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terroryuriweek · 2 months ago
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Joplittle Princess and the Maid scenario
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terroryuriweek · 2 months ago
I’m reeeaallly late I’m so sorry 😞
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For @terroryuriweek day 4 Halloween
Harriet fell victim to peer pressure and tried to dress sexy for a Halloween party but is Very Uncomfortable. Thankfully Grace swoops in to save the day and switch costumes with her 👀
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terroryuriweek · 2 months ago
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i sadly missed @terroryuriweek but i'll still use it as an excuse to post some modern lesbians jopzier doodles!!!!
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terroryuriweek · 2 months ago
Billie sniffed. It was evident she had watched the exchange, and objected to her positioning within it as a creature requiring Manson’s pity. It made her imprecise in her cruelty. “Have you ever encountered a situation that you can’t fuck your way out of, Solomon Tozer?” “Yes.” Tozer set her shot glass hard on the bar. “Franklin Survey yearly review. Crozier’s only into femmes.” “Well, that’s obvious.” [or: last call at the dyke bar]
my late submission for @terroryuriweek, for days 4 (butch/femme) and 5 (AU)! in which billie gibson and sol tozer have some weird, kind of bad leave-room-for-nell-hickey sex
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terroryuriweek · 2 months ago
Because I Am A Fool. it is possible there are posts people made for yuri week that i either 1. accidentally reblogged to bunnygibson or 2. overlooked entirely - if you notice that's the case with something of yours, please don't hesitate to let me know and i'll make sure it's here where it deserves to be !! this was my first time ever running something like this so i made some mistakes, but everyone has been so sweet and kind and lovely helping me correct them ^_^'
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terroryuriweek · 2 months ago
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Late entry for @terroryuriweek is Alternate Universe!
This is the Sex and the City/Devil Wears Prada AU I’ve been working on with my brother which is focused on the Lieutenants as employees working for Terrebus Magazine. Hickey may or may not work for the company. It’s unclear what she’s actually doing there.
A lot of work and personal drama going on, sometimes simultaneously!
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terroryuriweek · 2 months ago
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For day 5 of @terroryuriweek - alternate universe
(click for better quality!)
Portrait of arcane navigator Le Vesconte and saint-guided navigator Fitzjames, who were assigned as core navigators for the expedition tasked with mapping out the spatial anomaly known as the "Northwest Passage". Taken in 845 A.C. near the skyport of New Greenhithe, colorized.
More about them and this AU under readmore:
This is the Skyship Navigators or simply Navigators AU, which exists in a universe I created a couple years ago, and just plonked the Terror guys as women in there. Actually, there are 2 stories taking place in this world before this AU which have nothing to do w The Terror, but more on those at another time.
In a nutshell, this universe is somewhat similar to our Earth, yet the rules of magic, science and such are different. No machine more advanced than a steam engine can really exist in there; at least, not in a large scale because of Anomalies.
Centuries ago, an event called the Seven Days of Calamity happened, which then made advanced machinery unusable, and caused pocket disturbances all over the planet (think of the book Roadside Picnic or the Divine Cities trilogy). These Anomalies vary in shape, size and abilities, but they essentially made land travel very risky and travel by sea nearly impossible. This is why humanity uses skyships for trade and travel, and the role of navigators has changed as well.
Because in the aftermath of the Calamity, new powers entered the picture: the fae, the arcane and saints which each existed before, but on a much more obscure scale.
There are 4 types of navigators: the Faeguided, arcane navigators (commonly known as ‘conduits’), saint-guided navigators (c.k. as ‘vessels’) and the Comedians, a rogue faction relying on lost then unearthed knowledge. Their job is to ensure the ship takes a safe route through the sky, with some help.
For brevity’s sake, arcane navigation relies on harnessing arcane magic to find safe paths, but it is highly addictive, and prolonged usage will lead to loss of sensation in the limbs and then to gradual paralysis. This can be mitigated by using arcane yet again to regain feeling, but this will make it all worse in the long run. But it’s the most powerful navigation type, as a conduit can also protect the ship itself from outside damage by conjuring shields.
Saint-guided navigators, as the name suggests, rely on the guidance and protection of their patron saint, each navigator having one. It is the “safest bet” of navigation, and the most prestigious. The Aerial Admiralty, who issues out navigators and deals with their training prefers it over the others.
Now for Dundy and Fitzjames:
Henriette Tamsin Dundas Le Vesconte (or Dundy to her friend(s)) is a middle-grade, but competent and reliable arcane navigator, assigned to be the core navigator on HMS Erebus alongside Fitzjames, with HMS Terror having saint-guided navigators Garnet Gore (originally from Erebus, a last-minute change) and Johanna Irving. Dundy is easy-going and easy to like, yet under the surface she can be quite headstrong and selfish, and can sometimes treat people with elegantly disguised impatience. She and Fitzjames have known each other since their early days at the Admiralty, had a thing back then, split while remaining the best of friends, but still land in each other’s arms from time to time.
Now, “She Who Lights the Way”, James or Jaimie Fitzjames (she uses both) is the poster child of the Admiralty, the ideal saint-guided navigator. Her patron saint is Saint James the Unblemished (partly why she decided to stick w James), whose jawbone she keeps sealed inside a compartment in her helmet (many vessels do this with relics). Normally, a prolonged patronage of a saint leads to the loss of individual identity, hallucinations and dissociation, but so far James remained largely unaffected. Graceful, decisive and brave, she is often first in line to protect the ship and has been employed on warships before, earning a gilded reputation. However, she keeps her past battle injuries a secret and her presence can be somewhat of an annoyance with her seemingly endless anecdotes. She never said it out loud, but losing Dundy would be a great tragedy for her, as she remains her best, and perhaps only friend.
But much will change during the course of that fateful expedition…
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terroryuriweek · 2 months ago
as friday ends in my time zone, i just want to say thank you so so much, everyone, for humoring me and participating my silly little event. it's brought me so much happiness and given me and excuse to draw a ton of my favorite cold girls ^_^ i'm so so blessed i'm gonna stare at all this beautiful art and re-read all this amazing fic forever and ever 🫶 peace and love on terror tumblr
- jenny @bunnygibson
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terroryuriweek · 2 months ago
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Day 5 - Wedding
pov you are about to be poisoned by your new wife (her friends supply the poison)
this is based on The Reluctant Bride by Auguste Toulmouche. I had the idea of Billie about to get married while Armitage, Jopson, and Hoar try and talk her out of it by telling her all the worst gossip they'd heard about Hickey. stewards stick together ^_^👍
i have to admit something though... i struggled with the hands so badly i ended up tracing them... i did this because i'm a HACK FRAUD and i love art theft
alt version with pupils under the cut because i like it also
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terroryuriweek · 2 months ago
For Day 5 of @terroryuriweek here’s some lesbian GoodCollins as faculty at a 1960s girls college run by Drs. Stephania Stanley and Alexandria McDonald: (NSFW)
“You know, Miss Goodsir,” Hattie grins, “you didn’t need an excuse to get me over here.” God, she looks good standing there in the glow of the porchlight. Radiant, sturdy. She seems to fill the doorway.
“If you’ll notice, Miss Collins, it really <I>is</I> quite cold in here,” Harriet replies as she steps aside to let Hattie in (and watch her enter). It’s a bracing, breezy Saturday evening in November, Harriet’s favorite time of year. Hattie’s come straight from the usual pick-up rugby match, an open-ended affair that had gone on all the brilliant, frigid afternoon and into the cold seep of evening til the stars had come out and the girls, laughing and clutching thermoses of cocoa in wind-chapped hands, had straggled back to their dormitories. And now here is their coach and ad hoc campus handyman Hattie here to fix Harriet’s wood stove. She smells of sweat and bonfire and very faintly of cologne. Mud too, maybe grass. After all, there’s mud on her knees, which are all pink from exerting herself in the Autumn air, and mud too on the stripe-cuffed socks pulled up over her heavy, muscular calves. Harriet wants to taste it all.
“Oh, yes, it is damned cold in here,” Hattie concedes, looking at the little potbellied stove. Harriet had let it go out that morning, choosing to trek instead to the empty campus library to grade student papers. “This old thing, I take it? Just not putting out enough heat?”
“Yes. I can get up a little fire. But not enough to keep warm. And there’s an awful amount of smoke.”
“Poor darling. Need someone to keep you warm then?”
Harriet flushes but tries to put on her best dry bluestocking voice regardless. “Perhaps afterward. Business before pleasure.”
“Yes, Miss. I’ll be holding you to it though.”
“Mm, promise. We’ll seal it thus.” She goes lightly up on tiptoes to ghost her lips against the corner of Hattie’s mouth. It is not meant as an overture so much as the dog-earing of a page or, like she said, a promise. But Hattie swiftly draws her up close and kisses her full on, all lively and seeking and, frankly, a bit bossy, and so quick is she about it that Harriet for a moment goes obediently soft in those strong arms, pliant. Down between her thighs she feels it already, her labia and pelvic floor already flexing at nothing the way they do when there is something they want. Each tiny, hot flutter of muscle dampens her panties a little until sometimes she swears they’re so sodden she could wring them out like a rag.
Normally she resolves it alone with the half-grim, indifferent briskness with which one handles any distasteful perfunctory act. With the pads of her fingers she rolls her clit side-to-side against the anterior ridge of her pelvic bone, setting a cantering pace and thinking only indirectly of who or what provoked the nervy, urgent longing in the first place. If she thinks of anything directly it is the process itself, the body beneath her hand not as a thing she loves but as a phenomenon like any other in nature that impels rapt observation: the artery straddling the thing, a leg crooking down each side of the hood; how when she comes she can sometimes feel this artery itself swell beneath her fingers and she drives, drives, drives her stroking down into it, softening the orgasm and drawing it out—
And when it is done it is done for a good long while. Five minutes it takes, ten. You get very good at it when you are as dull and plain as she has always believed herself to be. And you come to understand that the best part goes before, the slow warm build, the imagining, the wanting.
Even though she has a partner for the moment, she sees no need to think of it any differently. She intends to make this last. And anyway, the wind is cold outside the window, moaning all ghostly and lonesome around the outside of the cottage. She pulls away.
The rest on ao3:
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terroryuriweek · 2 months ago
fic: come on & rescue me
Thomas Jopson/Edward Little | Explicit | 2.3k words
Edie's feeling a bit abandoned by her friends on a rare night out at Club Carnivale, but she won't be alone for long. An Oops All Sapphic Terror AU
This is heavily inspired by conversations about clubwomen AU with The Wardroom - I had so much fun playing with my take on this AU! Also for C, who requested Joplittle public fingering. And ALSO also for the @terroryuriweek prompt Alternate Universe.
Title is from Rescue Me by Fontella Bass
Read it on AO3
(DVD extra backstory coming soon!)
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terroryuriweek · 2 months ago
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@terroryuriweek day 5!! The AU is girl’s college and it’s by @ferylcheryl ! Goodsir is a biology professor and Collins is a rugby team coach 🧫 🏉
The fics are here: Macca/Jirving, Stanley/Goodsir and Crozier/Jopson/Little. There is a well a Gore/Collins/Goodsir one by @blue-bismuth 🥰🥰 Pleaso go read it all!!
Full size pic is under the cut and crab free option is on my bluesky ✌️✌️
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terroryuriweek · 2 months ago
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Cornelius Hickey/Thomas Jopson
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Always a Different Gender or Sex, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Semi-Public Sex, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Halloween Costumes, a few other cold girls mentioned but not present on page
She knew it was a bad idea, had heard horror stories from Billie and Jane and Sol about the woman, but she was just pissed off enough to give into the attraction and just drunk enough to not really care. Hickey was hot — always had been, unfortunately, even when she looked like a greasy little rat half the time — and Eden was far too wrapped up in whatever the hell she and Georgie had going on tonight, so Jopson had been unceremoniously abandoned as soon as the trio arrived at the pub. What was the point in coordinating costumes, then, if she was just going to be left to her own devices? No one appreciated the nuances of her outfit without them present. She’d already been drunkenly corrected on the color of her shoes twice. At least there weren’t many other slutty Dorothys here.
Jopson, Hickey, and the bathroom of Blanky's lesbian bar on Halloween. For @terroryuriweek day 4 prompt "Halloween."
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terroryuriweek · 2 months ago
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Thomas Armitage/William Gibson/Thomas Jopson, Thomas Armitage/William Gibson, Thomas Armitage/Thomas Jopson, William Gibson/Thomas Jopson
Characters: Thomas Armitage, Thomas Jopson, William Gibson (1823-c.1848)
Additional Tags: Threesome - F/F/F, Cunnilingus, Vibrators, Praise Kink, what if we were having a sleepover and we were all bottoms, but determined to get each other off anyways, Past William Gibson/Cornelius Hickey, Minor Cornelius Hickey/Solomon Tozer, past thomas armitage/solomon tozer, thomas jopson service top, let gibson be a pillow princess 2025, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, POV Thomas Jopson
“I mean, what do Nell and Sol even do with each other?” Tamsin mused. “Thought they’d both be pretty strictly tops.”
Tommy coughed on her wine, trying to suppress a snort. Tamsin and Billie both whipped around to look at her.
“Really?” Billie asked in astonishment. Her eyebrows had half disappeared under her curly bangs.
“She likes to feel useful,” Tommy muttered into her cup.
“That makes sense,” Jopson concurred with Tommy.
“‘Course it does to you, you’re the same way,” Billie teased. Tamsin flicked her on the arm in retaliation.
“I was speaking from experience as the only person present who’s fucked both of them, but please, judge away.”
Gibson, Armitage, and Jopson have their monthly girls' night gossip sleepover. Things go differently than expected. Jopson learns just what Hickey and Tozer are missing out on.
For @terroryuriweek day 1, prompt "pajamas.“
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terroryuriweek · 2 months ago
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@terroryuriweek day 5 - "Wedding"
"Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace"
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terroryuriweek · 2 months ago
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“Hey, we saw you from across the room and just wanted to say that your outfit is fucking uglyyyy :)”
pre expedition jfj and dundy were THE mean girls at every ball
@terroryuriweek day 2 (1840s fashion)
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terroryuriweek · 2 months ago
i think im gonna post my day 5 piece tomorrow -_-' there's still a lot I want to mess with and id rather do that than post it unfinished. please don't be afraid to post after today if you have stuff you didn't finish in time!!
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