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tenstudy-blog · 8 years ago
Sarcasm in Korean
HEY COOL CATS it is summer and i am back to post so imma give you a couple of my fave sarcastic expressions
as a general rule for being sarcastic in korean, the -네 ending is used often and it’s important to place emphasis on words like “잘~” “참~”
빵 터지네 that’s funny 
딱이네 awesome
여기 오길 참 잘했네 I’m so glad I came here 
돌겠네 perfect 
기똥찬 생각이네 great idea
무진장 고맙다 thanks 
거참 재미있겠네 that sounds great 
퍽이나 yeah right
참 잘 됐다 good job
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tenstudy-blog · 8 years ago
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hello! i’m self-studying korean, so i know the struggle of trying to find legit resources, especially if you’re on a budget. i’ve tested and used all of these, so i can confirm they’re not scams! best of all, every single thing on this list is free.
korean from zero: though the workbook costs about 20 american dollars on amazon, the online course is completely free! i own the book, and the information on the online course is the exact same as the information in the book. there’s even a free pdf of the book on the site if you feel like printing it out yourself. this was how i got a kickstart on learning and practicing hangul. i don’t love how the chapters are laid out (i prefer learning grammar before phrases) but i really like this site overall!
coursera korean: helpful for visual/auditory learners! i have trouble sitting through video lectures, but if you are the type of person who learns well through lectures, this could definitely work for you. it’s completely free. there’s also another course on the same site by yonsei university which you’re supposed to take after this course. it’s great speaking practice. the downside is that there’s very little written work so it’s hard to retain information. i use it as a review after i learn something from one of my workbooks.
also from coursera: hangul chart. if you’re unsure how to pronounce certain combos of hangul, this is a really good resource.
living language: again, the book costs money (i got the entire box set for under thirty dollars on amazon b/c it was on discount) but the entire course is available online! i haven’t explored this as much or used the books a lot because i don’t like how much romanization is used at first, but the flashcards in the living language lab are really helpful.
then there’s the obvious sites like hinative, where you can ask native speakers questions and post audio of you speakings so they can correct your pronunciation. it’s so gratifying when a native speaker marks your speaking as “natural”.
hangul punch: i love this app so much!!! the design is.... lacking (it’s built for children, i think), but it helped me get much faster at reading hangul. you can also learn vocab words while you read hangul. i’m a competitive person, so having it in a game format is super helpful. it’s good to use when you’re waiting in line, using the bathroom, in the car, whatever.
eggbun korean: i don’t use this that much anymore, but if you’re a busy person, this is a good app to use as an intro to korean in general. i’m not good at focusing for long periods, so the slow pace of the app wasn’t great for me. however, if you feel like you need a tutor but can’t afford one, this app might be good for you, because the “instructor” texts you like a real person. i can’t explain it that well, so you should just try it and see :o it helps you get more comfortable with typing in korean. there’s also fun cultural lessons to help you learn more about korean culture, if you’re planning on visiting korea!
naver dictionary: an absolute must if you’re just beginning to read in korean. it’s described as “the godfather of korean translator apps”
lingq: i just began using this and i’m still not sure how i feel about it. it has a lot of good listening and reading practice, but the interface is confusing and i’m not sure if all of the vocab listed is entirely accurate in its translation. try it and see if it’s suitable for you!
that’s all i’ve got! if you have other free resources, pleasepleaseplease drop me a message, because i’m always on the lookout. good luck and happy studying!!!!
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tenstudy-blog · 8 years ago
인터넷에서 ; ON THE INTERNET👀 useful vocab list /PT.2
로그인 - login 로그아웃 - logout 아이디 - i.d 웹사이트 - website 웹페이지 - web page 이메일 주소 - email adress 사용자 이름 - username 암호 - password 수정 - settings 프로필 - profile 헤더 - header 이름 - name 자기소개 - self introduction 위치 - location 생일 - birthday 가존 사진 - existing picture 사잔 찍기 - take a picture 갤러리 - gallery 기보드 - keyboard 앺 - app / 애플리케이션 - application 스냅챗 - snapchat 스토리 - story 로딩 - loading 다운로드 - download 얘기하다 - to talk 채팅하다 - to chat, talk online
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tenstudy-blog · 8 years ago
Colors and Shapes Vocabulary
1. 빨간색 = red 2. 주황색 = orange 3. 노란색 = yellow 4. 녹색 = green 5. 파란색 = blue 6. 보라색 = purple 7. 검정색 = black 8. 분홍색 = pink 9. 회색 = grey 10. 하얀색 = white 11. 밤색 = brown 12. 남색 = navy blue 13. 적갈색 = maroon 14. 연두색 = light green 15. 하늘색 = sky blue 16. 연노란색 = light yellow 17. 연보라색 = light purple 18. 베이지색 = beige 19. 금색 = gold 20. 은색 = silver 21. 아이보리색 = ivory 22. 밝은회색 = light grey 23. 진분홍색 = hot pink 24. 청록색 = turquoise 25. 여러가지색 = multicolored 26. 무지개색 = rainbow (colored) 27. 색 = color
28. 원형 = circle 29. 삼각형 = triangle 30. 정사각형 = square 31. 직사각형 = rectangle 32. 사다리꼴 = trapezoid 33. 오각형 = pentagon 34. 육각형 = hexagon 35. 팔각형 = octagon 36. 타원 = oval 37. 구 = sphere 38. 원뿔 = cone 39. 원통 = cylinder 40. 정육면체 = cube 41. 모양 = shape
42. 미술 = art 43. 따뚯한 색깔 = warm colors 44. 차가운 색깔 = cool colors
45. 만들다 = to make 45. 짓다 = to build 46. 그리다 = to paint
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tenstudy-blog · 8 years ago
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List of Body Parts in Korean:
Here is a list of body parts in Korean that I’ve bundled together! Hopefully, it will be a nice little vocabulary booster!
Arm: 팔
Armpit: 겨드랑이
Abdomen: 배
Ankle: 발목
Body: 몸
Buttocks: 엉덩이
Breast: 유방
Back: 등
Brain: 뇌
Bone: 뼈
Keep reading
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tenstudy-blog · 8 years ago
Numbers Vocabulary
1. 영 = zero (SINO) 2. 일 = one (SINO) 3. 이 = two (SINO) 4. 삼 = three (SINO) 5. 사 = four (SINO) 6. 오 = five (SINO) 7. 육 = six (SINO) 8. 칠 = seven (SINO) 9. 팔 = eight (SINO) 10. 구 = nine (SINO) 11. 십 = ten (SINO)
12. 하나 = one (NATIVE) 13. 둘 = two (NATIVE) 14. 셋 = three (NATIVE) 15. 넷 = four (NATIVE) 16. 다섯 = five (NATIVE) 17. 여섯 = six (NATIVE) 18. 일곱 = seven (NATIVE) 19. 여덟 = eight (NATIVE) 20. 아홉 = nine (NATIVE) 21. 열 = ten (NATIVE) 22. 공 = zero (NATIVE)
23. 스물 = twenty (NATIVE) 24. 여른 = thirty (NATIVE) 25. 마흔 = fourty (NATIVE) 26. 쉰 = fifty (NATIVE) 27. 예순 = sixty (NATIVE) 28. 일흔 = seventy (NATIVE) 29. 여들 = eighty (NATIVE) 30. 아흔 = ninety (NATIVE)
31. 백 = hundred (SINO) 32. 천 = thousand (SINO) 33. 만 = ten thousand (SINO) 34. 억 = hundred million (SINO) 35. 조 = trillion (SINO)
36. 수학 = math 37. 더하기 = plus 38. 빼기 = minus 39. 백분율 = percent 40. 소수점 = point (decimal) 41. 곱하기 = times (multiplication) 42. 나누기 = divide 43. 방점식 = equation 44. 숫자 = number
45. 이다 = to equal (to be) 46. 계산하다 = to calculate
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tenstudy-blog · 8 years ago
Big list of Korean verbs
닦다- to brush
달다- to hang
다치다- to hurt
싸다- to pack
당기다- to pull
일어나다- to get up, to wake up
깎다- to discount, to cut
울다- to cry
묻다- to ask
꾸다- to dream
생각하다- to think
서다- to stand
살다/지내다- to live
웃다- to laugh, to smile
자다- to sleep
달리다/뛰다- to run
낫다- to recover
찌르다- to prick
모르다- to not know
잡다- to hold, to catch
돌다- to turn
화나다- to get angry
사라지다- to disappear
맏다- to believe
보다- to watch, to see
벗다- to undress
끌다- to draw
말하다/얘기하다- to talk
눕다- to lie down
걸리다- to last
앉다- to sit
타다- to ride
읽다- to read
내다- to pay
놓치다- to miss
돕다- to help
��다- to trust
잊다- to forget
죽다- to die
사다- to buy
되다- to become
씻다- to wash
떨어지다- to fail
잘하다- to do well
타다- to take
미끄러지다- to slip
빌려주다- to lend
알다- to know
팔다- to sell
돌아가다- to return
끊다- to quit
떠나다- to leave
헤어지다- to part
결혼하다- to marry
싫다- to hate
주다- to give
싸우다- to fight
타다- to burn
때리다- to beat
걷다- to walk
들어가다- to enter
싫다- to dislike
서다- to stop
구경하다- to look around
배우다- to learn
뛰다- to jump
줄이다- to reduce
밀다- to push
좋아하다- to like
듣다- to listen
사랑하다- to love
공부하다- to study
하다- to do
마시다- to drink
먹다- to eat
있다- to exist
입다- to wear
오다- to come
데이트하다- to date
가다- to go
보다/만나다- to meet
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tenstudy-blog · 8 years ago
I haven’t seen people talking about this website, but Lingvist has over 35000 books (or so they claim) about language learning available to download. And no, it’s not only European languages: they have books for languages such as Kazakh, Khmer, Thai… And anyways, you can always search what you’re looking for. LINK
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tenstudy-blog · 8 years ago
Useful Words
네 - Yes 아니요 - No 누구 - Who 뭐/무엇 - What 어디 - Where 언제 - When 왜 - Why 어느 - Which 어떻게 - How 그렇게 - So 여기 - Here 거기 - There 다시 - Again 모두 - All 쉬운 - Easy 나쁜 - Bad 좋은 - Good 좋아하다 - To like 싫어하다 - To dislike 오늘 - Today 가끔 - Sometimes 항상 - Always 사람 - Person 말 - Words/Speech 그래 - So/Yeah/That’s right 저기요 - Excuse me 죄송합니다/ 미안해요 - Sorry 끝 - End 한 - One/Single (하나 is 1) 괜찮다 - To be ok 하다 - To do 이다 - To be
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tenstudy-blog · 8 years ago
집 - house 아파트 - apartment 기숙사 - dormitory 방 - room
🌼 방/거실 안에 : in the room/living room & more~ 침대 - bed 이불/담요 - blanket 베개 - pillow 자명종 - alarm clock 시계 - clock 거울 - mirror 컴퓨터 - computer 책상 - desk 책장 - bookcase 창문 - window 의자 - chair 램프 - lamp 소파 - sofa 텔레비전 - television 전화기 - telephone
🌼 화장실 안에 : in the bathroom~ 변기 - toilet 샤워실 - shower 수건 - towel 치약 - toothpaste 칫솔 - toothbrush 비누 - soap 샴푸 - shampoo
🌼 부억 안에 : in the kitchen~ 오븐 - oven 냉장고 - refrigerator 식탁 - dinner Table 의자 - chair 접시 - plate 컵 - cup
🌼 USEFUL VERBS : 하다 - to do 요리하다 - to cook 먹다 - to eat 마시다 - to drink 읽다 - to read 자다 - to sleep 일어나다 - to get up 청소하다 - to clean 샤워를 하다 - to take a shower 놀다 - to play 숙제하다 - to do homework 공부하다 - to study
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tenstudy-blog · 8 years ago
Korean interrogatives:
뭐- what
어디- where
누구- who
언제- when
왜- why
어떻게- how
몇- how many
얼마- how much
얼마나- how long
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