big daddy of white pine bay.
261 posts
ind. sheriff alex romero from A&E's BATES MOTEL. highly selective. please read the rules before interacting. AS TOLD BY CAT est. january 2017.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
temperfi-blog · 8 years ago
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when u wanna write but can’t locate ur muse :~)
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temperfi-blog · 8 years ago
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HI GUYS. so shit’s calming down a little bit, but i’m still for some reason constantly exhausted LOL. but toMORROW I HAVE THE DAY OFF, so i’m gonna be here busting out some replies god knows when. i love u aLL, and if u don’t think i’m lowkey hyped abt playing prisoner!alex, u wrong
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temperfi-blog · 8 years ago
@dead-wcman said:
you will be missed, muffin. :*
@consequentson said:
we’ll miss u dad. <3
nONE OF THAT, MY INCONSISTENT ASS MIGHT BE BACK TOMORROW TBH............ either way big daddy loves u :~)
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temperfi-blog · 8 years ago
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consider this a TEMPORARY HIATUS notice. life is really high strung and stressful rn you guys, and i’m barely keeping my head above water. i’m trying to quit smoking on top of it, so i’m really riding the wire !   i’m gonna try to take the week off, maybe less than that, to get all of my ducks in a row. then after that, you’ll be stuck w/ me !
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temperfi-blog · 8 years ago
specterae said:
i can’t believe senior senior junior invented vogueing
all of us here at temperfi incorporated make it a point of flaunting it as our biggest feature, thanks for noticing
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temperfi-blog · 8 years ago
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get u a man who can do both
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temperfi-blog · 8 years ago
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no omg ur definitely not ???? people romanticize norma and norman’s relationship so much it’s uNCOMFORTABLE... like....... sis................. that’s his MOM?!?!?!?!?!?!?! i gotta go...................... like i don’t mean to kinkshame anyone, if that’s your thing then fine, but the boy ???? is mentally ill ????? and soul bates is COMPLETELY unrequited, as it should be...... like yes, obviously she loves her son, but she’s incredibly selfish also...... like she raised her own confidant and robbed him of a decent childhood bc he was forced to grow up before his time........ idk the whole thing doesn’t set well with me....... obviously i joke abt it bc LOL the crack stuff can definitely be funny, but all in all............ it’s not something that should be revered/enamored with. i love u & adore u too sugar bear thank u for also listening to ME RANT
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@temperfi replied to your post “I think the hardest part about being a Bates fan is the Soul Bates…”
no thank YOU, like… i just adore you so much, i was so worried i was one of the only fans on tumblr that got so uncomfortable about this, you are the best, ok??? 
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temperfi-blog · 8 years ago
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stILL HERE. really hectic week as far as work/family bullshit/health   ( i’m in a lot of pain bc i have an ulcer ), so i’ll be lurking for the rest of the night and maybe tooling around in my drafts. i have to be careful not to push myself too, too hard or i’ll be in a world of trouble !   i love u all !
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temperfi-blog · 8 years ago
-hides romero's sheriff badge somewhere in da house-
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-bangs u head against the wall and all thAT SHIT-
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temperfi-blog · 8 years ago
-hides romero's sheriff badge somewhere in da house-
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-bangs u head against the wall and all thAT SHIT-
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temperfi-blog · 8 years ago
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this week / weekend has been/will be super busy, so bear with me everyone !   i’m still around, me promise !
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temperfi-blog · 8 years ago
norma: i’ve never had a hot toddy, what’s in it? alex: uhhhhh’m not sure, cinnamon ???? i think, whisky ????? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) it’s mostly whisky
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temperfi-blog · 8 years ago
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[ SMS: sent ] OK.
          a little smirk is adorned when she presses ‘send,’ and the grin doesn’t really leave her face for most if not all the rest of the time she waits, save for few minutes she takes to brush her teeth and rinse with mouthwash ( twice ). she also takes a few minutes to clean her room, dirty it again while changing shirts four or five times, and then cleaning it again, and by then, debra thinks of one more text to quickly type and send.
[ SMS: sent ] My front door’s unlocked, if you want to let yourself in.
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                and he does let himself in   ( wants to, remarkably ), granted admission by a timely text as he is pulling in to her driveway. a smile embellishes the plane of his features as he reads the reinforced invitation, leaving it on read receipt to attend to more pertinent matters that await him indoors. it is important to dismantle ideology that surround the typical BOOTY CALL in this case, as these to alex does not apply --- he is nervous, for starters, more than usual, and fueled with an elation that is not only uncharacteristic of a casual screw, but typically beyond him ---- because he likes her, bless his heart, as if the day may never come; there may not be an opportunity to bring her home to dearly departed mom, certainly not an opportunity to show her off to dishonorably detained dad unless she didn't mind the close quarters of a jail cell, but he can make his own peace with it. sufficient enough would be the final reason to waiver any preconceived notions regarding this evening, and quite possibly what seals his fate------- alex’s potent FEAR of this running its course without prospect of solidarity. juvenile, perhaps ----- naïve, a little; but nonetheless true.
                upon padding in softly, undetectably, into her quarters, he makes no endeavor to alert her to his presence. he allows her to take her time attending to her own pertinent business behind her sealed bedroom door, allotting himself the opportunity to inspect. eyes flicker over the array of pictures in the general area, taking closers steps to vet further. pictures of her younger years, her own, idiosyncratic version of a gentler time are admired with a contemplative simper, and he finds himself so heavily submerged by the exposure that she has managed to catch him off guard. he entertains the wave of paranoia her aura produces by peering over his shoulder, shortly before swiveling forward on the axis of a grounded heel as though having been caught stealing the cookie from the infamous jar.
                ❛ -----oh, hey. ❜ he greets in sheepish undertones, lips capsized from their typical frown to a sloven grin. ❛ i - i was----- just looking at your pictures . . . ❜ he excuses reticently, a limp finger pointing toward the frames as though she may fancy herself bemused by his meaning. ❛ y’know, y - you were cute then . . . ------ i was . . . -----s wondering what happened. ❜ and he shows the full elasticity of a smile typically concealed in the light of day as he utters the sardonic remark. chalk it up to the one merited the least likely person to provide comic relief superlative to showcase when tensions of intimate nature are highest.
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temperfi-blog · 8 years ago
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[ SMS: unsent ] No, not if it means it’ll just take you longer to get here. [ SMS: sent ] You don’t have to rush. I have all night. [ SMS: sent ] No, don’t think so.. [ SMS: sent ] Normally, I’d maybe suggest beer, but I bought this really nice bottle of whiskey the other day that I thought you might like. [ SMS: sent ] So unless you can think of anything else..?
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[ SMS: unsent ] Whiskey? You are my type. [ SMS: sent ] I can think of a few things, yeah. [ SMS: sent ] Be there soon, k?
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temperfi-blog · 8 years ago
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                there is something about the shockingly cavalier manner of his partner’s vernacular that makes alex ready to launch a hostile hand to pry the cancer stick from between two smugly set lips and flick it from their bearings ---- make a point of being so SURLY to set the right expectation; any mention of professional achievement is interpreted as muted mockery, a tongue-in-cheek nudge and a wink considering the circumstances of the notorious WHITE PINE BAY, breeding grounds for illicit activity; but he abstains from gnawing on the jugular of the opposing figure, instead presenting a perfunctory scowl in the others’ direction as satisfactory acknowledgment. hands still firmly affixed to his belt line to communicate an air of authority, he blinks profusely into the paralleling gaze, contrastingly vacant to his own tell-tale glower, before swiping a hand down the contours of his jaw. then, foisting himself into the immediate proximity of the opposing party despite   ( or rather, in spite of )  the lack of invitation, he returns his perceptions to the COMPLACENT expression of the younger individual.
                 ❛ i, uh . . . i - i dunno what county---- you came from prior t’ starting your career here ?   i - in white pine bay ? ----but y - you better put that out before i put it out for you. ❜ he warns in distinct undertones, pointedly throwing a limp hand toward the cluster of passersby. ❛ ------show a little DIGNITY, huh ? ❜
@temperfi​  ❤️ ‘d
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                there’s  a  cigarette  balance  precariously  between  two  of  his  fingers,  and  freddy  (although  he  never  ASKED  if  the  other  was  alright  with  it  or  not)  takes  full  advantage  of  it  by  inhaling  that  sweet,  cancer-causing  nicotine  smoke  whenever  possible.  maybe  he  looks  a  little  narrow  faced,  a  little  rat-ish,  but  that’s  fine.  he’s  entitled  himself,  lately,  to  at  least  some  casual  self-respect.  and he’s  plainclothes,  after  all.  shouldn’t  he  act  more  like  a  person  than  others?  that  star-shaped  badge  tells  stories  most  law  fearing  citizens  keep  their  noses  out  of.   ❛ sheriff,  huh.  bet  you’ve  got  a  lot  under  you  belt  then,  yeah?  just  now  and  before,  i  mean, ❜   newandyke  comments,  perhaps  a  bit  SHALLOW.  he’s  not  too  good  of  a  conversationalist  when  he’s  not  acting.
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temperfi-blog · 8 years ago
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ya boi be bustin out them drafts like hit singles
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temperfi-blog · 8 years ago
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[ SMS: sent ] Right. [ SMS: sent ] Yeah, everything’s fine. [ SMS: sent ] I was wondering if you’d want to maybe stop by..? Tonight..? [ SMS: sent ] I mean, unless today was too long of a day.
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CONTACT: Debra Morgan
[ SMS: unsent ] I don’t think we should do this again so soon. [ SMS: sent ] Be there in 10. [ SMS: sent ] Need me to pick up anything while I’m out?
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