😄Your Biggest Cheerleader With Many Exclamations!
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From the lady who brought you the most frustrating blog (WhatBigotsPost) comes something totally different! Share something nice about your day. Nothing is too small to be celebrated! (Also lots of cute animals 🐶����)Asks only, no submit box!
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My best lil girl just got a new tug toy and it's great because its sturdy enough not to immediately fall apart under her chews and soft enough not to hurt my hands. We are having a great time and her play growls are So Vicious! It's hilarious because she's a loveable goofball but the rope distorts her growl into something fierce. And she growls more if you mess with her. I take my toes and step on her toes or use a free hand to boop her snoot just to make her react. And then she wins and has to prance around to demonstrate her superiority. Then come over to put her head in my lap so she knows I know she was just playing. It's also great because the way she carries it it covers her eyes so every once in a while theres a soft bonk as she walks into the coffee table.
I want to play w/ her! 💕
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My youngest nephew's 5th birthday party was Sunday and we had just the best time. He saw me walk through the door, "AUNT CAKEY!!!!!!!" He about knocked me down with a bone crushing hug. Then he saw the gift bag and tore into that like a tissue paper hating wolverine. Got to the first present and lost all interest in the rest. I got him a pterodactyl glider and launcher. He got his dad to open it and set it up and IMMEDIATELY hit his dad with it and then the TV. After that my sister declared it an outdoor toy so we all trooped outside. Then my nephew and his lil sis got tired and collapsed on top of me the way only small kids can. It was delightful
Then tomorrow my oldest nephew, he's 12, and I are going to a local amusement park for their Halloween stuff. Hes never been and so Im excited to introduce him to roller coasters AND haunted houses. We're gonna make a whole day and night of it and my bff said he might meet us there.
Also, Mom has been on vacation this week so I've gotten to steal her dog. The first two nights Zoey tried to herd me toward Moms bed because that's where she sleeps but I was stubborn and bull headed and INSISTED on riding the couch. So she and her lil pillow have been sleeping next to me on the couch. Its adorable.
Sorry so late on publishing again but I love this!
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Today I learned that cats will play tug like a dog. I also learned that those cat wands are not made to play tug, that the string WILL snap, your cat will tumble backwards, and run off with the toy in victory. This is a delightful revelation and I am looking into making a sturdier wand.
Haha! I have a cat who likes to play tug of war too...he also howls like a dog when he's left alone 😆
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I won a gift card at a work giveaway!
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We just got back from our castle Halloween party and we had The Best time. We played all the games, saw all our friends, made some new friends and continued our 3 year streak of finding exactly 0 spiders in the spider hunt.
They hide big fake spiders outside the castle and then we have to go find them in the dark. I never find any because my mildly disabled butt looks at the woods filled with wet leaves and uneven terrain and overexuberent nerds tearing around in the dark and nope out. Ben never finds any because he is slow and very aware of the fact that he is the 2nd largest guy there and does not want to accidentally collide with/step on the smaller people. But he has fun and I sit by the window and listen or play games with the other people who abstain.
We always play all the games. We lured several people in for a flying frog game where we play aliens conquering Earth. We also played a role playing game names Rusalka, Ransom Notes, Monikers, Werewolf, and so many more.
The highlight of the weekend for me is always the costume contest. Last time we won most original and they're still talking about it, which made me super proud. This year we went as an alien and he went as an agent. Super fun. We won again, so Im super proud. I wore my medal into work today I was so excited. But the best costumes I found were the family who went as Labyrinth characters. She was Sarah, he was Bowie, and their daughter was Toby. Another couple went as Cocaine Bear and tore open bricks of flour. We had to pause the contest to sweep. Some friends of ours phoned it in with a store bought Wizard of Oz costume (no judgement, they're not as into the costumes as I am) but it was made accidentally great because another friend went as a t rex and proceeded to chase them down the yellow brick road before tripping and landing on his compressor. This was not planned but he rolled with it, screaming about how he was melting. But the grestest costume who should have beaten us by a lot (they did win best presentation) was the large group who went as our host. They all dressed as the professor and carried props of things he drags with him. So one of them had a huel bottle, one had a copy of his board game, and I couldn't make out the rest because I was in my dome and it was blurry and twinkle. But the best part? The VERY BEST PART? Two different groups decided to do this independently. There was a whole group with the professor and then a couple went as the professor and his former assistant, the Deputy. Again, nobody spilled the beans it was just a random happenstance. Love it. The professor probably busted something laughing that hard. We are already kicking back and forth ideas for next year but we agree: No More Cardboard!!
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Love love loooove!!
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My birthday was yesterday and it was GREAT!!
Mom got home from her vacation the day before and it is great to have her back. The dog went absolutely wild when she saw her. We had Mom wait out in the breezeway behind a corner and I let Zoey out to check the mail. She walked right past her, glad to sniff the breeze and potentially woof at squirrels, and then turned to see her. She barked her head off at the intruder, recognized her, and proceeded to prove that even as an old lady of 10 she still handle a 5ft verticle leap. She knocked Mom back into the wall and was just beside herself with joy. Mom couldn't wait for my actual birthday so she had me unwrap my presents within hours of her arrival and Zoey helped by pulling out the package she thought was a toy. It was not a toy. It was my new slippers. She was very excited to chew on the crinkly plastic and was crushed when we took it away from her. She felt better though when she got a peanut butter filled kong.
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Then on my actual birthday my bff came over and we played board games, ate pizza, and took off to go see a Vincent Price double feature at one of my favorite theaters. His daughter, Victoria Price, was there and she brought a dog!!! So soft. And her stories about her dad were really sweet. Also there was a gentleman biking in front of the theater on a bicycle built for two with a skeleton on the back.
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It was one of my nicest birthdays.
Yess, sounds like a lovely bday! It's been almost 2 months since your bday now, so feels silly to say happy belated, but happy belated! <3
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I came home from work to find all my costume stuff slightly off and that someone had finished covering the cardboard pieces of my space ship with tape. I was not unhappy with that realization and thanked Mom. Apparently my bff and collaborator on this costume came over while I was at work and he and Mom hung out and worked on my project. They're planning a movie night for after we move. I can come too if I want. Im slightly bemused but overall delighted.
Love this, and so sorry to acknowledge it so far aft you submitted it! <3 (I've fallen behind again in publishing sorry! Going to share some now :)
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I just need you to know that Felix and the Void Boys got Halloween costumes this year and Nox and I arent friends anymore. Felix, on the other hand, was baffled by his demigorgon costume and was pretty happy to take a nap with us. And he only chomped a little! Just enough so I would know he was still spicy like salsa, not mild like sour cream.
I was unable to get Felix in his demigorgon costume or Som in his lil devil horns but suffice it to say that they were So Cute!!
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I tried to get my kittens in costumes recently, to mixed results! 🤣
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I won trivia tonight w/ my team!
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This has been a day of delightful animals.
I stayed over with Felix and the Voids last night and they were DELIGHTFUL. This whole time Somnos has been quite self contained. He enjoyed play and would allow pets and cuddles but rarely sought out affection. He pretty much acted like he had his brother for companionship and the humans were just friendly roommates who cleaned his bathroom and filled his dishes. Like, he clearly liked us but any reasonably kind human would do. But here lately he's been SUPER cuddly. I sat down next to him on the couch and he started headbutting me for pets and even made an attempt at making biscuits. He's NEVER made biscuits. Then Felix got on my tummy a couple times in the night and didn't chomp me even a little. ...until my work phone went off at 6am on my day off but, honestly? Fair.
Then I went home and waited for the dogs. We've struggled with a pest control problem and we were PRETTY certain we had triumphed but the dogs were in the budget and the man said I could pet them when we were done so two dogs came in and did a great job. They found nothing and let me pet them. The girl was suuuper excited about people and tried to climb me to get to my face for kisses. Delightful.
Then I picked up my friend from his sister's and she invited me in. I've seen pictures of her menagerie for years but haven't met them. I got to meet her two very distinguished gentlemen dogs,her kitten, and her rats. They were all friendly and accepted love and affection.
I've fallen sadly behind in publishing these again, so thanks for your patience
That all sounds like the makings of a GREAT day! <3
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The neighbors and I all feed the ducks so now any time I walk out my back door the ducks all start flocking to my yard. They know this side of the pond=food. And there's one little baby duck, just one, a late bloomer. They still peep instead of quack and is so cute and noisy!!
Cute! My mother in law used to have ducks on her old property that definitely saw her arrival as a Big Deal (for reasons of FOOD, too) and it was adorable!
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I had a great day!! I laughed in the face of my responsibilities and drove 10 hours round trip to have dinner at this haunted house themed restaurant. The ride up was fun, touring the neighborhood while we waited for the place to open was great, and then the restaurant lived up to the hype. The decor was so fun, the food was AMAZING, and Pennywise was there. Then on the way home we saw two deer and a coyote! Which isn't unusual but is always a nice treat. Now I'm back home and am getting all snuggly for bed. I hope your weekend was equally delightful in the manner you prefer.
I LOVE a tiny adventure and nothing makes a better one that a whirlwind drive to check out something fun! :D
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Mom and I took my niece to the polls with us so we could set a good example and then we had lunch out. It was so nice and she was very excited. The poll workers gave her extra stickers and she proceeded to spend the day sticking them to me. It was delightful
I love that! (And so sorry I'm a month+ late in posting this! <3 )
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i have two separate accounts, my main that I've had for like 13 years, and an account for writing fic for a specific fandom (i prefer a different account over a sideblog). my accounts are totally unlinked, i don't think I've got any followers/followed blogs in common, and i don't follow myself from either account.
ive just seen one of my fics on my main dash.
im a tiny bit in awe that one of my fics has made it through the exact right chain to reach my other dash.
it makes me kinda super happy to see how its circulating, because my fics arent insanely popular (usually in the 50-200 notes range)
LOVE when that happens--your stuff's really out there! :D
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The air conditioner broke so property management got us two loaner units until the part they needed to fix it came in so we've been having a slumber party in the living room for the last two days as the bedrooms are ovens. Adults need more sleepovers. We've been having a blast (though I will be So Glad to sleep in a real bed tonight). Everything is funnier and secrets are easier when everything is dark snd everyone is sleepy and silly.
I'm so sorry your AC is out at all, but I LOVE this "making the best of it" mentality! My townhouse has 1 small upstairs and 1 small downstairs unit and when the upstairs one died, my partner and I did the same thing in the living room and it was a strangely delightful little change for a bit, too!
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After taking a year off we got our tickets for our fun halloween in the castle event! So excited!!!!!! Gotta get my sister to make my costume. We'll never top Baba Yaga and her house so I think we wont try and will just go with something fun like a Renaissance beekeeper. Or maybe Ill go big or go home and do the Morrigan again? The Corinthian? The world is my oyster and my productivity is gone.
Oooohh it's makes me SO HAPPY to hear someone making very autumnal plans. Hope is in sight, maybe I'll survive another summer <3 <3 <3
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I had The Best day. I slept in a little, got some housework done, then ran off to a weird curiosity and occult shop that was hosting a therapy goat event with baby goats. I got to hold two week old baby goats!! They were so small and chewed my shirt and the older/bigger goats tried to make off with the strap on my walker!! They let us in in groups of 4 and the other group were two women and their daughter. The little girl had a clip on rainbow hair thing and one of the goats stole it! She wasnt hurt or upset by this so it was funny.
Next door to the store is the game store that a friendly acquaintance's girlfriend went in on so I went to buy a few small things to support their business (gotta support your friends) and found a game Id owned a while back and lost and it was out of print! The girlfriend was there and didnt know about the goats so she ran next door to sign up and she told me my acquaintance, who I havent seen in a while, was playing an RPG in the game room so I got to see HER and tell her about the goats. Then I walked out and literally walked smack into my best friend and HIS sweetheart and we got to chat for a minute. They were on their way to the goats.
Then I came home and my dog was super jealous of the goats and welded herself to me for a couple hours until it was food time.
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Ahhhh! That is a GREAT day!!
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