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tekoreistudies · 6 years ago
how to study for a subject when you feel burnt out by it 🌱✨🌻
take initiative - when you’re starting to enjoy a subject less, whether it’s because of the teaching, amount of content or simply not liking specific areas of content, take the subject outside of the classroom and determine what it is you don’t like and how to rectify it
teach yourself - teaching isn’t always going to be perfect. in one of my history classes, we learn entirely from copying the textbook onto worksheets, which i find tough because it’s not the way i like to learn. start going over the content in a way that you find fun and beneficial - it’s a good way to revise information that you already know and fill in gaps you might not have known were there!
research into the subject/topic - sometimes learning straight from the specification can be tiring, and finding something unique and interesting about a topic can be a good way to spark inspiration and motivation to learn something you don’t enjoy. if you have an interest in what you learn, you’re more likely to remember it, and further research can also aid your learning by taking your knowledge further!
make your own resources - i find that when i’m doing something i don’t feel interested in, my organisation and productivity in that area goes downhill. i put in less effort so i don’t make as many notes, and i have less to revise from in future. it might be helpful to take that information and put it into a form that will benefit you and your preferred learning style, whether it be cute and elaborate notes, flash cards, putting it into quizlet, mind maps, etc. 
don’t be afraid to ask for help - dissatisfaction in a subject is often caused by a lack of understanding in it. if you’re struggling, ask people in your class or your teachers/professors. they’re there to help you, as scary as asking for help seems. admitting you find something hard is a strength, not a weakness.
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tekoreistudies · 6 years ago
Tbt to that one meeting where I expressed minimal interest on the rotary exchange program and three ppl cORNERED me and like,, asked me what info I needed and I was like <uuuuuuuhhhh
I’ve been like… contemplating dropping this uwc thing and just going on an exchange with rotary or yfu or something… i know its gonna be like half the experience but same goal i guess
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tekoreistudies · 6 years ago
I've been like... contemplating dropping this uwc thing and just going on an exchange with rotary or yfu or something... i know its gonna be like half the experience but same goal i guess
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tekoreistudies · 6 years ago
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My kind of Sunday study-spread♥️ Bedtime all day!
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tekoreistudies · 6 years ago
anyone in this thread attended the glf aka that uwc usa short course
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tekoreistudies · 6 years ago
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Hello old and new friends!
I haven’t been active on here at all..but I changed unis and now I have to completely start over. It is going to be a scary adventure BUT I hope that we can share our feelings and little successes on here :)
Please message me if you need someone to talk. I promise I will answer. And I will from now on be a studyblr again.
This months is a month full of preparation for me. Decluttering my room. My digital space. My mind. I started to do 30 days of yoga, which really helps with my anxiety.
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tekoreistudies · 6 years ago
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ig: studylustre
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tekoreistudies · 6 years ago
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went for a walk today, watched one tree hill, spent sometime taking product photos, + now spending the rest of the day in self-care mode. what do you guys like to do for self-care? I’ll be cleaning my room, doing some yoga, watching some YouTube, + reading my bible. 💛
{ photos are from pinterest; todo list is from my shop }
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tekoreistudies · 6 years ago
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october 9, 2018. new stationery: washi tapes, post-its and stickers from aliexpress. still not over how cool my paladin-themed spread looks, not as happy with my elf/rogue one but it’s coming along ☁️
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tekoreistudies · 6 years ago
any advice on writing essays? i have to tackle a writing exam soon and you seem to be good at it
Well, the way I usually go about it, is either plan, plan, plan - write out in exact steps what you are going to write about, write your arguments and then a quick summary underneath it, take the biggest argument against your main subject and then kill it in such a way opposition would be scared to even start talking… And if that doesn’t work, I imagine my essay is a response to some idiot who wrote about the same subject I am writing, yet got everything wrong. Like - I imagine their essay got a lot of praise and attention in the public, but I’d know that everything they said was bs, and it would be my Civic Duty to Get The Truth Out There. 
It’s kind of weird but it usually gets me going if all else fails.
If you want more specific advice - as in, structure, how to build up an argument, how to write analogies and use scientific research, just slide into my inbox. It’s easier to help that way when I know more about your essay.
- A.H. 
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tekoreistudies · 6 years ago
20 important study skills/tips i’ve learned from my professors
1. start studying a week before every quiz/test. seriously.
2. watch youtube videos/ted talks on the topics you are learning about.
3. get lots of sleep! sleep helps you process the day’s events, including what you learned.
4. write out your notes. it’s proven that handwritten notes help you learn better than typed out notes.
5. don’t just read what your professor gives you. find academic journals, books, etc. that correspond with your subjects.
6. read the news! especially in the social sciences/humanities, connecting concepts with current events helps you understand and process more easily.
7. exercise! this doesn’t have to be going on runs or lifting weights, it could even just be going for a 20 minute walk. just get your blood pumping, it’ll help you focus.
8. study at your desk. it may be tempting to study in bed, but your brain connects your bed with sleep, so you’ll get tired more quickly.
9. reviewing notes doesn’t have to be something you sit down and do for an hour. skim through them and test your memory while eating breakfast!
10. expand your study time throughout the day to avoid burnout. for example, rather than studying for 5 hours straight, study for an hour here and there in between your activities.
11. make your notes organized and easy to read, but not distracting. bright colors and flashy notes may seem better, but can sometimes distract from the purpose of the notes.
12. use apps such as quizlet. this way, you can go through definitions while waiting in lines or walking to class.
13. it’s more important to know concepts rather than facts. for example, you should be able to take what you know and apply it to different situations, not just the situation the textbook gives you.
14. just because the professor doesn’t require you to read textbook, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. it helps explain concepts in a different way than your professor, and a lot of times hearing two different explanations for the same concept helps you understand it.
15. read in advance. read the textbook before your professor begins going over the chapter, so when he/she does, you can easily follow what they are saying.
16. do any extra credit work that comes your way. even if you don’t need the extra boost now, you might later.
17. go to class!! if you always skip class and show up at office hours completely lost on the concepts, they’ll laugh in your face. they’ll take you 100x more seriously if you show up.
18. however, if you are sick, take a day off. it’s more beneficial to you in the long run. 
19. learn how to say “no”. if you have an 8 am the next day, don’t stay out until midnight with your friends. 
20. don’t stress too hard over quizzes. if you expect them to go horribly, they will. you got this.
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tekoreistudies · 6 years ago
wheres the rest op
This may be somewhat rambling and chronologically … not great, as I guarantee you I’ll remember stuff as I go, so let’s start as close to the beginning of this story as I can manage.
The story starts, I guess, with the context of my life. I’m an assigned female at birth person who’s almost exclusively attracted to other women. In another life, I was a lesbian, attracted only to women. In my time as Edward, I had two wives, and I don’t remember if I had kids or not, but still, two wives. And the statistical probability of both Alexander and me being attracted to men, given our familial bonds, seemed pretty low.
It stands to reason, given the pattern, that I would be a straight man.
As it turns out, not the case.
I’d been talking to Alexander for awhile when a lovely artist, @ask-feathers-and-freckles, caught my attention with a modern Hamilton college Elams AU. The reason I noticed it was because, to date, other than the wonderful artist who submitted a half-completed work to my blog, they are the only person to have created art of me. And even though it was a modern rendition, I still thought it was excellent, and I instantly saved it for later.
The thing that I really latched onto, however, was the fact that my partner in this AU was David Hosack, a dear friend and fellow doctor for those who may be unaware.
I thought that was cute, but wrote it off as a fun little modern ship and didn’t think anything of it.
Until I sent the art to Alexander, like “Yooo, check what I found!”
And his response didn’t shut down the possibility that I may have been attracted to men when he knew me. In fact, his response seemed to convey that he thought the possibility was very real. Not necessarily that he believed it was, but just that it didn’t seem out of the question.
So I got to thinking.
And then I promptly stopped thinking about it and went to sleep. I forgot all about the whole ordeal until a few nights later.
For any of you who may be reincarnates, or who are just existential or socially anxious, you know that your brain is different at night. In case of existential people, you start questioning the meaning of life and spiral into a black hole of horror at the completely futile nature of existence, and cry until you fall asleep. If you’re socially anxious, or just a perfectionist, at night you replay every single action or sentence or remark you’ve ever fucked up in the presence of polite company, going back years and years until you’re too stressed to sleep.
And, if you’re a reincarnate, well …
Things … surface. You start to remember. Usually mundane things, but still. A voice. A smell. A climate. A snippet of a face. A little snapshot of a life you once lived.
And in my case …
Well, we’ll just have to find out, won’t we.
To Be Continued (because this is too long to post in one ask)
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tekoreistudies · 6 years ago
@uwcusa wHEN are the global leadership forum apps launching bc like. Idk
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tekoreistudies · 6 years ago
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09.10.2018 // studying for a history exam and watching haul vids of pretty etsy planner decors I can’t afford
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tekoreistudies · 6 years ago
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16.04.18 One third of Sociology done, feeling very productive
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tekoreistudies · 6 years ago
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40 degrees & raining 
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tekoreistudies · 6 years ago
hey so do u think that knowing you'll fail at something but trying and giving it your all anyways makes you brave or stupid? no particular reason here just trying to evaluate my life decisions here
In my opinion, it’s always a bit of both. It also depends on the situation, and in most cases it leans more towards bravery than stupidity… but yeah. I don’t mean to say “stupidity” in a bad way, mind. It could be changed with naivety, recklessness, you name it. Whatever you’re about to do, if you’re unsure whether it’s smart to follow through or not, consult someone you trust. It’s what I do, nowadays, to kind of stop myself from doing something I might later regret. 
- A.H. 
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