" You will regret making an enemy of me..."
682 posts
" Damn that insufferable arachnid! And damn even more the Hardy foundation he is so enamoured with! My goals and dreams were destroyed by them! But I'll get them back! I'll get my prestige back! For I am Otto Octavius! The master of nuclear fusion itself! Let us see who the last eight-limbed beast wins...."                                Independent/Selective Dr. Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus side blog. This version is heavily influenced by Spider-man: The Animated Series, but uses elements of Ultimate Doc Ock, Spider-man 2 and Spider-man/Doctor Octopus: Year One to flesh out his origins. Does NOT consider ANYTHING from Superior Spider-man canon. Oh and Mary Alice Anders is gonna be a heavy part of Ock's life. So there's that too. :3 As penned by Spooky. Follows back from SoongTypeFrankenstein. 
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tentacollii · 4 years ago
What does Otto think of Mutants?
He’s interested in them to a degree (specifically their genome and how their powers are generated) but it’s in a scientific way rather than a moralistic and social way. It’s heavily implied that Otto himself IS a mutant (a form of technopath) but he shows no loyalty or comradely with the other mutants.
So don’t expect him to suddenly stand by his mutant “family” because he’ll just laugh you out of his lab. The only important person left in his life is himself.
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tentacollii · 4 years ago
Do you think Creeper is just as annoying as Spider man?
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“ Yes. Maybe more so. At least Spider-man’s costume is aesthetically intriguing. I’ll never understand what that....Creeper.....was thinking when he wore that hideous green thing and a red boa......ugh.”
(Says the guy who was called ‘absurdly dressed’ by a man in a scorpion costume...)
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tentacollii · 4 years ago
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    I was taught to acknowledge the fact that people have different needs and wants which also includes they have different conditions that require to be treated with various types of treatments. That also means to accept the fact that one type of treatment is not the only perfect solution for treating many illnesses. 
    *Taylor looks at him and talks to him in a firm way.* 
      You said that you do not care about my opinions; so I will admit I cannot do anything to change your belief that nuclear medicine is the only superior treatment because you have the choice to change your mind or not. You chose to believe that nuclear medicine is the only perfect treatment in the world and you do not want to change your opinion on it; so I will stop having this debate with you since you also like to keep throwing insults about Professor Fries and his views on cryonics. 
     That is all I have to say. 
    *She looks at him again but she leaves him alone.*
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He watched her leave, completely devoid of care. Maybe a part of him would have once called her back, to try to be understanding.....but that part had died when he split away from Mary Alice.
The good in him crushed to only look for science. Science was the truth......nuclear science was the key. Anything else was trivial.
Although he watched for way too long.....before slinking back to his desk. He had a lot of work to get done......
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tentacollii · 4 years ago
So those are the reasons why you think Professor Fries is a failure. |Taylor's dislike for Doctor Octopus increases the more she listens to his reasons for thinking that Mr. Freeze is a failure.| You may have the right to express your opinion on the uses for cryonics; but I believe that nuclear medicine is not just the only way to treat people.
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“ Luckily for me, I really don’t give a damn about what you think. My science is sound. His isn’t.”
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tentacollii · 4 years ago
So you think what I am doing is a waste of time and I should do something better. Why do you think Professor Fries is a failure? |Taylor sees his tentacles scanning at her but she does not get scared. She tries her best to stay calm but her voice gets sterner.| I see that your arrogrance has not changed since the last time I saw you at Gotham Academy of the Arts and Sciences.
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“....Yes. At least you’re smart enough to realize that.”
He scoffed.
“ He’s a failure because he believes he can save everyone. He really thinks that ice is the key to saving all those lives? Please! All that cryonics does is delay treatment indefinitely! His patients remain trapped forever in a prison, never able to see the outside world again while the rest of the world twiddles its thumbs.
Nuclear medicine is fast, and actively moves forward instead of delaying it forever. He wants to keep everything the same. He has no drive to advance. That is why he’s a failure.......science evolves. It doesn’t fossilize like he did.”
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tentacollii · 4 years ago
Professor Fries is 𝙣𝙤𝙩 weak nor spineless. You may have the right to dislike or hate him but he is far from being a coward. He sacrificed everything to save his wife and he does not allow hubris to control his mind. |Taylor gets stern and she scowls at Doctor Octopus because she could not fight the urge to defend Mr. Freeze.|
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Hm.......he wasn’t expecting Fries to have fans. Then again, he had been a popular teacher at some point........
Still, he had no respect or care for the little tart in front of him and he glared at her with cool dismissal. His tentacles hissing as they twisted, scanning her like eels.
“ I didn’t ask for your opinion, girl. Though it’s interesting that you try so hard to elevate a failure of a man. I suggest finding a bigger hill to die on than the one for Dr. Fries.”
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tentacollii · 4 years ago
"The golden goose metaphor is one I know, but also one I always forget so every time I hear 'the goose metaphor' I am confused for a solid five minutes." ~Glory-HasNoPlaceHere [Variel]
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“ As am I.......WHY are you telling me stories about geese, anyways? And how did you get in my laboratory?!”
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tentacollii · 4 years ago
What was your first impression of Mr. Freeze when you first met him?
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“ I saw him as someone intellectually promising.....but as an individual, a weak, spineless excuse of a man. To think that HE is considered a genius of his caliber that even the greatest minds on Earth fear him makes me laugh.
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tentacollii · 4 years ago
Why do you pout so much?
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“.....I don’t pout. I brood. There’s a difference.”
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tentacollii · 4 years ago
Doc Ock + Romance
First reaction that there’s definitely a secret admirer or two or three for Doc Ock. Results may vary in adoration for his character, his genius, or just in general, himself.
TBH Ock would probably be like " wtf" if he found out he had secret admirerers. As pompous as he can be, he's convinced himself that after his breakup with Mary Alice that nobody wanted him because he's damaged goods ( I don't consider Superior Spider-man canon and that is just freaking gross TBH.)
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Although I can see him secretly being all...." Yay!" :3
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tentacollii · 4 years ago
For every ✘ I get, my muse will reveal one thing that frightens, disturbs, or disgusts them.
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“ Spiders. I HATE spiders! They’re hideous little creatures with big.....hair....legs. And TEETH.....mein gott I’m going to get sick just THINKING about those EYES.”
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tentacollii · 4 years ago
For every ✘ I get, my muse will reveal one thing that frightens, disturbs, or disgusts them.
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“ Hulks. Those hideous monstrosities have ruined many a plan in my past and they are nothing but a nuisance!
There are green hulks, red hulks, blue hulks, grey hulks. What’s next, a white hulk?”
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tentacollii · 4 years ago
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Ock really doesn’t have a full-on suit of armor like guys like Ironman would have. It’s more of a visual statement than anything, though he much prefers wearing more drab and washed out colors when he just wants to have some time to himself.
His standard suit tends to have plating across his neck, shoulders and chest since these are high-target areas for attacks.
Plus moving fast with his arms can give him whiplash really easily, so the high collar and armor plating help stabilize his neck so that he doesn’t knock himself by accident when jumping from a building and onto a train like a weirdo.
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tentacollii · 4 years ago
Call Me...El Chinche! ((Guillermo Ward Philips Jr. The Cape-Bugpunk Anabionoid Luchador Grayface))
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“ Nope. Not going to happen.”
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tentacollii · 4 years ago
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The doctor is in!
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tentacollii · 4 years ago
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Alfred Molina is in talks to return as Doctor Octopus from Spider-Man 2 for MCU’s Spider-Man 3 film.
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tentacollii · 4 years ago
📬 - A mysterious letter has just been found in their mailbox. How does your character react? Who would it be from?
Very, very few know Ock’s address, and he’s constantly moving around, so it has to be someone keeping tabs on him. It’ll probably be Spider-man leaving a random letter (sometimes snarky, but usually something like ‘Happy birthday Ocky’ or ‘Merry Christmas ya filthy animal’) and Ock secretly keeps the letters because.....Spidey’s the only one who ever sends him anything.
BUT one letter that WILL get him to freak out would be if Mary Alice wrote back to him. He’s wanted to reach out to her, and he eventually writes her a letter......thinking for certain she’s never read it. But she DOES read it, and responds back......and that’s the start of him reconnecting with his old flame. Maybe this time she can fully tame the squidman for good....
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