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The place where you find out what the hell a Stiles is so buckle up buttercup.
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teenwolfnation · 4 years ago
When you want different for yourself, you have to start moving different. Old keys don’t unlock new doors.
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teenwolfnation · 4 years ago
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Wow I cannot believe I got 100 followers overnight! Thank you so much for the love and support. Let’s always be kind and stay positive ❤️🤞🏽
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teenwolfnation · 4 years ago
In a world that seeks connection, we oddly avoid eye contact, we time our responses in order to protect ourselves from seeming to eager or too interested, and we hold our feelings back because we don’t want to seem overly emotional or unreasonable. We silence our instincts, and at the end of the day instead of feeling good about ourselves, we feel alone, we feel misunderstood. Remember—it is okay to be emotional, to seek help, to confidently tell someone you enjoy being around that you are infatuated with them. There is nothing wrong with vulnerability, with being human, for that is what creates depth within our relationships, and that is what ultimately unifies us.
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teenwolfnation · 4 years ago
You are so sweet for creating a page like this and posting this kinda stuff! Thank you thank you thank you 🤍
(I also hope you are taking your own advices cause they are some GOOD advices, everybody needs to hear them once in awhile)
Omg I really appreciate this @harrystylesisgolden ❤️ thank you so much and of course I try my best but I’m always here to shed a little light on your darkness. Stay positive 🥰
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teenwolfnation · 4 years ago
It doesn’t matter who you used to be; what matters is who you decide to be today. You are not your mistakes. You are not your mishaps. You are not your past. You are not your wounds. You can decide differently today and at every moment. Remember that. You are offered a new opportunity with each breath to think, choose, decide and act differently in a way that supports you in being all that you are capable of being. You are not less than. You are enough.
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teenwolfnation · 4 years ago
If they say it’s impossible, it’s impossible for them not you .
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teenwolfnation · 4 years ago
99% of things you worry about never happen.
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teenwolfnation · 4 years ago
We gotta stop trying to explain ourselves to people who do not care to listen. We gotta stop arguing with people who are bad conversationalists. As much as we talk to these people, as much as we try to get them to hear us, we have to accept people for who they are and their limits. You will over exhaust yourself trying to debate with them. And that’s not good for your mental health and over all well being. Accept people for where they’re at if they’re not good communicators, not good listeners, their opinions are the ultimatum. You have to control your emotions and take a step back. I know you want to go off on them, but hold your tongue. Save your energy. Resist debating with someone who will never hear or receive you.
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teenwolfnation · 4 years ago
You might have the best advice in the world for the most stubborn person to ignore. This is deep.
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teenwolfnation · 4 years ago
Learn to let people argue by themselves. You don’t have to prove them wrong even if you are right. Let them make mistakes. Just watch and see.
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teenwolfnation · 4 years ago
In order to grow, you have to be willing to step out of your comfort zone. Think about it like this, a seed has no idea where it’s going to be planted. When it is planted, it has to grow in a dark space with no light, hoping to be watered, hoping someone remembers it. That seed will be trampled on, birds and insects will try to eat it, and it has to endure winds and summers. That seed is completely out of its comfort zone, but that doesn’t stop the seed from aspiring to be something beautiful like a tree. The seeds purpose is greater than how uncomfortable it is.
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teenwolfnation · 4 years ago
You’re always going to be young in someone’s eyes and old in someone else’s, talented to one and terrible to the next. The worlds never going to agree on a definition of what you are so you might as well ignore that shit and be whatever the fuck you wanna be for yourself.
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teenwolfnation · 4 years ago
Don’t question yourself just because someone doesn’t get you, love you or, appreciate you. Their opinions say nothing about your value.
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teenwolfnation · 4 years ago
If someone is doing better than you, good for them. But their success has nothing to do with your own and you shouldn’t compare your journey to theirs. You are running your own race and if they’re running faster than you, then they probably have less obstacles in their way than you do in this season of your life. Or maybe life has you going slower because their are very important lessons you need to grasp right now and need extended time to learn them. Whatever the case may be, you are doing your own thing. You cannot compare yourself to anyone.
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teenwolfnation · 4 years ago
You have to present yourself in such a way that people don’t even feel right approaching you with bullshit.
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teenwolfnation · 4 years ago
Hey guys I reached 700 followers today!
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To celebrate, I turned on the option for you guys to submit your own posts on my blog. Please take a few moments to leave any positive and motivational quotes and messages that you would like people to see. Feel free to share your stories so the rest of the world knows they aren’t alone, because you’re not, you’re not alone. Let’s all be kind ❤️
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teenwolfnation · 4 years ago
I apologize if I come off as a person that you can play with cause I’m really fucking not.
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