“ you’re still not listening. i would rather have to share a bed with both my siblings , in a cold and empty room than have to create an excuse on why my dad couldn’t SHOW UP for me ever. i’d rather be drowning in debt and bills than having to forge your signature for school trips because you were too busy in meetings. i’d rather have the lights and water off in our home than have to learn how to cook because you and mom were always off doing other things , with other people. it’s like you PRIORITIZE everything other than your kids. really , though , this is one BIG life lesson , huh ? don’t have kids , you don’t have time for them. you will regret it in the end , and leave them clinging onto the spare crumbs you gave us. i don’t want your SECURITY. all i ever wanted was love and attention. all i ever wanted you to do was show up. on time. with no phone or assistant near you. why can’t you understand that ? ” a sigh , a timeless battle that never seems to conclude. “ your idea of bending over backwards for us is giving us money. i don’t want your money , all i ever wanted to hear was ‘ i’m so proud of you , kid. ’ and instead , you write us off with money and expect us to love you back. ”
james rolled his eyes, " yeah, no i'm pretty sure i do, emma, at this point i just feel like i'm bothering you by trying to be your dad. " he ran a hand through his face, " how much do you like your school, huh, emma ? the house that's apparently so cold ? you know when i went to school i had so much law school debt for a while there three steps separated the door from the bed, from the bathroom, from the kitchen. that's it. took me ten years to pay it all off. you, on the other hand, get to go to college and change your mind about three times, before you have to ask me to add something to your college fund. and you know that if you ask, i will. you got security, emma, you all do. that's what i am giving you. you think your life would be that much better if we had game nights and you didn't know whether the lights would be on next month ? " he shook his head, " for all the fighting you and your mom do, you two are just the same. no matter what i do, it's never enough, i bend over backwards and forwards and it's not enough. i'm trying, kid. "
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“ you’re so out of touch with reality , huh ? " head tilt , deep sigh . . . a moment of psychoanalyzing remains unsaid. “ so you’re saying . . . everyone SECRETLY hates you , you're practically polluting an entire nation , and people are lying to you. see , maybe i’m wrong but none of that screams well. ”
" what makes you think i'm not well ? " maybe the eyebags, the permanent perfume of whiskey that seemed to stain all of his clothes these days, the distant, glassy gaze, " i'm wonderful, my life is great, i'm the face of american exceptionalism. i have a super yacht, alright ? people dream of having a super yacht. everyone wants to be me. "
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“ i don’t think you want the answer to that. i think , YOU THINK , you want the answer because it will magically make things make more sense to you but , i don’t think you’re ready for it. also , i think you’re asking the wrong person. i mean , i’m sure mom would have a more graceful answer. i think it’s time you be honest with YOURSELF though. have you been really working hard ? because the way i see it , it’s all surface level. it’s a good show. you work hard , people at your job respect you , and you seem . . . admirable. but at the end of the day , all your coworkers go home to their loving , warm families . . . and where do you go ? who do you have , really ? ”
" be honest with me for a second here, is there any version of the world where you don't hate me ? because, honestly, i feel like, i have working really hard for a really long time and no matter what, it makes no difference what so ever. "
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“ you mean that mouth that you FANTASIZE about ? ” a snicker , “ you wish i was jealous , i’m just speaking facts. ” a simple nod , refusing to show any reactions . . . green was never his strong suit , they reign TRUTH and yet , features remain neutral. “ it’s like you think i won’t. i have no problem bending you over the table. just say the words . . . give me a ‘ please ’ and i’ll show everyone who you REALLY belong to. ”
“ it’s like you know me so well, davis. i never give in to you, especially after you open that mouth of yours. ” they’re remarking, shaking their head, noticing how he’s copied their eyeroll. “ awwww, is someone jealous? you know, green was never your strong suit. secondly, i would love to see you try & do something drastic like that at dinner. see what happens, yeah? seems really pathetic that you would say something & not actually do it. ”
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annoyance wears heavy on features however , internal temptation is building. “ you little shit , ” is all she can mumble. arms slug across her chest and hues glare back at him , the little green - eyed monster growing. “ that’s so fucked up. if you get on your knees for ANYONE ELSE , i will genuinely never talk to you again. ” all she can do now is not meet his glance , knowing she revealed more than intended. “ actually , nevermind. go ahead. see if i care. ”
“ right. stay lying to yourself, it’s sooo attractive. ” brandon muses, rolling his eyes, knowing that she’s melting, he can tell. he always can, if anything. “ mm, see, that would be more believable if it came from someone else, but it didn’t, so i really don’t believe you. i mean, maybe i will! maybe someone will appreciate me getting on my knees for them. ”
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What's the kinkiest thing you are into?
feeling wanted
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“ really disgusting or too hard for your ego to take ? fine , sit down. come here and grind against my lap. let me feel how wet you get. i’ll FIGURE out another way to get your secrets. ”
" the way you have to think about it is really disgusting. either let me sit down or i'll find someone else who can shut their mouth & let me enjoy simple pleasures in life. "
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“ i didn’t mean that. i just meant like . . . this is A LOT to process. ” inhales deep , needing air to fill his lungs. his thoughts are spinning rapidly , “ you’ve really had a crush on ME ? god , you’re so out of my league. and not to mention , your brother . . . but i can’t resist you. i could never tell you no so , fine. let’s do it. but at least , let me take you out for dinner first. trust me , you’re gonna need the energy. ” a pathetic attempt at a joke.
he may be laughing, but she's serious. as anyone can tell by the look on her face, in fact. " so, you're saying i shouldn't trust you? carson, i . . i have never been confident that i want you to do it. & i won't regret it. i mean . . i've had a crush on you for a while. "
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“ i would NOT. ” hues roll , a cover - up. as if she’s totally not already on the verge of melting . . . “ when are you gonna get it through that THICK HEAD of yours that i feel nothing for you ? so , save your dirty talk for someone else. ”
“ right, right. you seem really confident about that, but we know that you’ll melt as soon as i mention eating you out. ”
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“ always gotta be a brat , huh ? can’t just give me a simple answer. ” a ‘ tsk ’ follows , hues mirroring their eyeroll. “ first of all , don’t mention your PERSON. they mean shit and we both know it. secondly , if you don’t behave , i’ll give my step father something to hear. let’s see you try to keep a straight face while i finger you under the table. dripping all wet for me . . . while talking to our parents. now that’s a sight to see. ”
“ & if i don’t behave – what’ll happen, hm? seems a bit brash to say these things when you just come in out of the blue, davis. ” cue an eye roll. “ to be more specific, you only appear when i’m either sleeping or when my . . person leaves. & trust me, i doubt your step father, would even hear us at this point. ”
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𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 / @untouchedmythos !
“ you listen here , bailey , you’re gonna be good for me tonight. you’re gonna BEHAVE , you’re not gonna make any stupid jokes and you’re not gonna let daddy dearest know that i’m sleeping in your bed every damn night. ”
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𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 / @untouchedmythos !
“ i don’t know what silly little game you’re playing but , i cannot be seduced. stop trying so hard. ”
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“ hmm , tempting . . . but what’s in it for me , huh ? got some terrible secrets to hide , honey ? ”
" how about this, alright? i'll sit on your lap, grind on your pretty little thighs & we call it a night. no secrets. "
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bewilderness takes over , practically shifting nervous laughter into a full cough. “ well , i trust my MOTHER too but , i wouldn’t ask her to . . . y’know. i don’t know , ana , what if you end up regretting it ? or what if i’m too rough with you ? ”
hum leaves her lips, nodding her head. " yeah, i mean . . i trust you, more than anything. why wouldn't i want you to . . & don't worry about my brother, i'll deal with him. so -- do you want to or not? "
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hues practically boggle out , “ your virginity ? … i think your brother would slice and dice my dick if i EVEN breathe towards you wrong. ”
" i know you're my best friend's brother -- but would you take my virginity if i asked? "
open to men !!
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“ sit away , blondie. however , this means you gotta tell me all your dirty secrets. ”
" i do not care who you are, your lap is my seat for tonight. "
open to women & men !!
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