tellezarra-blog · 5 years
In a quiet rural barrio i was born on january 18,20013. My birth was greeted with great expectatio because every body thought that i was a boy, but to the great disappointment of my relatives who are waiting patiently for my coming out in this world of girls i was another girl—the fiourth in te family. I was quiet, tiny bring, who decided to be the one of the babies who cried and wet myself to the amusement of the old young family members. Perhaps i did not have the great apetite of robust babies became. I was always thin and tiny until i grew rapidly like a tree when i reach my teen. As usual i played with my sisters, cousins, and my neighbors and sometimes i fell into tantrums when i did not gets what i wanted. As i grew older i started to develop some talent which i found something to be proud of. I loved to burst into songs no matter what kind of noise i produced. As i grew older i enjoyed my life and found that i could play volleyball and jumphigh during the casual play hours. My early years of schooling was full of fun and serious hours of my study in the barrio. Where i tried to excel in my studies. Later on i moved to the town to join my parents and sisters and hinished my highschool in Camiling Colleges. My years was full of unforgetable memories of a young girl growing fast of moving ambitions for a better life in the future. I an not content just being a barrio girl—i want to be a dignified and serious adultwith a greardesire to be a respectable person who does not life to depend on others for what i need in life but for me to study and work hard and stand oder to be a serious adult who can work hard and stand on my owb nfee. During my early years my parents tried and hard working. Unfortunately young people like me get a reading when i turn deaf ears to their advices. I usually get a regular lessons on how toobey, Unfortunately these lessons are not easy to forget because i end up gettinng spanking. I do not hate those hand and accept lessons in obedience, neatnes, and hard work because i found out that i am a better person when i pbey seriously and nicely their desire for me to e a respectable and dignified person. I am proud to say that i know how to keap hours neat and clean and i cook simple mels for the damily. It is not hard to make my life worth living in thos world of ecenomic progress. Mu mind and heart in set on giving further t study and achieve something for my personal satisfaction. My information is to go further for study and be a person who can cntribute something good to the country and people. Young as i am pray hard to develop my talents so that in the future i will be able to earn money to do something for the people to earn money and improved the way of life. Maybe i can set a good example for the people to follow anf to be proud of. And the most importand of all that value in my life is the importance of God because it is the lesson, that make my life trying to exert to practice the lesson on integrity. It is what makes a person not only nature and good but most of all it is the christian memory living that makes us better citizen who loved and both country and people. Therefore it is important to know that Sunday is the day for God and us to know that the holly mass on Sunday and other day of obligation is a must. Everyday we play our rosary to show that we need the love and pretection of the Hoy Mother of God life is always under the protection of God and Mary—our mother who loves and listen to us and protect us from temptations of Holy life—A young girl who wants to be a good persons and will be one cirth God’s help. And my early years was so fun bacause of my friends and cousins. They are always playing with me. I still rememer how i started to play volleyball. Years goes by i develop some things. There are a lot of things i like and that i dont life. Ilike to have fun with my friends, i like playing volleyball, and lastly is singing. And the things that i dont life are when i get bored and when people not paying attention at me. I really dont like that because i feel that im not important to them. Six words best describing me are thoughtful, enjoyable, fun, curious, tall, and independent. My dad is hardworking, quiet, nice, and fun. And he is Menadro C. Zarra, he is form mindoro but now we are staying here at Camiling, Tarlac. My mon is hardworking too but strict but i really love her. Even if she is always mad at me. I love her so much bacause she is giving her best to give what i wanted. In the family i am the 2nd oldest. The first one is Michelle, she is in the US living with er wonderful family. And the second one is Aprelle she is in the pampanga working at Sm Clark Pampanga. And the third one was Rosselle she is fresh graduate form Tau and the last one is Princess she is our princes in family. She is grade 6 in Central Elementary School. I have a circle of friends and our group name is Team Paltog in short TP. We have known each other for our whole lives. We got along and enjoy each other a lot. Some things we have common are the same sports, interest, and qualitites. My friends enjoy my company because i do not make fuss or complain if they want to do something other that what i would want do to. I fell that i am fair to all my friends trustworthy also. I know that i am not bossy and i hope i am not a pain in the neck. Major goals i am woking for right now are finishing my senir highschool. Because after i graduated in senior high i will take an exam of PMA in baguio. And i hope that i will passed the exam. And after ten years i will be a successful army. I will try and move up the higher levels of Army and hopefully be able to retire by age of 65 and move down to Paris to buy my own house. Friensip is a big thing with me because i think life is too hard to live without friends. Friends are someone to depend on you are down in the dumps. Friends are people who respectyou and have good relationship with you. Friendsdo not con you into doing thing you do not want to do. I believe friends are not on of the top five depents of life. Im sometimes content with my self if i try hardest. If i do not try my hardest, i wish that i would have been better so i would not be upset with myself. I feel like id you do not try your hardest you should not be able so succed and achieve your goals. I hope you are enjoyed my autobiography as much as i have enjoyed my life will be and enjoyable as the first 15 years. I hope life a healthy and long life to it is fullest.
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