tellgracethings-blog · 11 years
Hopng you're all having lovely wonderful days<3 
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tellgracethings-blog · 11 years
Thanks, you're wondeful :)
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tellgracethings-blog · 11 years
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Little things that make you smile :)
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tellgracethings-blog · 11 years
(2) Gladly my mom and sisters moved back to Ohio and I moved in with them. It's been months since I've seen my dad. I hate him with a fiery passion. And I was forced to go with my sisters to see him. That's where I am now. I'm hiding out upstairs I've spent maybe five minutes in the same room with him. Every time I see him I want to eaither burst into tears or punch him in the face. I just want to get away. Sorry that was so long, I just had to get it off my chest. I feel a little better now.
(whoops didn't realize there'd be two that's my bad
I'm sorry you were forced to go back, but try and stay glad in the fact that it isn't permanent and you get to go back home. Feel free to punch pillows and scream and just be an all around mess when you're in your room
Maybe you should try carrying around a rock. It could all just be folklore, but it's said to ground you and calm you down. Stick it in your pocket, or something. I've done it a few times and it really helps you relax, as silly as it sounds. It's honestly no problem, I don't mind at all, I'm glad you feel a little bit better. 
Anytime you need me dear,
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tellgracethings-blog · 11 years
This might take more than one ask but I'll try to keep it short. My parents are divorced and I've always lived with my mom. We get along pretty well. About a year ago we moved to Maryland and I fell into depression. I moved back to Ohio with my dad. I started online schooling and was happy for a while. But then my dad started yelling at me all the time, names like retarded, childish, bitch, fucker, stupid ass bitch, so on and so forth. And I became even more depressed.
I'm really sorry to hear that he's not mature enough to handle his emotions correctly. and that you've fallen into depression, that's such a rough thing to go through. and I hope that you know that my heart is definitely with you right now. You're dad should never utter those words to you, obviously. but sometimes parents just don't do things correctly. They hold there own insecurities and issues, and it just ends up an incredibly hostile home environment. Though, you don't need me to tell you that. My advice, sadly overused, but sometimes it's just easier to say forget them all and focus on you. It doesn't sound too bad does it? Get yourself something nice, spend a few days doing stupid stuff you love, or painting red and black on a paper, until you want to paint with yellow. And when he insults you just try to put it out of your mind as best as possible. It's not easy, it never is. and I won't tell you to 'just be happy' because that's nearly impossible sometimes. but if something makes you feel at least a little bit better, (and isn't harmful) just keep doing that. Hopefully eventually it will get easier.
I know it's hard to get to a therapist, or a counselor, or any of that stuff. (It's why I never personally did.) That doesn't, however mean that it isn't possible to get and feel better on your own without the use of medication. It'd probably be more complicated and more work, and I wish I could give you step by step examples on how to make all the pain go away, but that's not realistic. and I'll just stop here and say that I think you're wonderful, and even if that seems empty, I promise I'm pouring everything I possibly can into the word wonderful. but I honestly hope and wish you the absolute best, and encouragement and love and lovely thoughts and positive actions. Keep on going, you got this
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tellgracethings-blog · 11 years
Hey. Um here goes. I just need someone to talk to. I have these thoughts that never leave me alone. I'm not suicidal and I have never cut but I can't tell you how many times I think about it everyday. I don't wanna burden my friends but I feel completely alone. I don't know what to do.
I’m really truly sorry to hear that dear. The thoughts are sometimes the worst, aren’t they? Well, I’m always hear for you to start. Ask box, never gets turned off or things unanswered. I can’t promise to know what to say every time, but I’ll try my hardest. :) I know that it feels like burdening your friends, but if they’re true honest friends they’d definitely want to know. 
I’m gonna give you these two songs okay? Because I’m listening to them right now and they always make me feel happy so. 
Loneliness is super hard, it really is, and it definitely suffocates most of us at certain times in our lives. Really it gets to the point where you’re fighting your own self to be happy, I think at least that’s what happens. It’s perfectly okay to feel like this, though it’s not for the best always, if that makes sense. You’re wonderful, okay. I know it feels impossible sometimes, but you can beat these feelings and negative thoughts, you can, cause I know you can. It’s hard, I’m not going to sugar coat it with lollipops and happiness, It’s a challenge. but in the long run, it will get better and for now you’ll just have to shine all you’ve got(:
Try trusting in your friends more though, if they mean anything, they’ll want to be there for you. 
Happy thoughts my dear, keep on being lovely
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tellgracethings-blog · 11 years
My sister got to go to her 1st choice college. It's really expensive. I'm a senior and I want to go to a culinary school and I found out there are 2 culinary schools I really want to go to. 1 is 3 hours away the other is 1 hour away and that one doesnt have dorms. Gas is expensive and I would go to the one 3 hours away but we dont have much money. I just really needed to get this off my chest. Why does she get to go to her dream school and I get left in the dust because hers was so expensive?
I know that life can get really really unfair in some circumstances, and this is definitely one of them. I hate to say the cliche’s but, I think maybe there is a reason you’re not going to that one, as disappointing as it is. I know it’s really hard to go through that, it really is. But maybe try keeping an open mind, and realizing you can’t change the fact that she got to go to a more expensive college than you did, cause being the younger sibling sometimes that just happens. (I’m a younger sibling too, unfortunately it’s pretty easy to get left behind.) Be confident in the fact that good things will definitely come your way, despite the price of the college.
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tellgracethings-blog · 11 years
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tellgracethings-blog · 11 years
Me and my friends have written a group summer bucket list. A new girl joined our close knit group about a year ago but we have all known her since the start of high school. We have each planned a movie night and my one friend refuses to invite the new girl to her house for ridiculous reasons. She is being really horrible and claims she will try and be 'nicer' but still insists on refusing to invite her to any of her organised events. I am sick of her being so vile and refusing to be accepting.
Oh a group summer bucket list what a really super fun idea!
Oh wow, she does sound pretty excluding to the new girl, but I would assume she just doesn’t want to accept a new member because of how close you all are? Which of course, is still incredibly rude. I think it probably just comes from her own insecurities. It’s hard when you have a new friend join a group of really good friends. I think it’s really sweet that you all invited her in in the first place. Are you the only one who’s noticed or have your other friends noticed too? Cause you could agree to not let the new girl come and just ask her about it when  you all get there. That way the new girl won’t get her feelings hurt and your other friend will be able to be honest? She could be feeling replaced, or something else along those lines. Never the less, it’s inexcusably behavior and you guys have a right as her friends to tell her what’s up.
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tellgracethings-blog · 11 years
I have been talking to this guy online, he started talking to me. He's really nice but I'm just not interested at all, I don't want to make friends on here. What should I do?
Oh yikes. I mean as cliche’ as it is, maybe you should just tell him that you don’t really care to make friends and that you’re kind of just blogging to blog? Or you could just reply to him, but don’t reply on a constant sort of basis maybe just once in a while and he’ll get the hint. Honesty is a really good thing, and it’s better than faking a friendship.
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tellgracethings-blog · 11 years
Thank you for making this. I'm going to college in a few months and while I'm dying to move away from home, I'm pretty much terrified I'm going to flunk out. Which is stupid I know, but I can't help but feel that way and it's a huge stress, and I'm pretty (read: completely) inexperienced dating wise as well, and you really don't have to say anything I just needed to tell someone
Oh goodness dear, college could easily be one of the most terrifying things, but from what I’ve heard it gets easier when you’re there. (A little comfort, hopefully?) I don’t think it’s stupid at all, but I also don’t think you’ll flunk out either. I have confidence in you(: Also, dating is well, I’d like to meet the person that actually has experience in dating(as cool as they seem to be, nope. It’s nerve wracking for anyone to put their feelings out there.) That absolutely makes sense, and I hope I was able to at least offer some sort of comfort. I hope hope hope the transition goes smoothly! Keep me updated sweetheart
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