tesshurst · 5 months
I too have learned better management skills. I think mine for me and knowing what I have to and do and the timeline. Granted do I miss due dates, yes, but I do also give myself a "hey get this done by tomorrow since you didn't get it done" talking. I have also put in my head that as a designer it needs to be done on time or else. In the real world there is no hand it in late, they will just move onto the next person.
Original Content Writing 2 - Week 15
What do you like most about your learning?:
Something I like most about my learning is developing better management skills. I feel I have already developed time management well in high school, however, college is an entire new level....And one I am happy for! Developing better writing skills, learning opportunities, amongst other things has been the best part.
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tesshurst · 5 months
That is great how feel so proud of it all. I think sometimes it can be hard to say what you are proud of for yourself, and being able to do it so clearly like you did is great. I think after many years our writing processes become better, since we deal with many types of reading. I am happy for you and that you have found a way to do it for yourself, and be able to do it on all of your assignments.
What I am Proud of
I can confidently say that I am proud of my writing process, which is likely because I've been able to perfect it over my many years of schooling. Specifically, I am proud of the steps that I take in order to write:
Read through assignment directions and requirements until I have an accurate and strong understanding of the expectation
Begin brainstorming and making decisions about how I want to tackle the assignment/organize my writing to best answer the assignment
Start at the beginning of the assignment (introduction) and create an outline for the following parts
Proceed by moving down the outline and completing the parts of the assignment in order, ending with the conclusion
Review my writing and fix any mistakes that stand out to me
Use peer review or professor feedback to fix parts that did not stand out to me
Use assignment requirements and rubric to check that I included all necessary parts
Personally, this process works really well for me and I'm proud of how I use it to do my best on assignments!
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tesshurst · 5 months
Original Content Writing 3: week 15
where will you adjust your essay to strengthen your point?
One thing that I will do to adjust my essay and to strengthen my points is to explain each of the examples throughly. By do this I will feel it will show my accomplishments through the semester, be able to show how I started, and where I finished. I also believe some will be more long and in depth than others, which is okay, but I won't want to repeat myself a lot. I will also aim to have my information placed clearly that way each of things I mention will be able to be understood easily. I want this to be clear and concise, with not too much other information that might not be needed.
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tesshurst · 5 months
Original Content Writing 2: week 15
what do you like most about your learning?
Something that I like is I feel like I can now read in between the lines when it comes to lengthy information. I get very tongue tied up on words, and when it came to assignments from this class, i felt I had a hard time understanding what was need exactly with all the information. But by breaking it down, and reading it and asking question I was able to solve it. With all though, I like that I have learned a new skill, and feel that I might need it in life sometime.
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tesshurst · 5 months
Original content writing 1: week 15
what are you most proud of with your writing process?
Something that I am proud for me is, i feel like I can write to different audiences more easily now. Since in this class we have done multiple different types of analysis and deep diving into them, it has helped me learn what I need to know to get my audiences to understand and possibly interact.
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tesshurst · 5 months
Thursday check-in: week 15
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what questions do you have about web writing that will help you after you finish this course? 
Something I am wondering and hoping I can get a good idea on is, looking for and roughly how many. I also am wondering is it possible if I can add other classes i have taken and explain some examples from there? Also, would you like this in essay format, or would you want design aspects as well like our design project we just did?
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tesshurst · 5 months
I definitely feel like there is enough information that you have given to the audience. You also have done a smart thing is added something that would be appealing- mentioning other new shows with other actors and actresses that are fan favorites from the discontinued show. By doing so shows empathy with your audience and makes you have a connection.
Peer Review Request
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So far, this is what I have as the caption for the cancellation post. I'm worried it doesn't have enough information, but I also wanted to keep it rather brief because my audience is young adults. Do you think what I have is enough information? If not, what should I add to it to make it better? Does it appeal to my intended audience? Thanks!
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tesshurst · 5 months
When a company is announcing that a show will be ending but realizing how popular it is, it is almost crucial to add an ending to it. Adding a season that even has 5 episodes goes to show they care about the customers, in a way, and know, by doing so they will keep people as customers of the company.
Original Post #1 Week 14
When I found out they were cancelling The Umbrella Academy on Netlfix I was so upset. I had gotten to love the characters and they plot lines were extremely interesting. Although they announced its cancellation, they did also announce they show would be getting a final season where they would wrap up the story. I was just happy we would get to know what happened to all the characters, rather than leaving the story unfinished.
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tesshurst · 5 months
I think this looks professional and written well. One suggestion I might add is adding a 'sorry' somewhere. I feel this might help you connect with the customer and others as well, and since the company is already getting backlash not empathizing with the customers might add more.
Original Content Writing 3 - Week 14
Share a section of your design project content. What is the work of this sample? How can we help you revise?:
Here is an example of a fan's angry comment (first picture) and the second is TV Movie Studio Co.'s response! These were created from a Twitter template I saved and edited. Any comments would be helpful, but more importantly do you feel the response is appropriate coming from the company (the responding intern)?
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tesshurst · 5 months
I get so frustrated when this happens! I also had that happen with criminal minds, and I actually got rid of Netflix because most of the shows I watch have moved to other subscriptions, and I like the choices more on it. I also feel like Netflix takes forever to get new seasons out and in always behind, but maybe that's just my opinion.
Original Content Writing 1 - Week 14
Share an example of your experience as a fan of a show that was cancelled:
A favorite show of mine that was discontinued on Netflix was New Girl! I was initially not a fan until my roommate got me addicted to watching it with her. It was sad to hear it was leaving Netflix! I am fortunate to have a Hulu account so I can still watch randomly, but still a let down.
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tesshurst · 5 months
Original Content Writing 3: week 14
share a section of your Design Project content. What is the work of this sample? How can we help you revise? 
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Here is one of my response as well an initial post by an angry customer. In my response I wanted to think how would a company respond? One thing I made sure was to always add the same one line "We appreciate the support you have given us, thank you!" to each comment. Although, I also added a personal comment with it, that way it is not something that is automated throughout. Do you think the personal comment is a good touch, or do you think I should change anything to it?
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tesshurst · 5 months
Original Content Writing 2: week 14
share an example of your favorite television show or movie - how does that show/movie help you work through this project and understand angry fandom? 
I had a show on Netflix and as sad as I am to cancel my subscription there was a show that was Canadian and it took years to release every season. I would gets add for the newest season and Netflix would be at least 2 seasons behind and it was so frustrating, because I want to know what is happening and not by any chance see any spoilers since it was such a cliff hanger show.
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tesshurst · 5 months
Original Content Writing 1: week 14
Share an example of your experience as a fan of a show that was cancelled. help us feel the feels 
There was a show on Netflix called criminal minds, it is still a show although they removed it and it really really frustrates me since it was my go to show. With that, now if I want to watch it I have to pay for entire new subscription, and with that I actually did and now have unsubscribed from Netflix. Sorry but not sorry Netflix!
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tesshurst · 6 months
Thursday Check-in: week 14
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what questions do you have about naming and transferring the writing skills you developed in this class to real world, real life, work situations?
Out of what we have gone over these past week what are the top ways to format and design documents for maximum readability and impact in real-world contexts, what is the best way to go about it?
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tesshurst · 6 months
I agree with you on this. At this when I first thought about it, I was like I think the shorter podcasts are better, but once you take into podcasts that you find interesting the long ones dont seem as long. I also think having it in the background is a good point to add to that as well.
Original Post #1 Week 13
Explain the appeal of long podcasts:
Usually within one podcast, many different stories, or topics depending on the genre, are discussed. It is also something you can play in the background while not having to worry about watching anything. You have the ability to do other things while playing a podcast in the background.
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tesshurst · 6 months
This is a really interesting point. I make tik toks and as a creator I do change the thumbnail-which on tik tok is different than what you are explaining. On mine it has that shows on the profile, but what you are saying is the beginning of the video like an attention grabber I am assuming, and I definitely agree to that.
Original Content Writing 3 - Week 13
Write a style rule for creating a TikTok video - how does this help attract followers?:
I believe a good style rule for creating a TikTok video is to have a good thumbnail image. A thumbnail image is what the viewer sees first before the video starts playing on one's account/profile page. Since a thumbnail is the first thing you see, it can help attract followers if it is designed well.
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tesshurst · 6 months
Original Content writing 3- week 13
Write a style rule for creating a TikTok video - how does this help attract followers?
Something that i have found at least for me as a viewer, the first 3-5 seconds need to be an attention grabber. If it does not spark an interest I am swiping up. Something with that, even if I swipe up lately I come back to it and will scroll up since I keep thinking about.
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