Android Vs iOS: Which One Should Businesses Build For?
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It is important to understand the major differences between iOS and Android app development and to have a genetic idea as well as knowledge about these two dominating platforms. As for when clients have a mobile app development project, their target audience determines which platform will take precedence.
For example; a client may be seeking to have a mobile app for its audience that banks on high security and sports Apple smartphones. This makes it easier for a professional mobile app development company to move ahead with iOS app development. However, the client may also want to tap into the large market share of Android. Particularly, to leave no stone unturned in the expansion of their business.
We cannot deny the rising use of mobile phones and the continuous uplifting of selling activities using mobile devices. In recent years, the increasing utilization of mobile devices where everything is carried out leveraging mobile apps from ensuring shopping to booking an appointment to making online transactions has compelled every business to deploy a rich navigational app.
Below figure demonstrates the increasing number of users in recent years:
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All in all, to answer all their queries and to come to a solid decision; there is a need to understand the major differences between iOS and Android development. From cost, time, resources, to other details; everything needs to be considered.
Now, the question arises which platform should be chosen to deploy an app for better business exposure and to drive productivity. To figure out so, many facts come across as per your distinct business nature, user base, the product you deal with, and more. So, let’s derive a comparison android vs ios.
Market Share
When we talk about market share, Android has been the major player worldwide since the year 2016. As per Statista — in the year 2019, Android got success in gaining 87% of the market share whereas iOS could hold 13% of the market share across the global geo-locations.
Since iOS is manufactured by Apple Inc.- a giant brand and this is the reason why it holds more market value and pricing variation. When it comes to Android, it is manufactured by a number of market players from small scale to large scale. Thereby, the Android market is already filled with the huge competition itself and this thing impacted its app market too.
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Know The Future of Custom Software Development: The ‘WHY’ and ‘HOW’
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With the onset of the pandemic, the economy flow has majorly hit almost all the markets and has resulted in the slowing down (in some cases dying down) of the cash-flow.
This has definitely impacted custom software development because people are scared to do innovations or personalizations of their own when the return of investment has gotten close to nothing.
But we also need to know that this pandemic has changed the lives, lifestyles, and choices of people (customers/clients) and whatever needs to be done will have to be done in a new way i.e. through custom software development.
What is going on right now is not at all a permanent solution and in fact is just one of those human attempts to patch-up holes of a sinking ship with whatever they have in hand. One must realize that this won’t hold for too long. These solutions that we have right now are only to provide us enough time to think and find a better solution for our customers and clients.
The sooner businesses realize this, the better because if you don’t then your competitor will. This is why I am going to let you know how important custom developed solutions can be and for that, we will have to begin from the beginning.
Understanding what custom software development is
Since technology space is highly unpredictable, it is involuntarily making the market tougher and competitive. This is because technology impacts the preferences of employees and customers both.
This unpredictability puts pressure on the businesses to quickly change according to the new trends of the market, without giving them much choice. And more the time a business takes to change, costlier it becomes for them.
It is this reason many companies are calling out custom software development companies to help them in building an intuitive and user-friendly software product tailored to their business requirements.
Why choose Custom Software development?
Emerging markets and changing consumer preferences put pressure on the companies to take the help of technologies to stay ahead in the competition. Here are the major reasons why businesses choose custom software development solutions.
1. Lack of Single Software and Databases to Complete Business-Critical Tasks
Companies using packaged software have the major disadvantage of not performing all the tasks on the same software. They use multiple types of software to perform a wide range of tasks, which may cause engagement and security problems. The major impact of using multiple types of software and databases is that they are not able to generate insight into business operations which is the key to making accurate business decisions.
2. The Dearth of Future-Ready Software
Your business is growing and investing in an off-the-shelf software means that restricting your growing businesses to a limited set of functions. With custom software development, you get the scalability options, means the functions and capabilities of your software grow as your business grows. In the market, there is a huge dearth of scalable, future-ready software products that can be scaled according to individual customer requirements.
3. Integration Capabilities
Custom software application development companies provide a range of options for integrating different types of APIs. Most of the packaged software is not compatible with other programs and so integrating another software to enhance its capabilities are not possible. It is this reason; many companies prefer custom software applications over canned software.
4. Personalization Benefits
Personalization is a major advantage of investing in proprietary systems. A reliable custom software development company can build software applications specific to the requirement of the business. The application can strictly be tailored to a set of processes followed by the company, wherein business leaders can be provided with full access and control.
5. Application Security
An application on the Internet is exposed to constant security breaches. Although every company takes measures to safeguard their software products against exploitation by hackers, the current situation is still worse. By engaging with a reputed custom software application development company, businesses can take added measures to prevent their data from hackers and disgruntled employees.
How to choose a Custom Software development Company?
Choosing the right custom software development company is key to achieving success, and since there are numerous options to choose from, the task can be challenging for business owners. Any mistakes in selecting a company can result in a big setback for the organization because it is impossible to make up the lost time, which can damage business prospects.
Your search for a software development company could be fruitful by following the tips discussed here.
Look for referrals
Search your network to get referrals for software development companies from friends, colleagues, and industry folks so that you get a quick list of tested resources that saves time in selection. Since every referral is based on the experience of customers, you get honest feedback that helps pinpoint the company that suits your requirements the most and matches your budget.
Check the credentials and portfolio of the companies
After making a shortlist of companies, look deeper to understand their capabilities in working on projects similar to yours. The experience of the company is an important indicator of their abilities because more work done indicates that the company has developed a tried and tested methodology that delivers results. Moreover, the company with more experience is more confident of overcoming challenges as it has experienced varied challenges than newer companies. Consider your project size to ensure that the companies you have in mind agree to accept it because many companies set limits about the project sizes they handle.
Understand software systems
You must have some basic ideas about different software systems and architecture like UNIX and Windows. Based on the characteristics, decide the technology upon which you want to build your software application. Also, consider the extent of expertise and experience the company has about the chosen technology. This is especially important if you have a preference for any specific software system. It would be a wise idea to invest in a software consultant for the same if you are unaware of these things. They can help you out in planning your custom application and work with the resources working on the project for you.
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Steps To Take Before Building a Website & Choosing a Web Development Company
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A website does not only mark your online presence but also works as your salesperson. This is why if you are to create a website from scratch, it’s important to follow some simple yet essential rules on how to make a website. The website in the past few years has proven to be one of the biggest potential client/customer-generators in all. This is because a well-planned website can not only attract attention worldwide but also can be used to target clients/customers from specific geographical areas or demography.
Companies will say anything to sell their products but it’s logically impossible to create a website that sells your products or service for you in a few easy clicks. In setting up a website, one needs goals, content, structure, design, programming, and maintenance. What one needs is expertise constantly. This blog outlines without attempting to be comprehensive the most important steps for creating a good website.
What are the basic things any website should have?
From functionality and appearance to navigation and coding integrity, a lot goes into creating an eye-catching, user-friendly website. It doesn’t end there, either. Web developers and designers must work together to produce websites that will be located by search engines, engage customers, and stimulate conversions. Before creating a website you need to know basic things that your website should have:
1. Choosing a Domain and Host
Great domain names say so much while saying so little. In addition to being memorable, a domain name needs to accurately reflect your brand’s voice and be nearly impossible to misspell. Finding the right name for your brand is crucial, because incorporating a combination of SEO, simple spelling, and brand identity into the domain name leads to a higher chance of being located in search engine results. Simply put, businesses that are easily accessed online get more customers.
When comparing hosting packages, it’s vital to consider the nature of your website and business. Will the website be media-rich, with loads of pictures, videos, and presentations? Do you have technical support in-house, or do you need reliable, responsive support from your hosting provider? Also, think about the amount of traffic your website will receive. Does the hosting company offer scalable solutions? What backup, security, and additional features are offered? Don’t forget to research reviews about the company’s performance on social media and third party websites before making a final decision.
2. Backend Services
It’s impossible to develop a great website without a functional program taking care of the backend. If you think of your website as a car, you can understand why. When friends see your shiny new sports car, they look at the sleek paint job, glistening tires, and luxurious leather seating. In the world of websites, this equates to the part of your site that a user experiences directly. Just like the powerful engine in your sports car, the backend of your website is where the magic really happens. Without strong backend services, your website won’t be able to “wow” your guests.
3. Clean Design
One of the most important things to remember during the process of website development is to create a clean, appealing design. A quality design is attractive and easy to read with intuitive navigation. Most importantly, a clean design helps viewers focus on the value of your brand and content instead of distracting graphics or large amounts of text. Often, customers associate website designs with the quality of a particular company or product. Hence, a clean design is vital to providing a positive user experience that encourages customers to return.
4. Branding
Branding is important to all businesses, both large and small. The design and placement of your brand’s logo contribute to a viewer’s overall opinion. Professionally designed logos successfully catch the customer’s eye and provide a clear picture of the brand’s unique voice. Choose a location on your site that is readily visible to visitors, such as the upper left corner, since this is where the eye naturally begins to scan a website.
5. Functionality
When thinking about functionality, there are a few matters to consider. Namely, is the website functional in the literal sense? Are there loading issues or broken links? Are the site’s security features adequate for your business’s needs? In addition to these operational issues, it’s crucial to view your website’s features from the user’s perspective.
6. Call to Action Buttons
Placing call-to-action buttons on your website encourages customers to reach out to you or contact your business. A friendly suggestion, such as “Contact us today!” demonstrates that your business wants to develop a relationship with its customers. It’s important that calls to action are appropriate for a visitor’s level of engagement with your company. If they’re just discovering your brand, invite them to subscribe to your email newsletter. If they’re already a loyal customer, perhaps they’ll enjoy participating in your brand’s loyalty rewards program. Regardless of what you’re asking visitors to do at your site, always include a call to action at least once on each page for people to react.
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Points to Consider Before Starting a Startup | Archisys Helps
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COVID-19 has plunged the global economy into a now inevitable recession. Businesses of all sizes have been impacted, but startups and small to medium-sized businesses are suffering the most.
A number of things need to be considered before plunging into a start-up business. lots of factors come into play for the smooth running of a business. The first thing you need to know is that starting a business is similar to driving a car through heavy fog where you can’t see anything except a few feet in front of your windshield. So, one wrong decision can lead you in the wrong direction. In this blog, you will know all the things about how to start a new business in this pandemic time & how we will stand with you from scratch to deployment because we don’t just shake hands; we hold them.
Things that need to be considered before diving into the business
If you have a startup or are planning on starting one, it’s important that you consider some factors that can make or break your startup. The success of a business depends on several factors that we will discuss in this blog. Not all businesses succeed. But the ones that do have these in common.
Here are some factors to consider before starting a business:
Your Business Idea
Your business idea for your startup is going to be the focus of your startup. What does your startup do? What makes your startup different? What problems does your startup solve? Why did you start your startup?
It’s important that you always keep in mind your business idea and the crux of it. If your idea is able to answer the above questions gracefully then it becomes your first step towards a successful venture. This is also to remind yourself to never lose focus on the idea and why you started your startup. There will be more startups or businesses that offer the same products or services like yours, and that is why it is important to focus on what makes your business different.
Quality over Quantity
Always remember quality is more important than quantity. As a startup owner, you start focusing on the numbers you generate. The number of sign-ups, or walk-ins or followers on social media. But what you must remember is that at this stage of your business, it is more important that you accumulate quality and relevant customers or users, instead of quantitative but irrelevant customers or users.
Focusing on quality will make sure that your business is moving in the right direction. This is also going to make your startup more relevant to the right people in the future as you will have more chances of better reviews and more referrals. Focus on quality, and the quantity will come with time.
Have a Backup Plan
It’s a good idea to have a backup plan for everything you do. Don’t keep your eyes off plan A, but have a plan B in case things don’t go as planned.
The same goes for your startup. You may have a business model in place and may have outlined your products, service, marketing plan, etc. But with startups, there is always a risk of failure. A lot of times, startups fail to gauge the demand in the market, or do not carry out thorough market research; which is why it is a good idea to have a backup plan.
Know your Opportunities and Challenges
“Success and learning are two sides of the same coin”.
As a startup owner, you should be well aware of the opportunities and challenges that your business is faced with currently, and what lies ahead. If you can identify opportunities and act on them, it can have a huge benefit for your startup.
Challenges are what makes your business better. In the initial stages of starting your business, you are bound to face challenges and obstacles. But as your business grows, you will find a way to manage and tackle these challenges, as a result of which you will improve your business.
Know the Market’s Needs
Before you dive into starting your startup, think about your business idea again. Is there a need for the product or service you are about to offer?
Understanding the market demands and needs has become the key factor post-pandemic and an important factor in deciding whether to start a startup. If there is no need for your product or service in the market you are targeting, your startup simply will not take off.
On the other hand, if you do your market research well and understand exactly what is needed in the market, your products or services have better chances of being in demand. MVP is becoming more and more relevant nowadays considering the cloud of uncertainty that exists in every business today. It is always better to get your idea tested in the real world other than basing it on whimsical statistics and blogs.
Know your Budget and Expenses
Do you have the funds and resources to start a startup?
As a business owner, you need to be well versed with the budget that you can allocate for setting up your startup. It is important to prioritize activities and tasks that need to be done. Once this is done, a certain budget needs to be allocated to these tasks.
One of the biggest problems that startups face is in bifurcating their funds. They are like most young adults with their salaries. They spend too much on development and when it comes to post-development expenses they are barely left with anything.
The entire budget needs to be divided into four i.e. 30% in development, 30% in research, 30% in marketing, and 10% as a buffer or emergency money are how most successful startups divide their budget.
You should always be familiar with the kind of expenses your startup is likely to incur once it starts. Another good idea is to rope in somebody who can help you estimate these figures.
Analyze your Strength
Last but not the least, focus on your strengths. Analyze your resources and leverage them. If you can compile all your assets, skills, resources and strengths and put them towards achieving a goal — rest assured, you will experience success.
How does Archisys help startups to reach their goal? (From baby steps to a 1000 meters marathon we got your back.)
A startup without a story is bound to fail no matter what. People do not buy products but stories. If your story fits their narrative, then your product is going to succeed. This story of your will find an audience of its own and that audience will be the beginning of your brand. They will not only buy your idea but will also drive more such people in. Your app needs to covey the same story effectively through its experience and that’s why UX (User Experience) plays an equally major role as that of building the app and marketing it.
How do we know all of these? Through experience and continuous training. Our resources have the habit of reading about the progress in their respective fields on a regular basis in order to give you the best service possible.
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The Trend of 2020: Why is everyone switching to eCommerce for their business?
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eCommerce is going to grow from $2.3 trillion in 2017 to $4.88 trillion by 2021, and although most of that is going to come from popular marketplaces, there is no lack of potential for your own owned online store.
At the very least, having your own website diversifies your online presence and protects your brand from being at the mercy of any single marketplace, and their changing rules. At best, a website is an owned channel that allows eCommerce sellers to increase profit margins and conversions.
Your store can earn trust on large marketplaces with huge customer bases, but once you’ve grown to a certain stage, it’s time to create your own website.
In order to back my point, I will be providing a few reasons as to why sellers should have their own eCommerce website & why everyone is starting their own eCommerce mobile app or website:
Owning your brand means owning the customer
Moving away from selling as a third-party seller on Amazon or eBay means taking more control of your brand as you spread to new and your ‘own’ platform. When you solidify that brand on your own website, you’re telling customers that they’re buying from you, not an eCommerce platform. This gives you more opportunities to drive brand loyalty because you own the sale, and therefore the customer.
When you make a sale through your website, the customer is buying directly from you and they know your website. However, when they purchase from your store on Amazon or eBay or Walmart, you can also brand your products, drive customers to your original website, and stay in control as the brand behind the sale. But there will always be a concern for genuineness lingering in your customer’s mind as long as they are buying from a third-party app.
Brand your products and boxes wherever it doesn’t conflict with Terms of Service to drive customers to your website.
Add your website URL to your pages and logo wherever possible when it doesn’t conflict with platform ToS.
Connect with customers as your brand rather than as an individual.
Branding your store allows you to build a customer base of people who know and trust you, who expect certain levels of service or quality from you, and who will tell their friends and family about you. Having your own website makes branding easier and more reliable because you have a concrete, well-defined, and focused online presence to direct customers to.
2. Encourage loyalty and brand recognition
Repeat sales are one of the primary factors behind eCommerce growth, simply because selling to an existing customer is easier and approximately 20% more cost-efficient than going after new business. Selling from your own website gives you more opportunities to create new customer touchpoints and repeat business because you can establish your own eCommerce store as the source of the customer’s satisfaction and value.
A web store allows you to:
Sign customers up via email so that you can contact them again.
Drive customers to social media pages to continue engagement.
Connect and offer value through content like video and blogs surrounding your products.
Market a branded line of products which will hopefully drive the same consumer trust as your original product to encourage repeat sale.
Use package inserts and coupons to drive return business or ordering accessories/refills
Each of these tactics can greatly increase your ability to drive sales because studies indicate that about 65% of all brand sales come from repeat customers. However, customer contact often isn’t allowed on a platform like Amazon, where you’re not actually allowed to use branded package inserts or to send emails beyond what is necessary to offer a quality customer experience.
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Understanding the importance of Git is crucial to your software development Process
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Getting a software/application built has become as easy as opening a Gmail account. With millions of developers in almost every country, it’s easy to find the people you need to get your job done within the budget you desire. But one thing that’s guaranteed is that if you are to run your business efficiently, your software/application should also change with time and the time is running faster than ever.
Why am I talking about all of these? It’s simply because if you are planning to get an application built for your eCommerce business or for your company, then you need to know the basics of the development process.
I had already introduced you to the basics of DevOps with examples in my previous blog. This time, my inclination is towards letting you know how important Git is for your application since it enables any and every developer you hire to look at every stage from the beginning until they take over for further development.
In simple terms, Git is a software tool that we use to track the changes made to our software over time. It allows you to look back at the history of a software project and see what the code looked like 1 day, 1 year, or even 10 years in the past.
A fun fact; Git started in a bit of controversy as an act of revenge.
In 2002, the Linux community started to use the proprietary distributed version control system BitKeeper for free. But in 2005, the relationship between the Linux community and BitKeeper broke down when the free-use status was revoked. So Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, started to develop Git as an open-source product. That year, the first version of Git was released.
Reminds you of the Lamborghini scene, right? BTW, Git is the most popular version control system as of today.
But in order to understand Git, you need to know about two more things i.e Centralized Version Control System (CVCS) and Distributed Version Control System (DVCS).
A centralized version control system works on a client-server model. There is a single, (centralized) master copy of the code base, and pieces of the code that are being worked on are typically locked, (or “checked out”) so that only one developer is allowed to work on that part of the code at a time. Access to the code base and the locking is controlled by the server. When the developer checks their code back in, the lock is released so it’s available for others to check out.
Of course, an important part of any VCS is the ability to keep track of changes that are made to the code elements, and so when an element is checked in, a new version of that piece is created and logged. When everyone has finished working on their different pieces and it’s time to make a new release, a new version of the application is created, which usually just means logging the version numbers of all the individual parts that go together to make that version of the application.
More recently, there’s been a trend (or some might call it a revolution) toward distributed version control systems. These systems work on a peer-to-peer model: the code base is distributed amongst the individual developers’ computers. In fact, the entire history of the code is mirrored on each system.
There is still a master copy of the code base, but it’s kept on a client machine rather than a server. There is no locking of parts of the code; developers make changes in their local copy and then, once they’re ready to integrate their changes into the master copy, they issue a request to the owner of the master copy to merge their changes into the master copy.
With a DVCS, the emphasis switches from versions to changes, and so a new version of the code is simply a combination of a number of different sets of changes. That’s quite a fundamental change in the way many developers work, which is why DVCS’s are sometimes considered harder to understand than centralized systems.
What is Git
Git is a piece of software that allows you to perform version control.  Large software projects require some piece of software to keep track of all the different changes made to a codebase in order to track things like:  Who edited a certain file; what they changed; and how to get back to the original code if necessary.  Git does all of these things and more, so it’s not surprising that most large software companies use git
This is the basic diagram of Git Concept,
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Start Selling Within a Day Using Shopify: The Most Powerful Business Creator
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Shopify is one of the best E-Commerce solutions and definitely the most popular one.
Being a leading eCommerce development tool, Shopify is used for creating easy-to-manage and secure websites for any business type.
You may think that a Shopify app is native to the Shopify platform and is written in its own language, just like desktop or smartphone applications. However, a Shopify app is nothing more than a web application that connects to a Shopify store.
Once you let that sink in, you will realize that it is just like any other web app and can be written in several different languages across different stacks. The main difference between a Shopify app and a regular web app is that you use Shopify’s admin API.
Our Shopify developers create amazing online stores as per your specific requirements. They would not only develop the eCommerce store for your business but also guide you in understanding the admin tools and features that come along with your Shopify online store. Archisys as a software development company offers a full suite of creative and strategic services for eCommerce businesses. Using Shopify, we bring you the perfect customized eCommerce solution. But I can understand your concern and that’s why it becomes my duty to let you know what Shopify development is and why you need to know about it!
The Power of Shopify: An all-purpose solution
Shopify is a premier eCommerce solution that enables you to build out dazzling online stores with ease. The versatile platform is equipped with a wide range of themes that you can customize, organize your product listings, accept over 100 payment gateways, support the very best SEO practices, and track all your orders from start to finish. Shopify, a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform has helped numerous business professionals to set up and run an online store instantly without worrying about technology. It offers a flexible and powerful feature-rich experience which can accurately comply with the variant online marketplace needs of modern SMEs and large Enterprises. Undoubtedly, Shopify ECommerce platform has come a very long way and proved itself as an elegant and powerful e-Commerce system.
A few reasons that prove that Shopify is helpful for businesses and startups:
Supports Multiple Languages
If you are planning to make your brand and selling your product/or service in all over the world, Shopify is the best platform for you. In Shopify, there are many plugins available which allow the merchant to translate their storefront into multiple languages.
Easy to use systems
Shopify is the best choice for business owners due to its easy to use functionality. With Shopify, you can easily manage and control your store and all your entire data without the need for any technical knowledge or skills. The dashboard of the Shopify E-commerce Store is simple and you can easily complete any task quickly.
Run your store in minimum budget
If you want to run your online store with the low budget, Shopify offers the very basic package to help you to start your startup at low budget. You can scale up anytime once your business takes off.
Shopify offers great support to its customers
Shopify offers 24/7 customer support via email, live chat, and phone, so when you need their support they would be there for you quickly.
eCommerce features & Tools
Shopify offers many features and tools that can help you to develop your professional online store with ease. It includes all basic eCommerce features such as analytics, marketing tool, shopping cart, reports, and mobile access. You can use some other marketing tools such as Custom gift cards, discount code function and coupon generators, Social network integration, Email marketing, Product reviews, Facebook selling, Google ads & Facebook ads.
Shopify Supports blog feature
Content is the best way to reach to your customer. And we all know that content is the king! Blogging is a great way to build your audience and generate more traffic and sales for your store. Shopify lets you create and manage blogs as well.
Thousands of available themes
Shopify offers thousands of available themes where you can choose the best-suited theme for your store. Create an impression that lasts in the heart of your customers forever using this application.
14-Days Free Trial
Shopify offers 14 days free trial feature which helps you to explore and know more about Shopify. If you are planning to start an online business and sell products online, then this is a good way of finding if Shopify can fulfil all your online business needs. As discussed already, if you want to run your online store with a minimum budget, you can choose the basic package that is quite affordable and earn money online.
Unlimited Products and Bandwidth
This is the best Feature on Shopify, there are no restrictions on the number of products you sell on your Shopify store. Which means if you start your store with just 200 products and if you want to add some more 400-500 product items in your store the app won’t stop you from doing that.
Manage store with your Smartphone
You don’t need to worry about your business when you are on holiday! You can easily manage your online store through your smartphone. Shopify mobile app lets you manage your orders, products, staff, and customers from anywhere just with your smartphone.
Everything You Need to Know:
How to Build a Shopify Website?
Since we have already gone through the features and reasons why one should opt for Shopify, I would like to let you know how easy it is to create a website using Shopify.
So, without further ado, let’s get started…
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Enable E-commerce to Disable Covid-19: Everything You Need to Know About Ecommerce Today
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The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted and impacted the daily lives of citizens in an unprecedented manner. Governments continue to endeavour hard for protecting lives by imposing lockdowns, testing, segregation, and treatment. At the same time also restricting outdoor movement except for supplying and procuring essential goods and services. The role of e-commerce in both wholesale and retail trade is something worth taking a closer look at.
Providing door to door delivery of groceries, medicines and other essential commodities to consumers, while upholding the rules of social distancing is coming to the fore. It is effectively complementing local Kirana stores in ensuring the availability of essential supplies for consumers. However, the sector is plagued with various challenges, traditional as well as new, which must be overcome in order to unlock the true potential of e-commerce during the pandemic and beyond.
The contagiousness of Covid-19, and its unrelenting increasing spread, has prompted people to explore online purchasing options for essential products and services, from the safety of their homes. Given that it supports the implementation of social distancing measures due to the limited amount of physical contact involved in availing the same. Industry experts have termed e-commerce as the lifeline for cities under lockdown to fight against the pandemic.
E-commerce is also known to be providing many benefits for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), by providing them access to wider markets, overcoming geographic boundaries, providing a level playing field for competing with larger players etc. Consumers also gain through a wider choice of goods/services, competitive pricing etc. One of the most noteworthy benefits of e-commerce for MSMEs and consumers alike during the pandemic has been matching the demand and supply of essential products such as medicines, hand sanitizers and face masks.
Apart from the ‘safe shopping’ experience and access to essential products provided by it during the spread of Covid-19; e-commerce is also known to be benefiting or has potential to benefit farmers, by enabling them to bypass intermediaries and middlemen, and sell their (perishable) produce directly to wholesale buyers such as corporate grocery stores, restaurants, agri-businesses etc. This provides benefits of enhanced income for farmers, along with reducing wastage and enabling financial inclusion.
Various modes of enabling agricultural e-commerce are visible today, such as established e-commerce majors expanding into the grocery segment, or brick and mortar grocery stores opening online channels, or exclusive agricultural e-commerce businesses, or even e-commerce platforms tying with local Kirana stores for last-mile deliveries. Notably, some of such e-commerce service providers are changing their business model during the lockdown, and are connecting farmers with end consumers, in the absence/reduction of traditional wholesale buyers as mentioned above.
Recognising such benefits, especially in these times, the Ministry of Consumers Affairs of India had advised state governments and local administration to exempt e-commerce operations and its stakeholders, from any lockdown prohibitions. Given the benefits as mentioned above, it is also important to note the many challenges faced by different stakeholders of e-commerce, during the pandemic.
What Is Ecommerce?
Ecommerce, also known as electronic commerce, is a business model which involves transactions taking place on the internet. Stores that sell their products online are eCommerce stores or businesses. For example, Amazon.com is one of the most popular online stores in the eCommerce industry.
History of Ecommerce
The foundation for eCommerce was created in 1979 by Michael Aldrich. He connected his television to a computer using his telephone line. While it was unlike eCommerce as we know it today, his idea sparked the idea of shopping without visiting a physical store. At the time, most people didn’t own computers. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs popularized computers for the average person. Bill Gates even said that his goal was to put “a computer on every desk and in every home.” Without computers, eCommerce would be remarkably different.
In 1994, Jeff Bezos founded Amazon as an online store selling over one million different books at launch. Amazon would eventually go on to become the most popular online store for consumers to buy any type of products.
By the mid-1990s and early 2000s, people were adding computers to their home and paving the way for the growth of eCommerce. Companies were accepting checks in the early to mid-1990s as there wasn’t an online payment gateway to transfer funds from customers to businesses. When PayPal was founded in December 1998, it simplified the shopping experience for customers as credit cards were easily accepted.
By 2008, eCommerce sales made up 3.4% of all sales which shows industry growth. In 2014, it was estimated that there were around 12–24 million online stores worldwide.
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The Rise of The Golden Bird: IT to be the backbone of India’s Green Revolution
Authored by Shravan Nair on May 26, 2020 | E-Commerce, Food Order & Delivery, Grocery Order & Delivery, Learnings and Discussions, Mobile App Development
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Image by: Ranganath Krishnamani
For the world, this coronavirus pandemic has turned out to be one of those Hollywood movies about contamination and world domination that the rest of us used to make fun of apart from the fact that there are no bunch of dashing heroes to fight back and out of all the countries, America is not at all being a humanitarian role-model. The American paranoia has come true but with a major plot twist. Someone call Spielberg, please!
Once again fiction proves that it’s never away from reality. The only difference is that when people die in reality, it hurts tenfold and millions of people have died already.
I am not here to talk about these WhatsApp forwards or FaceBook talks. My point is to address something that the people of my own country under the colonial influence have been neglecting for years and the western propagandas have only added more fuel to this internal distancing post-independence.
Pardon me if I sound all mysterious or gibberish. Let me begin with a title to be precise.
The Fall of the Facade of ‘Development’
For long we have been sold everything in the name of ‘Development’; both personal and societal. We have been always under the notion that development is about ‘well-planned’ concrete structures and man-made solutions.
Quicker (the word; not to be confused with Quickr) isn’t better in all the things in life. Certain processes need to have their own pace and that’s how they have been engineered. But unfortunately, humans have the habit of putting themselves in the pedestal. We alter the things that we can not control. In fact, the need for control is what gave birth to everything including civilization, religion, science, technology, and even democracy!
There’s a funny quote on democracy that goes like this:
“I think we should get rid of Democracy. All in favour raise your hand.”
Read ‘Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind’ by Yuval Noah Harari instead of my sermons to understand our species better. (Click on the title and get your free pdf copy of the book from there.)
Almost all the post-colonial countries like India, Africa, China, etc have always had their richness in their natural resources and their own ways of utilizing these resources without exhausting them for the need for capital. But when the invaders came in, they negated all our ways in the name of ‘uncivilized behaviour’ and ‘madness’. Instead, they not only made us unlearn what we knew was actually good for us as well as nature and but also gave us faster ways of reaping out the benefits of our own resources. Barter system was soon removed/replaced and with the rise of America after the second world war, India was no more the same.
One needs to realise that the foundation fo the USA in itself lies in capitalism and unlike countries such as ours, their freedom was bought at a hefty price. Who bought the land? The colonizers themselves. What do when you own something through trade? You aim to profit off of it. The land was a prized possession and it will always be so.
I mean, the USA has one of the most beautiful natural places and formations in the world and yet you’d almost always see them promoting New York for its money-minting businessmen and concrete towers, California for Hollywood and the ‘Dream’ and Las Vegas for you know what!
Agricultural Holocaust: The Tragedy of Farmers in India
Over the years the so-called ‘developing nations’ are still ‘developing’ and it seems like they will never be ‘developed’ enough for the American media. The pressure for every country to be like America is so much so that they forget the beauty that lies within their land. The madness goes to the extent that a plain paper made from the very trees cultivated our own farmers end up taking their lives once they are printed with the face of a man who fought for their freedom. The ‘Mahatma’ would be rolling on his grave if he could see this.
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An Easy and Detailed Understanding of DevOps with Examples
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What do companies like Flipkart, Amazon, Spotify, Netflix, Hotstar and Uber have in common apart from the fact that they are multibillion-dollar giants? They all run their businesses via the internet, if not just apps.
But do you know what constitutes their success more than their predecessors and competitors? It’s the ability to solve any and every technical issue within minutes and roll-out changes or features while continuously testing different things simultaneously.
How are these companies able to pull it off? Of course, they have teams but then they do not end up over-hiring people either. What serves as the ‘backbone’ to their technical success is their use of a method known as ‘DevOps’. This magical method helps them automate their day to day processes to increase efficiency and improve delivery time.
But before your mind starts feeding you with “But they are rich enough to afford these fancy methods and we aren’t” let me interrupt your flow of thoughts by informing you that it’s not expensive if it’s saving you a lot in the long term. So, without further ado let’s get you to know about this actually-not-so-fancy term called ‘DevOps’.
History Of DevOps
The term “DevOps” was introduced by Patrick Debois in 2007. Debois was a big believer of the agile methodology which promotes continuous iteration in development and testing throughout the development lifecycle because it helps dev teams ship better products faster. He felt that the development and operations teams working together in sync could also benefit a lot by using the same value.
In 2008, Andrew Schafer and Debois got together at a conference to discuss initial ideas and principles around what they then referred to as “agile systems administration”. They also formed an agile administrator group on google which is where the DevOps started taking shape for the first time.
One more important moment in the evolution of DevOps was the first-ever official ‘DevOps’ conference that was held in 2010 at Mountain View, California, the Mecca of technology. This was the definitive signal that DevOps had arrived and was here to stay.
It’s now an accepted term by software and IT teams across the globe. They use it for describing the methodology behind operation and development engineers working together from design to development.
But that’s not it. History only helps in understanding the origin of DevOps and my goal is to let you know the miracles it can perform. So, let’s begin by addressing the most basic question:
What is DevOps?
DevOps is a fusion of terms–software development and information technology operations. It’s possible to gain insight over your business’ entire pipeline when incorporating DevOps within the way you’re running operations. By doing so, you’re also allowing your teams to work more efficiently with fewer redundancies.
Kit Merker writes, “The emerging methods of DataOps draw directly from the key principles of DevOps — automation to help distributed teams support frequent and continuous integration and delivery. In the same way that DevOps helps developers, quality assurance, and operations to smoothly and securely collaborate, DataOps provides the same benefits to the joint efforts of developers, data scientists, data engineers, and operations.”
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Turn Your Thought to Perfect Solution in Simple 7 Steps of Product Engineering
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We have entered the era where tech-intensive lifestyle has convinced us that there is no life without digital support, be it various software or mobile applications. The tech-oriented demands have seeped into the core of our lifestyle. It is next to impossible to imagine any activity that is not technology-driven.
Phew! The Monster Has Eaten a Great Part of Our Lives…
Well, surely this is the right time to explore how things happen. The product engineering experts share here their action plan of delivering perfect solutions.
Simple Steps of Product Engineering
Think and Be Ready with Action Plan
“Ideas Won’t Keep. Something Must Be Done About Them.”
~ Alfred North Whitehead
Anything great begins with an idea that is worked on. A mere vision isn’t getting us the product. Any idea should be considered and implemented carefully. Meticulous planning is the key here. In the case of software development companies, when a client reaches a project, the product engineers first communicate with the client team to understand their work process. Once they have an idea of what the client has in mind, they come up with the scope of the project and the different ways for the new system to fulfill its business requirements, resource-availability, cost-related issues, etc. With a perfect plan in mind and at hand, it becomes easier for the engineers to bring to screen what is expected of them.
Know What You Need
Take what you need, do what you should, you will get what you want.
~Gottfried Leibniz
Now that the team has a basic plan ready to work on, the next stage is considering the features to be included and the examination of the plausibility of the solution. So as to put up everything well you would need clean code, along with just comprehensive designs are insufficient. The first thing to be considered here is, to understand the requirement for the development team to get a more profound comprehension of the task objective and gather all the necessities. Analyzing the feasibility shows all the expertise and economical aspects affecting the application development process: time, assets, and tasks, and related estimates from the team helps ascertain ROI and decide project cost and profit. Requirement analysis helps you distinguish the vulnerabilities at the very beginning so disaster management strategy can be worked out from the earliest starting point. Clear, organized documentation guarantees better participation and comprehension for both the improvement group and customers.
Come Up with a Unique Design
Designing the product right is a discrete part of product engineering. During this stage, the practical conceptualizing of the arrangement is made, that is the practical product design meeting explicit client necessities is made. Exclusively customized designing plan by developers and architects sets positive work processes and norms and incorporates clear general product development plan together with database structure and design.
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Knowing ‘Ansible’: The most sensible and simple automation engine #DevOps
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In today’s world, automation is very important and especially in IT because of the large number of processes it involves. IT automation has a lot of layers to it but if one is to understand it in a very basic way is,
“The use of instructions to create a repeated process that replaces an IT professional’s manual work in data centers and cloud deployments.”
Software tools, frameworks, and appliances can perform these tasks with minimum administrator intervention. The scope of IT automation ranges from single actions to discrete sequences and, ultimately, to an autonomous IT deployment that takes actions based on user behaviour and other event triggers.
There are few leading tools like Ansible, Chef, Puppet, etc in IT automation which are used in DevOps for automation of these tasks. Out of all these options, Ansible is the most preferred automation engine right now and you would’ve agreed too if you knew its powers. Do not worry, I will make it easy for you to understand.
For this, let’s benign with the most basic question:
What is ‘Ansible’?
Ansible is a simple IT automation engine that automates provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, orchestration, and many other IT needs. It is primarily intended for IT professionals, who use it for application deployment, updates on workstations and servers, cloud provisioning, configuration management, intra-service orchestration, and nearly anything a systems administrator does on a weekly or daily basis. Its playbook is written in YAML language which is common and easy to use among developers and DevOps engineers.
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What do we do when there is nothing to disrupt? We Innovate. #COVID19impact
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Author and VC, Alexandre Lazarow, got my attention when he said “Forget Unicorns. Startups Should Be Camels.” But I knew that this man had gained my respect when he dared to raise the question that should have been raised even before the coronavirus outbreak and that is
“Disruptive innovation has become a mantra in Silicon Valley. But what if you exist in a part of the world where there is nothing to disrupt?”
No, Lazarow isn’t talking about Antarctica and neither is he delusional. I understand that by supporting his question I have made myself sound like a ‘hypocrite’ because as a part of the company that breathes disruption in and out I have myself told that there’s always space for disruption.
BUT one needs to understand what the phrase ‘nothing to disrupt’ means before making a judgement.
To understand it let’s take two world-scenarios. One where the COVID-19 did not happen and where everything is normal and apps like Uber and Zomato are earning in billions and another where the COVID-19 has crippled all the Silicon unicorns around the world.
In both the scenarios, disruption can only happen if innovation or a model existed in the first place. You cannot disrupt something that does not exist at all. ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ is a quote that you all might have already come across. The necessities prior to and during the deadly outbreak have been starkly different and it will be so even after we are done with this prevailing nightmare.
I mean, isn’t it surprising (in a good way of course) that most eCommerce and food delivery platforms have started delivering groceries and other daily essentials? This includes Amazon, Flipkart, Facebook, Uber Eats, Zomato, Swiggy, and all those previously exponentially growing logistics chains with a fleet of their own. Yea, yea, we both know that even we’d have done the same to protect our employees from starving and our business from falling flat on its face.
How long do you think these platforms will keep doing what they are doing now? Will they get back to their initial business plans once the pandemic is over? How many of them will survive? How many of them will thrive? If all the VCs are dried out or scared then who’s funding them?
There are these questions and then there are terminologies like ‘contactless’, ‘cashless’, ‘safety-first’ being churned out by every other brand. This is the cry of the once-thriving unicorns. The pandemic has turned them into mere ponies with horns. Only a few of them are thriving and they are all mostly streaming or communication platforms.
The Silicon Valley that once thrived on disruption has not only been crippled but also been blinded by America’s declining economy due to its inability in decision making. Umair Haque in his article, America is Committing Economic Suicide, quite correctly states,
“Capitalism has convinced Americans that “debt” is as real as the violence of a gun. But it isn’t. “Debt”, “credit”, “money”, and “finance” — these are all just social constructions. There are times when societies need to go into massive “debt”, which really means invest massively, so that everyone and everything, including life as they know it, can survive. That simply means they need to allow their mechanism of collective action, the government, to “borrow” artificially limited resources from itself, tomorrow for everyone, today — or else we don’t have much of a tomorrow. This is one of those moments. Or else. Life as we know it implodes.”
In a futile attempt to save their resources for a better tomorrow, most of the previously known risk-takers are spending almost nothing on innovation and are currently thriving on remodelling their current online businesses.
When will the Silicon Valley realize that they need new ways, new methods, and most importantly ‘new solutions’?
The sooner, the better.
While they are at whatever they are, entrepreneurs from places like Dublin, Detroit, Delhi, Bangalore etc. who haven’t been blinded by the blingy Silicon Valley’s hypergrowth model have been more focused towards solving actual problems instead of replicating success by cloning models and apps.
Even during the lockdown and amidst the varying state government rules to curb the spread of the pandemic, many small-scale and large-scale entrepreneurs have joined hands with the hyperlocal commerce to provide people with necessary items in a faster and safer way. They have been using Google’s ‘near me’ feature to bring forth these close-knit communities into creating a network of supply-demand chain to sustain people and trade as well.
There’s a time to profit and a time to provide. The true worth of a business lies in providing value through their services and the ones who realize these will survive.
Time’s barren now. Drink less and keep moving until there’s water. Be a Camel!
Resources to read:
Beyond Silicon Valley
Silicon Valley Camels, will you please stand up
Reopening the Economy Now is a Death Sentence
The New-Market Conundrum
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An Indian Citizen Shares his Pain During COVID Lockdown
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“The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad people. But because of the silence of the good people.” — Unknown
I hope you are listening.
I am a citizen of the world’s largest democracy and the entire nation’s been locked down to prevent the spread of Coronavirus pandemic and this is what I mean when I say ‘life isn’t easy for most of us right now’
“Coronavirus: Is social distancing an oxymoron in India?”
The only time allotted for us to go out and get our necessary groceries or medicines is from 9 AM till 12 PM i.e. a window of 3 to 4 hours. Due to imposed social distancing, only 6 people are allowed to gather around local shops. This means that the rest have to keep waiting outside under the scorching sun.
The other alternative i.e marts and grocery chains would remain crowded since a lot of people come to buy their daily groceries. We are all given tokens that are basically cheap cardboard cutouts with numbers written on them. Six to ten people are let in and by the time a shopper looks for the necessary items, at least 20 to 30 minutes get wasted on a regular basis. Even when they do, they mostly overbuy items in order to hoard them at houses. This deprives a lot of people getting their essential items. Even the ones who get to shop come out disappointed mostly due to the lack of necessary items in the shop.
There are at least 10 people coming out of every single shop empty-handed after having waited in line for items they’d expected they would get. Shoppers have to be satisfied with whatever’s available to them.
The government keeps requesting people to maintain social distance at malls, grocery stores, and other shops but people with their panic-stricken minds barely adhere to these rules and rush in to get their necessary items, putting each other in danger of contracting the virus. I have personally witnessed numerous incidents like these.
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INTERNET: The ‘GOD OF QUARANTINE ECONOMY’ and the Future of All Businesses
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Yes, it’s a lie that you are comfortably ready to believe that the economy is falling and that startups aren’t viable anymore.
If the economy is falling here then it’s going somewhere else and nobody wants to focus on where it’s going because the transfer is rapid and we are all scared of making monetary decisions due to the fear of failure.
As humans, we have this habit of always making a safe bet. We tend to look for safety nets every time we are to take a leap. The once enthusiastic risk-takers are also crippled with the fear of inevitable without realising that inevitability has always been there; even before the pandemic.
Even the stocks are down to the bare minimum and investors say that now is the right time to invest in stocks because they will soon bounce back. Indeed the business models are going to change and people’s lifestyles, as well as life choices, are going to change drastically.
You must have heard of the news of countries who’ve now recovered from the pandemic are all making their move by investing or buying out crippled companies in these recovering countries.
The news is true but what does it mean?
What it means that the world that wasn’t focused and clueless in defining what needs to be done with technology will gain a better perspective now.
People, in their attempt to make healthier choices, will heavily resort to mobile devices for most things that they did physically once. The statement “It takes only 21 days to form a habit” is well-known and in these few months of lock-down and social distancing people have made it a habit to do most of their work via devices.
It is indeed true that even the IT sector has been adversely affected. Yes, most tech manufacturing giants have had to cut down on production due to the unavailability of parts and components from China due to export restrictions and the COVID scare. There are facts to back that as well, I agree.
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Your country needs you: Shift from Logistics service to Grocery Delivery Business and help millions of people
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There is a famous saying that ‘Opportunity knocks the door only once’.
It’s a very tough and difficult situation that every humankind is going through these days. Roads, Cinemas, Shopping malls, Grocery stores, Airports, Railway stations and many other services have been closed till further notice. I don’t intend to sound too harsh but many countries have declared complete nationwide lockdowns and the rest of countries are planning to do it.
Here are some shocking statistics that will make you realize the seriousness of the situation.
One-third of the global population is on Coronavirus lockdown.
India, China, France, Italy, New Zealand, Poland, Ireland, Germany, Kuwait and the UK have implemented the world’s largest and most restrictive mass quarantines.
Spain, Italy, Denmark, Austria, and the Czech Republic has already imposed restrictions and lockdown for safety measures.
Since the lockdown, in Italy all aspects of life for its 60 million citizens, including retail, leisure, worship, imprisonment, and travel are affected.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison told that the people of Australia should be prepared “to completely change the way they are going to live for the next six months at least”.
The latest research report by the New York Times says most developing countries may continue lockdown till more than 1–2 month. The report also claims once lockdown and corona waves pass it’d still be a bit hard for every country to get back to their normal routine.
Now Let’s talk about the most important part of the topic. The one-third population are locked down in their homes which means they will definitely need the essential things & supplies like Grocery, Medicine, Laboratory Tests, Seamless Electricity and Water connections, etc.
We all know that Logistics are one for the well-established service businesses. They have everything from drivers to transportation and right now, everyone is focusing on supplying essential services.
People are afraid to go out and buy groceries for themselves.
In India Popular food delivery apps like Zomato, Swiggy, FoodPanda are now shifting from Food order delivery to Grocery ordering and delivery.
Global Shopping Apps like Amazon, Walmart show a dramatic spike in Grocery orders nowadays.
In Europe and America, construction companies, lift & maintenance companies and logistics companies have now started providing grocery and other essential services with the help of their network.
So as a well-established logistics or service business owner it is your opportunity to switch to Grocery ordering and provide your people with daily essentials in a safe and effective way. Now a lot of people may have questions like how can we suddenly shift to that? Well, it’s a logical question for any businessman.
First of all, you should know how grocery ordering works.
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Archisys has a lot of experience and it’s our forte to create successful Grocery Ordering and Delivery Apps. So with the experience and learning in hand, we have prepared a quick guide for you to set up a successful grocery supply from local stores to the customers by using your existing facilities.
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Know-How: The E-Commerce Is Flourishing Amidst The Coronavirus Outbreak
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COVID — 19 has been declared as a pandemic by the WHO. Lives, as well as livelihoods, are in danger. The novel Coronavirus seems to have sucker-punched the global economy right at the centre.
As a result, all major events across the world have been pushed or cancelled. While most offices around the globe are slowing down and directing their employees to work from home, the e-commerce sector is witnessing a steep spike in their business. To quote, virus-related products such as sanitizers, soaps, tissues, masks and more have witnessed a whopping 817% hike in demand. On the other hand, the demand for cold and flu products has increased by 198%. With lockdowns and social isolation being the only solution, people are being compelled to stay indoors. They have two options — to personally visit the supermarket or order products online. What happens when a person goes to the shop? Due to the pandemic fear, buyers tend to hoard. But when the supply is affected and limited, what does this mean? It means that the shelves of the supermarket will get empty sooner and the ones who need stuff will be left helpless. To address this, during the on-going Coronavirus outbreak, the international chain of supermarkets, Target, has put an upper cap on the number of products one could purchase for specific items. Several e-commerce sites are deploying the same mechanism.
Many stores in India and abroad have pulled their shutters down and are only accepting online orders. Thus, the load on the e-commerce sector is immense right now.
How e-commerce businesses should adapt and react to Coronavirus(COVID-19)?
The E-commerce industry in coronavirus outbreak:
It takes a lot of manpower to keep the e-commerce business going. Right from managing the warehouse to delivering the goods at your doorstep, there are a lot of human interventions. Understandably so, there will be delays in deliveries, out-of-stock items, and more. Now is the time when we’ll know if big brands like Amazon can handle such quantum of orders and how well are, they helping the world fight the recent pandemic outbreak.
What should e-commerce brands do?
Delivery and supply chain model: This focuses on the procurement of raw, manufacturing of the product, distribution of the product in spite of location issues until the product reaches the consumer. The current nationwide shutdown in India has forced brands to react and find viable solutions to ensure that this system is in place and deliveries are being made in time, without any life threat to all the involved parties.
Use of technology like AR and VR: Les Petits Joueurs, an Italian producer of luxury bags and shoes, launched a full virtual showroom with Augmented Reality (AR) options to try on every product. In just the last few days, they have observed more on-line as a result of this innovation. This innovation has become the need of the hour during the on-going crisis. Many organizations have allowed their employees to work from home and they manage to carry on seamlessly because of this technology.
Consumer engagement: Right now, most people are locked down in their houses, thus, they’ve more time in hand. As a result, their online activity has plunged. This provides businesses with a more captive audience — an audience that’s willing to engage.
Evolve the marketing strategy: Nordstrom and Target sent mailers to subscribers outlining the essential hygiene measures. The key message is that their stores are clean and safe to enter.
Awareness is the need of the hour. E-commerce businesses must let their customers know what it takes to get an order delivered at their doorstep. Thus, urging people to only order things which they really ‘need’.
Educating their staff is the next crucial thing. Their delivery agents are going to meet many strangers in a day. It is important to teach them the precautionary measures that one must take during such an outbreak. This will help in containing the virus while ensuring the safety of themselves as well as the customers.
Reach out to Archisys and we will provide you with easy e-commerce solutions that can help you strengthen your business amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
“People are gradually moving from offline shopping to online and the habit won’t disappear when the epidemic is over. This will have a very positive impact on the whole eCommerce industry.
How will coronavirus (COVID-19) impact the economy?
Some experts say that we’re nearing a recession. And with this outbreak, the economy might come to a standstill. Although, after a while, it is sure to bounce back, Coronavirus is going to leave a dent that is to stay for a long time. But the e-commerce sector can help in minimizing its impact on the world economy. The good side is that e-commerce will ensure that the economy isn’t entirely disrupted like it was during the SARS outbreak in 2002–2003.
Coronavirus(COVID-19) impact on e-commerce industries
China has already moved from post-crisis to recovery mode and soon, other countries are going to follow. E-commerce and digital marketing are going to be two very effective tools in recovering the business. Strengthen your e-commerce capabilities.
At Archisys, we believe that better eCommerce technology can help shape and improve the world of the future. Our eCommerce apps development shines brightly during this tough time for entrepreneurs and Small-Medium Businesses. This is because we possess years of expertise in creating robust e-commerce Apps for businesses. Archisys has helped several organizations launch their brands online and turn them into mega e-commerce platforms and during times like these our skills like the Design Thinking is sure to help your business through your customers’ pain points during the pandemic. Thus, we can be the most value-worthy partners for boosting your e-commerce business. Get in touch now.
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