Tensei is a saint and I'm dragging him to hell
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tenseifucker · 4 years ago
Yan!Izuku x Idol!Reader pt 4
Oops lol
So honestly I see most of Deku's school life being p normal
As normal a school life a shounen protag can have I mean
By his 2nd or 3rd year, his efforts will have paid off
He, as well as a few his classmates, get an offer to appear on a variety show
Ya know to get their names out there or some shit
Anyway he's pumped bc he knows you're a regular on it
He's totally planning out every possible conversation y'all could have
Maybe even planning out ways to... touch you!!!
Just the thought of it makes him sweat lmao
So when it comes time to show up for filming, you bet he's hella nervous
He and the others make their rounds to the dressing rooms just to be polite and introduce themselves he notices that you and your group share a room
Expected, but not ideal
But thankfully
By some holy act of god
As he passes by, on his way to the restroom, he notices the door is cracked open
For a room that's supposed to be full of girls it's awfully quiet...
He decides to knock, just to make sure everything is okay
But it's empty
Just like the hallway
Bitch it takes him a whole millisecond for his ass to jump in there and take a closer look
Ngl he's a little shocked by how messy it is
There's probably makeup and accessories all over the place
There are a few water bottles scattered around the room too, all of them with a different person's name written on them
He finds yours in sitting with a couple others on the coffee table, still half full
He just sits there in awe for a moment, before sitting in what he assumed was your seat
Indirectly!!!! Touching!!!!!! Something other than your hands!!!!!!!!
Internally, he's losing it lmao
While he's sitting there, staring at your water bottle, a thought comes to him and before he can register what he's doing, he already has it in his hand
Well, he's come this far!
He unscrews the cap and just takes a second to admire the bottle's mouth
The mouth that has touched your mouth
Slowly, he licks along the threads, making sure he gets in to every crevice so he can try to taste you
After he gets his gross little high off of that an even better idea comes to mind
He takes a sip and even though it's just ordinary water, it tastes like the sweetest thing in the world to him
And y'all I'm so sorry
But he goes to take another, slightly larger sip, only this time he backwashes.
Like, it's one thing for him to indirectly kiss you, but it's a whole nother fucking GALAXY for you to indirectly kiss him
Even if you don't know it
And like this little asshole
He just screws the lid back on and quietly leaves before anyone can come back
And he just spends the rest of his time waiting in total bliss
Until filming starts lmao
That's when it comes out that you and Denki share a braincell and holy shit the pure chaos that comes from making you two work together is comedy gold
Like the host could ask you guys to name 5 US states and y'all will be bouncing shit back and forth before confidently answering and getting almost all of them wrong
Like y'all got New York yeah but there was still a question mark behind it so don't feel too proud lmao
The look of shock on your faces when the hosts tell you that Australia is actually an entirely different country/continent would be sad if it wasn't so funny
"Wait, then was the right answer Austria?" "Yeah, that one sounds right"
Y'all are both getting smacked for that one
Deku is low-key pissed
He also develops a minor grudge against Kaminari but that's neither here nor there lol
But dw it just drives him to work harder on standing out so he can still be invited back and get more chances to work with you
Thankfully some of the other games/topics let him show off a bit
Plus he manages to get some good reactions out of you!!
After filming is done, you go up to each of his classmates individually and tell them what a great job they did
When you finally come up to Izuku, the excitement in your eyes in unmistakable
You congratulate him on getting this far and tell him how excited you were to see that you finally got to work together
The poor boy is just kinda sits there like an idiot lmao
You'd think he'd be used to this by now but oh well
Also, before everyone gets ready to leave, you pull him and his classmates aside, and ask for a group shot to post on your blog to promote the episode
Of course everyone agrees
And I s2fg that is gonna be his new lock screen
Just cropped so it's only you two in the pic lmao
This has been sitting in my drafts for ages lmao Working on my midlife crisis + corona recovery + mental health + restructuring at work but it's cool I just wish I was dead✨
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tenseifucker · 5 years ago
For the song fic, Can I request Izuku with a fem! Reader and the song Baby by Clean Bandit ft. Marina?
wooooow, this one was one of those which was hard to resume into a 2k piece because i was getting overboard and planning a whole fanfic. Thanks for requesting and i hope you like this! 
Baby - Clean Bandit ft Marina
Standing here in an empty room I saw you there and my blood ran cold Take me back to that long September Don't know how I ever let you go
Midoriya almost chocked. It had been a whole year since the last time he had seen her… A whole year since he had made one of the worst decisions till that very day, and seeing ____ there confirmed it. All the memories he had been suppressing, were suddenly blooming like the flowers after the long winter. Old feelings he had deemed forgotten turned out to be very much alive.
They had been a loving couple once. He couldn’t remember a day when he wasn’t happy by her side. They had their issues, but at the end of the day they would end up with their legs intertwined, holding each other on their shared bed, and promising to do anything to make it better—to be better next time for the other. And his problem had been exactly that… Midoriya had been so enthralled in becoming All Might’s successor that when it came to ______, he was all about promising, and never delivered. He missed dates and birthdays. He canceled dates, and forgot about their date even when he had chosen the day. Evil didn’t rest and he had to be there, and ______ always understood.
It was true when people said you don’t know what you have until it was gone. It had been his case. At first, he thought he was going through the regular nostalgia anyone suffered after a break up. However, time passed and the feelings didn’t disappear. They became more prominent. Six months after _______ disappeared, and he was sure he had made a mistake. He would have never imagined she would be standing in front of him, right across the empty office. The air was cut short from his lungs, and the weight on his chest crushing his heart reaffirmed him the feelings had gone nowhere.
I was young, didn't know 'bout love You were wild, couldn't get enough Gave my heart to another lover Don't know how I ever let you go
No one could imagine Midoriya was capable of evil. Friends and strangers alike fell for his boyish futures and kind, bright smile. The shy kid grown up to be not that shy anymore. That’s how he had gotten to know _______, and how she had become his girlfriend. They had worked together on a case on his earlier days as a pro-hero. She worked as a detective for the especial forces thanks to her extrasensory quirk. They had to find a serial killer, and she was the answer to their prayers. Working so closed together for months sparked the flame. Once it was all over and they were covered in wounds and exhausted from a final face-off with the criminal, Midoriya was sure he was smitten with her.
Months became years, and their relationship was steady. Midoriya would wake up to her face and give her a lazy good-morning kiss. It was rare for him to not begin his days like that, and whenever he did for one reason or another, the day felt somehow incomplete. This happened whenever one of them was sent away. He might be the public hero, but she was the coveted detective whose talents were demanded in cases around the country. No case was too difficult for her quirk, and Midoriya was proud to be her partner. His chest was filled with pride when people mentioned ______’s capacity. People congratulated him on catching such a girl, and when he arrived home and his nose was filled with the smell of her homemade food, and she smiled ever so brightly at him—and only him—he knew how lucky he truly was.
Midoriya had harvested a beautiful relationship, so why? What happened? Why did he go and ruined the relationship? He could blame it on a lapsus of bad judgement, but there was no rational answer. He had made a bad choice born out from the temporal loneliness he should’ve been able to control. ______ and him went through a period where it was impossible to coincide. He was home and she was out of the city. When she was home, he was incredibly busy and arrived home to eat and sleep. The passion and the loving gestures were slowly becoming a minor priority, until he was touch starved and ______ was again, out of the city.
Temptation was dangerous, and even more for a lonely heart. He hadn’t intended for things to develop like they had, but the new sidekick in his agency was there to fill the void for ______.
Days passed by and the hassles that were unsaid piled up until hey were big. One night things went south, and he couldn’t help to act indifferent towards his girlfriend. Short phrases and shrugs—no one would have recognized him. He understood why some people became crazy for love. He was out of character. He was tired of the new dynamic of his relationship with ______, without considering she was dealing with one of the most complicated cases of her career. A serial killer moving from city to city with an unknown quirk wasn’t an easy task. But his pain turned him selfish, and then Midoriya did the unthinkable… he had downright cheated. Not once, or twice… It hadn’t been a one-night stand. He was developing a romantic relationship with another woman at ______’s back, and he had started it.
He hid it, until he couldn’t. By the time ______ was done with the case, and she was back home exhausted but proud, he couldn’t celebrate with her. He had to go ahead and break their relationship claiming his heart was somewhere new. By the next morning, all of her things were out.
Find me, in another place and time If only, if only you were mine But I'm already someone else's baby Guess I had my last chance And now this is our last dance You fell through the cracks in my hands Hard to say it's over
He couldn’t expect her to stay or to fight for him when he had stated he had found someone else, and she stared down at him… he knew it wasn’t over. Her eyes had flashed with the same emotion as his, but he didn’t dare to cross the room and approach her as if they had ended for external circumstances.
“_______, wh-why are you here?” Midoirya asked. He was taken aback by his stuttering. He hadn’t been that nervous around anyone since high school, and it was because she made him feel like that. A dumb teenager who couldn’t control his impulses.
“I was asked to help your team figure out a case you can’t seem to crack,” she responded. The flash of recognition at the start was gone, and no spark shone in her eyes as she looked directly at him, her mouth not faltering even for a second. She was completely unbothered by his presence. If he had to guess, she had done a much better job than him at getting over what they shared, or at least she was better on keeping her feelings at bay, and why wouldn’t she be? He had been the one who went around her back and started a relationship with someone else.
Midoriya looked away, unable to hold her gaze. He hadn’t looked at her in a year, which had made dealing with the consequences of his actions easier. Watching her again, beautiful as she had ever been in his eyes, was wrecking. His emotions were brimming inside, and he couldn’t lose his focus. She was there for work, and he was expected to be professional. He nodded, putting on a façade. “Great. I’ll put you up to date.”
“Please,” she answered shortly. The tone was set, and he caught the message.
All caught up in the way we were I feel your hands getting close to mine Don't say the words that I love to hear The beat goes on and I close my eyes
In the face of danger or extreme situations, the true colors of anyone come out. What you tried so hard to hide, could slip at any second. The ashes of the fire once burning between them lit up as the days went by. Midoriya had promised in silence he would respect _______’s space. It was the smartest—and most descent—way of behaving, and yet he had failed miserably. He had been drawn back to ________, and his chest would feel with the same fluttering adoration he felt for her. Working again with her was reminiscent of the memorable job they did, and their love story.
Nothing was more reminiscent than their capability to get themselves in trouble. The walls were crumbling, and time was running short. He could make it out, but he doubted _______ could. He didn’t think twice. He pulled her into his arms and carried her. She automatically draped her arms around his neck and he made sure to keep her close. He impulse himself and was out of the place in one jump. He was piercing through the air and he felt ______ holding on together, stealing a tender smile from him. “Izuku,” she called against his ear as they began to free fall to the ground. He searched the closest platform to fall on, and it ended up being the top of a building. He skidded through the graveled, slowing down his inertia until he stopped. ________ pulled her head out the crook of his neck with her hair all over the place and the color of her face drained. He chuckled. The only thought in his mind was to take them out of the place as soon as possible, and hadn’t measured his strength. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” she mumbled. Midoriya hands lingered on her body, lost as to what to do next. _______ had gotten lost in the skyline laying before them. Her hand clutched Midoriya’s custom and a shaky breath exhaled her mouth. Her eyes crystalized. “Just… why, Izuku. Why did you do it?”
The question took him aback, and quickly broke his heart. Her voice revealed how deeply hurt she still was, and he didn’t want to imagine how much it had hurt at the start for her. He had hurt, too, but he had his new lover to sooth down his pain… ______ had no one to console her new loneliness. He had betrayed her trust and still went out the winner of the two. The worst winner there could be, because just spent his days regretting what he had done.
“I’m sorry,” he managed to say. “For the last year I have done nothing but regret what I did.”
“Don’t,” she interrupted him, and removed herself from his hold. “What’s done it’s done and I have no intentions to revisit the past more than I already did.” She got up and dusted off her clothing as if that would help. They both looked like a wreck. “Your girlfriend must be waiting for you. I bet she’s not a fan of us hanging out.”
He watched _______ make her way to the emergency door, and try it a couple times before it opened and she went through it without waiting for him. His head dropped and he had to swallow down his tears. He had no right. He had gotten himself in that situation.
Tell myself be stronger My heart's like a rubber band And it's such a shame You'll always be the one who got away We both know that deep down you feel the same Hard to say it's over But I'm already someone else's baby.
The case was resolved in a week after their mayhem at the factory, and ________ would return to her new city—the city she had moved to after their break up. The whole team said their farewells with big, warm hugs and what Midoriya got was a handshake. They stared into each other’s eyes, and it was the missing confirmation for him that, even thou the spark between them had revived in that month, they would never be back together. He would soon be back to his life with his current partner, and ______ would go back into her new routine where he wasn’t involved. He wouldn’t get a second chance.
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tenseifucker · 5 years ago
Yan!Izuku x Idol!Reader Pt 3
I just saw a spider and now I can't sleep
So Izuku's been following you part way for a while now
Somehow something always comes up and he's never made it all the way to your apartment
Which ngl he can't tell if he's happy or mad about
Like yeah ur safe but also where do you live??? :(
That's a problem for another day tho bc he finally has a quirk and he's one step closer to you!
Of course he's still going to events and trying to follow you home
But you and your group have been getting a bit more popular lately
More events, more tv appearances, but less time for him to see and do it all
Which, on that note, like yeah ur really pretty and stuff but the part where you really shine as an idol isn't in the magazines, or while you sing/dance
Your biggest strength is your talking and comedy skills
You're also considered a reaction queen
Variety and talk shows love having you on bc once people tune in they rarely tune out
The other guests hate it bc they actually have to fight for screen time but oh well lmao
Basically my point is thank god for technology so he can at least record your constant tv appearances and watch them later
Besides, he still has to try and get in to UA, so he hasn't been around as much
But it's all good after he gets in because he once again comes bounding right up to you at the next event
Deku, being the considerate creep he is, brings you a gift!
It's All Might's autograph! Made out specifically to you!!!
Holy shit how did he get this??
When you ask, he just tells you it's nbd
He really does NOT want to tell you how hard he cried to get it lmao
Anyway, eventually he remembers to tell you something important!
He got in to UA!!
You proceed to lose your shit with excitement
Like screw the guy before him that told you he wants to name his daughter after you! You're talking with a future hero!!!
What a nerd lmao
You spend all your time together that day just talking about heroes tbh
Unfortunately not a whole lot changes until the sports festival like ngl
During the filming of one talk show, they decide to show your hero loving, overreacting ass some highlights from the sports festival
The second you see Izuku in them, you scream like lbr
You ain't about to sell him out as some over dedicated fanboy tho so you just say that you watched it already
Which isn't a lie
But let's just say that with some of the faces you made during that episode, you end up as a popular reaction gif for a bit
And once the hosts have had their fun, they ask the inevitable
"Y/n-chan, to close out the show, please give a word of encouragement to your favorite upcoming hero!"
To which you'll happily agree and face the camera
"Deku-san, please do your best to become number one! I'll be cheering you on, so don't give up!"
When he comes home from school and watches it he's gonna cry
Like more than normal
He'll have to explain to his mother
She'll already know bc she has definitely cleaned his room
He spends the rest of the year doing everything he can to be on the same show as you
The constant villain attacks on his school/class don't really make things any easier tho
Especially with all the bad press that comes with it
But he won't let something like that kill his determination!
Just give it some time and he's sure you'll share the screen soon!
((I think I killed the spider but I haven't found the corpse yet so I'm very scared please send help))
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tenseifucker · 5 years ago
Yan!Izuku x Idol!Reader
Pt 2 bc I'm depraved
So after meeting All Might and starting to train to take One For All he's honestly gonna think of you while training
Like he's legit gonna be thinking shit like "I'm gonna be so good at shaking their hand!!!"
What a loser lmao
Anyway, the next event that he goes to is gonna be a whole ass revelation
He'll be waiting
Thinkin bout stuff
And he realizes that oh shit heroes are media personalities
Idols are also media personalities
There's a chance... Y'all could actually work together at some point!!
He's gonna need a moment
But of course
Idols aren't idols forever
But that's something he's already considered
I mean its Izuku we're talking about lmao
Once it's finally his (first) turn to see you, he'll be so excited it's almost like he's a completely different person
Normally you have to do all the talking while he kinda just sits there and looks stupid and lowkey kinda cute
But today
He comes up to you absolutely beaming
Smiling his cute ass smile
You know the one
And before you can say anything he'll tell you that he met All Might
And you're so happy for him that you're just like "That's amazing, Midoriya-kun! Tell me everything!"
(Bc let's face it he's definitely been to enough events that you remember him. Plus, again, kinda cute. #justsayin)
And he'll tell you about the attack and getting the autograph and come SO CLOSE to almost telling you about All Might's proposal
Thankfully the pushers are there and are starting to nudge him away so the next person can get their turn
Dw he'll be back later he still has plenty of tickets lmao
As he's walking to the waiting area it'll hit him
You said his name
He didn't introduce himself today
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh my god you actually remember him?????
He might cry
Lbr he totally cried
The other fans are probably watching him as he just starts crying out of nowhere
But who cares you remember him!!!
Once some more people go and it's his turn again, he'll be blushing like mad
He'll probably introduce himself and ask if you remember him out of habit
You smile at him and say something like "Of course I do, Midoriya-kun! You're one of my best fans!"
Bby boi starts sobbing again
You do your best to comfort him from across the table, petting his head a little
He spends his entire second ticket crying at you
At this point the pusher is kinda grossed out
Anyway the rest of his tickets are p much just him apologizing to you
It's only once he gets home that he realizes that you touched him and his emotional rollercoaster starts all over again
This is basically where shit starts to go a little south for you but not in a way that you know about or notice
See, outside of becoming a hero, you become his everything.
He already took note of your clothes and the products that you used but now he's paying attention to the labels. Which brands and styles you seem to wear the most. Where they're sold, and store locations all around the city. He makes sure to pay close attention to the ones that are closest to your agency.
He knows better than to hang around outside the building. Security will just make him leave, and besides, what if you get the wrong idea? What if you start thinking he's a creep or a stalker or something? That'd be bad. He's just trying to protect you!
Thankfully there are lots of different shops and cafes not too far from the building and he's more than happy to familiarize himself with what they have to offer. Especially the views of your office!
Although, it really makes him wonder just how safe can you be when there are so many places to watch you from near your job. Is your home at least somewhere safe? Are you taking all the precautions you should be to make sure that no one follows you? He noticed you'll come by car most days, but sometimes it looks like you're walking from the direction of the train station.
Where do you live? Which lines do you take? Are you safe? He's going to have to personally check it out to make sure everything is fine. Gotta make sure there aren't any creeps following you! He's gonna be the next symbol of peace, after all!
He's gonna be a hero!
Your hero!
((Dw Im trash and there's still a whole lifetime of bullshit I have thought out
Thank you @mci-writing for being such a sweetie!! ;A; And thank you to those of you who liked & reblogged the first one!!))
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tenseifucker · 5 years ago
Yan Izuku x quirkless Idol!reader
I'm almost sorry with how hyperspecific this... Also, this is definitely before he gets in to UA!!
Okay so first off, I feel like the thing that would make Izuku notice you, more than any of the thousands of other idols in the country, is the fact that you're quirkless.
He would probably just have the tv on for background noise and you and your group would be on some variety show introducing yourselves, and you would not only mention that you're quirkless but that you look up to All Might.
Bitch if that doesn't make something in him snap idk what will
Plus ur cute lmao
Anyway so Izuku would 100% be enthralled and as the show continues he falls for you more
You're really making his heart skip a beat with the All Might references in your jokes ngl
Like, he's genuinely laughing along bc you confidently told the host "I am here!" just to get smacked upside the head
And holy shit did he really sit through the entire show??? Oops lol
Anyway from now on he's hooked and oh snap your group is having a handshake event nearby next weekend? His ass is THERE
So he'll go to get a chance to meet you (and the other members but who tf are they lmao) and since he's a Fuckin Nerd he probably has a whole conversation planned out
But there's a fatal flaw
The only girl he's ever seen irl ever is his mother
Also you get like 5 seconds to talk to each member but that's not the point
You're the first one that he gets to shake hands with and his mind is instantly broken
Like holy shit you were cute on TV but irl???
Beautiful. Perfect. Legendary.
Izuku, once again being a Fuckin Nerd, prob has some All Might shit on him that you notice and you just get so pumped
You spend your short first meeting geeking out at him and as he's walking away, dumbstruck, he realizes
Uh oh
He's screwed
I mean, you're screwed too but you don't know it yet lmao
Anyway, that obsessiveness that he's got going on for heroes?
Expect that same amount of passion aimed at you. Just you.
This dude goes full on fanboy.
100% the type to preorder multiple copies whenever you guys have a new CD coming out to help boost sales
Probs one of those guys who posts about his purchase online tbh. But like only under a separate account
Goes to every local handshake event
Because he buys so many copies he definitely has multiple handshake tickets.
He uses all of them to loop around the line over and over again, all just to talk to you for just a few more seconds
He will ask you if you remember him at every event, without fail.
Even if you don't, you say you do bc holy hell do fans feel special when you say that lol
Anyway, after each event he'll write down what you wore, how your hair was styled, what your makeup looked like, what you talked about, etc etc.
Will read social media posts from other fans about their conversations/observations with you
One fan will post that they figured out the perfume you were wearing at an event and posts the name and pic of the bottle
Deku's a little freak and will go buy a bottle to hide under his bed so he can sniff it and think of you
Will send you gifts regularly
Reads your blog posts religiously and checks to see if you have any of his gifts in the background of your photos
Saves the pics to his phone if you do
He has an embarrassing amount of your merch under his bed
Including magazines where you maaay have had done a beach shoot
Enough said
Let's hope his mom doesn't clean his room lmaooooo
((I have more but I'm making myself stop 💀))
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