teethzmeat · 2 months
Damn what did i miss
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teethzmeat · 2 years
Masking 2 AU
Au Synopsis: This Jeff also has the ability to mask (take on a human appearance)- but he’s a lot more twisted and will only use it briefly so that he can move in silence, and not stand out on a hunt. He’s more possessive, and kills a lot more than masking Jeff. If you like more twisted horror, obsessive behaviors, and mood swings- you should check out the #masking 2 au tag on my page. (written with https://teethzmeat.tumblr.com)
Editors: n/a
collaborators: n/a
disclaimers: this is NOT a healthy romance. This was specifically requested to be FUCKED UP. This is horror. This is also not spell checked.
triggers: blood, knives, self harm, toxic relationship
requested by: @teethzmeat
He hadn’t really liked anyone since he was twelve. When he liked people, he bit his nails. 
He bit them practically to the bone.
Jeff paced back and forth waiting for you to return. He had let you go home for two days. He knew where to find you, but still, If you didn’t return that would completely shatter his image of you- and if that happened he’d have no choice but to throw everything out the window, and kill you.
Then he’d have to kill himself.
It would be a vicious process.
Jeff would never admit it ,but he was terrified to lose you. He viewed you as a lifeline, someone to trust. His eyesight was going slowly, but when he saw your face you were as clear as day. Even through the blurry spots, through the hot tears that forced their way from his their ducts, he saw how beautiful you were.
You were unique to him. You two were a lot similar, but you carried yourself different. While his hair was often matted, yours was perfectly braided. You would often take care of him when he was too overwhelmed to take care of himself.
That was a lot.
All he really knew how to do was destroy. It’s what gave him joy, besides you that is. 
So, that was why he needed you to come back on your own accord. He needed to know you wanted him, as much as he wanted you. 
An hour had passed since the anxiety started kicking in. The sun was going down, did he have to go find you? His breathing got heavy, he clenched his fist and tried to remember what you told him.
“I understand you. I would never hurt you, okay?”
Such juvenile words won him over because of how you said them. The sincerity in your meticulous eyes for once convinced him. You cared.
But he was starting to believe that was a lie. 
Jeff growled as he reached for his knife. If he couldn’t hurt you, he’d have to just hurt himself. He’d give you another hour. If you didn’t return by then, he’d give you a cut for each minute that passed. A cut for each one he inflicted on himself.
How could you make him wait so long? It brought him to a panicked state of mind. He poked his knife through the skin of his wrist and slid it down his arm. 
That would show you.
He cared so much.
A rattle occurred at the doorknob. He jumped up, and ran to it in a frenzy. The blood stained his entire arm by the time he opened the door.
You looked perfect. He pulled you inside and held you close to his chest. You felt his heart-pounding. Something was wrong.
“Y/N, you made me wait so long…” 
“I was trying to get away from my family, but they were being … overbearing. I had to sneak out at sunset, are you okay?”
He pushed you back so you could see his smile, his rotten, nasty, and undeserving smile.
You smiled back at him, until you noticed the blood on his arm.
“I know- I know- But you were running late and I thought you weren’t coming. You know I did this for you right?”
You remained quiet, it unnerved him. 
“I did this all for you! I cleaned up for you, and I hurt myself so… I wouldn’t hurt you.”
The words sunk in with him just as he said them.
Did he really just sacrifice for you? 
Wasn’t his whole plan to unleash what he did to himself on you tenfold? Why was it so hard to take his knife and just plunge it into you, twist it, cut you until you were unrecognizable to the world. Until you were just another Jane Doe.
“Give me your knife.”
He got quiet for a moment, he slid it into his back pocket. 
“Jeff, you have to trust me on this one.”
He stubbornly tossed you his knife. Had you made one move to discard of it- he’d have to strangle you. It wouldn’t be his fault either, it’d be yours for damaging his property.
You took the knife and with precision slashed three cuts into your wrist. Just deep enough to kill you if untreated, but shallow enough to give you time. 
Time to die with him.
You could see in his eyes that his time was fleeting. So you sat down with him, and you looked up at the stars through the window.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner.” You said, your face was void of all emotion, but your heart hurt like a bitch.
“I’m too impulsive.” He spat out, “But if I’m going to die I want it to be… with you.”
His words began to slow down, you watched as he leaned his head on your shoulder, his blood dripped down to the floor- pooling up in a crimson puddle of nothingness. Your blood did the same, and intertwined with his. 
You closed your eyes and laid with him until your final breath escaped your lips. 
To him, you were everything.
But to the world you’d be just another Jane Doe.
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teethzmeat · 2 years
The Detroit become Human fandom is so strange… why is connor a mermaid?
Anyways, my favorite au is where connor is a jack ass, and Sixty is an annoying piece of work (not in a weird creepy sexual way you guys are weird for that one) and nines is a robotic type human. and you’re a machine
there should be a fanfic where Y/N900 would remain a machine dispute having rights. She probably didn’t get a change to be free and wondered how was this situation suitable and would constantly list the pros and cons to the situation. Slowly however, as she hangs out with the big three, she becomes free from her rules or yk something
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teethzmeat · 2 years
Jeff Au: Secrets
Editors: n/a
Collaborators: n/a
Trigger warnings: Bodily fluids, domestic violence, angst, horror, manipulation, death.
Disclaimers: This is not a romantic one shot, and it has not been spell checked.
Hard liquor. Your senses had adjusted to the smell, but every now and then that sickening feeling would come back once it hit you. You choked back on vomit, so as to not let him know that you were in fact awake.
You heard creaks in the floor as he walked around, slowly, carefully, but not careful enough. You still could tell where he was going. First to the dresser, then to the closet, then to the mirror. He stared into the mirror for what seemed like forever.
Then he came over to you.
Thirteen more minutes. All you needed was thirteen more minutes.
You held your breath, keeping your composure as you felt his hand hover above the blanket. Would he snatch it off?
No. Instead, he shook your shoulder.
“Y/N.” Jeff grunted, “Wake up.”
At least you knew your acting skills were up to speed. You groggily “woke up”, and looked up into his eyes.
Sinister, and steely, his eyes gazed harshly back at you. He was drunk, it was obvious by the way he stood and smelled. God that smell was enough to make you-
You threw up all over the floor, and as soon as you were entirely emptied, Jeff grabbed you by the hair, and lifted your head up to face him.
“Care to fucking explain that!?” He growled as he roughly pushed you back onto the bed.
“I was just- I feel sick.” You hissed.
He hated when you’d talk to him like that. It did anything but stroke his ego. And he needed to be inflated.
Despite everything, he was sensitive- it made sense actually. He killed, and drank, to forget. Forget everything that he was put through, and killed to make them feel how he did. 
Fucking powerless.
He had been trying to break you down for years, but you remained resilient. As soon as you cracked, you’d be dead. He moved a bit closer to you, his eyes dashing all over the place from the lack of coordination he had with him that night, you stared back at him.
He was always ready to pick a fight with you. The two of you would argue over a seed if it came down to it. Sometimes he’d leave you be, and kill to get his frustrations out. Other times it ended with you throwing plates and daggers at him only to have him sleep you so as to not cue the neighbors in to how you and him were living.
You waited for his steely eyes to digest what they were seeing, and for his tongue to lash you with harsh words.
“How much longer are you gonna feel sick.” He asked, his tone was… gentle?
You let your guard down just a bit and slouched. You sighed and put your hands in your face.
“As long as you’re standing next to me.”
That pissed him off. Jeff took a glass and threw it at the wall, startling you in the process. He grabbed your hair and pulled you in.
“What the fuck gave you the gall to talk to me like that?”
You remained silent, you let your eyes do the talking. You knew he hated to be ignored. Jeff ran his hands through his hair in frustration before he slammed his fist into the wall.
But that wasn’t the only slamming. 
The door was kicked down. You immediately sprung up out of bed and ran past him. He put up no fight, he only watched as you sprinted towards the door. Tears streamed down your face as you continued the journey to freedom.
However, when you got to the door frame you were greeted with a man in all black, the only thing in contrast to his black exterior was a blue mask that he wore. 
It was dull, dirty, and cracked in several places. You tried to look into his eyes but there was nothing to see but black ooze spilling out from the pores. You took a shaky step back.
There was no freedom. Only hell.
For once in your life you wanted Jeff’s help. You turned around, the tears starting to flood again, and with your whole voice you yelled; 
The desperation in your voice was enough to send him running into the room, knife in hand. He pulled you into his arms, then just as quickly pushed you into the direction of his room.
“Did you really fucking think you could leave!?”
You were confused. What was he talking about? How did he know?
“You don’t think I monitor you? You don’t think I fucking care? Oh, Y/N, you really know how to FUCK WITH MY HEAD!” 
The intensity in his eyes said it all. He waved his knife in your face as you tried to fight back the tears, you knew it would upset him even more if he so much as suspected you were trying to play the victim. 
“I was just… Jeff you never let me go anywhere I needed to breathe! I need to see my family!”
You could see the words pierce through his heart. He stared at you with an expression you had never seen from him before. It was just…
You took a step towards Jeff, you hesitantly reached your hand out to him- he would normally accept it. It was the one affectionate gesture he’d engage in with you… 
“I killed… your family six years ago, Y/N.” You hated how casually he phrased it… had it really been six years?
“Six years ago…” You smiled bitterly at him, “I’ve been here with you,” you placed your hand on his cheek, “for six years…”
“Yet you still think of them.” He scoffed.
Jeff smacked your hand away and turned his face to the wall. You could see it again, that cold expression.
“You wanna see your family so bad?”
You took a step back, fearing what he’d say next. Jeff grabbed your arm and pulled you in, a sick and twisted smile appearing on his face. 
“See them in fucking Hell.”
And with that, he plunged his knife into your heart. 
He’d like to say he took an eye for an eye.
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teethzmeat · 2 years
THE FANNART EATS gn, bye let me release this little chapter bc i’m jealous
My Liu Head Cannons 
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Liu is Jeff’s younger brother. He was always the weaker of the two considering he was very passive and Jeff was very aggressive. 
Liu was spared by his brother, but was still cut up in the face/torso due to Jeff’s lack of control.
Liu holds a MASSIVE grudge towards Jeff, but also wants to get him the help he needs. 
Liu is actually relatively normal. He’s a guy just trying to live his life… sorta.
Due to the trauma, Liu developed multiple addictions.
Liu has a girlfriend! Kinda. Sorta. It’s complicated (Liu is the problem).
Liu, despite his injuries, pulls because he is a massive tank of a man.
Liu is incredibly scary.
Liu’s got intense anger issues. He’ll blow up sometimes out of nowhere. 
Liu doesn’t visit his parents’ graves and is somewhat glad Jeff killed them.
Liu went blind in one eye from the injury and wears an eye patch.
Liu has been described as a ‘sexy pirate’
Liu has killed a few people himself. He is, you guessed it, kind of crazy.
I feel like Liu definitely has PTSD.
Liu and Jeff have had encounters, and the two of them have fought, but Liu has never been able to catch Jeff.
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teethzmeat · 2 years
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My second Jeff- one of my friends said that his eyes were fucking scary. He looks at people like that, but not to scare them, but because he wants everyone to know that he has electric blue eyes.
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teethzmeat · 2 years
Hi. I’m Igyr.
I’m Igyr, I’m 18 years old, I love creepypasta- and generally very early 2000′s “emo”-esque things (it’s in quotes because I am terrified of looking cringe/angsty). I’m using this post as an introduction to moi~ While I’m on here, I’m gonna be sharing my art, head canons, fics, and what not! Now. Onto some lists, rules, and triggers, blah-blah-blah.
If you are under the age of sixteen! Some of my posts have NSFW mentions in it, and since you’re of the age of consent you may read it. DO NOT INTERACT. I will not talk to a sixteen year old about dick lmfao.
If you support Trump, the KKK, sport the confederate flag, etc. I really don’t fuck with y’all… at all… neither does my version of Jeff The Killer. (He may be a killer but he’d never say the n-word /hj)
If you are pro-life. I love babies, but you can’t force anyone to have one. Not cool.
If you are proship! (ex: you ship r**e, p***philia, inc**t, etc, and justify it with; “It’s fiction!”)
If you’re homophobic, transphobic, all that jazz. I don’t like u mf’s I stand by the LGBT. (I’m bi).
If you are bipoc. I am also bipoc!!! I love you guys, and I want more friends of my races/ethnicities (I am multiracial). 
If you are a woman lover. I am bi leaning towards women, but I am in the closet and afraid of commitment lmfao (My parents wont let me date women until they die… not slay)
If you are a person of color, or in the LGBT in general. Love u, happy pride month! (I’m writing this June 20th of 2022)
If you like creepypasta!!! I love creepypasta!!!
If you are emo… I love emo ppl… 
I’m mentally ill #af. Bipolar, anxiety, depression, PTSD from some shit I probably blocked out lmfao. Please be careful w/ me lol.
I am moody… I don’t hurt people I just get really pissy and growly and fucking angry, then I get all sad and lethargic, then I’m up for like four days- it’s a thing.
I, unfortunately, have an eating disorder :( I won’t talk about it much, but if I do it will be tagged. 
Disordered eating. Please, PLEAAAAASE tag disordered eating.
Weight gain/loss, when I say I’m fragile- I’M FRAGILE.
Racism, politics, etc, sometimes I get really stressed by that stuff.
p*d*philia, and r*pe. I don’t necessarily get triggered by it- but it’s still nice to have a heads up before bringing it up to me.
Self harm. Again, I can talk about it- there are just some days I won’t be in a good mindset.
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teethzmeat · 2 years
Someone said “No offense but why is his eyes so big😐”
well maybe because this was from two years ago and maybe.. hmm.. wait
oh right
Old drawings of me and Jeff the killer
Because they’re old and I didn’t have my current HCs back then… i’m thinking about redrawing it tbh.
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Yeah, I think i’m definitely going to update this
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teethzmeat · 2 years
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Mercy’s new look
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teethzmeat · 2 years
Old drawings of me and Jeff the killer
Because they’re old and I didn’t have my current HCs back then… i’m thinking about redrawing it tbh.
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Yeah, I think i’m definitely going to update this
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teethzmeat · 2 years
Regarding your last post
I‘m sorry but it’s pissing me off how people try to make Jeff look like this..
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When he’s literally THIS
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Crusty mf lmao
His actual form looks hotter than the wannabe hot-emo boi fanarts AND THATS A HUGE PROBLEM ! :d
LITERALLY!!!! I want jeff to look ATROCIOUS! Crusty! A monstrosity!!
He is not perfect in the slightest, and in my opinion that’s what makes him really hot
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teethzmeat · 2 years
people who make scarred characters stereotypically pretty sicken me.
Jeff doesn’t look like a smooth skinned emo boy w two black lines
Sally isn’t a pretty boy
Junkrat!… well i have no excuse for junkrat, you all do him justice
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teethzmeat · 2 years
Crappy, Poorly Written, Jeff The Killer AU
I will not be proof reading this!! :D
Okay so I’m sitting in my desklit room, and i was literally just staring at the wall when i got an idea for a jeff the kill au… HEAR ME OUT
His brother has in fact went to Juvie, but instead of revenge —Jeff accepts it. He’s bullied a lot throughout school and is mocked because of the situation, which causes him to isolate himself from others. He has a few friends—around maybe two— but he wouldn’t call himself close to either of them.
When his brother finally returns from his suspension, there’s like a slight change in his behavior. He’s more cautious, and flinchy. Jeff notices and is very worried, so he went into his room to check, but because of his brothers new behavior he attacked jeff, leaving him burnt and a huge open tear on his mouth to right cheek.
Well, look at that, his brother is right back in juvie. Jeff is like, maybe 16 around this time. Now he wears face masks alot, or a mask in general
After this, he’s more further from his few friends than before, and because of him not being honest with his feelings with them and avoiding them, they all have this little sad break up.
After processing everything after like a year and some months, he finds his love of music, mostly like rock, metal, folk, and americana (his name is literally jeff shut up), he gets a guitar and learns from there.
Alright so 17, Jeff gets rid of his masks, he has a noticeable nasty scar and burn marks but he stops caring what others think
Jeff is a regular at his local record shop, he gets deals and discounts, yada yada
Someone comes in
It’s his brother, they pretend like they don’t know each other but jeff is ANXIOUS at this point. All he wants to do is leave as quickly as possible.
When he leaves, after like a while of walking he notices the sound of some other footsteps following
He’s now running
Really fast
Not looking back, he runs into a dead end, and without thinking he takes his pocket knife in hand and swings it behind him
It’s Liu, he leaves a nasty scar on his face. Liu is slender but muscular. Jeff was agile but is isn’t nearly as strong as his brother
Liu only wants to talk but jeff is really hurt by him, claims he ruined his life and things will never be the same
Points out how he was never there for any of his birthdays, how he was the reason why he was bullied, and why he was the reason he was so insecure for so long
Liu apologies but that sends Jeff in a Frenzy, so he gets to stabbing
blood is all in his hands, and there’s a whiteness in the entrance of the alleyway in SHAMBLES
the cops were called, and Jeff was scared. So again he ran, and ran, and ran, until he couldn’t run no more
He found Himself in an old building but yk, they still found him.
After a crazy little “come out with your hands up” and jeff not wanting to
the cops began to fire
little did anyone know that there was a gas leak inside the rusty old building, and it blew up (the bullets activated it lol) and jeff is now in FLAMES
and uh, i guess for some reason there’s bleach?? idk. Trying to keep the original story in this too…
The police are now sure this man is dead. When they looked for his body or remains however.. he was gone.
Jeff has now found his way into a bunker somewhere and took a look at his new body. He tries to cry, but it burns. He couldn’t blink and his eyes grew more irritated.
He looks in the mirror. “Aren’t.. I beautiful?” he would ask himself but he’s not sure if he believes this statement
probably something his mother would tell him when he got his first scar to help lift his mood. But this time, his mood was just
low. Very, very low.
He tries to cut the other side of his mouth but threw the blade, spat out as much blood and yk, it’s just not a completed scar.
After some years he would go blind because…no eyelids. But he did become murderous so that’s fun!
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teethzmeat · 2 years
Let’s cut to the point.
My name is Dean :). I’m 18, bipoc, and a lesbian. My personal special interests are the Sonic series and the My little pony series. I do art, make stories, and yada yada yada… I’m not really into long detailed texts, but just know I am very full of myself
I am interested in making stories, one shots, and headcannons on the following
Detroit become human (Mostly just Connor)
Overwatch (Junkrat and Roadhog…and every woman in the series)
Some of my favorite things to write about are
Toxic Romances
You get the gist.
I am not interested in writing smut, simply because I will never know the true age of my audience. But there can be fluff.. a weird twisted version of smut?? Anyways yea!
Here’s a VERY… VERY VERY VERY VEEYRGEGE..very important note :))
The main character/ y/n will NEVER, EVER be “cute” and “quiet”. Simply because.. i’m not. The Y/n will most likely be stubborn, in control of almost everything (or tries to be), head strong, not perfect, makes mistakes, have an actual personality. Alright. I’ll see y’all whenever
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teethzmeat · 3 years
Jeff the killer has a feral pet raccoon
They first met when Jeff went scavenging for some dumpster food, that turned out to be this raccoons usual territory
This raccoon attacked him, biting him extremely hard on his arm, causing him to scream in a slight panic and run back into hiding, with the raccoon still attached to him
When disconnected the raccoon will hiss at him but Jeff took a liking to him for some reason
this raccoon is named uh
ok the raccoon has no name
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teethzmeat · 3 years
Maybe i should do more than just Jeff the killer head canons.. maybe a laughing jack hc
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teethzmeat · 3 years
Touch Deprive
Jeff x reader
Trigger warning: Stalking, Toxic relationship(?), stabbing, human anatomy description, and everything else that usually comes with creepypasta!
Note: A short one shot of jeff :), I wanted to write something to do with horror, but it’s like my first fanfic and it probably sucks. I’ll try to write scarier things in the future
He comes after midnight. Around 1 and 4 am bi weekly. I know it’s him when the sound of his breath echos through the walls, and when his thin leathery hands reach for my own. When his cold blade toys with with my neck, my face, my hair. There’s no end, however he has his boundaries, but I feel as though it’s for his own comfort than mines. Sometimes he would speak. In his low raspy voice, he would talk about his days, his killings, his previous infatuations before me, sometimes even his past.
His voice is almost always low, and almost always quiet. Like it would physically hurt him to speak any higher than he is now.
A faint shuffle can be heard getting louder with each step towards me. His stench fills my nostrils. Though I felt worried and my heart raced, I was sure to keep my breathing consistent.
With a pocket knife, he cut a piece of my hair and stored it away to keep.
His hands began to search my face, gently feeling my cheek bones, then my eye sockets, then my ears, the corners of my mouth, my nostrils, my nose bridge…
“Every time I reach to touch you..” he begins.
He suddenly puts his hands around my neck.
“You always feel so, so pretty ”
Close. I feel the warm moisture from his mouth reach the inside of my ear. His grip begins to get tighter, and tighter, and tighter.
Fight and flight began to seep through my veins and I’ve opened my eyes to see the most horrifying creature I’ve ever laid my eyes on. His lack of hair, his lack of pupils, his lack of nostrils, and his gorey, gruesome mouth.
He slowly loosened his grip on me and I began to choke for air, rushing to the back of my bed. I pull the covers towards me, using it as comfort without realizing.
Even though he couldn’t change his facial expression too much, I could feel the sudden change in his atmosphere.
“You’re not sleeping.”
“I’m not sleeping…”
This is all wrong—not right! All wrong! This was supposed to be the beautiful love story of Eros. Where Psyche opened her eyes to reveal her beautiful true love. Then abandoned because of how she betrayed his trust!
“Why do you come here.”
“Because I like the way you feel”
“Who are you?”
again, “Who are you?”
It grew silent, but after minutes of staring at each other, and him gripping my hand, as if he’s begging me not to go, or implying that I can’t…
I’ve grown fond to the figure in my room, even though he terrified me to no end.
“Jeffery Woods”
Jeffery Woods. Beautiful man for a despicable being. But he was charming in character. So i hugged him, and he sighed into my ear.
“Thank you, for letting me touch you.”
He caressed my hair for a long 6 seconds, then placed his hands on my shoulder pulling away, but not too far. He told me how he wanted me to come with him.
He wanted to touch my cheek bones, my eye sockets, my ears, corners of my mouth, my nostrils, my nose bridge, for as long as he can imagine.
I was flattered.
So he stabbed me. Repeatedly. And again and again and again and again and again and again and again …
The news showed a person on their bedspread , who was missing a head and limbs. The killer was unknown.
Added head cannons
-Jeff likes face anatomy.
-Jeff likes to hold hands.
-Jeff hates the fact that in order to like how the face and hand of a live person feels, he has to interact with one. He prefers them to stay sleep for this reason.
-Jeff has little sexual desire.
-He is touch deprived
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