tethisanidiot · 4 years
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More Tboi boys!
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tethisanidiot · 4 years
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serious club penguin fanart…….? From Me….?
i submitted it to CPR, lets see if im in the newspaper in a few days…  😢
if you like my art, consider following me, too… thank you❤️
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tethisanidiot · 4 years
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rookie is so cute ♡ ♡
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tethisanidiot · 4 years
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tests 2 get used to drawing penguins from the club : -)
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tethisanidiot · 5 years
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u guys remember when eggy was just a happy lil lad
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tethisanidiot · 5 years
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tethisanidiot · 5 years
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When I think of WV and the McDonalds meme I just keep visualizing this.
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tethisanidiot · 5 years
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So glad WV has his priorities straight
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tethisanidiot · 5 years
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this is basically how dave operates right
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tethisanidiot · 5 years
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tethisanidiot · 5 years
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returning to my roots
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tethisanidiot · 5 years
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Drew these last night
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tethisanidiot · 5 years
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I shall offer you a karezi in these trying times >:]
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tethisanidiot · 5 years
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the most stupid thing i’ve ever drawn. updog
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tethisanidiot · 5 years
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The only valid thing from the ubisoft conference
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tethisanidiot · 5 years
Alright guys... i think its time to come out
So i´ve lived in the dark for a long time now, i´ve always been a pretty closed up person so what im about to do is a pretty big step for me, i know some of you might not be able to accept me for who i really am but i thought that maybe that wouldnt be the case as im proud to admit that tumblr, is one of the most accepting sites on the internet. 
So... i wanted to join the LGBTQ+ gang by finally coming out of my special little closet... some of my close friends might know by now but i think im ready to make this public. Im a gamer. I´ve always been one, it has brought me many problems with family as they are getting suspicious of the way i really feel,  gaming (in case you forgot), even in school i´ve been harassed by gamerphobes. 
But im tired of keeping my identity to myself, i just want to live a peaceful life where i can be accepted by people as a gamer, since sadly i have had to blame in as one of them cringy normies (like, bruh this is totally not epic.)
I know a lot of you will be upset at me, but thats just you not being progressive and you are just a ball of hate, a gamerphobe.
But i know i´ll be accepted in here by all of you! maybe make some new gamer friends, make some untasteful jokes that people might believe are related to the way we think when its not the case at all! game a little bit or just chat and share some gamer things :)
happy pride month everybody, im glad to finally openly take part on it this year as a proud gamer.
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tethisanidiot · 5 years
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overdue and overdone, probably.
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