Miss Fleuret
37 posts
To have what is most desired, take away from it's guardian, and then shall you taste power of Nova Crystallis. The power to lead the world towards the future.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
tenebraenoble-blog · 12 years ago
The pale Tenebraen's heart fell a notch as she didn't hear the familiar term of endearment, that she had been given, come from the prince's mouth and realization hit her. She shouldn't have let herself think that after all her absence things would be the complete same as they were before and on that thought, she gave Noctis a soft, yet sad, smile. She understood, though it hurt. 
'...even new loves.' Stella hadn't expected the words to hurt her so hard and make her knees as weak as they did, but she stood tall and elegant, keeping her smile firmly in place. "New love is a wonderful thing, is it not? Like a new life or a new breath." Her other hand rose to cup the other had her chest, which was moving up and down slowly. Others had told her that a thing like this would make her head spin and tears prickle her eyes, but none of that happened. She stood still and strong. Like that of a weeping willow. Though the tree looked said, it stood tall and firm. Just like the golden haired noble. Though her eyes showed pain, she stood with strength.  
Stella closed her eyes for a moment, a light sigh coming from her lips. Her smile stayed in place. They would always have the moments that they had shared together, no matter what happened, but she had to admit to herself that she knew it would not last long. What she reminded herself of though, is that they were not fighting. That was all she had hoped for. She had got more, but it was gone now. 
'I would allow you to stay with me however I am with another and I don’t think she would be too comfortable with you being at the house.'
Opening her emeralds slowly to meet his azure ones, she stared at them for a moment before shaking her head. "Do not worry, Prince. I have my own place to stay and I would not wish to make you and your lover uncomfortable with my presence."
Night star - he hadn’t heard that name of endearment for quite some time. Not since Stella had departed from his life. He had a similar appellation for her - Morning light. However, he could not muster enough courage and strength to refer to her by that name anymore. Luminous and inanimate azure eyes fixated on the Fleuret girl as a diminutive smile formed across his pallid face. Despite the long time apart, she hadn’t changed one bit. Everything from the sound of her voice to the scent of her hair. Everything about her was welcoming and it was nice to speak with someone familiar for a change.  Something that he hadn’t experience with anyone for some time now.  
At the sound of her next question, he hesitated an answer though he wasn’t too sure as to why exactly.  Was he nervous? Was he scared? He hadn’t the slightest clue.  But he knew he needed to respond, “I’ve met a lot of new people here,” he began, swallowing a throat, “New friends and even new loves.”
That lingering pain he felt for her all those days when they were apart suddenly ignited once more.  The young Fleuret girl was always on the prince’s mind, his heart aching for her’s for as long as he could remember.  Finally, she was back but he couldn’t allow his heart to feel the same as it did before.  It belonged to someone else. 
“I would allow you to stay with me however I am with another and I don’t think she would be too comfortable with you being at the house.”       
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tenebraenoble-blog · 12 years ago
'Stella, you of all people should know you don’t need to refer to me as prince,' A small laugh left her lips as his words made their way to her ears. "My apologizes, my dear night star, habits are hard to break it seems." Emerald hues made their way up to azure ones and she tilted her head to the side a bit as she clasped her arms together behind her back. 'Things became different around here for me during your absence,' at this her head tilted to the side more out of confusion, a curious glaze setting in her eyes. "And what do you mean by that, Noctis?"
More confusion set to her features as the other seemed to curl into himself, wandering off into his thoughts and when Stella saw his thoughtful gaze, she wished that she could wander through his thoughts as well. He had always been a mystery to her and she often wondered what he kept up their in his head. She almost wished that she was in their somewhere, that at one point during the day, he thought of her. But, of course, that was a foolish wish.
Again more confusion was added when he seemed that he had something to say, but seemed to not be able to form the words. Was there something bothering him? Was there something that he wished to tell her, but seemed to not be able to? These thoughts were cut short as he finally spoke.
"Plans?" She blinked at this, bringing a hand out from behind her back to rest it upon her chest. "I hadn't really thought of what I would do when I was back." 
Hearing Stella speak so formally towards Noctis made him almost cringe, “Stella, you of all people should know you don’t need to refer to me as prince,” he told her, his lips forming another minuscule smile, “It’s nice to see you again though,” he continued, “Things became different around here for me during your absence,” he was unsure how she would respond to that statement and truthfully he was a bit bewildered of the meaning behind it.  He found his behavior presently aberrant.  He was sporadically retreating to a more sheepish and cautious facade as the two continued to speak.  He was puzzled to say the least.  Severely confused why his normal composure transformed into this.
Could there still be abstruse feelings cloaked and hidden in the depths of their hearts? He pondered it for a moment before quickly releasing those thoughts out of his mind.  His eyes ventured to the Tenebraen girl once more, memories, both painful and blissful, of their past together quickly flooding his mind.  Memories that he longed to forget and succeeded up until now.  They forced him to drift away from the reality around him and sent him back into a familiar world full of both anguish and deep affection.  
Exhaling, he left his mind and returned to Stella.  His eyes still fixated on her fluorescent self.  He opened his mouth to speak but no words spewed out.  He sighed, he found it difficult to form sentences.  Why? He hadn’t seen her for some time, surely there were many topics to discuss but oddly he couldn’t begin to ignite one of those subjects.  He gently bit the insides of his mouth, deciding on what to say before coming to some sort of conclusion.
“What are you plans now that you are back?”     
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tenebraenoble-blog · 12 years ago
The hair of her arms stood on end as she heard a noise come from his mouth, a chuckle. It cause her lips to form more of a smile. Stella's head tilted once again as he spoke before she shook her head. "Ah, no. I found my own way from, didn't I," she said, putting a hand to her chest as a small laugh came from her lips. "Plus I wouldn't have wanted to bother you, Prince."
Stella’s heart quicken slightly as he raised his eyes to her, but fell slightly as he retreated back to the floor. She took this moment, his eyes elsewhere, to look at him as a whole. She could see where his jacket was slightly tight, outlining the hint of muscles. His black hair, stark against his skin. The Tenebraen left the best for last. She took a deep breath in, taking in the smell of him and though her hair was on end, her muscles relaxed, knowing that they were not here on terms of fighting. “That’s good,” Stella said. “Ah, well.. I got lost, you see?” Her shoulders lifted, resembling a shrug. 
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tenebraenoble-blog · 12 years ago
Stella's heart quicken slightly as he raised his eyes to her, but fell slightly as he retreated back to the floor. She took this moment, his eyes elsewhere, to look at him as a whole. She could see where his jacket was slightly tight, outlining the hint of muscles. His black hair, stark against his skin. The Tenebraen left the best for last. She took a deep breath in, taking in the smell of him and though her hair was on end, her muscles relaxed, knowing that they were not here on terms of fighting. "That's good," Stella said. "Ah, well.. I got lost, you see?" Her shoulders lifted, resembling a shrug. 
As his steps ceased and his eyes fell to the floor, small hips swung slightly from side to side as she closed the distance between them, though she made sure to keep a reasonable space between them. Stella’s head tilted more to the side, golden strands falling with the motion. “I am… And you? I do hope you’ve been taking care of yourself in my absence.” 
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tenebraenoble-blog · 12 years ago
As his steps ceased and his eyes fell to the floor, small hips swung slightly from side to side as she closed the distance between them, though she made sure to keep a reasonable space between them. Stella's head tilted more to the side, golden strands falling with the motion. "I am... And you? I do hope you've been taking care of yourself in my absence." 
Her eyes rose slowly away from her hands, fingers tented in front of her chest, and to the familiar face of the prince. Stella blinked for a moment before cocking her head to the side in the slightly, the corner of her pale pink lips lifting up. “Prince Noctis,” she said with a slight dip of her head, her voice was soft as usual. “It has.” 
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tenebraenoble-blog · 12 years ago
Her eyes rose slowly away from her hands, fingers tented in front of her chest, and to the familiar face of the prince. Stella blinked for a moment before cocking her head to the side in the slightly, the corner of her pale pink lips lifting up. "Prince Noctis," she said with a slight dip of her head, her voice was soft as usual. "It has." 
“It would seem my little adventure took longer than expected.”
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tenebraenoble-blog · 12 years ago
"It would seem my little adventure took longer than expected."
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tenebraenoble-blog · 12 years ago
:333 I'm back
I miss Tenebraenoble
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tenebraenoble-blog · 12 years ago
ooc; Welp, I'm settled into school and I should be coming off of hiatus now! I have classes at the moment, but tonight I'll be back. :3
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tenebraenoble-blog · 13 years ago
ooc; Sorry for not being on guys! It looks like I'll be taking a short hiatus, a week at max, to be able to settle back into the swing of classes and such. ;;;
And I've been super busy with signing up for classes and the sort. 
I promise to be back soon.
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tenebraenoble-blog · 13 years ago
A soft squeak came from her mouth as she was lifted off the ground, but the complied and wrapped her legs around the prince's waist. Pressing up against him, she allowed him to deepen the kiss, welcoming him into her mouth. Sliding her tongue across his, she immediately let his tongue have dominance over hers. Stella could only arch her back more at the feeling on his fingers across her back.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she dug her fingers into his hair, tugging slightly. His hair was soft and felt perfect between her fingers. Being this close to the man that she was suppose to be fighting was a rush and she was slightly lightheaded, but she liked everything much better this way. She didn't want to fight him, only to love him and show him her love. She kissed across his jaw until she came to his ear then she began nibbling on his earlobe gently, her eyes lidded. 
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tenebraenoble-blog · 13 years ago
Stella felt the restriction on her chest lighten and before she knew it, her bra was off, causing an even deep blush to rise to her cheeks and then he was unbuttoning her shirt, for a moment she thought he would unbutton it all the way, but that thought was cut short once he slid his hand under her shirt. A soft gasp left her lips and she found herself arching into his hand as he began to massage her breast.
Biting her lip, the blonde women could only nod.  
Noctis smiled as the noblewoman pulled him into a deep kiss. Closing his eyes, he returned the kiss. His heart rate was rising slowly as wrapped around hip and the other around her torso. He pulled her closer even though their bodies were close enough as it is. He tugged gently at top of her skirt with one hand while the other at her shirt as he made his way to her collarbone. He gently kissed the bone slowly, following the collar to her chest. He left one final kiss on the end of the bone and regained her lips once more.
He didn't know what his limits were yet with. In battle, he knew. This, he was unfamiliar. But he quickly learned from her responses and reactions what she like and what she wanted. He found his one hand underneath her shirt once more and instead of retreating it quickly after discovering her bra, he unhooked it and carefully pulled it out from under her shirt. Still kissing her, he then unbuttoned her shirt just slightly so he could fit a hand in. He began massaging a breast slowly, nibbling at her lip as they kissed.
Stopping he asked, "Is...this okay?"
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tenebraenoble-blog · 13 years ago
When Stella turned to give Noctis a pout for his chuckle, she was interrupted by his lips, leaning into his hand as his thumb stroked the skin of her cheek. All she good do was revel in the feeling of his moist, soft lips upon her own and his hot breath. She still couldn't quite believe that this was happening, it was like a dream.
It was even more like a dream when she looked at to she the fireflies and sunlight, breathtakingly beautiful. "Maybe," she said quietly as she watched the fireflies dance around in the sunlight, a smile tugging the corner of her lips up before turned turned back to Noctis, put a hand on the back on his neck and pulled him down into another deep kiss. "Everything is alright now."
Noctis chuckled when he heard Stella mutter something in her native tongue. Admittedly, he only knew a few words of the language but he could tell she wasn't too happy with stopping like that. Giving her a smile, he placed a hand on her cheek and stroke it with his thumb, "Okay," was all he said to her before leaning down to capture her lips more with his.
As the seconds went by, their private area under the tree sporadically became brighter. Noctis assumed it as just the moon's rays but realized the light was golden. Breaking away from the kiss, he looked up and almost had his breath taken away. Fireflies, a horde of them, gathering above them. It was magnificent site, a site that Noctis was grateful to see. Looking back down, he smiled at the noblewoman,"Maybe it's a sign," he whispered, "Maybe fate has accepted our choice.
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tenebraenoble-blog · 13 years ago
Tumblr media
ooc; I’d like to call the dash to attention for a moment
Cinque-mun and I would like to present you with:
Stella Nox Ferret
That is all.
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tenebraenoble-blog · 13 years ago
A small squeak escaped her mouth as Noctis began nipping at her neck, causing a warmth to fill her cheeks and chest. His hand, wandering up her thigh, left goosebumps in it's wake and she closed her eyes at the feeling, humming softly. When the prince made his way back to her mouth and was done with his nibbling there, Stella caught his mouth in a deep kiss, running her tongue over his bottom lip. The young woman giggled lightly whenever he threw in a playful nip here and there. Before she knew it, Noctis was running his hand up her backside, tracing her spine which only made her cheeks and chest feel even hotter while a chill ran up her spine. And as quickly as it begun, it ended and the black-haired man was pulling away, his hand retreating. "You're such a tease," Stella said in the native tongue of Tenebrae, her voice a little breathless. Hearing his statement, she raised an eyebrow. "Well, I'm not at all tired, dear prince."
Noctis smirked as he began nipping at the girl's neck lightly. He began kissing his way back up her neck to her mouth while running a free hand slowly up the noblewoman's bare thigh stopping mid-way before the entrance of her skirt. He captured her bottom lip and nibbled it softly. Nothing else mattered right now. The only thing that did was her and Noctis had a feeling when they returned back to their world, if they did, she would matter just as much, if not more. Noctis ceased from nibbling and began kissing her lips once more, playfully biting her lip here and there. He allowed the hand still at her thigh to go up and find its way to her back, under her shirt. He began slowly tracing her spine until finding the hook to her bra. He wanted her but he ceased himself thinking she wasn't ready for that. Retreating his hand from her shirt, he broke away slowly from the kiss and smiled at the noblewoman. "Maybe, we should sleep..." he said unconvincingly. He didn't want to, he knew she knew that too. He wanted to stay up with Stella. But he could never straight out say that. It's not in his nature.
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tenebraenoble-blog · 13 years ago
Headcanon 001;
The people of Tenebrae speak another language and often Stella will say things in this language. 
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tenebraenoble-blog · 13 years ago
Stella felt herself being pressed closer against the other and she moved her arms to wrap them around Noctis' neck, her fingers running through his hair. After he pulled away from the kiss and went for her neck, Stella tilted her head back, sucking in a deep breath and closing her eyes. She let out a breath as he kissed her neck, smiling. 
Pressing her body closer to his, as close as she could, the young woman ran her fingers through the prince's hair before burying them in his raven locks. Leaning fully against him, she relaxed completely, melting into him. To her it felt as if everything was right in that moment, as if nothing else matter but her and her prince.
Noctis smiled as he felt his face being brought down and a warm pair of lips being pressed against his.  He closed his and returned the kiss.  As corny as this may sound, he felt like one when they kiss.  It was unlike anything he's ever experienced before. Smiling into the kiss, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.  Their bodies were close now, so close that they could feel the other's heart beat.  
He broke away from the kiss and slowly hovered his lips over her neck.  He hesitated for a moment, his hot breath bouncing off her skin.  He eventually placed his lips on the smooth surface below her chin and kissed her there gently.  
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