Here are some of the designers and artistes that I have been looking at along the way
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All set and ready for assessments! Best 6 weeks so far since the beginning of the year! Everything was new and exciting and stayed in til college closed most days out of pure enjoyment
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Metamorphosis is the name of my final design. I chose this as the name of this garment as the rushes sewed to the bottom and embellished on the top with continuously change throughout its lifetime giving a natural surprise element
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After speaking with a tutor I found new images to collage with which worked well for me
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Some shapes I tried out on the mannequin then used the shapes I got for design work as I felt collage wasn’t working to effect
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I wanted to use collage for my design process so I looked at sculpture artists for some inspiration as my images were too textured. These images are works done my Richard Serra and Dewitt Godfrey
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Here is my mood board and concept board this is only a 1st attempt and feel this needs to be changed to improve it
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I buried these swatches in different environments along with rusted tools to grasp a natural effect. Some worked better than others yet I still like the effect given in most
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Here are more swatches I used real rust that was let out in the rain as a natural pattern of itself I was also looking at patterns each picture made and re-created it into embroidery patterns
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These are a few o my experimental swatches trying out different textures and patterns
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I began to look at different shapes who begin my design process from pictures and objects alike.
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