to one’s own destruction. ‘
A few hours later, I was sitting in a hospital chair, waiting for results. I was still sniffling from the crying I was doing earlier. My whole body shook and I couldn’t stop tapping my leg.
“Is there anyone here for (Y/F/N)?” The doctor asked. I stood up and walked over to him. “And what is your relation to the patient?”
“I’m their guardian whilst their parents are away on a family emergency.” I lied. He nodded and ushered me into the hall where all the rooms of the patients were.
“Well, from what we gathered, it seemed like it was a self-inflicted injury. Luckily, the weapon didn’t hit any vital organs, and all they suffered is a scar and a great loss of blood. When doing a body check, they were completely malnourished and overworked. How long have you been watching over them?”
“Two weeks,”
‘More like two hours’
“Well, we’ve notified their parents so I’ll let you see the patient. You know, if it were any later, the amount of blood loss could’ve caused them their life.” I nodded. He guided me to the room and knocked before opening the door for me to enter. I thanked the doctor and he closed the door behind me.
The blinding white that the room contained, combine with the monotonous beeping, and the sterile smell made me nauseous. (Y/N)’s skin was almost as white as their bedsheets. I pulled up a chair next to the bed and sat down, taking their hand into my own. I stayed silent for a minute before I started talking.
“Uhm, hey.” I tried not to let my voice falter, but it still did. “Well that sucked for a greeting that hasn’t been said in like a year, anyways,” I paused. “What’s up? I haven’t talked or seen you since I left… I’m visiting for the summer! Yay… since I’m still on hiatus, this is a good chance for us to hang out… though, I’m not sure how we would since you’re kinda in the hospital… Anyways, onto the serious stuff… Why’d you do this? Is there something wrong? Why didn’t you tell me anything? I would’ve helped you.
“You know, when I saw you on the floor, I didn’t know what to do… You suddenly attempting to commit was not something I would ever even think of you doing… You were the happy-go-lucky idiot I called my best friend, even if you were extremely childish…” I couldn’t help it at this point, I was sobbing. “I missed you the whole time I was at that school. You never called or texted… I was so excited to come back for summer break so I could see you. After I dropped off my stuff at my house, I grabbed a taxi over. This isn’t how I pictured our reunion would be at all… Anyways, when you wake up I’ll be here. Just call me.” I smiled.
Two days passed and I headed towards (Y/N)’s room. As I approached it, I noticed that a bunch of people were in her room. It was a bunch of nurses and a doctor.
“Um excuse me? What’s going on?” I asked a nurse.
“Ah, the patient in room 649 had just woken up. You must be their guardian.” I nodded. “We’re checking their vitals, no need to worry. You’ll be able to enter soon.” I thanked the nurse and sat in a chair.
When the nurses and doctor cleared out, I went in. (Y/N) was there staring at the wall until I came into the room. Their attention directed towards me. Their eyes widened in shock.
“A-AJ?” They gasped.
“Hey,” I smiled.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you in America?”
“We have summer break so I’m visiting until September…” They nodded and gestured for me to sit. The atmosphere became thick was awkwardness.
“So uhm, I heard that you took me here…” They tried to start off.
“Oh, yea…” I replied. We stayed silent before I spoke up again. “Why’d you do it?”
“With the scissors…”
“Oh, well, uh…” They told me the story of everything, from the day I told them I had to leave, to today. My heart broke in a million pieces. They suffered because I told them to grow up.
“(Y/N), you could’ve told me. I-I didn’t know-”
“It’s fine. I just need to go to therapy for a while to recover… After that, then I don’t know what’s gonna happen. I missed the college entrance exam so I probably can’t go to school anywhere here…”
“Come with me.”
“To the states, I can help you. You can take the SAT and ACT for american colleges and I’m sure at least one will accept you.”
“AJ, I don’t know-”
“Please, you said it yourself that you probably won’t get anything here. Let’s take our chances there.” I tried to convince them. They just sighed.
“I’ll think about it if it makes you happy.” I cheered. “Well you should recover fast though, I don’t want you to spend my whole visiting trip in a hospital bed.” I joked.
Sometimes people forget just how blissful and delicate a child’s mind is. They just need to take the time to stop and appreciate the innocence of a young creative outlet.
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that-one-viet-writer · 8 years ago
Suffering Success (F)
Genre: Fluff
WC: 1918
Muse Seungyeon of Uniq
TW: Financial problems? 
A/N: I’ve had this idea for a while now. Its kinda based off a true story? Like the luck of the friendship has happened and I just thought it was a good story, but I turned it into a one shot. 
Suffering Success
It was the only way that he could achieve his dream. The only way he would ever succeed is if I suffered. He didn’t need to know about it. As long as he was happy and achieving things, I’m okay with living my life how it is now.
He gets to travel the world and meet people with fans gushing over him. Whilst people look at me with pity as I roam the streets, looking for jobs to sustain my survival. He was living the life he deserves. All because I gave up my dream for him.  
It was the day before my birthday. I was meeting up with him tomorrow. The cherry blossoms had just bloomed a few weeks ago. Parks were littered with flower petals, couples having picnics, and small children running around. I was on shift, wiping down the tables, cleaning up after the customers who had left. The bell at the front of the shop rang. I looked up at the person who had entered.
“Customer!” I yelled, proceeding to a particularly dirty booth that had spilt chocolate milk all over it. I heard one of my co-workers place the order, and trying to make the customer as comfortable as they can by starting a small conversation with them.
It was near closing, so there weren’t many customers. It was mainly people who wanted something warm to hold, or who were about to take off to work the night shift. I hauled the heavy bin of dirty dishes to the back and started washing them. I only had another half hour before my shift was over.
“(Y/N), can you finish off the night for me? I’ve got some things to do tonight.” My co-worker asked.
“Yea, I got it.” I dried off my hands and she throws me the keys to lock up. I caught them with great difficulty.
I closed up the cafe about an hour later. The grocery store closed in an hour, and I still had to get some food to eat. I ran to the grocery store, and barely made it with only fifteen minutes to spare. I grabbed some instant noodles, and walked over to the register.
“Is that all for you?” The boy at the checkout asked me. I nodded, not making eye contact, and handed my card. He took it from me and swiped it. “Uh, excuse me? Your card declined.” My eyes widened.
“P-please, try again.” I said in a soft voice.
‘This can’t happen again.’ I thought to myself. He swiped it, again, and again.
“I’m sorry, it doesn’t seem to go through. Do you have any other form of payment?” He asked. I let out a breath that I had been holding, and took out some crumpled bills from my wallet. He processed my money and gave me my exact change before handing me my bags.
I quickly walked out the store and to my apartment. I opened the door and turned on the lights. I looked at my single room apartment with no feeling. I was use to this. All I needed was a bed, running water, hot and cold, fridge and a microwave. All of this was in one small, square room. I took out the noodles and stacked them on the two foot tall fridge. I wasn’t feeling that hungry, so I just went to go brush my teeth and head to bed early.
‘You get to see him tomorrow.’ I thought to myself. ‘It’s the few times a year. Be happy, for tomorrow, for him.” I sighed, and closed my eyes.
I woke up to my phone buzzing like no tomorrow. I groaned and looked at the caller ID.
‘Seungyeon,’ I thought before quickly answering.
“Hey, (Y/N), get ready for today! I made sure you have today off! Although, I’m not too sure though, as the place I called said they were a cafe…” I froze. “Anyways, can you give me the address to your place so I can pick you up?”
“Ah, no, no it’s okay. I’ll just meet you there, where are we going?”
“Uh, how about the park in front of that cafe then? I’ll meet you there, then we can go to what I wanna do.” He laughed.
“Alright, I-I’ll see you there then.”
“I’ll see in an hour then, bye.”
I let out a breath, after I ended the call.
‘That was extremely close.’ I layed back in bed. Then realizing what happened, I quickly shot up and ran to the shower, almost tripping. After my shower, I dried my hair the best I can with the towel and went to the stack of clothes I never bothered to by some kind of storage for. ‘Where is it..?’ I thought to myself. Then, I finally pulled out the same clothes I always wore when I hung out with him now-a-days. ‘One day, I’ll be able to buy something else.’ I quickly got dressed, brushed my hair, and went out the door. It wasn’t a far walk from where he wanted to meet. It was right in front of the cafe I worked. I got there with twenty minutes before I was suppose to meet him.
“Hey! (Y/N)!” I heard him call out.
“Seungyeon?” I questioned as I turned around. He waved at me with the dorkiest grin on his face.
“Hey it seems like forever, how are you?” He engulfed me in a hug.
“I’m fine, how about you? You’re traveling the world and meeting new people all the time.” I laughed.
“Ah, it’s not that great.” He rubbed the back of the neck.
“Oh come on, you’re living the life that everyone dreams of.”
“We’re not that big. We only come back once a year.” He laughed. “You know, every time I see you, you’re wearing this? I was going through some pictures yesterday and recently, all the pictures are of you wearing the same clothes.”
“It’s probably just a coincidence.” I tried to ease off the topic.
“Anyways, let’s go. We have a whole day in front of us.” He threw his arm around me and we made our way.
The whole day consisted of us just rekindling our friendship that had been ignored for the last few months.
“That was a fun night.” I smiled at him.
“Yea, who knew that you could chug three bottles of water in 20 seconds?” He laughed. “Hey, it’s getting late. I should take you home.” He says as he checked his phone for the time.
“No!” He looked at me.”I mean, why go through all that trouble when your dorm is right here.” I told him.
“I just want you to get home safe. I don’t want anything bad happening to you.” His eyes softened with concern.
“I’ll be fine. I’ll see you soon Seungyeon.” I hugged him and went off my own way.
I followed (Y/N) home that night just to make sure they were safe by the time they got home. They made a few turns and then I realized we were back near the dorm. Then, they went the opposite way that they had originally went.
After an hour of walking, we reached the not as nicer area of town. I quickly became worried.
‘What is (Y/N) doing here??” I questioned. They entered an apartment complex and I followed. I saw them go up the stairs and take out their keys before entering. ‘Do they live here?’ I asked myself. I texted them asked if they made it home. They said yes. I looked at the door in question, before heading home.
“Hey, (Y/N) there’s someone at table who requested you.” My coworker informed me. I nodded, drying my hands on a towel before heading out. I stopped in my tracks when I saw him.
“S-Seungyeon? W-what are you doing here?” I asked him, trying to act like I haven’t lied to him about my job and frankly everything about me since I dropped out of the trainee program.
“The real question is, what are you doing here? Why aren’t you at that company you work for, huh?” He casually asked, taking a sip of his drink.
“I- uh…” I stuttered, not being able to come up with any reasonable explanation. He put his drink down on the table and stood up.
“Why did you lie to me?” He asked. I froze.
“Why did you lie to me that you were fine off all by yourself? Why didn’t you tell me that you were in such a crisis?! We’re suppose to be best friends. Why didn’t you tell me any of this?”
“Look, Seungyeon, not here. I go on break in half an hour. I’ll tell you then if you’re willing to hear what I have to say.” I said in a low voice. He let out a huff.
“Fine, you better be back, or I’m not gonna attend to my schedules till I see you.” He sat down. I quickly turned on my heel and walked back to the kitchen.
“Now, tell me what’s going on.” He pleaded as we sat down on the bench.
“Have you ever noticed that there’s a pattern with us?” He cocked his head at me in confusion. “Like, whenever one of us succeeds, the other fails in something. Like, whenever you got a perfect score on a test back in school, I would always be close to failing. Whenever you won anything, I lost. It was the same pattern over, and over, and over again. I realized it back in middle school. I would purposely not study for some tests because I wanted you to get a good grade. I thought that this would go away eventually, but then it never did. When we both became trainees, I thought that maybe we both could succeed in something together. It didn’t turn out like that. You were getting better throughout your training and you worked hard. However, I could not improve no matter how hard I worked. Remember that day you hurt your ankle?” HE nodded. “That was also the day that I was given the opportunity to do a solo performance for the CEO. After I heard of your accident, I couldn’t accept that I would be getting some spotlight if you were in pain. So, I quit training. It was a tough decision for me, but since you were oblivious to it, it had to be done. After that, things really went up for you. You were placed in Uniq, you debuted, and now you’re traveling the world.” I was starting to get teary from my little speech.
“Yea, but you could have told me how hard it was for you to survive. I would’ve helped. You’re suffering because of me. You could’ve at least told me everything.” He grabbed my hand and looked at me in the eyes.
“I didn’t want to look like a leech. I’ve been able to support myself for the past year. Though I’ve had some card declines.” I looked down.
“Hey, you’ll never be a leach to me. I’d always be happy to help you, no matter how bad your suffering, and how I’m succeeding.” He engulfed me in a hug.
For the past few years I’ve felt alone. I struggled to live. Now, I’ve found a light. This is the end of my suffering, and the beginning of my success.
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that-one-viet-writer · 8 years ago
never forget this version of ‘danger’
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that-one-viet-writer · 8 years ago
Distortion (A)
Genere: Angst with lil fluff
WC: 1,344
Muse: Chunji of teen top
Tw: body insecurity, starving ones self, hospitals, beaches?
Disclaimer/A/N: I wrote this on a day that I wasnt feeling very good about myself. So, I wrote something that would help me a little. I wrote this a few months ago and this is the raw draft (except for one name changes) I do not promote any type of self harm or romanticize any mental disorder. As someone who struggles with life a lot, I would like if you all handled this maturely. I’m sharing something that has helped me recently by giving me some reassurance so yea, if you don’t feel comfortable or you have nothing nice to say ignore this and carry on with life.
“(Y/N) are you ready?” Chunji called out.
“Yea, hold on!” You replied as you looked in the mirror.
Today was the last day that Chunji was here before he left for the tour. You both decided to go to the beach to have a relaxing day with each other. However, when you put on your swimsuit, you noticed a  bulge where your stomach is. It stuck out to you as if it was an alien. Tracing over your stretch marks, you sighed. The clothes you wore were always baggy so people didn’t notice the fat that’s growing. Finally, you went to go put on a shirt, and shorts before heading down stairs.
“Ah~ there’s my cute little sunshine.” Chunji smiled as you came out. You flashed him a small smile.
You both headed out to the car. The drive was gonna be a while so you decided to take a nap. That was, until you noticed some more stretch marks on your thighs where the ends of your shorts ended. Awkwardly, you pulled the edge of the fabric down to cover it.
“We’re here!” Chunji says as he shook you lightly. You slowly opened your eyes and saw the sea and sand right in front of you. “Let’s go before it’s too late to do anything!” He says excitedly and exited the car.
You got out and followed him to the trunk of the car. You grabbed the bags that contained necessary thing such as sunblock, towels, and food, while Chunji grabbed the chairs and the umbrella. After finding the right spot, you both set up the towels, chairs, and umbrella.
“(Y/N), will you rub sunblock on my back?” Chunji asked as you sat down in a chair and he was taking off his shirt.
“Sure,” you smiled. He says sits in front of your chair as you take out the bottle. You applied the white pasty cream all over his back. Once you finished, you handed the bottle to him and leaned back in your chair. He looked at you with a clump of sunblock in his hand. “What?”
“I need to put some on you.” He reminded you.
“Oh, not now. I’m not going to swim right now.” You told him.
“What? This is new. You usually love the water so much I have to remind you to put on sunblock before getting in the water since you’re so excited.” He looked at you as he rubbed the paste that was originally meant for you, on his arms and legs.
“Oh, I’m just not feeling it right now I guess.” You lied. You were dying to go in, but you felt out of place when you saw how all the other people were in the water. Chunji eyed you suspiciously.
“Alright, well, I’ll be in the water then.” You nodded as your boyfriend ran off to the edge, and started to play in the waves. You chuckled at his childishness.
A few hours later, you decided you wanted to go in the water. You took off your shirt and started looking for the sunblock.
“You see that girl?”
“The one with the lines everywhere?”
“Yea, how is she shameless enough to go out in public like that?”
“I don’t know… She really doesn’t have the body for that suit either. Look at her stomach.”
“Yea, it’s really sticking out.”
You looked down at your stomach. It didn’t look that bad since your shorts helped a bit. Your fingers ran over the marks on the side of your stomach. Feeling hurt by their comments, you decided to not go in the water. Sitting back down, you put on your shirt and saw your boyfriend come up from the water with dripping hair.
“(Y/N) why didn’t you come to the water with me? I just saw you now.” He asked.
“Oh, I didn’t feel well when I stood up so I just sat back down.” You half lied.
“Are you OK? Should we go home?” He worried.
“I’m fine Chanhee, Don’t worry.” I weakly smiled at him. He nodded.
“Jeez he’s their boyfriend?”
“I feel sorry for him.” Chunji didn’t seem to hear these comments so you just handed him a towel.
It’s been two months since Chunji left for his tour. Today you both agreed to Skype each other since you both haven’t talked much.
“Chanhee!” You cheered when his face popped up.
“Hi (Y/N).” He smiled.
“How have you been?” You asked him.
“Oh, tired a lot, but the fans give me a lot of energy to keep up everyday!” You smiled.
“That’s good. Just hope you’re eating well and sleeping enough. You need to take care of your health.” You reminded him.
“Yes yes, anything for my baby.” You blushed. “But, what about you? You look really thin. Are you eating enough? Your cheeks look a bit sunken in.” He commented.
“I’m healthy. I’ve just been working out a lot.” You lied. Honestly, you weren’t healthy. Yes you worked out a lot, but you barely ate. You skipped a lot of meals and worked out more and more, causing you to lose weight rapidly.
“Well, as long as you’re healthy and not in a hospital. Don’t lose too much though, I still love to poke your cheeks and squeeze them without feeling too much bone. I have to go now. I’ll be back in two months alright? Take care!” You both said goodbye before ending the call.
“Bye hyung, we’ll see you next week!” Ricky called out as Chunji waves goodbye before entering his own house.
“(Y/N)! I’m home!” He called out, expecting you to come out from somewhere, but you were nowhere in sight. “Babe?” He dropped his bag on his shoulder next to his luggage and walked around the house to look for you. He saw the bathroom light on and went to go see. “Baby-” he stopped. There you were lying on the floor, pale, skinny, and cut up all on your thighs. Chunji panicked. “(Y/N)!? (Y/N)!?” He shook you.
No response.
He found your pulse and dialed the emergency number. Next thing he knew, he was sat outside your room as the doctor came out.
“Are you their boyfriend?” The following doctor asked. Chunji nodded. “Well the most extreme thing is that they’re extremely malnourished so they’ll be admitted here for about a week. We treated their legs, and everything else seems fine. How did this happen?”
“I’m not sure. I went away for tour for 3 months so i haven’t exactly been present. I just got back today.”
“Were they acting strange before you left?”
“Yea, we went to the beach and usually, (Y/N) loves the water that I’d have to drag her out, but that day, she barely considered it.”
“Did they mention Anything about skipping meals or overworking?”
“There was this one time we Skyped, and I noticed that they were a little thin. (Y/N) told me that they had been working out more and that (Y/N) was healthy, but I guess they aren’t.”
“Well, I’m gonna let you see them, and talk. A nurse will bring in some food so make sure they’re eating right.” He nodded and I went inside the room.
(Y/N) looked so pitiful lying there. Hooked up to all the machines
“Why would you do this to yourself? You were perfectly fine before. I don’t I understand.” Chunji sniffled.
“Aren’t I pretty now Chanhee? I can be like everyone else now.” You weakly replied smiling.
“Oh baby, you didn’t need to do this. You were pretty before. The doctor told me everything. Why did you skip your meals? (Y/N?, I told you to eat a lot so you’re healthy.”
“I’m sorry Chan. It’s just, everyone keeps telling me to lose weight so I can become pretty.”
“Don’t worry about them. As long as you’re healthy, you’re pretty, alright?”
“Yes, Chanhee.” Then a nurse came in with a tray of food, set it down, then left. Chunji took his chopsticks and picked up some rice.
“Now, say ah~”
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that-one-viet-writer · 8 years ago
Well hello
Uhm hi I'm Jae and this is my new side blog where I'll be posting some writings from time to time. *Note English isn't my first language so I apologise in advance*
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