Tertiary / Non-Rose / Eriattraction Archive
32 posts
This blog archives terms related to tertiary / non-rose / eriattraction, which are attraction types other than romantic and sexual attraction. Icon is the tertiary attraction flag, banner is the Split Attraction Model flag.
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Asocial Pride Flag
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Asociality: not feeling social attraction; lack of motivation or uninterest to engage in social interaction; to avoid society or a preference for solitary activities.
Can be a subset of aplatonicity but some asocials interpret platonism as siblinghood, impersonal or unreciprocal actions, turning out they can still feel platonically attracted. Social attraction is generally defined as attraction based on socializing with any particular person(s) or group(s), forming social relationships, group dynamics and societal relations as opposed to amical attraction, which is more personal and intimate, similar to quasiplatonism.
Note: This is not the same thing as antisocial personality disorder or being a s*ciopath, those are clinical diagnoses and many asocial people don’t fit them at all. It’s a complex personality disorder, can’t be likened to or boiled down to “not being social”. In fact, a lot of people with AsPD are not even asocial.
~ ap
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Greyasocial: Attraction on the asocial spectrum where one relates to asociality, yet feel that there are parts of their experience that aren’t fully described by the word asocial, for example feeling social attraction infrequently, weakly, etc. Can be used as an identity on its own or an umbrella term for any asocial-spec (aso-spec) that isn’t purely asocial.
These flags are definitely similar to others in circulation��� Red is associated with social attraction.
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Asocial Spectrum / Aso-Spec
Asocial Spectrum, also known as the Asocial Umbrella or the Aso-Spec (pronounced ay-soo), is a group of social orientations that fall under Asocial as an umbrella term. Those who fall under the Asocial term may lack social attraction, experience it differently from the norm, or feel it very little and therefore relate to the Asocial term. This does not mean those who are on the Asocial spectrum cannot feel social attraction or have the desire to socially interact, but it depends on every individual; it can means they do not experience "rushes" regularly or what is considered "normal" as the average allosocial would or simply struggle to socially interact/relate.
As always, regardless who is on the Asocial spectrum, can also have any other orientation that is aside from Asocial (Split Attraction).
The flag meanings are: Dark Magenta: The lack and inability to feel social attraction with potential varying degrees. Rose Magenta: The asocial community, and many folks of all life being asocial for many reasons or just because they were created as so, but perhaps not strictly asocial and having exceptions. Baby Blue: The social community, and many folks of all life being social for many reasons or just because they were created as so, but perhaps have their times where they are asocial for their rightful reasons. White: Not conforming to society's expectations to want or have the ability to feel social attraction or interaction, while also feeling or doing so irregularly that is considered "not normal" to allosocials standards.
The flag was based on most of the -Spectrum flags, this Asocial (tw eyestrain for that) flag, and attempting to mix and tamper with fusing both the original Asocial and Social attraction flag
I didn't see an Asocial Spectrum flag or term, so I decided to make one for myself, as someone who is Aso-spec in some form.
[Image ID: There are four stripes on the flag, going from top-to-bottom as a Dark Magenta, Rose Magenta, Baby Blue and White. End of ID]
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Alspec Sublabels
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Angular Flag (left) | Simple Flag (right)
Alsexual or Alse/Alsee: A term for those who feel equally connected to both Acespec (Asexual / Ace Spectum) experiences and Allosexual experiences in a single form of attraction. Can be used as an alternative umbrella term instead of Acespec or Graysexual/Grayace for those who feel this way about their orientation.
Generally put, it's the -sexual sublabel of Al- or Alspec. Not to be confused with Alace (being Al- in another orientation while being Asexual, similar in nature to the terms Alloace and Aroace.)
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Angular Flag (left) | Simple Flag (right)
Alromantic or Alrom: A term for those who feel equally connected to both Arospec (Aromantic / Aro Spectrum) experiences and Alloromantic experiences in a single form of attraction. Can be used as an alternative umbrella term instead of Arospec or Grayromantic/Grayaro for those who feel this way about their orientation.
Generally put, it's the -romantic sublabel of Al- or Alspec. Not to be confused with Alaro (being Al- in another orientation while being Aromantic, similar in nature to the terms Alloaro and Aroace.)
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Angular Flag (left) | Simple Flag (right)
Alalterous or Alalt: A term for those who feel equally connected to both Analtspec (Analterous / Analt Spectrum) experiences and Alloalterous experiences in a single form of attraction. Can be used as an alternative umbrella term instead of Analtspec or Grayalterous/Grayanalt for those who feel this way about their orientation.
Generally put, it's the -alterous sublabel of Al- or Alspec. Not to be confused with Alanalt (being Al- in another orientation while being Analterous, similar in nature to the terms Alloanalt and Aroace.)
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Angular Flag (left) | Simple Flag (right)
Alqueerplatonic or Alqp: A term for those who feel equally connected to both Aqpspec (Aqueerplatonic / Aqp Spectrum) experiences and Alloqueerplatonic experiences in a single form of attraction. Can be used as an alternative umbrella term instead of Aqpspec or Grayqueerplatonic/Grayaqp for those who feel this way about their orientation.
Generally put, it's the -queerplatonic sublabel of Al- or Alspec. Not to be confused with Alaqp (being Al- in another orientation while being Aqueerplatonic, similar in nature to the terms Alloaqp and Aroace.)
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Angular Flag (left) | Simple Flag (right)
Alplatonic or Alpla: A term for those who feel equally connected to both Aplspec (Aplatonic / Apl Spectrum) experiences and Alloplatonic experiences in a single form of attraction. Can be used as an alternative umbrella term instead of Aplspec or Grayplatonic/Grayapl for those who feel this way about their orientation.
Generally put, it's the -platonic sublabel of Al- or Alspec. Not to be confused with Alapl (being Al- in another orientation while being Aplatonic, similar in nature to the terms Alloapl and Aroace.)
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Angular Flag (left) | Simple Flag (right)
Alaesthetic or Alaes: A term for those who feel equally connected to both Aespec (Ansthetic / Anae Spectrum) experiences and Alloaesthetic experiences in a single form of attraction. Can be used as an alternative umbrella term instead of Aespec or Grayaestheric/Grayanae for those who feel this way about their orientation.
Generally put, it's the -aesthetic sublabel of Al- or Alspec. Not to be confused with Alanae (being Al- in another orientation while being Ansthetic, similar in nature to the terms Alloanae and Aroace.)
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Angular Flag (left) | Simple Flag (right)
Alsensual or Alsens: A term for those who feel equally connected to both Asenspec (Asensual / Asen Spectrum) experiences and Allosensual experiences in a single form of attraction. Can be used as an alternative umbrella term instead of Asenspec or Graysensual/Grayasen for those who feel this way about their orientation.
Generally put, it's the -sensual sublabel of Al- or Alspec. Not to be confused with Alasen (being Al- in another orientation while being Asensual, similar in nature to the terms Alloasen and Aroace.)
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Angular Flag (left) | Simple Flag (right)
Alfamilial or Alfami: A term for those who feel equally connected to both Afaspec (Afamilial / Afa Spectrum) experiences and Allofamilial experiences in a single form of attraction. Can be used as an alternative umbrella term instead of Afaspec or Grayfamilial/Grayafa for those who feel this way about their orientation.
Generally put, it's the -familial sublabel of Al- or Alspec. Not to be confused with Alafa (being Al- in another orientation while being Afamilial, similar in nature to the terms Alloafa and Aroace.)
Anyways, yeah long post. Figured I'd just put all these sublabels on the same post so I can easily copy and past definitions lmao. Also likely coining terms here like "Alloasen" is one since I don't really see people using other terms like Alloace and Alloaro for the other forms of attraction really ever. Idk if I'll ever make flags for terms like Alloafa or Alapl, since this post was already a lot lol.
These aren't the only Al sublabels possible, these are just the "main" kinda of attraction in my head where I know what colors to use for. Feel free to request other attraction terms like Social, Xenial, etc in the future when I have requests open, or make your own.
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Aphysical, aemotional, and atertiary recoins
(Original post is here)
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Aphysical and aphys-spec
A term for someone who does not experience physical attraction. This person may also be asexual, nonaesthetic, and/or asensual, or they could experience those types of attraction without a physical component.
The aphysical spectrum (aphys-spec) is a broader label that also encompasses those who experience atypical (fluctuating, very little, fluid, demi-/auto-/fray-/etc) physical attraction.
Flag meanings are the same as the original aphysical flag. The aphys-flag meanings are pink-brown for atypical physical attraction, pink-orange for aphys-spec people who still have/want physical relationships, gray for aphysical identity, pink for ace/asen/etc-spec people, and purple for asexual/asensual/etc people.
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Aemotional and aemo-spec
A term for someone who does not experience emotional attraction. This person may also be aromantic, nonalterous, and/or a(queer)platonic, or they could experience those types of attraction without an emotional component.
The aemotional spectrum (aemo-spec) is a broader label that also encompasses those who experience atypical (fluctuating, very little, fluid, demi-/auto-/fray-/aego-/lith-/cupio-/etc) emotional attraction.
If you don't like vowels next to each other at the beginning of words you can call this ‘anemotional’ and ‘anem-spec’.
Also, someone (AndleRandle on Fandom) actually already made an aemo-spec flag but I wanted an official/matching one instead. So sorry Andle! Your flag is fine I just wanted to make my own.
Flag meanings are the same as the original aemotional flag. The aemo-flag meanings are dark pink for atypical emotional attraction, pink for aemo-spec people who still have/want emotional relationships, dark gray for aemotional identity, blue for aro/apl/etc-spec people, and dark blue for aromantic/aplatonic/etc people.
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Atertiary and ate(r)-spec
A term for someone who does not experience tertiary attraction. This person would also be nonamical, asocial, amental, axenial, adomestic, and a[any other type of tertiary attraction].
The atertiary spectrum (ate[r]-spec) is a broader label that also encompasses those who experience atypical (fluctuating, very little, fluid, demi-/auto-/fray-/aego-/lith-/cupio-/etc) tertiary attraction. The ater-spec can also include people who experience some, but not all, types of tertiary attraction.
However some people don't like the term tertiary attraction because it can imply that types of attraction other than physical/s3xual (3=e) and emotional/romantic are less important. The term eriattraction was created as an alternative and some Fandom users (idk who) suggested that atertiary could therefore also be called noneriattracted (and I suggest that ater-spec could be noneri-spec). Another suggestion to replace tertiary is non-rose. So atertiary could also be called anrose and anro-spec.
Flag meanings are the same as the original atertiary flag. The ater-flag meanings are purple for atypical tertiary attraction, blue for ater-spec people who still have/want tertiary relationships, light gray for atertiary identity, yellow for axen/asoc/etc-spec people, and orange-brown for axenial/asocial/etc people.
-Someone who is completely aphysical, aemotional, and atertiary may be considered anattractional (not experiencing any form of attraction at all).
-What counts as physical vs emotional vs tertiary attraction is completely up to the individual! Attraction feels different to everyone and if someone wants to use one if these terms due to being on an a-spectrum that I didn't explicitly list on the definition that's fine. (Ex: an apresential person considering themself aphysical or aemotional instead of atertiary).
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Specific tertiary attraction flags
I was researching types of tertiary attraction again and couldn’t find a lot of flags so I made some based on the stuff here and on related flags.
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Potential/Bonding attraction- Attraction based on being able forming a hierarchical bond with someone else, where one partner is more dominant/supportive in a non-sexual and non-romantic way. This includes types such as Tutelary (Protective), Cedural (Dependent), and Wechselnd attraction. The flag is based off the Tutelary and Cedural flags. (Flag ID: A flag with 6 horizontal stripes. The outside stripes are thicker than the inside stripes and the middle stripe is very thin. The stripes are purple, blue, black, yellow and green.)
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Spiritual attraction- Attraction based on liking someone else’s spirituality and wanting to do spiritual things together. This form of attraction is similar to Social attraction since you want the guidance of another person. Spiritual attraction may also involve feelings of having been in a relationships with someone in a past life. The flag is based off the colors associated with Spiritual attraction. (Flag ID: A flag with 7 horizontal stripes. The stripes are purple, orange, light yellow, and white, and then the same light yellow, orange, and purple.)
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Virtudinal/Intangible attraction- Attraction based on wanting to interact with someone else on a non-physical plane (for example, through thoughts). The flag is based on my simplified version of the Presential attraction flag, which I then inverted the colors of to show that Virtudinal/Intangible and Presential attractions are opposites. (Flag ID: A flag with 5 horizontal stripes. The stripes are gray, blue, white, green-blue, and teal.)
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Presential attraction
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Flags in order from top left to bottom right: presential attraction, apresential, apres-spec, demipresential, autopresential, fraypresential, cupiopresential, apresflux, aprespike.
Presential attraction: attraction based on wanting to know someone through their physical presence.
Presential attraction is the opposite of virtudinal attraction. This is a type of tertiary attraction (or physical attraction) and is not the same as wanting to know someone IRL or wanting physical contact/touch.
Apresential: not experiencing presential attraction.
Apres-spec: experiencing atypical or little presential attraction.
Demipresential: only experiencing presential attraction to someone after you form a(n emotional) connection to them.
Greypresential: experiencing atypical presential attraction (or relating to apresential experiences but not fully).
Autopresential: experiencing presential attraction to yourself (more than is typical). Examples may include wanting to spend time with (a version of) yourself or wanting to be in your own physical presence.
Fraypresential: experiencing presential attraction to someone when you first meet them or get to know them, but then the attraction fades after you form a stronger connection to them. The opposite of demipresential.
Cupiopresential: not experiencing presential attraction, but still desiring a relationship based off presential attraction or physically spending a lot of time with someone (ex: living with them or just enjoying their presence).
Apresflux: when your orientation fluctuates on the apres spectrum. Some people may become allopresential or completely apresential at times, others just have small changes in the amount of presential attraction they feel.
Aprespike: usually feeling no or very little presential attraction, but sometimes having (more intense) spikes of attraction before returning to baseline.
Flags are based off the original presential attraction flag (eyestrain warning if you click on the link), the demi/greysexual flags, the auto-spec flag, the fray/cupiosexual flags, and the aceflux/spike flags.
Also please note that there is a cool presential flag redesign here (eyestrain warning again) but I wanted to go even simpler/less like the original with mine.
Presential attraction (AKA tangible attraction) was coined in 2018 and the flag was made in 2021, this is just me making some subterms!
Flag IDs in alt text.
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Cringe Attraction
When your attraction makes you cringe, whether it be to a specific person or in general. Can also be used to reclaim the word cringe in a sorta "I am cringe but i am free" way.
do not tag as xenogender
tagging @cupidcoining
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Queer attraction types
I couldn't find terms to describe 'I like someone because they respect me as a queer person' and 'I like someone because of queer solidarity' so I coined some. Please tell me if they already existed!
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Considatore attraction
A type of attraction caused by someone being respectful/supportive of your queer identity.
That someone can be cishet, or they can be queer too.
-A nonbinary person who feels attraction to a friend who makes them feel valid and loved as nonbinary
-A bisexual person who feels attraction to the person who complimented their pride merchandise and showed support for their identity
-A closeted trans person who feels attraction to the person in their ‘gay straight alliance’ that asked their pronouns and then used the right ones
The term comes from 'considerate'. The flag has middle stripes based off the queer chevron and outside stripes based off various cishet flags.
[Flag ID: A flag with 6 horizontal stripes. They are white-gray, light gray, light purple, purple, purple-gray, and gray. End ID]
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Peculic attraction
A subtype of considatore attraction caused by queer people respecting/supporting each other based on their identities.
This is related to queerplatonic attraction, but is not the same thing.
-A trans person who feels attraction to their fellow trans friend who always makes them euphoric
-A lesbian who feels attraction to a WLW coworker when they bond over liking women
-An a-spec person who feels attraction to their m-spec classmate because their identities are visible and valid to each other
These terms are both exclusive to queer people. The term comes from 'peculiar' and that flag is based off the queer chevron.
[Flag ID: A flag with 5 horizontal stripes. They are dark pink-purple, blue-purple, light yellow, pink-purple, and dark blue-purple. End ID]
For both of these, the attraction can be s3xual (3=e), romantic, platonic, sensual, domestic, or any other type.
Both terms are exclusive to queer people.
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Complic / Plurelic: A type of attraction felt by a member of a system, towards another member(s) of the same system. A form of attraction that can be felt between members of the same system.
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Example: Someone within a system who develops attraction towards another member in the same system could be experiencing complic attraction. They may want to be in an intrapluaric relationship with them because of it.
This flag uses the headmate loving headmate symbol, or the plural heart. The terms come from plural (for plurelic) and words like "complex", "community", and so on for complic. Both were included, for the sake of those who do not identify with the word plural.
Additional add-ons for this label are completely optional, however. Complic and plurelic may be used as they are. However, for those who want to include type of attraction (romantic, platonic, etc.), or the orientation of the user (gay, bi, etc.), you may read below on how to do that.
Complic and plurelic on their own do not designate whether or not this attraction is romantic, platonic, etc., nor do they designate the orientation of this attraction, but this can be done by taking the first four letters (complic, plurelic) and then putting the attraction type after. Examples include compromantic, plurplatonic, and so on. They can also be shortened into things like compro, plurplat, etc..
If you really want to, you may add in your orientation. This would look like compbisexual/compbi, plurgay/plurhomo, and so on. You can put both the type of attraction and the orientation in the same word if you wish.
With both together, you should go comp+attraction+orientation. this could look like comprogay, plurplatbi, and so on. The label "comprogay" for instance defines someone who has has gay complic+romantic attraction.
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Celiangeitia -
A form of nonhuman tertiary attraction (Alteraffectis) that describes how an angel feels towards the deity/god(s) they’re under!
Tagging: @alteraffectis
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Celetiagua -
A form of nonhuman tertiary attraction (Alteraffectis) that describes how a guardian angel feels towards the one(s) they’re guarding!
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:: artistic attraction
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:: name: artistic attraction
:: definition: attraction towards someone for their artistic talent ; attraction towards someone when they perform or make art in some way ; attraction that is only felt when performing or making art ; attraction tied to art
:: related terms:
crush: muse, artistic crush
partner: muse, masterpiece, artistic partner
relationship: performance, gallery, canvas, number, show, artistic relationship
:: etymology: [null]
:: flag meaning: the blue stripes represent art and performance, inspired by art performances done outside during the day. the yellow stripes represent, in order, tertiary attraction and energy, perhaps sensuality, but not inherently.
[ for @epikulupu 's 13 day coining event ]
[ prompt: art ]
[ ID: a flag with four horizontal stripes: dark blue, blue, orange-yellow and light yellow. End ID ]
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pastel | higher contrast
a term under alteraffectis in which one's attraction is based on or most easily explained by being an angel watching over and studying the person/object of attraction
[image ID: 2 flags, theyre both horizontal 7 striped. the colors are yellow, light yellow, light cyan, cyan, light cyan, light yellow, yellow. theyre all very pastel in tone. on the middle theres a white circle with a dark blue diamond shaped outline on the middle, inside it is the alchemic symbol for bismuth, also dark blue in color. the second flag is the same, but the colors are higher contrast rather than pastel. end ID]
tagging @alteraffectis :]
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[image ID: a rainbow glitter text that reads “please do not reupload anywhere unless credited and informed". end ID]
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amodian attraction
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[image id: a 5 stripped flag. first stripe is red, the second stripe is a dark red. the third stripe is an ever darker red with a slight pink tint. the forth is a dark pink stripe, and the fifth stripe is pink. end image id]
attraction that is both romantic love and hate being tightly woven together.
amo - love in latin
odi - hate in latin
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Amarity (self-remake)
Amari refers to an unspecified or general feeling of attraction. This can refer to someone who chooses not to distinguish different types of attraction, does not prioritize any one kind of it, or otherwise, or it may refer to those who simply feel a sense of unspecified and/or general attraction and/or 'love' in some kind of way.
It can be considered its own form of attraction depending on who uses it, and can be called "amari attraction," “amarous attraction," or "ama attraction" if the user wishes. Amari can be used alongside other forms of attraction using the split-attraction-model. Those who exclusively have amarous attraction may or may not consider themselves aspec, depending on why they're using the term and if they personally feel it fits them.
Amarity is the full term describing "amari-ness," (like asexuality or aromanticism), and ama is the shortened form of the term (like ace, aro, apl, etc.) Amarous may be used as an adjective (ex: amarous relationship, amarous attraction.)
Amari “crushes” can be called a tresh, or rush- though, some amari people might be comfortable just using crush, squish, or any other term.
Users may partake in something like relationship anarchy, or be amatopunk. This could be considered an amatopunk or relationship-anarchy oriented form of attraction for some people. Those who are amatopunk or relationship anarchists may intentionally choose to be amarous for political, social, or other reasons.
The suffix for amarous terms is “-mari," and can be used after any orientation prefix, like homomari, heteromari, bimari, and panmari. No two amarous relationships have to function in the same way.
Original post.
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introducing: alterfucked!!
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alterfucked: a type of alterous/romantic/(queer)platonic attraction where you can't figure out what the fuck is actually going on but you don't really care as long as you have your partner with you!
this label can be used by:
people who don't desire a label for their relationship and are content with their level of closeness + believe it doesn't need to be defined!
people who had a label originally, but feel they have strayed away from it!
people who are uncomfortable with a certain label for any reason but feel like their relationship could be described that way!
people who are simply Confused TM
and anyone else who'd like to!
tagging for visibility again i guess? @sunshinesolaic @mogai-sunflowers @indigojupiter2 @gendernasiterna @mogai-place @vanilla-mogai-n-kin @gendermore
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