273 posts
Hello! It's Tessa (formerly yourneighborhoodboot). Come trade with me at tessaklainetrading.weebly.com 
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
tessaklainetrading · 5 years ago
Torchwood Audios
Hey! I just finished watching series 1-3 of torchwood and I really want to get into the audio dramas. Unfortunately, as y’all know in this time, I’m struggling with money a little and I was wondering if you all know where I could find them for free or if anyone was interested in some broadway proshots/bootlegs. If you have any information, please contact me!
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tessaklainetrading · 5 years ago
And I just found one with Andy Jones I don’t have a date for!
Help Identifying a Recording
Heyo! I have a video boot of Cinderella later in the OB production. Joe Carroll plays Prince Topher but I don’t have a date! I really need a date so I can put it up on my website if anyone can help me that would be amazing!
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tessaklainetrading · 5 years ago
Help Identifying a Recording
Heyo! I have a video boot of Cinderella later in the OB production. Joe Carroll plays Prince Topher but I don’t have a date! I really need a date so I can put it up on my website if anyone can help me that would be amazing!
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tessaklainetrading · 6 years ago
Send a musical and I’ll answer these questions:
Song I wish was longer:
Song I wish was shorter:
The one song I always skip:
Song I sing the best:
Song I still don’t know all the words to:
Song that honestly deserves an award or five:
Song that’s terrible but I still love:
Song that’s really good but I hate:
Song I think could change the world:
Song I wish I’d written:
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tessaklainetrading · 6 years ago
HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! (& changes)
     As we ring in the new year (2019 please be good to us!) I want to thank the Tumblr community for getting me into broadway and start collecting and trading boots! That being said, the new year will also bring some changes. As of (well, now too) 2019 I have officially posted my own trading site that is separate from tumblr. Tumblr used to be the place where a lot of traders did their business but now they have moved away and onto other platforms and communities. With that migration a lot of new content has moved and some boots are only shared within certain groups.
     Tumblr is not a bad place to get your start but after awhile things can grow a little stale and having a collection completely curated from tumblr traders makes it very hard to trade with ‘real traders’, as they require quite a bit more information than the title, the year and who plays the main characters (not to mention any drama that tends to happen here). I still want to thank every kind person who gifted to me and traded boots with me but now I think it’s time for me to move on.
     Don’t panic quite yet! You can still trade with me on my tumblr until the end of January (just don’t look at my google docs list, use my website as my boot list from now on). After that I intend to switch to continuing business on my website only and only posting updates about my website here. OH! And of course I will still be using my Encora (though my collection will be under a little contruction while I sync it with my website).
     Thank you guys so much! I will still be apart of the broadway community on here (check my main for that @relentless-logic) but my activity in the trading community here will be very little after January.
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tessaklainetrading · 6 years ago
Since Tumblr is going to shit, I want to finally express my opinions on a post I saw floating around lately, whose Bottom line was basically:
“Why don’t traders gift out all their bootlegs if they claim that bootlegs should make theater more accessible?”
Today I wanna try to answer that question.  I wanna start by putting aside leaks and not for trade dates for a second, as it has been discussed at length by people on Tumblr and by myself. If you leaked a bootleg you ain’t gettin shit anymore period. You actively hurt the community and you know why.  I want to address another aspect of trading that many seem to forget about 
TIME!! It takes so so much time to built up a decent collection. Be it scouring the internet for gifts, learning the rules of conduct, making friends in the community that help you along or simply just finding trading partners. It takes time. A lot. And then you have to keep your collection clean make sure you have working links ready at all times, of each item in your collection, sometimes even on different sites (while most traders use mega some might ask specifically for a drive or mediafire link).
So when you are a trader and you open your Tumblr inbox or your mail box and find a message demanding a bootleg, with no please and no thank you, you think of all that time you put into your collection all these hours, and you just ignore the message. It happens. 
Does this means that traders are gate keeping bootlegs? Absolutely not! I have gifted many things on here, on discord and in my mail. Because the people took the time to write me a nice message, saying why they would like bootleg xy. Or sometimes it’s people messaging me about an old post I made, and I know they took the time to go through the tag of a specific show and then they looked up my account and took the time to DM me. And while I already have the word document open with my active links because I’m currently in the middle of a trade, might as well sent them my link. 
In conclusion, next time before you ask a trader for a gift, take into account how much time it took them to get that bootleg, and take up some of your time to say please & Thank you. Let’s make Broadway & West End theater a bit more inclusive for everyone, while also respecting the work of the people who help make it more inclusive! 
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tessaklainetrading · 6 years ago
I’m done with Mean Girls
I’m done.  I’m not dealing with this anymore.  I’m not really interested in doing anything with trading because of this.  I’m just…  So annoyed ugh.  I won’t be gifting (at least temp unless under special circumstances with DEH or BMC) since this has just bothered me too much.
If you happen to see a YouTube video or something with the full boot, please post this (or something similar)
Reasons for NFT and selling (repost)
The master (the person who recorded the show) could get sued of even /arrested/ for filming this, which is why a NFT (‘not for trade’ - basically meaning that it isn’t for trade or gifting, and can only be bought through the master) date (August 31st) is put on the video. Not just to be selfish - to keep them from legal trouble so they can keep recording your favorite shows. This only hurts them and their chances of staying secret, and, as a result, the community getting more boots, especially since this is the highest quality active recorder in the New York area Selling makes it so they can pay for equipment and tickets. This is an expensive venture. Most of the money the master makes is to continue filming these. You might think it’s easy to get this high quality of a boot, but it seriously isn’t (And this, of course, isn’t the highest quality, since it’s on YouTube and not in original mp4/VOB).  Trust me, if you recorded something like this, you wouldn’t just let it out.  You’d be losing hundreds of dollars on each video.  I personally don’t typically buy, but if there was something I really wanted (which is rare) I would pay for it.  If not, I would wait.  It isn’t that hard. Also, not respecting this is going to kill the bootleg industry. There’s a reason we don’t get video boots of DEH anymore. People leaked them, the master went on hiatus, and no one wanted to go through the trouble of having their videos leaked. That’s what is going to happen with Mean Girls too. There are alternatives to videos that are NFT; audios.  There are tons of audios for this show with no NFT date that people will happily gift until this gets off of NFT status.  (I personally don’t collect MG, but I know people who will gift it out and have even seen people openly offering to gift their own). Please, stop spreading this. It hurts the community. You can wait a few months, since it isn’t going to be NFT forever, and traders would have most likely gifted it if you asked nicely.  And anyone who says recording boots is scummy; you’re watching one, so it’s extremely hypocritical. Also, before anyone asks, the master’s contact info to buy cannot be made public; due to this leak, they have moved from a public release group to a private email list filled with only established traders and people who have previously bought from them.  And the master hasn’t quit yet, but they will if another situation like this arises (so, as you can guess, no more Mean Girls or any other popular show boots from them, basically the only very good recorder!) I hope you enjoyed this while it lasted.
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tessaklainetrading · 6 years ago
r e b l o g  f o r  a n  a s k
rb for a set of lyrics from a musical your blog reminds me of :)
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tessaklainetrading · 6 years ago
so, I know I got tagged 32 days ago but thank you @i-wanna-be-a-newsie
@poorguyssheadissspinning @poorguysheadisdoingwhatnow @newsies-everlasting @sikebitchimgoingtotheclub @jumping-newsboys @msclsfan
hug tag game - pass it on
thanks for tagging me @anastasiasromanovas ❤
i tag @kathsplumber @christinedwyer @myheartstillneedstoknow @musicals-musicals @jackhasdreams @alexbonnielio @katrinaslenk@beautyinsteadofashes @aintweprcud @celiabowne@whenyourfeetdonttouchtheground 
Thank you @royal-misfits I hope you’re feeling better and what good timing to send me this JUST AS ZACH IS LEAVING
tagging the zach fans to cheer us all up  @zacharyadkins (you can tag whoever i’ve missed cause you’re the queen) @annbradleys@damianhubbards @treblemakerz  @poisonquinzell @oswalddcobblepot @celiabowne  @myheartstillneedstoknow @altoanya @zachsdimya
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tessaklainetrading · 6 years ago
Tumblr media
[Image description: A picture of the Newsies cast, with text that reads, “The thing I hate the most when it comes to bootlegs is the begging. Don’t beg please. Don’t tell me you’re dying. Don’t tell me you’d do ANYTHING. Just ask. Just trade. Just buy. I’d rather the “does anyone have ?????” and no thanks or please then the BEGGING.”]
Photograph by Phillip Hamer.
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tessaklainetrading · 6 years ago
Musical asks: Dear Evan Hansen
Yay! Okay, let’s get this bread (*note* I know you know, but just a reminder that this is an ask that is entirely opinionated. I’d love to hear if you disagree and why or if maybe I changed your mind.)
Favorite Character: Damn, making me choose again (nobody notices and nobody cares but for some reason I’m doing these questions from bottom to the top) Probably Evan. We follow him through most of the story and his actions, while not the wisest and not what I would have done, are realistic and understandable.
Least Favorite Character: Sorry, Alana Beck. She wants to be apart of everything and she’s always putting herself over others (as in she’s president or co-pres of other things and at the beginning of the musical you can tell she doesn’t really care about Evan’s summer). Runner up: Cynthia Murphy.
Favorite OBC Cast Member: All of them? How do I pick from such a great overall cast?!
(I’m going to have to skip favorite current cast member because I haven’t seen or listened to any recent boots)
Favorite Song: Jeez, why do people always want to know favorites?! It’s so hard to pick from this musical! I would say If I Could Tell Her (probably because I’ve always wanted someone like Evan in my life) and Words Fail because of the intense, but relatable emotion in this song. Every actor I’ve heard perform Words Fail has done so well!
Least Favorite Song: This was a really hard choice because all the songs are so great but I’m going to have to say You Will Be Found. There’s a great message to the song but the way it sounds is kinda campy and the social media part isn’t my favorite.
Favorite Act: Definitely Act 2, the emotions in this one run high and as to not give away any spoilers, you’ll just have to watch it.
Favorite Ship: I don’t if I really have one, this isn’t a super romance-y musical. I thought Evan and Zoe were a very cute couple but not necessarily a great ship. I would ship Connor and Evan but the Connor that we see for all but maybe 5 minutes is the one Evan made up so...
Least Favorite Ship: Alana Beck/Zoe Murphy only because we never really see them interact and I feel like Zoe and Alana wouldn’t always get along.
If there was something I could change about the musical: Nothing? I don’t know, I thought this one was really rounded out. I will say I would appreciate a set change. I think they did a great job with the different rooms on the circles but I would appreciate the background being different. (the placing of the orchestra was cool tho)
Rating: 9/10, this musical (as I said) is very well-rounded. There are a few places in which it drags and can lose attention but this is an honest-to-god amazing, real musical which everyone can find something to relate with. Whether you’re a teen struggling survive, a mom just trying to do everything she can.
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tessaklainetrading · 6 years ago
Since I’m deep in my musical phase right now, leave a musical in my ask and I’ll reply with:
Favourite Character:
Least Favourite Character:
Favourite OBC Cast Member:
Favourite Current Cast Member (If Applicable):
Favourite Song:
Least Favourite Song:
Favourite Act (If Applicable):
Favourite Ship:
Least Favourite Ship:
If There is Something I Would Change about The Musical:
Ratings: ?/10
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tessaklainetrading · 6 years ago
Upon critical re-examination, I seriously undervalued “Everything to Win” in Anastasia.
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tessaklainetrading · 6 years ago
If someone were to just randomly send me a video boot of Murder Ballad (London 2016 with Ramin Karimloo and Kerry Ellis)...
I would love you forever and I’d send you pictures of puppies
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tessaklainetrading · 6 years ago
Where can we see your trading list? Do you have a website?
I don’t have a website but I do have a google doc I keep updated. Here’s the link. I also post my list as a post every once and awhile but that can be very time consuming. I realize my list is hard to find so I’ll work it into my tumblr bio!
0 notes
tessaklainetrading · 6 years ago
If someone calls the cops on me because they can hear murderous screeches emmiting from my house, don’t worry, I’m just singing Phantom of the Opera.
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tessaklainetrading · 6 years ago
hi i’m really new to bootleg trading and all that so could you give me a quick run down on how this all works? i’ve also noticed you gift it would be great if you could send me the newsies w ben tyler cook please? ty!!
Yep! I just finally posted my compilation post of better written posts that explain a bunch of topics here. Sorry to keep you waiting!
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