Conversations. Thoughts - some deep, some that will make you go Eh? Framed moments. Inspirations. Curious subject matter.
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Loving Vincent (2017) dir. Dorota Kobiela, Hugh Welchman
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2010 - 2019.
What a journey it has been. The official entry into adulthood. The 3rd decade of my life yet. These past years were equally overwhelming, ecstatic, downright depressing, filled with zen moments. I finished my UG and PG. Lived in a whole new continent. Learnt to cook, learnt to survive. Made friends who are family now. Unmade friends, without whom I thought I couldn’t be. Received my first pay cheque as an employee and wrote my first pay cheque as an employer. Learnt what it is to give your heart and soul to start something and make it yours, in ways possible. Unlearnt habits and methods. Discovered yoga and rediscovered my love for swimming. Learnt to appreciate hardworking and hustling. Learnt what it takes to dream and then turn it into reality. Learnt that fitness isn’t about just numbers and finally found what moves me. Accepted that I’ll konjify babies and puppies alike. Politics matters. Environment matters. The politics around environment matters even more. Transitioned from someone who texted for hours to together to the one who forgets her phone & doesn’t care. DND is a boon. Independence is so very precious - all forms of it! Living alone can be pretty scary as well as liberating. Living alone is solitude and loneliness rolled together. OCD is okay. Hoarding books and journals is okay too.
These years were pretty crucial for the fam too. Both the sis & I are post-graduates now. Amma unlocked major levels of achievement and Appa handled major changes in career & retirement pretty well - like the rockstars that they are. We learnt that it is okay be vulnerable, what it takes to be supple and hard, that we will drive each other crazy, that we will have each other’s back no matter what. My mountains and my oasis.
Adulthood can be and is pretty daunting and confusing. If anything, these last 10 years have shown me that no one has unlocked the secret of ‘adulting’ completely - handle the lemons life throws at you depending on the mood & situation - you can either make lemonade, oorgai or just plain wedges as side for a shot. Your call. This decade was also about long distance relationships! A side effect of adulting, so as to say. It has taught me that anything is possible with time management and technology - from long email thread & chatrooms groups to WhatsApp group chats! When the tribe is spread across continents and timezones, time matters. A lot. Time - the ever precious commodity. People will age. People will fade. Make memories and hold them close. Never stop because all that will be left will be the memories.
I found my lobster, my person this decade. I’d say that this was the most scary, yet, the best decision I took till date. Learnt what it is to give, and take. That compromise isn’t a bad word. That opposites are fun and frustrating. That respect is as important as love. That love is all forgiving and all accepting. Love is a responsibility, love is 2am youtube marathons & 6am breakfasts, love is taking care in sickness, love is road trips and gardening together. Love isn’t always fireworks and blooms, rather love is like the rain that can keep you awake and then lull you into sleeping.
Now, fingers crossed, let’s see what the coming decade holds. This year will be year I hope to learn the arts of time management & prioritising and conquer the handicap that is procrastination. Let this be the year of creativity and peace. Let this year be the year of Earth. Amen.
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Day 8 of #letsartwithavanti : Once upon a morning in Devipattanam, 2015. @avantinatarajan 😁 #30daysofkalai #terracetalksandcoffee
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Day 7 of #letsartwithavanti : Once upon an evening in Sydney, 2018. @avantinatarajan 🌅 #30daysofkalai #terracetalksandcoffee #evenicandogrids
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Day 6 of #letsartwithavanti : Once upon an evening in Theni, 2018. @avantinatarajan 🌄 #longerdaylazierhack #30daysofkalai #terracetalksandcoffee
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Day 5 of #letsartwithavanti : Once upon an evening in Varkala, 2014. @avantinatarajan 🌅 #longdaylazyhack #30daysofkalai #terracetalksandcoffee
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Day 4 of #letsartwithavanti : What’s better than Marudhani? Marudhani matching with Avva 💞 @avantinatarajan 🤗 #30daysofKalai #marudhanibuddies #மாய்யம்மாதாய்யம்மா #terracetalksandcoffee
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Day 3 of #letsartwithavanti : Taronga Zoo, Sydney. @avantinatarajan 🐯 #30daysofkalai #terracetalksandcoffee
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Is this how the bias is normalised? @kittydoc @aminalikhan Done with the series with this one - The Watercooler Episode. ————————————————————— Let’s get the conversation rolling, shall we? Writing this as a part of #agenerationwithoutgenderbias For a few of us, the boundaries might be blurry now. But it exists. Even in the most privileged setup, it exists. In the form of tradition. Superstition. Social conditioning. Even in the form of safety. Personal yaaayy that I got to write again after a while and actually got around to posting it on SM. @vanapechi @kittydoc @smartgirlrb @nithila_c @docarulmozhi @maverick.prem #post6 #towriteortotype #longerpost #lastone #steelmalligais #terracetalksandcoffee
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Prints for her! Prints for him! Prints for you and me! Prints for everyone!!!! ————————————————————— Let’s get the conversation rolling, shall we? Writing this as a part of #agenerationwithoutgenderbias For a few of us, the boundaries might be blurry now. But it exists. Even in the most privileged setup, it exists. In the form of tradition. Superstition. Social conditioning. Even in the form of safety. Personal yaaayy that I got to write again after a while and actually got around to posting it on SM. @vanapechi @kittydoc @smartgirlrb @nithila_c @docarulmozhi @maverick.prem #post5 #onemoretogo #towriteortotype #printandpattern #steelmalligais #terracetalksandcoffee
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The Tale of the Lone Wolf. ————————————————————— Let’s get the conversation rolling, shall we? Writing this as a part of #agenerationwithoutgenderbias For a few of us, the boundaries might be blurry now. But it exists. Even in the most privileged setup, it exists. In the form of tradition. Superstition. Social conditioning. Even in the form of safety. Personal yaaayy that I got to write again after a while and actually got around to posting it on SM. @vanapechi @kittydoc @smartgirlrb @nithila_c @docarulmozhi @maverick.prem #post4 #towriteortotype #longerpost #steelmalligais #dadsmakemeantutors #notasmeanasmomsthough #terracetalksandcoffee
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So when does the conditioning begin / happen? ————————————————————— Let’s get the conversation rolling, shall we? Writing this as a part of #agenerationwithoutgenderbias For a few of us, the boundaries might be blurry now. But it exists. Even in the most privileged setup, it exists. In the form of tradition. Superstition. Social conditioning. Even in the form of safety. Personal yaaayy that I got to write again after a while and actually got around to posting it on SM. @vanapechi @kittydoc @smartgirlrb @nithila_c @docarulmozhi @maverick.prem #post3 #towriteortotype #steelmalligais #terracetalksandcoffee
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Why / how does it matter which gender proposes first? Makes the first move? The want or need to feel pampered and respected, yeah that is understandable and essential. But why does gender have to play a role even in an act love? ——————————————— Let’s get the conversation rolling, shall we? Writing this as a part of #agenerationwithoutgenderbias For a few of us, the boundaries might be blurry now. But it exists. Even in the most privileged setup, it exists. In the form of tradition. Superstition. Social conditioning. Even in the form of safety. Personal yaaayy that I got to write again after a while and actually got around to posting it on SM. @vanapechi @kittydoc @smartgirlrb @nithila_c @docarulmozhi @maverick.prem #post2 #towriteortotype #steelmalligais #terracetalksandcoffee
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Let’s get the conversation rolling, shall we? Writing this as a part of #agenerationwithoutgenderbias For a few of us, the boundaries might be blurry now. But it exists. Even in the most privileged setup, it exists. In the form of tradition. Superstition. Social conditioning. Even in the form of safety. Personal yaaayy that I got to write again after a while and actually got around to posting it on SM. @vanapechi @kittydoc @smartgirlrb @nithila_c @docarulmozhi @maverick.prem #post1 #towriteortotype #steelmalligais #terracetalksandcoffee
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I first read this book way back in '03 (or '04). It was a love at first sight that turned out to be a clandestine affair - because we were in SRV and only curriculum books were 'allowed' in the hostel (Read - Even newspapers had entertainment pages / supplements removed) So when someone smuggled in a Reader's Digest Collection of Novels, we were in seventh heaven! Couple of us even became friends just to share that book. ❣️ An abridged version of this book was a part of that 5-in-1 collection and originally a part of a quartet, it is this one that has stuck with me all through these years. And it is after this book that I devoured all things that was Nora Roberts. It is just a simple romance novel with all the right sentimental elements thrown in. Yet, something about this story soothes me. Always. When I caught the location references about Maryland and D.C. after I moved there, some major excitement happened too. 😇 Also, Seth Quinn was a major high school crush. 🤓 Resh, this one is for you machi. I can imagine your trademark smile on reading this. #comfortcomesinallforms #myhappyrealm #takemebacktoSRV #simplertimes #eduthaputhagammudipen #book8of2017 #procastinatedbymorethantwoweeks
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I should have paid heed to @smartgirlrb 's eye roll when she saw this book. 🙇🏻♀️ Because I can never get enough of Sujatha (read Ganesh - Vasanth) I picked this one at the book fair this year. What I've taken away from this book is that, lost in translation kills the story. Not that it is bad translation, but the intricacies of the language is lost. A single word can twist the story. And in this one, a loose end is tied up cos of how one word is pronounced differently in different dialects and that, obviously, cannot be translated without missing the essence. Not that all translations are bad. But some can put you off them for a while. Make you wary. And this is my dose of the latter. If you are non-Tamil reading, want-to-know Sujatha person, then go for this. Now, have to finish வசந்த்! வசந்த்! to get some more of (authentic) Ganesh - Vasanth. 🤓 #vasanthbebookbae2 #eduthaputhagammudipen #book7of2017 #procastinatedbytwoweeks
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I picked this one cos : 1. The author - her other books top @nithila_c and mine comfort-read list. 2. That slighta somewhat connected to Kaatru Veliyidai feel, wrt to the story outline and the cover, especially since this came out soon after the movie. Being a period book, it is a happy read for most parts. Even though it is a light read, it makes one think about the gray areas surrounding wars. Though Baaz and Tehmina have slight resemblances to VC and Leela here and there, they couldn't be more different too. Also, what's with me and movie-books lately? 🤔 #procasinatedpost2 #realmcrossovers #baazbecuterthanVC #eduthaputhagammudipen #book5of2017
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