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~Que sommes-nous dans ce monde manipulé?
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~I think I’ll die killed by an sjw
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I shouldn’t write this on Tumblr~
 ~DISCLAIMER: This is my honest OPINION. My opinion can’t change yours and yours can’t change mine, but free speech is the way.
Non-binary genders are fake. Gender isn’t a spectrum, we invented all this stuff without a reason. I don’t know who invented all this stuff, but gender identity is made up. I mean, we have two genders: male and female, These are the two sexes, these are what built our society. We don’t need to create new genders. Don’t defend your gender identity saying you suffer of gender dysporia because gender dysphoria means that you’re born female and you identify as a male or vice-versa, it doesn’t mean that you’re born female and now you identify as non-binary. Gender dysphoria is A SERIOUS THING. Don’t use it as an excuse to be a special snowflake. Now please, don’t even try to tell me that stuff like “demi-boy, genderfluid, pangender etc...” really exists. YOU just made this hell up. 
Humanity is awesome, we can express two genders with an infinite variety of personalities. The thing isn’t “everybody has their own gender”, it’s more like “everybody has a different way to express their gender” and it’s SO COOL. If you’re a girl and you wear a suit or tell someone to use he/him pronouns for you it doesn’t make you a male. You’re just expressing yourself in a different way, you’re expressing your being a female in a special way, but you’re still yourself, you’re still a female. You can’t change the fact that you were born as a female.
Do we really need 583939 genders and LABELS? Why don’t we live without labelling ourselves? Do you really need to say “I’M AGENDER PANGENDER BIGENDERFLUID USE ZE PRONOUNS OR YOU’RE DEAD”? No. You don’t need to label yourself. I mean, they prononuns are ok, maybe you don’t want to specify if you’re a male or a female, but “ze, xe, bunself etc...” pronouns are super ridiculous.
The worst thing is when non-binary people force people to believe in other genders. If you’re non-binary, you want they pronouns and you want to live as non-binary do whatever ya want, BUT PLEASE don’t force people to believe that your gender identity is real, why should you force people to change their beliefs or opinions? Bruh, special snowflakes.
Society DOES NOT need gender non-binary stuff, that won’t change the world, we won’t become more open-minded, that will just confuse us more. 
Also... calling yourself open-minded just because you accept E V E R Y single made up gender is ridiculous. 
(if you want to discuss about this, it’s fine. I want to know other people’s opinions! That’s great to know new stuff.)
(why did I post this now 300000 sjws and special snowflakes will ban me also if I signed up just today)
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~Sorry not sorry.
Meta Knight is my favourite character ever, anyways-
And Kirby is my fav videogame series
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~Peridot <3
Steven Universe is my favourite TV show and Peridot is my favourite character.
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I’m new~
~HELLO darlings. 
WHAT will I do on this blog????
1-Upload my drawings
2-Discuss, bruh, almost everything
3-Answer questions
4-Maybe I’ll also make some serious posts where I write my OWN opinions. I like arguing :) And anyways, FREE SPEECH FOR EVERYONE! :D
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